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File: 16 KB, 320x247, Rhino_LT-LAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14338651 No.14338651 [Reply] [Original]

>female with hooknose

i want to die

>> No.14338660

I think they’re cute

>> No.14338665

even on man it looks bad you know
also there's surely something to about it, like make up or surgery if you really can't live with it

>> No.14338666

Can work depending on face also nasal surgery is p. cheap and easy to afford so don't kys.

If that's the biggest problem with your face you're p. good desu...

>> No.14338702

how the fuck is it cute? all the cute girls posted on this site have one thing in common and thats their cute little nose

i want to try an nose tip lift, cause im too ashamed for permanent surgery. also a broke student

>> No.14338703
File: 775 KB, 635x794, oy vey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a male with hooknose

lets make disgusting babies

>> No.14338708

yours isnt even bad. just a low tip

>> No.14338722
File: 151 KB, 617x518, 20190516_153318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even have khazar milkers in return

>> No.14338726

>khazar milkers
you spend too much time consuming 4channel memes, that seems to be your main problem

>> No.14338735

Stop trying to be anime, pedophile.

>> No.14338743

im being ironic

>> No.14338780

her obvious pathetically low self esteem is the problem i'd say

>> No.14338788

my gf got rhinoplasty+septoplasty yesterday :) she had more of big nose than hook nose though

>> No.14338801

she'll find someone better now :)

>> No.14338812

I have a thing for hooked noses on women. not bulbouse ones but the hooked roman noses. young Barbra Streisand for example has a very nice nose
I've noticed that when I was stoked by a girls looks it was usually because of her prominent nose

>> No.14338824

and how do you feel about it? do you feel like she needed it and you are happy or you dont really care

>> No.14338826
File: 513 KB, 834x437, 1426731364150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime hooknose is very attractive.

>> No.14338838

i love girls with hooked noses. it's almost a requirement.

>> No.14338843
File: 17 KB, 236x361, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but OP is jealous she doesn't look like a 5 year old. Dis gus ting!

Pic related has a huge bird snozzle but she's attractive because she doesn't try to look like pedobait.

>> No.14338851


>> No.14338861

i dont want a tiny baby nose.
just straight. thats not weird

>> No.14338876
File: 304 KB, 1080x1074, ccf59bd7a15c2f680307791bd08f6a2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bent Greek nose

>> No.14338889
File: 56 KB, 668x666, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because you've been brainwashed by pedos to want a pedo nose.

>> No.14338896

are you autistic? leave this thread if you re going to be annoying

>> No.14338918
File: 1.22 MB, 320x240, bk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I'm telling you, conventional features, NEO-NATAL "CHILDLIKE" features, mean worth squat. You'll look like every dime-a-dozen insecure loser if you change it. Heck, it ain't even a curved nose which I can understand getting the knife for but an aquiline nose? Nope. It's not going to change anything but give you a false sense of satisfaction for being the exact same as you were before mentally and physiologically but now you can brag to your friends you look more like a teenager than they do.

>> No.14338928

About as weird as someone with a straight nose wants a hooked one. Or curly haired wanting straight hair and straight haired wanting curly hair.

>> No.14338936

literally nobody wants a beak

>> No.14338943
File: 10 KB, 240x144, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't remember that scene from Ocean's 13 where Matt Daemon gets a large nose to turn on millionaires

>> No.14338983

literally looks fine, plenty of attractive women have that kind of nose. I think it even adds an air of sophistication and intrigue to someone's face.

>> No.14339095

>im too ashamed for permanent surgery
as long as you're not a heeb there's nothing shameful in that

>> No.14339103

you should infilitrate a hollywood party to expose those pedo cunts

>> No.14339104

lmao small noses are attractive on human females, you sickening jew lover

>> No.14339108

he's actually right even though it sounds crazy.

>> No.14339115


>> No.14339122
File: 1.93 MB, 1600x1067, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually not into Jew noses. I'm more into these weird horizontal triangle noses.
Imagine sticking your tongue into it while she pretends she's having her brains sucked out while you fingerbang her. Sex as fuck.

>> No.14339155

eh id fuck it

>> No.14339630

i also have a hook nose and kinda oval/oblong face, on males id doesn't look as bad but being female and looking masculine is no fun

>> No.14339754

that's just negress nose, innit?

>> No.14339761

wheres her pores why do all her features mesh into one another

>> No.14339772

this :( i try to compensate with feminine clothing

>> No.14339779
File: 133 KB, 768x1024, squat nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them have it. Some have thin noises, big Pam Grier noses, tear drop noses, and squat noses (pic). I also like squats but I'm just a big sucker for those horizontal ones.
You can ask that question for just about every stock image desu.

>> No.14339781

im a chad and i unironically am very attracted to large noses. biologically. dont worry about it honestly.

>> No.14339789

If you aren't Aryan just leave /fa/ tbqh

>> No.14339802

Lol... This is actually somewhat correct. Beauty correlates with retention of juvenile features and Whites & Asians do this the best. To pedo shame people for liking objectively better looking noses is on the same level as feminist dykes trying to "revolt" by not shaving their legs and armpits.

>> No.14339811

Problem with feminist dykes is that they try to be unconventional (socially) when it doesn't fit (geographically) with the region they live in.
Hairless people is common in warm areas but wh*tes are very hairy, move there, and then shave because they realize that's not common and not very aesthetic for the region.
Yet the reason why wh*tes are allowed to do this in their native lands is because it's cold and they normally layer up as to not display their hair.
Or that's my theory on it. Anyways, I'm used to hippies and seeing billboards about not shaving your 'stasche and other new-age nonsense so I'm not bothered by it.
Or maybe I'm brainwashed by the libruls OooOoOooOoO shpOoOOoky. Idunno.

>> No.14339812 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 1004x1024, 1555248187270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14339816
File: 16 KB, 297x396, 20190516_103654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully no
idk man it was kind of big but mainly I hope it helps her overcome her low self esteem. obviously it will be awhile before it looks normal let alone better than before so we shall see.

>> No.14339828

is that her?

>> No.14339834

shut the fuck up

>> No.14339835

whats your problem?

>> No.14339837

I had sex with a girl with fake nose, and I think my nose suffered a little for it

>> No.14339849

I really hope the girl in the pic is happier with her new nose

>> No.14339865

same lol
obviously lots of swelling rn no idea what it'll end up looking like

>> No.14339869

this is how my gf felt. see

>> No.14339885

speedosausage is a great artist for this.

>> No.14339900
File: 111 KB, 667x1000, david-gandy-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even on man it looks bad you know
nah it really depends on the rest of his face

>> No.14339904

>doesn't remember he had to wear a gilroy to make it work

>> No.14339909

Who hurt you?

>> No.14340018

Still, this man is handsome but he would be better looking without such a weird nose.

>tfw female with bumpy bulbous nose
what do

>> No.14340037

You're a girl. Someone will dick you down.

>> No.14340042

You can get a nose job if it really bothers you

>> No.14340073

Jewess is my favorite ess.

>> No.14340095

ma'am pls let me listen to you fall asleep on discord

>> No.14340097


>> No.14340117
File: 14 KB, 280x497, mesnozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight as an arrow/wierd tip Britanski snozz

>> No.14340245

Please be a rapacious Jewess and wrap me around your mind

>> No.14340258

Wait but don’t white people age worse? I know for sure white women hit the wall earlier than ethnic women

>> No.14340318

just get big frame glasses

>> No.14340344
File: 847 KB, 1805x3000, 4e3a65fdb1ed6b5bfeb2e7083035e9ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are tall and gaunt and well-dressed a hook nose can be very regal.

>> No.14340449

I think hook noses are cute but I'd never come within 50ft of a woman who reeks this badly of 4chan indoctrination and almost paranoid insecurity. seek therapy.

>> No.14340452
File: 74 KB, 675x864, 1556322881687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw perfectly straight nordic nose
>Wii comes out
>Playing Wii bowling
>Literally never wore the remote strap before
>Put it on because dont want to break TV
>Basically broke my nose but never went to doctors
>Bump forms on my nose ridge making me look like a medcuck

>> No.14340454

Ahhh a female Oooga booga

>> No.14340561

>tfw no 115 mean population IQ eugenic fertility Ashkenazi Jewess gf

>> No.14340574

If a girl i was dating revealed that she did this, id break up on the spot. aquilline/semitic/hook nose are attractive, let alone that being insecure is unattractive.

>> No.14340594

Fuckton of makeup

>> No.14340676
File: 27 KB, 209x304, 1537317570495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing unattractive about you is your insecurity. big nose babes (((and natural tits))) are always superior.

>> No.14340701

Your gf is beautiful. I hope the two of you make each other very happy for a long long time.

No homo

>> No.14340779

left looks jew/arab. right looks white. lol.

>> No.14340891

I think you could convince enough people to donate to a go fund me for a nose job with that picture

>> No.14340908

>but he would be better looking without such a weird nose.
true, point is it's no death sentence for a man

can be worse for women, although they do seem to exaggerate it's actual prominence

>> No.14340910

get the perm work done if you can afford hiding away from everyone for 2 months to recover. your self image is a good investment even if its a small loan.
I regret letting my dentist shave my buck teeth down. I later learned I have a huge thing for girls/guys with buck teeth.

>> No.14340923

If youre in the UK just say you're going to kill yourself because of it and they'll do it on the NHS

>> No.14340925

Dont worry about it too much and get a comfy life with a nice man. Especially for women there is no need to be 10/10.

>> No.14340957

Would fuck him. His nose is hotttttt

>> No.14340981

gives him more points, bit only because everything else is perfect

>> No.14340984
File: 142 KB, 292x257, 40 keks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you took too long and now gandy is visiting himself

>> No.14341172


>> No.14341184

>Give a platform of discussion to woman
>in only some years it will be filled with them complaining about their looks
literally every female forum on the internet
this is why females did not have rights for the most part of human history
because everything revolves around their noses, their hair, their body fat level, etc.

>> No.14341237

>bodybuilding forums
you’re right, male spaces online definitely never devolve into inane body dysmorphia.

>> No.14341324

Sure, but those men are feminized men
Incels are a consequence of feminism and sexual chaos
Lookism is because of the incel situation
Bodybuilding is partly useful, but yeah, they got quite feminized
If men could have a partner whenever they want without paying they would not be doing all that stuff really
Women do not need it
But they wait for "mr. Right" everyday, lmao

>> No.14341465

you got a negress fetish?

>> No.14341469

That hairline lmao

>> No.14342052

somebody post Shalnark

>> No.14342066

That's not even a hook nose, you just have a hump. Just get the the hump shaved off and maaaaybe lift the tip to make it more feminine.

>> No.14342089

I've always found hook noses nice, depends on the person ig. also don't be insecure about it, its far more unattractive than your nose could ever be

>> No.14342106

my mom has a horrible hooknose but she's still pretty cute

>> No.14342144

>Give a platform of discussion to men
>in only some years it will be filled with them complaining about their looks
literally every man forum on the internet
this is why men feel that their opinions have been the superior ones for centuries
because everything revolves around their noses, their hair, their body fat level, etc.
and yet you all still look like shit

>> No.14342386

>doesn't remember it was just to be safe and he was already in

>> No.14343074

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.14343884
File: 2.40 MB, 451x457, 5dOI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gandy's nose didn't look big when he was 22, wtf happened? In recent pictures it also looks broke.

>> No.14344079

I think it might seem that way because with lots of ethnic women, hitting the wall isn't that far of a drop.

>> No.14344173

The fact that you know what Khazar milkers are is a problem on itself

>> No.14344493

Literally the only people who think this are people who have big noses

>> No.14344505

Noses continuously grow with age.

>> No.14344768

Get a nosejob if you want to look like a bedroom pop girl. Alternatively, if you don't want to look like you're 14 for the rest of your life, you'll be attractive with the facial features you were born with. Just dress around it if you have to. Try different hairstyles and stuff. There's lots of girls with big noses who are cute as fuck.

>> No.14345126

mmm me too. i have a small nose thats probably why