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/fa/ - Fashion

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14347155 No.14347155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is POL allowed to spam /fa/ with lightley veiled political posts? Everyday i go on there and there is some dumb shit about nazis or fascism.

>> No.14347165

Many people post on multiple boards. There's just a bunch of retards who can't stay on topic, and certain topics will always derail and get replies.

>> No.14347304

/pol/ is like /mlp/
everything has to be about politics (ponies)
also off-topic for /fa/

>> No.14347536
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>> No.14347539

Being pol is /fa

>> No.14347551

Yes go to Reddit op u don’t belong here

>> No.14347552

Kys my dude

>> No.14347556

What’s not going right in your life, anon? I assure you it’s something you can control and make better

>> No.14347564

/pol/tards are my problem, bud.

>> No.14347569

Why is there allowed to be 9 Watches threads at once ? Why is there allowed to be 3 facial rate threads? Why is their a “which iPhone is most effay” thread.. why are any threads at all.

>> No.14347586

does it hurt your feelings, tranny?

>> No.14347589

>dont like me spamming your board with unrelated content?

>you must be a tranny


>> No.14347605

Typical intolerant leftist having a tantrum because he saw an opinion he didn't like. Give it a rest and grow up.

Are you going to be in a supermarket and start sperging out because someone talked about politics and tell them they can only talk about food here and say they must only talk about those subjects in 1 place.

You people are so unaware of how fascist you actually are it's insane.

>> No.14347612

Fuck off, snowflake.

>> No.14347617

cool reddit spacing, tranny redditor

>> No.14347907

Cancer spreads

>> No.14347909

fuck this you peopele arent real you are all in my head. i type in the adress for this website and i go in here and ive been tricked that its real people but all you are just my fucking brain talking to itself i fucking hate you

>> No.14347910

Are you okay?

>> No.14347911

This isn't woke or insightful. The first time I saw this, that leftism can only exist in a moderated space, I thought woah. But now I think the notion of finding that profound is immensely retarded. Because no shit, someone needs to police the fucking downies who want to be restrictive overlords in the name of a false sense of liberty.

>> No.14347912

Not him but we just don't fucking care so stop shoving them down our throats and bringing them to irrelevant places when nobody even cares to discuss those things

>> No.14347935

That's because /fa/ dresses like leftists and thus make an easy target for ridiculing.

>> No.14347937

or what, pussy?

>> No.14347952
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I'm real, anon. I'm real and I'm reading your post with my own seperate, conscious mind and brain that exists entirely outside of yours. We are two different people with two different brains that hold two different inner minds that will never be able to ever comprehend each other's mind.

>> No.14348076


>> No.14348109

>/pol/ boogeyman is always on my mind

>> No.14348122

No one reports em but u say nice black bro keep fuckin white women theyll report it

>> No.14348124

Yup i just see faggotry an it has to go....no trap fappin plz

>> No.14348125

Start spammin ur board an make u ree

>> No.14348214
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Imagine being non-white

>> No.14348218

>keeps making politics threads
>someone complains
>hahah le /pol/ boogeyman is always on your mind

>> No.14348297

>Or what?
Really? On /fa/? You're not shit you fucking twinkposter. We both know you'd get your skelly ass handed to you.
"O-o-or what p-pussy"

>> No.14348299

Reality is often disappointing

>> No.14348327
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It’s because they’re deeply sad, lonely individuals. Misery loves company. Do like I do and report them. It does nothing for the most part because mods don’t exist, but I’m not getting in a poop-slinging contest with right-wing incels. The guys over in /prep/ are mean enough to me as-is

>> No.14348389

Its not pols fault that the left cant dress properly

>> No.14348421

>Norwegian flag
Varg is right you know

>> No.14348428

this is the dumbest shit i ever read
>people call me out for being a dumb bigot and don't wanna deal with my blatantly butthurt-about-my-life-must-blame-others mentality spouting
>stop censoring me!!!! lefties are so hypocritical, can't handle my truth bombs!!

>> No.14348434

i wonder if u have ever said that statement aloud to literally anyone besides ur pet hamster

>> No.14348452
File: 72 KB, 500x500, yXJ2DM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.14348467

so many words yet so ignorant

>> No.14348551

zip it lefty scum

>> No.14348552

Go back to pol