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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, 1486651349895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14347337 No.14347337 [Reply] [Original]


>Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.

Asking if something is "/fa/", or "most effay", does not necessarily make the topic board-related. Something isn't on-topic for the board just because it's "aesthetic" or "effay".

>hey /fa/ rate this fit

>post effay headphones/laptops/tvs

>thinly veiled politics threads

>"Facial Aesthetics"/face rate thread

>effay wallpapers, phone wps
>>>/wg/ >>>/w/

>effay albums

>effay cars

>the most /fa/ guns/knives

We have janitors who care about the board and remove off-topic posts regularly, so report things that don't belong here.

>> No.14347342

I support this

>> No.14347386

Mirrors Edge is effay though

>> No.14347463

Sorry but u are wrong and do not understand this board

>> No.14347470

Incorrect. Topic dilution is a real thing and is way too prevalent here.
This is a board for FASHION and APPAREL.

>> No.14347474

can we get some /fa cars in here

>> No.14347479
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>> No.14347482


>> No.14347488

Your thread is wasting space on here. Plus you are already violating one of your precious rules any way

>> No.14347489

Hey /fa/ !! I was just wondering if you guys have any /fa/ bed sheets? Should I stick with the classic white??? Are my doodoo stains going to be hard to scrape off? THANKSSS!!!

>> No.14347493

shut up nerd

/fa/ is unironically one of the better boards on 4chan because the moderation on this end is so relaxed and chill. we don't need losers like you telling us what to specifically talk about.

>> No.14347500

>waste of space
No. They are needed to remind people of the topic of the board, and encourage them to keep reporting posts. For trivia, this is what kind of quality thread was bumped off when this thread was made:

>Rule violation
These threads have been allowed to stay up several times before over the course of years.

>> No.14347502

Op is making meta threads , this in itself is against the rules (? Must’ve missed That section)

That’s why this is so ironic or may be it’s bait

>> No.14347505

>unironically one of the better boards
Nope. It has gotten even worse, just like every other board.

>telling us what to specifically talk about.
You've already been told what this board is about. This is merely a reminder. There are several other boards for other kinds of discussion.

>> No.14347509

You clearly have never gone through the archives . Some of the most pppular threads that max out are technically against the rules . Facial aesthetics General usually reach bump limit. You are up shit creek with no paddle sorry

>> No.14347523

>in itself is against the rules
Sure. It bumped off an off-topic thread, and now serves the purpose of creating more on-topic threads on the board as a whole. If you disagree with that purpose, then there isn't really that much to say.

>never gone through the archives
I have.

>max out are technically against the rules
That is mainly the product of an absence of reports, and the workload of the janitors and moderators. That does not mean that the threads are on topic, or should be allowed to establish a new status quo.

>> No.14347529

I wrote this as a reply to posts like these last year:
>clearly we need to remind clueless posters about the topic of the board, to prevent it from deteriorating. but make sure to stop by every other off-topic thread and ask them to stop posting too.

>> No.14347540

>Op is making meta threads , this in itself is against the rules (? Must’ve missed That section)
Hiromoot actually at some point allowed one meta thread per board.

>> No.14347546

This board is what it is. You can’t police it. If u have that mindset then fa isn’t for u and should. Go to reddit. You are a newby here

>> No.14347548

Yea it’s called the sticky

>> No.14347574

>This board is what it is.
And 2=2. That's just a truism. That doesn't mean we should or shouldn't do something one way or the other.

>it’s called the sticky
No, that's not what the announcement by the admin referred to.

>> No.14347578

Look who da fook r u, u r getting on my nerves

>> No.14347580

He’s nobody. Just another narcissistic redditoor trying to impose their virtue map onto this board. Nothing new

>> No.14347584
File: 693 B, 16x16, 1558067283624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The finest bait folded one million times

>> No.14347639


This board has rules. This board has a topic. Feel free to /b/ free if you don't like it. Since you probably want to post the kind of things that were mentioned in the OP, do try to the relevant boards.

Imagine what state the board has to be in for a simple reminder of the rules to be classified as bait.

>> No.14347674

Shut up

>> No.14347689


>> No.14347698

wait wtf? i wasn't aware you can attach tiny icons

>> No.14347699
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>> No.14347713

It's just a super small doge pic

>> No.14347720
File: 49 KB, 486x419, E9C331A0-2FAE-4FEA-92B4-20FD0DD6BA52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck dogs

>> No.14348219

This should be in the fucking sticky, but it doesn't really matter because there will still be people replying to weeks-old bait threads

>> No.14348850


>> No.14349773

/fa/ is 80% bait threads with more being made daily

>> No.14350356

what is wrong with a board developing its own culture? an effay car thread or effay architecture wouldn’t survive on another board, plus things like cars, architecture, interior design etc are all important to fashion culture.

>> No.14350377
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exactly, everything is an accesory. Your House, your Office, Your Car, Your Toys, Your Tech, Your Choice of Sociality. This only adds more character to the board

>> No.14350466

>an effay car thread or effay architecture wouldn’t survive on another board
If the interpretation here is "fashionable" then it probably wouldn't survive as cars, architecture things, phones, laptops, or the like aren't related to fashion and apparel. There isn't really that much to talk about. If the interpretation here is "aesthetic" then that's already what several threads on other boards are about. Aesthetic cars, phones, laptops, wallpapers, et c.

We'll have "effay album" threads featuring ZERO discussion on fashion and only /mu/ discussion. We'll have "effay colleges" threads featuring ZERO discussion on fashion. It's not even about fashion uni's or programs, we just have people posting their favorite colleges. Putting "/fa" or "effay" in front of anything and thinking it is on-topic is a fundamental misunderstanding of what the board is about.

People just post things that they enjoy and then discuss it, without it being about fashion and apparel. That means it is off-topic. They can and should do that elsewhere.

>everything is an accesory.
Great, so now we can literally discuss anything on /fa/.
It's the new SFW random board, since anything can be considered a fashion accessory.

Some examples from deleted threads:
>post effay captchas
>post your effay home screen
>We post effay theme music
>Post effay black angels
>post effay steam profile pictures
>post effay serial killer fits
>Post your effay Minecraft skins
>post effay music videos
>post /fa/ fetishes
>Post /fa/ faces
>Post some fa music.
>What is the most /fa/ religion?
>What does an /fa/ Tinder profile look like
>/fa/ Cars post em
>post more confy fa bands
>Post your /fa/ home screens
>Post ITT /fa/ wallpapers
>Is herpes effay?
>Is spoiling Endgame effay?
>is idubbbz effay?
>What is the most effay accent?
>Is capeshit effay?
>are my feet effay???
>What's the most effay body part?

"It only adds more character to the board!"

>> No.14350473
File: 109 KB, 651x441, Unified+feels+from+jojo+to+mha+_ffc3ac93282b07c57bc8a12d3b48934a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read OP
surely this guy is exaggerating

>read the examples of threads
oh god what has this board become

>> No.14350483

gtfo here thread-nazi

>> No.14350504

It's definitely in a bad state, but that's luckily threads that were deleted.
Some threads that are currently in catalog:

>in this thread we post snapchat girl filter selfies
>Facial Aesthetics Thread

>/fa/ instruments
/mu/ ? at least it's not fashion

>Trying out E-thot hair. Opinions/thoughts?
>im back bitches
both bait

>What percentage of this board is gay?

>Rate my style /fa/
most of the time bait, as it isn't pictures of themselves. if it is then it goes in the waywt

>Various iterations of "What core is this?"
often off-topic

(watch general is actually on topic. it has been actively moved here from /g/ since a while back.)

No, you get the fuck out of this fashion board.

>> No.14350824

idk why you are so asshurt, hopefully no one makes your lame ass a janitor

>> No.14350826

this is already one of the lower traffic boards, so janitors and mods can afford to be more lenient on here when boards like b and pol are the ones that actually need policing

>> No.14350830

you are embarrassing yourself. you seem like a schizophrenic or some ocd middle aged woman.

>> No.14350983

the low traffic boards are the ones that need policing from the shitters who frequent boards like b and pol

>> No.14351011

/fa/ will never be how you want it to be, you can count on that. go back to r3ddit.

>> No.14351030

Irrelevant to the discussion. My points stand.

That's not quite how it works. Janitors are board-specific responsible for a few select boards. No janitors on /b/ (only mods). They don't divide the workload in the way you're suggesting.

That's also not really what the thread is about, as the thread serves as a reminder to the posters.

>> No.14351041

but no one gives a fuck about this thread, people will still post effay cars and effay houses and shit. if you presented your ideas in a less strict manner people would maybe listen
idk if you are a newfag or something but people on 4chan will never ever listen to what you are saying if you are trying to enforce stupid rules nobody likes that’s why people post here and not on reddit

>> No.14351082

>people will still post
Sure, but the situation isn't "people will still post off-topic things" or "people will not post off-topic things".
It's a matter of a general reduction of off-topic posts. Individual posters will respond to reminders to varying degrees, in the same way they'll respond differently to having their posts removed and being warned/banned.

>trying to enforce stupid rules
This is a fashion board. This rule isn't stupid:
>Images and discussion should pertain to fashion and apparel.
What is mentioned in OP follows naturally from that rule.
Feel free to read the sticky b t w.

>> No.14351091

Fashion is not just strictly related to clothing. Gucci and other high end brands use fashionable architecture in their ads because it creates an aesthetic. it’s the exact same with hypebeast teenagers standing next to lamborghinis, because it fits their aesthetic. Punk fashion is directly linked to other grimey, non clothing related things like cigarettes, shitty venues etc.
it’s dumb to limit fashion to strictly clothing, it’s much more deep than that

>> No.14351100

people wear certain clothes because it fits their lifestyle. People who can afford 10,000 dollar suits probably also smoke cigars, drive mercedes etc because that’s their lifestyle. People who are into the techcore shit are probably into new innovative technology, so things like sleek new phones or technologically advanced houses or cars because it fits their aesthetic. Fashion is all about achieving an aesthetic and therefore there will be threads about things not strictly related to clothes

>> No.14351117

>nice ReDDIt


>> No.14351123
File: 186 KB, 786x1080, ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fashion is not just strictly related to clothing.
This board also has a _limited_ amount of on-topic threads about accessories such as watches and glass, and grooming-related threads about haircuts, skin-care, make-up, and fragrance. All those things are in the sticky. There's also other threads related to looks like tattoos and body-mods. That doesn't mean we should go beyond that topic-wise.

>fashionable architecture in their ads
>lamborghinis, cigarettes
That doesn't mean a fashion board should have threads about architecture, art, "effay cars", or "the most /fa/ cigarette brand" as have been posted before. Simply being "aesthetic" or "inspiring" doesn't make it on-topic.

But let's see where the aesthetics-related reasoning takes us.

>what is the most effay pattern for pubic hair?
>is cunnilingus /fa/?

>> No.14351125
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>flamingos are /fa/
>post flamingos

>> No.14351129
File: 67 KB, 850x500, ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spanking is the most effay fetish
>post effay girls being spanked

>> No.14351130

You sound like a pretentious douche, Who has serious autism

>> No.14351142

>Fashion is all about achieving an aesthetic
Yes, but that doesn't mean that we should have technology threads for people into techwear as we have /g/ for that. And their expensive and aesthetic favorite cars go in /o/. And drug discussion goes in /b/ or /r9k/.

>therefore there will be threads about things not strictly related to clothes
Yep, approximately to the acceptable extent described in >>14351123

Irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.14351152

ahahahahahahahahahahaha you’re so fucking gay
can you please post a few of your fits i wanna see what you call fashion

>> No.14351159

wow gucci ads really have gone to shit, but you are missing the point. i think you need to take a break from 4chan and go out and have some human experiences, you definitely have some autism/social issues you need to figure out

>> No.14351174

Whenever I start reporting off-topic posts, I get threatened with a ban. Kinda hard to care now.

>> No.14351177
File: 326 KB, 1100x450, 85C99D7B-95BE-4750-BC43-B709C94AB6A5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is sneed /fa/?

>> No.14351180

Drugs were mentioned because of three things:
>Habits of rich people (including cocaine use)
>Cigars (nicotine is a stimulant)
>Many off-topic threads discussing the most /fa/ drugs
No feedback on the rest of your comment.

>missing the point
No. The point that was made was that things can be on topic for being part of an overall aesthetic relating to fashion, for example such as things in ads (for example Gucci). My counterpoint is that things aren't on topic simply because they can be a part of a broader aesthetic. What I posted was examples of how ads and concepts in media often are posted on /fa/.
No response will be given to the rest of the comment.

Apparently the new admin favors user quantity over quality of discussion. Ads and all that. Whatever is popular goes.
What kind of things did you report?

>> No.14351212
File: 128 KB, 750x1334, 43BAAC71-29E9-4491-8A6D-894C5A6F7C2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not arguing that there is off topic shit, im saying cars, cigars, architecture, etc are not off topic in relation to fashion

>> No.14351215

that there is not off topic shit*

>> No.14351228

Are you referring to definition 1?
We could post many other definitions here if you want to.
How does cars, cigars, architecture fit in:
>A popular trend, especially in
>>In styles of dress and ornament
>>In manners of behavior

Should things be on topic simply for being a popular trend, or what exactly?

>> No.14351277
File: 9 KB, 302x225, 1547023908020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rename the board to Fashion and Design. There you go all the miscellaneous threads can stay and the autismo OP can shut the fuck up.

>> No.14351377

Being someone that has a monumental metaphorical stick up his ass is not effay.

Fuck off please, thank you for your time

>> No.14351386

Try https://4chan.org/feedback for these kinds of suggestions.

>Fuck off

>> No.14351389

I would report face rate threads, "What's the most /fa/ fetish?", "how to get arthoe gf?", "What's the most /fa/ food?", etc. I didn't even bother reporting gun, car, wallpaper, or music threads, even though they have their own boards. I'm also sympathetic to room design and architecture threads, because they don't have a home board.

>> No.14351392
File: 15 KB, 236x278, A5D60BCA-FAC4-40B3-B78A-46548D1B5C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Double double toil and trouble

>> No.14351397


>> No.14351408

It's really weird for them you ban you for reporting that. The face rating shit is the most cancerous because it makes new posters think they can just post their face all over the board and get some kind of feedback. Then we have SFW /soc/

Have a great day.

>> No.14351472

>Have a great day.
You too, but i still disagree and dont like you

>> No.14351474

quit loitering net nigger

>> No.14351475

That's okay.

>> No.14351476

are u a migrant from snapchat, dear? lmao

>> No.14351477

>never been to /pol/ but its evil and horrible and everyone from there should die

>> No.14351504 [DELETED] 

That's a misrepresentation of the comment you quoted (a so-called straw-man), but there's already a long and cozy discussion regarding /pol/ posts in >>14328350. Maybe you can keep discussing it there.

>> No.14351524

That's a misrepresentation of the comment you quoted, but there's already a long and cozy discussion regarding /pol/ posts in >>14328350. Consider keep discussing it there instead.

>> No.14351601
File: 152 KB, 1200x1185, 1558257847930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this thread could be classed as backseat modding, which I'm pretty sure in itself is a rule violation if I remember right. Don't like the state of /fa/? Leave.
>One of the better boards
This board is by far one of the most underage boards on 4chan. It's actually one of the worst you fucking idiot. I've been on here forever and it's gotten noticeably lower quality in the last 3 or 4 years with the rise of hypebeasts and e-boy tier fashion trends. 9/10 people here are zoomers, and I only really come here for /wt/ since it got kicked off of /g/. - t. 25 year old boomer
This qualifies as backseat modding too. Hang yourself you redditspacing summerfag.
Shut up faggot, you're not a janny or admin. Take your own advice and give site feedback if you have an issue with the board. I bet you're really fun at parties. You're a part of the problem for creating this thread by your own logic.

>> No.14351674

>I'm pretty sure in itself is a rule violation if I remember right
Appears to be incorrect. You can find the rules at https://4chan.org/rules

>Don't like the state of /fa/? Leave.

>Shut up

>take your own advice
The other user suggested "Rename the board to Fashion and Design". That requires staff action. Hence the suggestion to contact staff directly. I haven't suggested what that user suggested.

>part of the problem [...]
No. This has already been addressed in >>14347500

>> No.14351715

Jesus christ, kill yourself you fucking loser.

>> No.14351741

Fuck this thread

>> No.14352113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14352122
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You're very free to ignore it.

>> No.14353004

that's hardly a misrepresentation as that's basically what anyone who dislikes /pol/ implies.
>/pol/'s bad ooga booga raycism

>> No.14353372

>people complaining that this thread is wasting space when these are currently up and active

Although I don't participate in them, I don't mind threads like effay cars or architecture general etc like OP seems to be railing against
But people making threads asking is this/am I effay need to go away. just posting a picture of yourself shows that you're just an attention whore and/or hasn't been on this board for the 3 minutes it takes to find a WAYWT or hair general or whatever
I report threads like that I see but the good it does...

>this board is one of the worst on 4chan
>I am going to bitch and moan about anyone pointing that out and trying to discuss improving it

>> No.14353633 [DELETED] 

No, the comment I said misrepresented the other contained four different unfounded assumptions.
That someone wants to keep the discussion of politics on the board specifically on the politics board - and not on the fashion board - does not mean that a) they've never visited the board, b) that they think it's evil, c) that they think it's horrible, or d) that everyone from there should die.
Whatever a board is for goes on that specific board. You're simply asked to keep the topic.

>like OP seems to be railing against
Well, I didn't mention architecture in the OP. It was brought up later, and I do agree about that interior design and architecture may be on-topic since there isn't really any other good place for it on 4ch. But what is allowed and not needs to be controlled to keep the topic of the board from sliding completely. I think it can be easy to exclude too much as a reaction to the high degree of shitposting.

>but the good it does...
Yeah, I wonder what has happened during the last few days specifically. Several odd threads have been left up.

>> No.14353637

No, the comment I said misrepresented the other contained four different unfounded assumptions.
That someone wants to keep the discussion of politics on the board specifically for politics - and not on the fashion board - does not mean that a) they've never visited the board, b) that they think it's evil, c) that they think it's horrible, or d) that everyone from there should die.
Whatever a board is for goes on that specific board. You're simply asked to keep the topic.

>like OP seems to be railing against
Well, I didn't mention architecture in the OP. It was brought up later, and I do agree about that interior design and architecture may be on-topic since there isn't really any other good place for it on 4ch. But what is allowed and not needs to be controlled to keep the topic of the board from sliding completely. I think it can be easy to exclude too much as a reaction to the high degree of shitposting.

>but the good it does...
Yeah, I wonder what has happened during the last few days specifically. Several odd threads have been left up.

>> No.14353652

Ironically this meta thread is cancerous, it takes like a second to hide a shitty thread and you'll never see it again, just do that, because fa doesn't have janitors or mods

>> No.14353666

>it takes like a second to hide a shitty thread
Yes, but its creation may bump off existing on-topic threads. Further creation and bumping of them will make the need to bump on-topic threads more often to keep them from getting archived.
Leaving off-topic threads on the board will also encourage the creation of further threads like that, or on even more shit topics. It dilutes the purpose of meaning of the board.
It also encourages shitposters to stay on the board and make themselves comfortable, and keep dragging the board down.
It's also something you have to do A LOT since so much shit is posted.
You also just shouldn't need to do it.

>fa doesn't have janitors or mods
We do have at least 1 based janitor. Also mods aren't board-specific.

>> No.14354273


>> No.14354291

one meta thread is allowed

>> No.14354293

Oh fuck off nerd, who asked you

>> No.14354298

/pol/ GOOD
not wanting /pol/shitposting on blue boards BAD
so sayeth the underage frogposters

>> No.14355141

Pretty much this.