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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 51 KB, 600x666, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14366101 No.14366101 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have /fit/ eyebrows? Remember where your eyebrow should begin and end. It'll help you tremendously.

I personally use a disposable razor to trim mine. Those and some hair scissors are all you need. Plucking too. Don't get rid of your arch.

>> No.14366103

but i am not a girl

>> No.14366102

what machine to i use to get the optimal borwgainz?

>> No.14366104

thats pretty gay and not fitness related

>> No.14366105

normal eyebrow maintenance is essential to any human being unless they're blonde and aren't visible. Just don't make them skinny like a female does.

5x8 eyebrow curls with a 2 lb dumbbell

>> No.14366106

If you have a long face which shape is better straight or round edge?

>> No.14366107

Good eyebrows display mental fitness. If you disregard your eyebrows, you look unkempt and crazy. Good, symmetrical eyebrows are essential to your fitness regimen. You can have all the muscles in the world but if you have horrible eyebrows, you can kiss those thots goodbye.

>> No.14366108

DO NOT GROOM YOURSELF, get your girlfriend to groom you. If you do not have a girlfriend, buy or borrow a female or gay to groom you i.e. cosmetologist, sister, friend, a decent homo, etc, until you can get one of your own. Women can absolutely tell if you have been groomed by another woman or if you groom yourself. Women will become instinctively more attracted to you if other chicks are taking the time to make you look good, as this implies several things:
>other women are in your life and they are comfortable being very close with you
>these other women consider you valuable enough to groom you
>you are clean and have a healthy social standing
>other people think you are attractive and therefore they should too

...and most importantly, it will make them subconsciously jealous. THEY want to be the ones to pop your back pimples after a good fucking. THEY want to be personally responsible for making you - a savage, naturally unkempt caveman who does not know how to help himself in such a civilized world, at no real fault of your own - into a high value sexual tyrannosaurus with perfect eyebrows, that will proudly parade them around town on their arm and tell other women "I am fucking this woman VERY hard, her vagina is currently dripping with MY semen, and she is completely responsible for my civilized and manicured look and she did a much better job than you ever could because she is more valuable than you in every way."

Every woman wants this.

>> No.14366109

Nigga you're gay

>> No.14366110

You're a gay cunt, and this thread is not fit related just because you say it is

>> No.14366111

desu i'm sad that taking care of yourself and your appearance is seen as exclusively for women and homosexuals because dudes' masculinities are so fragile that they can't even moisturize their skin or apply sunscreen or groom their face.

>> No.14366112

I refuse to believe women care about a man’s eyebrows. What kind of psychotic projection is that?

>> No.14366113

please tell me how I can get a female to groom me..... that's the hard part

>> No.14366114

This is fit not fa. Get out of here faggot.

>> No.14366115

Tbh it's totally normal for guys to take care of themselves, but when you are trying to get sex, what SHOULD BE considered normal and good doesn't matter - only what IS. Having other chicks clean you up IS what is "cool" and "desirable".

>> No.14366116

I have no shit sat at a table with me and my gf's mutual friend and watched her swipe away people on tinder for petty shit like because their eyebrows were connected or too bushy/unmaintained. They also can tell if your shirts and pants are ironed and will think you're poor if they aren't.

To take it to an extreme, desu, the more shit you get other people to do for you, the more alpha and rich you appear. Having a team of dry cleaners, barbers, manicurists, cooks, maids, dental hygienists, tutors, personal assistants, drivers, fitness coaches, etc will make you look 10x more baller than a man who does everything himself.

>> No.14366117

What the fuck. I cant be bothered to have a gf if I have to handle all that shit

>> No.14366118
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>> No.14366145
File: 631 KB, 2533x3000, 7623423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arch is bad, straight brows are best

>> No.14366163

i get them done like every 2 months and pluck any unibrow that starts to sprout in between

>> No.14366181

What do I do if I'm a guy and my eyebrows naturally grow in that shape? How do I fix the angle so it doesn't look gay or weird?

>> No.14366183


>> No.14366411

my gf have orgasms only by rubbing my eyebrows
i have phocomelia though (i had my arms and legs amputated)

>> No.14366419


>> No.14367577

hooded eyes are disgusting

>> No.14367711

mate have you never had a gf
everyone i've dated has commented on my eyebrows, usually positively but my last ex for some reason thought I was growing a unibrow (i'm not and my eyebrows aren't "growing") so she would carefully and precisely shave the hairs in between my eyes whenever we showered together. Crazy shit

>> No.14367744


upper eyelid exposure kike spotted

>> No.14368132

Can you post the diagram for men then. I trim mine to keep em clean. Always afraid to go too short tho and look emo