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File: 145 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14345886 No.14345886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14345947
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how to improve

>> No.14345948 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14345949

Remove the patchy beard above jawline.
Remove the part of mustache thats trying to touch your nostrils.
Nice features.

>> No.14345953
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Looking back now, Bellucci's facial aesthetics were pretty generic swarthy woman tier. 7/10
But it's the character that made her so noticeable.

>> No.14345962

I'm thinking of growing out in hopes that the patches fill in. Might also try out dyeing the beard bc there are a lot of very light blonde hairs that are invisible

>> No.14345973
File: 29 KB, 436x640, fa505e5ea8fd41a0543fbfd0d0b87f3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, are you homosexual my guy?

>> No.14345984

Also, your face is round (more oval), so those round glasses on top of your round face doesn't compliment your face at all.

>> No.14345986

no, just very judgemental

>> No.14345995
File: 323 KB, 800x1192, 800px-Mona_Lisa,_by_Leonardo_da_Vinci,_from_C2RMF_retouched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, female aesthetics are a lie. What are females without Hair & Makeup?

>> No.14345997

This meme needs to stop, any sort of stubble is more attractive than a clean shaven face, period. The only thing one should shave is a neckbeard. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/jeb.12958

>> No.14346003

Handsome, glasses with a smaller frame maybe ?

>> No.14346008
File: 134 KB, 750x1334, 19D9718A-E5D7-4C11-A38C-AF08F9B2B9D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda messing with the stache lately

>> No.14346016

That's a patchy beard.
Only a nice well connected beard looks good.
You asked for opinions... don't get butthurt because someone said that your beard sucks. Just go shave it baby, you'll look better.

>> No.14346026
File: 111 KB, 1754x1240, Sunglasses-for-Oval-Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping to grow it out so the patches can fill in, see >>14345962

And yeah I will ditch the glasses for contact lenses and try sth like pic related for sunglasses

>> No.14346142

stache is bad, also can you grow a full beard? I realize you're balding and there is the danger of basedcuck mode but it looks better

>> No.14346155

I cant let my shit grow pretty full but I dont have to patience for a a full beard, neither do I think its a good look. Rather just do a light to medium stubble and toss in the stache every now and then for some variety.

>> No.14346159

you look too young for the stache. Start doing martial arts or physical labour or something to get those face gains

>> No.14346160

*I can let, kek

>> No.14346161

Just as ugly as we men are

>> No.14346162

Yeah I think medium stubble but no stache is best. Stache just looks bad desu unless you're trying to bang hipster chicks who are specifically into that.

>> No.14346169

>martial arts
>physical labour
>face gains

Please explain this

>> No.14346878

A well-maintained Stache is the gateway to endless sex

>> No.14346967
File: 83 KB, 680x490, 85e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the glasses and beard look good together, and my opinion matters the most because I know the most about aesthetics on this board.

>> No.14346975


why are you bald you look like a 50 year old plumber

>> No.14346978

actually have a hipster pawg fwb because of it so yeah, pretty hyped on that

>> No.14346988

>why are you bald

because im balding and have been since age 16

>> No.14347549
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It's sad that one became a druggie and died and the other became a big fatshit.

But for each in this place in time they were beautiful.

>> No.14347759

Why do gays cling to that patchy facial hair look? It looks like doo doo

>> No.14347776
File: 32 KB, 618x566, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beard masculine!
>no beard, girly!
>girly bad!
>hair good!
>me manly!

>> No.14347852
File: 2.93 MB, 1372x1372, D753C253-880B-472B-BDE3-DCEF057E4AC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics go from oldest to newest, with the bottom right corner being most recent

Anyone have any idea what may be causing an increase in facial asymmetry? One side of my face has been bigger, rounder, and seemingly containing more fat as of late. There use to be a point where aside from normal amounts of facial asymmetry my face was relatively even. Now my right side of my face looks fucky while my left side remains toned. How do I go about attempting to fix this? Should I see a dentist/orthodontist and ask what they think?

>> No.14347855


what the fuck did u do to urself go back to the first picture

>> No.14347863
File: 26 KB, 325x499, 51pGqQkhXsL._SX323_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this dude. Looks like sharon osbourne hahahahhaha

>> No.14347869

And I would have all the swag in the world if my one side of my face wasn’t so round lately
That hair felt like a normie costume and I don’t like it
Not that I use the word normie un-ironically but I guess I just did, fuck

>> No.14347877

Best is shaved . At least from front, if u have an aesthetic skull profile buzz it sgain

>> No.14347882
File: 660 KB, 1331x2000, 413A2BB0-B92F-437C-BB89-C4D5383BD1C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start doing martial arts or physical labour or something to get those face gains

>> No.14348176

because women like it. Reminder to never take advice on beard from other men

>> No.14348178

luckily for you your hair is long enought again to return to pic 1 haircut. Do it

>> No.14348182

yea the glasses are actually geat

>> No.14348183

you look like princess diana in the last pic

>> No.14348186

>lose weight
>use eye cream

>> No.14348313

What's the deal with those ears, anyway?

>> No.14348407
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>> No.14348455

theyre wings

>> No.14348479
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>> No.14348556
File: 239 KB, 1880x1160, Vladimir_Putin_2017-01-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he Looks alot like Putin quite frankly, Putin does have a good bone structure I guess, but eyes too close together imo

>> No.14348557

and Putin doesn't have a Roman nose. Let's say he is the Russian version of that Roman guy

>> No.14348758

I dig the stache, dont listen to these rail thin effeminate soft boys

>> No.14350003

shave this shit

>> No.14350006

stop trying so hard to make something work
it's not working and it won't work.

>> No.14350010
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posting my portfolio cause i fucking hate it

>> No.14350016
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How to improve

>> No.14350033
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could always try Minox

>> No.14350062
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I just cannot get a gf

>> No.14350083

If it’s not looks then you’re probably just a cunt

>> No.14350084

i think its because of that mustache and maybe u should grow a small beard

>> No.14350098

I always thought you were gay. Maybe that's why you can't get one.

>> No.14350103

I have terrible social anxiety, dislike drinking and am a structural engineer in a large engineering firm, all of which are highly unhelpful.

I had no success without it either


>> No.14350108
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>> No.14350114

unironically buzzpill, your hair has no volume and it doesn't even look like you're doing anything with it. plus nice skull shape

>> No.14350115

Anon there are things inbetween long hair and 5 mm.

>> No.14350118
File: 313 KB, 498x495, sniffling-you-are-all-so-ugly-omgthisissous-2243473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14350126

You're right. I don't do shit to take care of it. Its just growing and I don't condition it or take care of split ends. Just lazy growth.

>> No.14350172

you juzt need to start going bald, that will get you in gear and start shaving regularly

>> No.14350213


>> No.14350225

You kind of look like Begbie from Trainspotting but younger and more attractive

>> No.14350240

okay stalin

>> No.14350245

Stache looks good imo, keep it

>> No.14350248
File: 1.49 MB, 1236x707, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi! It's me again.

>5ft tall
>40 years old
>single dishwasher

You know what though? There is a certain freedom to not giving a shit. I'm never going to be a 6'4" model and I am at peace with who I am.

>> No.14350253

Get a thicker neck
NEED a thicker neck
get more beta-carotene
Your neck is way too thin

>> No.14350255

thats because you have no ambition

>> No.14350257

post face and neck you cuck

>> No.14350260

>tfw fat and chinlet
You get the idea without pic.

>> No.14350262

Yes I do. Not to be anything big or great, simply to have a wife and a child. Sure that's unlikely to happen but I grew up in a single parent family in poverty surrounded by drugs and drug dealers. I had no chance for education and spent half my life high.

Now I live in another city, I am always working (dishwashing is actually classed a high demand job here) I pay for my own place and I am drug free.

To some rich little brat who never faced struggle I might not seem like much but I changed my life from what it used to be.

This was me 7 years ago high as fuck..


>> No.14350278

You are a stupid fucking faggot is what I think you are. You are the definition of what a fucking man child is.
I am 23 fucking and I've already started turning my life around and I started late!

You stupid little chuttle fuck.

>> No.14350289
File: 382 KB, 483x714, u mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, kid. It must be true because you said so. Bitch boi. U MAD, BRO?

>> No.14350292


bro your 40 and you only now want a wife.

you are fucking retarded. Do you have down syndrome you ugly 4 foot tall midget?

>> No.14350322
File: 572 KB, 726x688, U MAD BITCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lmao you're doing so well in life you can't even spell basic words that children can. I've wanted a wife for a while but it's not easy.

>Do you have down syndrome you ugly 4 foot tall midget?

Probably better looking than you, yo momma doesn't complain. You are a faceless anon. Are you just mad we kept you awake last night? You are seething mad. Lol owned.

>> No.14350323
File: 3.12 MB, 2448x3264, 20190520_190233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my hair ok? Ignore my shed, doing yardening.

>> No.14350339
File: 221 KB, 750x769, FE0F3063-45F8-4A9A-AFCC-8B8ACDEBE098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently growing hair, can’t wait till I’m done

Hair is very nice, do you work out ? Im foreseeing v good facegains if you were

Yeah I’d say you should buzz too, your face is too long for this hair

>> No.14350340

I'm trying to :/

>> No.14350348

Keep on going mate you’ll make it, but your current state is already nice (at least on this pic)

>> No.14350717

that sucks because you actually are very attractive and dress great from what I've seen. just keep trying and eventually you'll meet a nice girl that doesn't mind your social anxiety

>> No.14350751
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Two digit IQ
Mentally ill tranny
Yeah i can see
School shooter
Wrong thread you normie scum
Ahhh i am guessing you're from Yemen?

Fuck off normies you have soc, jannies why is this still here? Cant even lurk in peace...