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14367772 No.14367772 [Reply] [Original]

why is everything that tastes good fattening?

even fruit ffs

what's naturally sweet and low cal?

>> No.14367817

It's evolution's fault. When food was hard to come by we were incentivized to find the food with the most caloric content the tastiest. Just use artificial sweeteners.

>> No.14369083

Meat is not

>> No.14369195
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probably not scientifically proven yet it makes sense

>> No.14369240


yummy rib eye steak isn't?

>> No.14369375
File: 60 KB, 600x450, sminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that fucking sminem

>> No.14369408

As long as you don't pig out on carbs and sweets. I started eating a lot more meat in the last year, I've lost a lot of fat and gained a good amount of muscle mass for me, I used to be literally Auschwitz skinny fat, zero muscle and hips and love handles. Now I have a V-taper and visible arm muscles and a nice back. I lift weights 3 times a week(GS LP) I look very skinny, should be true otter mode in 2-3 months

>> No.14369430

it is...well, as far as you can prove anything

>> No.14369432

No its Grendel

>> No.14369541

the fatty bits are still, well, fatty, but the meat itself isn't bad for you (except for the whole "red meat causes cancer or heart problems or whatever" stuff)

>> No.14369695

Unironically just try fasting. Eventually you'll feel better about overcoming your bodies whims of wanting fast food. Some moments you can feel very hungry, ignore it and carry on and the hunger will go away. Try chewing gum or drinking water to trick your body into thinking you're eating. At the end of the day you can ofcourse eat dinner like normal to not die, but by downsizing breakfast and skipping lunch entirely you prevent taking in a lot of calories. Already lost 15 kgs and had to punch 2 extra holes in my belt by now. Only thing that's been hard is losing fat from my thighs, those are still fat and ugly.

>> No.14369701

That’s not the case though, you have just gotten used to unhealthy food by being fed a poor diet throughout your life, from childhood on. Eat healthy for a while, and you will notice that eating large amounts of sweet food will make you feel sick and will no longer give you the pleasure it used to

>> No.14369704

>Only thing that's been hard is losing fat from my thighs, those are still fat and ugly.
They're the last to go, I literally look like a skeleton with hams for thighs.

>> No.14369706

Have you tried working out? Sitting will make your ass and thighs fatter, constant pressure unironically increases growth of fat cells

>> No.14369835


>> No.14369842

Fruit doesn't make you fat, retard. I dare you to attempt to grow fat on a fuit only diet. You will have diarrhea and shit it all out before you gain even one pound.

>> No.14369846

I am lifting, shit's slowly going away, I just looked in the mirror and my silhouette is actually getting pretty good.

>> No.14370603

It's the creator of Ethereum

>> No.14370604


>> No.14371389

Don't worry OP.
You can continue to drink all the semen and stay thin.

>> No.14371417
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i think i may be addicted to semen
i get depressed when my bf travels for work

>> No.14371443

monster ultra is 0 cals

>> No.14371889

>naturally sweet
>Low carb

OP is a confirmed retard.

Just exercise restraint, it's really not that hard.

Also this, but not because fruit is low carb but just because we can't handle such large amounts of fructose

>> No.14372984

Whey protein and milk, tastes like a milk shake and its good on macro's

>> No.14372990

Sure it is

>> No.14373011

Take the fat pill.

Fat is literally not fattening (if you eat the right kind of fat aka animal fat mostly beef).

It is almost impossible to gain weight eating only meat - I don't care how fatty the cut is.

>> No.14373014

Vitalik is such a fucking moron. Does anyone seriously care about Ethereum anymore?

I feel like that entire culture is totally dead.

He's also obviously unhealthy from his retarded veganism. Literally wasting away.

>> No.14373619


>> No.14374741

The whole purpose of taste is to promote consumption of nutrients and deter consumption of poisons or spoiled foods. Texture and mouthfeel sensitivity probably co-evolved with the same system. There's a lot of feedback loops that interchange from stomach to brain and back. There's a lot of variables interlinking all of those systems.

The most immediate example I can think of is stress reactions causing increased metabolic demand, meaning you're consuming more calories when you're angry in traffic. Boredom might trigger another stress reaction, instead this time your brain releases some ghrelin and you become hungry irregularly.

But carbs aren't inherently fattening, they're 4kcal/g starches included. Fat is 11kcal/g, and proteins are 4kcal/g.

So as an example, nuts, containing sugars, fats, and proteins (Fat:15g, Sug: 5g, Pro: 6g per oz - 170cal) meaning for about a handful of nuts you're eating ~1/3 of a meal (according to a 2000cal diet). Thing is, is that refined sugars are easily soluble and rapidly absorbed, they do little to satisfy your hunger, so leptin isn't released at quantity to trigger a feeling of satisfaction. A lot of dried fruits have added sugar (like coconut) fruit juices lack the cell, and thus they're missing the crucial component of filler meaning they're not filling, or relatively calorie dense compared to their unadulterated counterparts.

Satiety Index of various foods: