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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 85 KB, 566x732, Latest-Mens-Fashion-Style-Trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14334051 No.14334051 [Reply] [Original]

Why do w*men these days expect men to dress like complete faggots? it seems you can't even get a girlfriend if you don't look like a peacock clown.
There is simply no way I'd ever be caught dead dressed like this, I've already been jumped a couple of times by methed out bogans and dressing like this is just going to ensure more random beatings.

How can I dress in a way that I won't look gay but still be able to attract femoids?

>> No.14334058

spoiler: women aren't attracted to chads solely because of how they are dressed

>> No.14334062

I know but normies always insist that you need to dress nicely to attract women and I assume dressing nice means dressing like a fag these days because that's the men's fashion at the moment.

>> No.14334063

>it seems you can't even get a girlfriend if you don't look like a peacock clown.
A confounding variable, also known as a third variable or a mediator variable, influences both the independent variable and dependent variable. Being unaware of or failing to control for confounding variables may cause the researcher to analyze the results incorrectly. The results may show a false correlation between the dependent and independent variables, leading to an incorrect rejection of the null hypothesis.

>> No.14334064

you can get a gf even if you dress like a complete autist just be yourself m8 :-)

>> No.14334067
File: 84 KB, 800x800, 1523562849128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In English please anon I have no idea wtf you are talking about.

>> No.14334070

I keked anon XDXD. No I didn't actually, this is getting rather stale.

>> No.14334076

>I assume dressing nice means dressing like a fag

sounds like your problems are based on your assumptions.

>> No.14334079

women like projecting their own taste onto men and men go along with it because they want pussy

>> No.14334085

There's probably another trait you're not accounting for that makes one undesirable.

If you find your ice cream melts faster when you're wearing a t-shirt outside, it's not because of the t-shirt.

>> No.14334086
File: 646 KB, 1215x1452, 1551292980265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't even get a girlfriend if you don't look like a peacock clown
This truly is a clown world.

>> No.14334094

>There's probably another trait you're not accounting for that makes one undesirable.
Like what? I'm not ugly, not fat, don't smell, not a manlet, not dirty, I could go on all day.

>> No.14334096

>women like projecting their own taste onto men
Like how guys on here project their own tastes on what women should wear?

>> No.14334113
File: 159 KB, 827x811, 1944-mens-wool-suits-plain-summer-sears-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no issue with modern womens fashion, it still looks feminin and nice, mens fgashionb however is so faggy and uncorfertable looking. It needs to change. I don't want to sound like a fedora tipper but I really wish I lived back in the day wear men's fashion was simple and masculine, I hate this snowflake culture where everyone has to just know how to casually dress properly.

>> No.14334119

nobody's stopping you from wearing a suit if you want to instead of " faggy and uncomfortable male fashion".

nobody is stopping you from wearing clothes that you find comfortable

>> No.14334127

How's your disposition? If spend your time criticizing LA fashion on 4chan, referring to chicks as femoids, and acting like a bitter 80 year-old when you're only 20, those are probably symptoms of something you might want to work on.

>> No.14334129

>nobody's stopping you from wearing a suit if you want to instead
Oh yeah I'll just go put on my 1940s suit and I'll surely be swimming in pussy and people totally don't think I'm some schizophrenic school shooter lol.
I don't want to stand out anon, I'm just dreaming here. I hate having to decide which stupid casual clothes to wear, we need to bring back actual culture.

>> No.14334134

>If spend your time criticizing LA fashion on 4chan, referring to chicks as femoids, and acting like a bitter 80 year-old when you're only 20, those are probably symptoms of something you might want to work on.
Oh so w*men can read my mind? I always suspected so. Shit, I guess i'm fucked then.

>> No.14334137

Just wear something nondescript and well fitting that is age appropriate. If you’re under 20, sweatshirt/tee/hoodie + jeans and unassuming sneakers, if you’re 20+, tee + jeans + sneakers or chinos + button down/polo + leather derbies or bluchers. The only way you can possibly fuck that up is a) not knowing how things should fit on your body, or b) having no understanding of color theory.

>> No.14334139

yeah, its seems like OP has other problems
like autism and crippling self esteem issues

>> No.14334150

>I really wish I lived back in the day wear men's fashion was simple and masculine
Jacket, t-shirt, jeans, and boots. You could basically wear what James Woods had in Vampires and be fine. Your colors don't have to bright/high contrast, nor does your fit have to be skinny.
If you want to wear suits or business clothing, they still make suits in 2019 and the majority have normal proportions. A dress shirt and slacks on warmer days is perfectly acceptable as well.
Most people I know don't dress like they have a mixtape dropping and it's not a problem for them.
Bitter, negative people tend to give off a blunt, "don't talk to me" vibe. Spend less time on sites like this, spend more time doing positive activities that involve building things up rather than tearing down.

>> No.14334152

>if you’re 20+, tee + jeans + sneakers or chinos + button down/polo + leather derbies or bluchers.
Fuck me, it's not even a meme.
>The only way you can possibly fuck that up is a) not knowing how things should fit on your body
That's me as I am a MAN not a female.
>having no understanding of color theory.
I understand colour theory I just don't like to look tacky, I usually wear greys, blacks and whites and if I do wear colour it's always dark.
But suppose that's not clowny enough for women right?

>> No.14334156

Are you an ableist? how tolerant of you anon. I guess most women are bigoted ableist scum then. Where are all the SJWS campaigning against female bigotry?

>> No.14334168
File: 48 KB, 667x378, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I usually wear greys, blacks and whites and if I do wear colour it's always dark.
>But suppose that's not clowny enough for women right?
mfw googling men's fashion and half the results are simple and monochrome

it's your attitude, m8

>> No.14334182

>it's your attitude, m8
Yeah, just ignore reality and fool yourself into believing women's materialistic, hypergamous and narcissistic behaviour is fair and normal.

So changing my attitude would be to ignore reality I suppose?

>> No.14334201

who exactly are you trying to impress, a Kardashian?

>> No.14334202

>spend more time doing positive activities that involve building things up rather than tearing down.
Any tips for positive things? there is just so many sites on the internet and I basically only use 4chan, I wouldn't know where to start.

>> No.14334203

women expect so fucking little it's actually absurd. looks theory is completely off base too, just have basic social skills and friends and dont try too hard. pussy will come.

>> No.14334212

>A dress shirt and slacks on warmer days is perfectly acceptable as well
If you are a poor cunt tho?

>> No.14334223

Lol, no anon I'm talking about the average woman here, at this point with the cancer of social media you as a man are never good enough and they all think they deserve the top 10%. It's called hypergamy anon.

>> No.14334226

the fact you think those 40s suits look good tells me you should stay a virgin
I agree it's faggy now but you;re some retard with the other extreme

>> No.14334227

>women expect so fucking little
The delusion is real.

>> No.14334231

I never said they looked good, I just like the plain masculine look. I don't care about looking all shiny and gay, that's womens role, at least it should be.

>> No.14334259
File: 147 KB, 600x800, Steve-Rogers-Captain-America-Brown-Leather-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

• find a hobby or skill you enjoy. fitness, cooking, art, music, even nerdier shit like games or comics
• don't pursue these using their respective boards on 4chan
• find FB groups or use sites like MeetUp to find local hangouts, sharing and talking with real people
• if in school, see if there are related clubs
• if you're making gains in the areas that matter to you instead of focusing on what you hate, you'll appear more open and positive to others
• at the very least, try to curb judgmental thoughts and look for the things you have in common with the current culture. honestly, men's fashion is so vast today, only a small portion actually dresses like the first pic. getting a partner depends more on whether or not you're supportive, kind, open, and positive. some of these things you can work on yourself. others may either require outside help or progress in hobbies to build up. there's no shame in that. we all have shit that pisses us off or makes life difficult, but try not to color all of life with that brush
if in the States, Target or Kohl's. You could try consignment places or Goodwill too, but anything pre-2000 might be too baggy to be modern. depending on your build, you want to go slim to regular. if heavy, then obvi go wider.
where do you live and which women do you actually interact with? I agree social media sucks, but as long as you're not trying to date an instathot (and most women aren't), they'll just want someone who doesn't have the personality of a porcupine. don't be resentful, don't be ready to hate someone before getting to know them, be confident.
do you actually know or are you trying to justify your failings?
>I just like the plain masculine look.
pic related is one of the most desired men on the planet. granted he's also attractive, but look at what he's wearing in a mainstream, expensive movie: an old-school leather jacket and jeans. how much more masculine can you get?

>> No.14334273
File: 16 KB, 471x312, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but anything pre-2000 might be too baggy to be modern
Damn I wish it was the 90s when baggy slob was in, those were the days where it didn't fucking matter what you wore and people were less materialistic. One can only dream, fuck this era, I hate it.

>> No.14334275

>that leather grain

>> No.14334281

>where do you live and which women do you actually interact with?
None lol except for the occasional cashier/waitress.
>and most women aren't
Are you sure about that anon?
>don't be ready to hate someone before getting to know them
I really don't want to be hateful anon but it really is hard, women seem to all display the same shitty behaviours that repulse me.
>or are you trying to justify your failings?

I'm not sure if I can pull off his look though.

>> No.14334282

I mean this is also the era of college-age kids wearing hoodies and sweatpant joggers. Like I said, find your commonalities with the culture, they do exist

If you want to bitch about clown colors, look no further than the 90s desu. 99% sure you're trolling at this point because you contradict your own tastes when responding to every piece of evidence against you

>> No.14334284
File: 59 KB, 763x757, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I live in Straya.

>> No.14334292

>99% sure you're trolling
I'm always half trolling when on the internet, it's in my blood(ausfag)

>> No.14334309

>Are you sure about that anon?
You have a lot of doubts and opinions about women despite admitting to never interacting with them except for the occasional cashier. Take a break from 4chan and get out more. This site is a haven for insecure curmudgeons and hanging out with people like that only strengthens those traits within you. If you know anyone who seems happier or has better luck with people (especially women) than you, try to spend more time with them. You're the average of the people you surround yourself with. If on 4chan most of the time, your odds aren't great.

Even if all you can start with are those cashiers, make small talk, make a comment about the weather, maybe think out loud in a sentence the next time you're selecting food to order. Ask their opinion on a menu item and see what they say, maybe riff off that. As long as you're not stiff or monotone in your delivery, you should be fine

>> No.14334318
File: 271 KB, 600x800, Steve-Rogers-Locomotive-Captain-America-Brown-Jacket-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that leather grain
>I'm not sure if I can pull off his look though.
The point is this is a lead actor in a huge movie marketed to 18-34 year olds. And he's wearing shit a boomer would respect. Trust me, you have options.

>> No.14334320

>You have a lot of doubts and opinions about women despite admitting to never interacting with them
No anon, even my sister who is an autistic neet virgin has thousands of photos of herself and herself displays typical cancerous female hive mind behavior.
Look up any woman you know on social media and it's always the same pattern of hundreds of photos other stupid vapid shit.

>> No.14334334

>Look up any woman you know on social media

> Not every woman, the spread is about even
> Same goes for dudes actually
> If these people are more socially active than you (especially on social media), then they'll naturally have more photos
Most importantly:
> Using a social media profile to gauge someone's personality, good or bad, is a rookie mistake.

Get out into the fuckin' world. I'm out, foo'

>> No.14334345

>Get out into the fuckin' world
I'm tired of this meme, most days I actually leave the house and do shit. I literally haven't played a single video game in about 3 months.

>> No.14334357

that's not how projection works

>> No.14334370

It you don't like women you don't have to
Just use them for sex

>> No.14334372
File: 811 KB, 160x160, flex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually leave the house and do shit
without talking to women tho

>> No.14334438

So you want me to go up to random women and talk to them? about fucking what? they'll just tell me to go away as they probably have something to do.

>> No.14334472

see >>14334309
>Even if all you can start with are those cashiers, make small talk, make a comment about the weather, maybe think out loud in a sentence the next time you're selecting food to order. Ask their opinion on a menu item and see what they say, maybe riff off that. As long as you're not stiff or monotone in your delivery, you should be fine
Or you can keep bitching about how all women are terrible without any real life experience. This whole thread is just cope

>> No.14334482

>Or you can keep bitching about how all women are terrible without any real life experience
Clearly they are considering pretty much every single one of them is a ableist bigot who can't handle a tiny bit of stiffness(something an autist can't help).

>> No.14334491

i don't think i'll have opportunities for interaction until after the summer but genuine thanks for the advice, anon

>> No.14334501

It's really very simple:
1. Don't be fat.
2. Don't not be fat.
3. Get clothes that fucking fit you.

Why do I have the sense that half of your clothes are graphic tees and cargo shorts?

>> No.14334506

The reason you aren't getting any isn't because of how you dress, but because you're fat and gay.

>> No.14334529

>Wtf why can't I get any pussy, I'm not horrible to look at (my mom says I look adecuate) just horrible to talk to.
>Mmmm must be the clothes
The absolute state of (You)

>> No.14334539

It's not just my mum, I had actual stacies in high school say I was good looking.

>> No.14334546

I love this post and by extension you.

>> No.14334548

>That's me as I am a MAN not a female.
So you never tried any clothes before buying them? Or looked at clothes that you already have and fit you in order to know what size of pants and shirt you are? Sounds to me that you are a CHILD who gets his clothes from mommy than a MAN, that or retarded. But sure, keep blaming clothes for your dry spell.

>> No.14334555

well the way you throw around words like "faggot" and "bogan" gives me the impression that you're an intensely disagreeable little cunt. Maybe try shutting the fuck up more and focusing on positive things instead of bellowing about all the things you hate while slinging slurs like they're burger patties at your job.

>> No.14334561

>How can I dress in a way that I won't look gay but still be able to attract femoids?
have high testosterone and wear what you want

>> No.14334562

So you are an autist who cannot interact with people like a functioning human been and women are the ones to blame? What a fag.

>> No.14334566

Looks alone only work in loud clubs, in any other situation you actually have to talk, and if you happen to be an obnoxious sperg chicks will not stay for long.

>> No.14334567

Human being*

>> No.14334569

Never said I hated faggots or bogans, in fact, I like these two demographics much more then normies.
I just think I shouldn't have to dress like a peacock faggot to impress women, it's cultural nonsense and has nothing to do with biology.
In these times of resource scarcity and global warming don't you think we should be less materialistic and maybe more like hippies?

There's so much hypocrisy in this culture, young people are pretending to care about the planet while at the same time consuming all the newest worthless tech that is only making the situation worse with the planet.

>> No.14334573

t. ableist bigoted fascist

Just like any other w*man.

>> No.14334576

Yeah because women are hypocritical bigoted ableist cancer.

>> No.14334580

OP, the more at home you feel on here, the more you need to leave.

>> No.14334581

>I just think I shouldn't have to dress like a peacock faggot to impress women, it's cultural nonsense and has nothing to do with biology.
You don't have to, over and over anons have shown you otherwhise but you keep this same retarded mentality, you don't want to listen. Also, if you can't fit in society, it's not society's fault, it's yours, try being more intrispective instead of patting youself on the back and blaming "femoids"

>> No.14334584

Then why aren't you swimming in pussy then, looker?

>> No.14334588

>because women are hypocritical bigoted ableist cancer.
I already said it anon.

>> No.14334593

lot of roasties itt

>> No.14334598

You people are retarded. Just like the vast majority of males wouldn't have an issue getting into a relationship with an instathot, most women wouldn't mind someone that dresses like a fucking soccer player's faggot side piece. Attire signals cultural preferences, education, social status to some degree and maybe temperamental quirks. A decent male finds the instathot attractive mostly because of their physique, not because of their instathot basic bitch clothes, while he would never consider a relationship with them. A decent female finds the basic bitch faggot soccer player side piece in OP pic attractive mainly because he is attractive and the clothes have little to do with it. But they'd never pursue them.

The masses will always like trash though.

>> No.14334599
File: 169 KB, 402x420, laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you're not fat&gay?
Again, if talking isn't your thing, just go to a club and make a move on the first chik that looks at you for more than 2 seconds.
>Tfw he actually carries a chronometer to check

>> No.14334603

*people like projecting their own taste onto their crushes and they go along with it because they want sum fuk

>> No.14334605

>make a move on the first chik that looks at you
I love the way you make this seem so easy, I'm just imaging how cringe that would be, me trying to make a move on a thot at a club lol.

>> No.14334614
File: 75 KB, 379x289, 1557682040361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 24 year old boomer who met my 25 year old wife on 4chan. Ask me anything you want, and I'll tell you why you're fucking retarded OP. This doesn't sound like a problem with women, it sounds like a problem with a whiny little faggot who can't get any pussy.

Wife is Australian and I'm originally from the UK if that matters to you at all.

>> No.14334616

Ask to buy her a drink, see what she likes and go from there. Can't be much cringier than the posts in this thread.

>> No.14334627

>I'm originally from the UK if that matters to you at all.
Oh it does because you are exotic, my sister also married a foreigner.

Also, how did you meet her? do you dress faggy? have a faggy hairstyle? are you tall? are you naturally good looking? are you well educated? do you have a nice job? have a house? and a nice car?

>> No.14334639

>Ask to buy her a drink
Are you kidding me? does this shit even work anymore? for fuck sake, I reckon you are a troll. Me asking a thot for a drink is only going to end in her telling me to fuck off or getting the free drink and then telling me to fuck off.

And why doens't she ask to buy me a fucking drink?
>inbf man up, stop bitching hurhur
Ok then let's strip women of all their rights because it sounds like you don't want actual equality.
You can't have double standards like this if you want to achieve equality, a gender role is a gender role.

>> No.14334647

Ok, let make it extremely easy then, go to a club, wait for a chick to make a move on YOU, like offering a drink or grabbing your ass, if you said you are attractive, things like this can happen.

>> No.14334660

>or grabbing your ass
Isn't it funny how w*men can just casually sexually assault men like this?
Oh the hypocrisy, I love it.

>> No.14334664

Do you actually go clubbing yourself or are you meming?

>> No.14334686

I'm talking about things that happened to me dude, but I don't go clubbing much, and I'm not strayan so I can't speak about girls from there.

>> No.14334689

This has literally never happened to me. Have you tried not wearing revealing clothes and acting like a slut?

>> No.14334691

Thots actually buy you drinks and grab your ass anon? where you from?

>> No.14334697
File: 113 KB, 600x686, 575635fea95e62cb2ab18581fb4c3c718a0c4a463214899c54b7b7fb24735843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh it does because you are exotic
I'm from Middlesbrough, you absolute incel. If you consider that exotic, you're retarded.
>Also, how did you meet her?
She was a drawfag on a general I used to frequent, and I used to writefag in said general. When our general started dying, we moved to a messaging service and spoke more often one to one like normal human beings, and shit just clicked. We met up in person years ago to see if we were the same IRL as online, and we haven't been apart since.
>Do you dress faggy?
No, see above. If you dress "faggy" in Boro, you'll get glassed or stabbed. It doesn't really matter though, my wife doesn't really care what I wear. She's not into clothing even remotely.
>Have a faggy hairstyle?
I have messy unkempt hair that I do nothing with. Product fucks with my OCD because I dislike having shit in my hair.
>Are you tall?
I'm 5'11, so no.
>Are you naturally good looking?
Not really, no. I'm not artificially good looking either if that's a thing.
>Are you well educated?
I dropped out of highschool at 14 through a legal loophole.
>Do you have a nice job?
We were both NEET when we met, I currently do not have a job due to other commitments that eat up most of my time, so I am once again a NEET by definition.
>Have a house?
No. We live with her family currently. House prices in Aus are fucking insane. Only boomers can afford housing there.
>And a nice car?
I have a VW Lupo which I bought for £400 and painted myself, it is currently sat on my grandparents driveway in the UK.
You're the problem, Anon. Ask more if you want.

>> No.14334703
File: 54 KB, 500x733, alex james.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that since im a female my opinion doesnt matter
but i find that picrel 'style' repulsive and ridiculous. i would never date a guy dressed like that. it screams 'i want to gain female attention to fuck them' like its the most important thing in his life.
same goes to women dressed defiantly imo. i wouldnt want to fuck a girl who screams 'fuck me!' in every way possible.
modesty is the most appealing thing to me i guess. and i like when men are dressing for themselves, choosing pieces that fit them nicely.

>> No.14334711

What do you wear, OP?

>> No.14334722

Mostly sportswear. I kind of look like a classy bogan.

>> No.14334731

Could you give me a pic or an approximation online, please?
Also, what is your build? Are you skinny? Fat? Somewhere in between?

>> No.14334740

>classy bogan
Bogans are scum by definition. There's no way to look like a classy bogan. You're like one of those kids that wears Armani Exchange and Stone Island shit and claims to not be a chav.

>> No.14334753
File: 46 KB, 480x480, 83f2fb891e8b8e6906155cffaa07ec33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is as close as I can find.
>what is your build? Are you skinny? Fat? Somewhere in between?
Right now it's somewhere in between, I use to be skinny though and I don't remember any difference in regard to how women treated me or not treated me because generally I don't exist to them.

>> No.14334760

we often dress to impress/compete with other men, just like women dress sexy for other women

>> No.14334767
File: 63 KB, 700x960, 967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I dress like a bogan as in they always wear sportswear like they do, the difference is I keep myself tidy and clean and my clothes generally match whereas bogans don't.

>> No.14334779
File: 113 KB, 735x1102, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider something like this to be faggy?

>> No.14334781
File: 70 KB, 904x711, 1552668352195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dress like the stereotypical antisocial scumbag
>Talk and act bitter like a stereotypical antisocial scumbag
The issue is totally the women Anon, it couldn't possibly be anything else.
Ask me how I know you're underage.

>> No.14334806
File: 92 KB, 288x288, 1531685104056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm from Middlesbrough, you absolute incel.
To dumbshit women, if you have a foreign accent you are exotic. It doesn't matter where you come from you will always have an advantage over the locals because of it.
>She was a drawfag on a general I used to frequent, and I used to writefag in said general.
Great, I mean I use to draw really good but I've lost the motivation.
>you'll get glassed or stabbed
exactly why I don't want to dress faggy because I have been jumped before by methhead bogans.
>I have messy unkempt hair that I do nothing with
Well looks like you're just lucky anon.

As for the rest of the shit, you are just extremely lucky and can't see that because everything just works in your favour because genetics or upbringing you little shit.
Most people in the first world just move through life on nothing but good fortune.

Also is she a qt? I highly doubt she would be. You act as if your situation is normal and as if you aren't an exception. Well, that's what you are anon, an EXCEPTION! you hit the jackpot and your blind luck has blinded you to the reality that is my life, and my life is not completely under my control. My genetics and upbringing have very much screwed me.

Plus, KYS

>> No.14334814

The shirts not bad, I hate those pants though. They look extremely uncomfortable.

>> No.14334820

You are the one who is more likely underaged considering you think a fucking brand says anything about a person.
I buy sportswear that is affordable, I don't give a shit about the brand you moron.

>> No.14334889
File: 96 KB, 443x455, 1554628312283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To dumbshit women, if you have a foreign accent you are exotic. It doesn't matter where you come from you will always have an advantage over the locals because of it.
Please God, tell me you do not actually think this shit. Only UK accents that people find appealing are Irish, Scottish, Cockney, and posh upper class accents. The bulk of the scummy ones are not an "exotic" perk.
>Great, I mean I used to draw really good but I've lost the motivation.
Regain it and stop being a faggot about it. Focus your energy on something positive like creating something as opposed to tearing shit down.
>Exactly why I don't want to dress faggy
This isn't about your clothing at this point. Your personality is the issue.
>Well looks like you're just lucky anon.
No, I'm just not a self loathing faggot who blames my hang-ups on other people because I'm not an angst filled 16 year old anymore.
>As for the rest of the shit
I am not lucky, I had an incredibly shit upbringing in poverty, and I was essentially left to fend for myself. Genetics have fuck-all to do with it. I was a fat loser who was bullied heavily as a teen as well to top it off. I am skinny now though, just to clarify.
>Most people in the first world just move through life on nothing but good fortune
This is incorrect. People pretend to be happy and put on a good show, but most normalfags are secretly wanting to kill themselves on the low down because socialmedia makes them think everyone has a better life than they do.
>Also is she a qt?
I'd say so, but she's my wife, so I am bias. Other people have said she's cute in the past, so I guess yes.
>As if you aren't an exception.
I'm not, I'm just not a bitter beta who blames women for not wanting to fuck me. If you're an insufferable faggot, people pick up on that, and they won't want to associate with you - Men and women.
>My life is not completely under my control
Get out of this mindset and keep away from /r9k/.

Good luck brah. You can make it if you want to.

>> No.14334893

Get baggier ones then.
Just not too baggy; just enough for your legs and junk to be comfortable.

Good luck

>> No.14334906
File: 14 KB, 245x193, 1530539366222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a brand says nothing about a person
Imagine actually believing this. Where do you think you are?

>> No.14334911

t. 12 year old

>> No.14334920
File: 18 KB, 276x230, 1556490399878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Versace isn't worn almost exclusively by Pakis
>implying Gucci isn't almost exclusively worn by Soundcloud rappers and other niggers
>implying Stone Island isn't worn almost exclusively by dick heads and other wannabe hard cunts
>implying Armani isn't almost exclusively worn by 13 year olds with a fake Gucci logo print cap
>implying yeezy isn't almost exclusively worn by hypebeasts
>implying supreme isn't worn mainly by chinks and people who can't actually skate but pretend to be skaters anyway because it's trendy
>i m p l y i n g
looks like there's no pattern emerging here even in the slightest anon, you're right again.

>> No.14334933
File: 77 KB, 728x802, 1549642216450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you gay anon or are you just a woman?

>> No.14334935

what about louis vuitton

>> No.14334967

>Good luck brah. You can make it if you want to.
He doesn't want to. He hates his current situation enough to bitch about it, but he's gotten too used to it to try anything different.

Walking case of self-fulfilling prophecy. He's the guy who's convinced no one at the party will talk to him, so he stays glued to the wall, arms folded and pouting. Sure enough, no one talks to him and he can take comfort in being right, even though he created the situation.

>> No.14335022

This is true
But I believe you need to be attractive

>> No.14335044
File: 58 KB, 282x514, E664D01D-6B7C-4AAD-931A-319F644F4F77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dress exclusively in slp
>girl makes fun of me for wearing boots with heels
>2 months later I'm balls deep inside her
>says she finds it amazing how I wear anything I want and not be scare of being judged

>> No.14335053


>> No.14335866

if you think modern fashion is uncomfortable you certainly haven't worn a suit

>> No.14335927

Real supreme gentleman vibes itt. I'm glad you can't buy guns in Australia.

>> No.14336205
File: 74 KB, 845x593, 1556485249603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dress prep/trad and once fucked 3 girls in 3 days. Clue: how you dress has little to do with it

>> No.14336214

literally just wear whatever you want and be really knowledgeable about one or two things
you'll be swimming in pussy

>> No.14336233
File: 8 KB, 182x226, 1542329770793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro i swerve any nigga out here calling shorties femoids lmao wtf hahahahah

imagine being an incel for real lmao

>> No.14336258

As long as you don't look like an unwashed caveman, how you dress matters very little. Social skills and being an interesting person to be around matter way more.

>> No.14336265

Dude I never even finished high school and I can understand him, what's your excuse?

>> No.14336629

Don't be an incel