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14333651 No.14333651 [Reply] [Original]

What are you doing right now to lose weight?
You can't be effay if you're fat

>> No.14333655

i eat

>> No.14333665

>What are you doing right now to lose weight?

>You can't be effay if you're fat
I'm not American

>> No.14333670

I've always been borderline underweight

>> No.14333677


what an ugly bitch

>> No.14333680

idunno, not eat too much? not using my body as a garbage disposer

>> No.14333832

I'm trying to gain weight. Former anorexic, 2% bodyfat back then. It's a bad life man, and most of the time you look gross under 10% if you aren't big in muscles

>> No.14333837

Eating a diet which consists of no breakfast, 200g of cottage cheese and a banana for lunch, 200g of greek yogurt and a banana for afternoon tea and 300g of chicken with a bag of frozen veggies for dinner.

>> No.14333884

I don't need to lose weight.
I have a near perfect BMI, but I am an alcohol so have a pretty mean beer/whiskey/wine belly...
I'm trying to drink less but life's shit so it's pretty hard.

>> No.14335355

Dont seems too hard. But its easy for me to talk lol

>> No.14335372

DESU if you aren't doing light weight training or at least cardio 3 days a week you most likely look gross under your fa clothes

>> No.14335495
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Prolonged fasted

basically 72 hour fasts, re feed 500 calories then another 72

>> No.14335603

I just eat less and do some basic body training every other day. Ive lost 6kg in two months but its a start

>> No.14335719

>I don't need to lose weight.
>I have a pretty mean beer/whiskey/wine belly.
Do I need to spell it out for you

>> No.14335839

i'm stopping drinking and downloaded chronometer

>> No.14335857

real alcoholics are skinny

>> No.14335880

cutting 500 off my daily sustain

>> No.14336147

I can only to 24h fasts. How do you do it?

>> No.14336158

on days that im working
i eat fruit, egg whites and sweet potatoes
days off-work. water and coffee

>> No.14336174

I've always been a skellington struggling to gain weight. Now I'm kind of skinny fat (6'0" 185lbs) and really want to become skinny fit so clothes fit me like a model and I'm not some DYL fag

>> No.14336177

how long have you been doing this?

>> No.14336179

also results?

>> No.14336298

I bought a stationary bike and i'm exercising with it at least 30 min every day. So i'm getting there, slowly but surely.

>> No.14336330

can I cut but also get calories from alcohol? asking for a friend

>> No.14336505

2 months
went from 196 lbs to 174 so far

>> No.14336907
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I don't need to lose anymore weight I've been taking Adderall 6 days a week for 2 years now

>> No.14336920

Just starve yourself bro lmao

>> No.14336935

Hour of cardio 3-5 times a week on top off 5 days off ppl
2150 calories high protein high carb super low fat

Was 196 for the bulk now dipping into shredded 170s

>> No.14336939

are you me?

>> No.14336969

whew lad, i would say you should stop addy but we both know you cant at this point

>> No.14337074

isn't DNP like, really bad for you?

>> No.14337297

Second this. ~6'1" and 160lbs

>> No.14337300

It's like carbs but 2x the calories.

>> No.14337302

my job has me walking around a lot and I sometimes simply forget to eat breakfast or lunch.

>> No.14337303

I'm going to warn against the dnp. Not because I'm going to lecture you about it cooking you or some bs.

I had a weird allergic reaction the few times I took it and my symptoms were rash, itch, and bleeding penis.

>> No.14337305

>high protein high carb super low fat
>high carb
>low fat
>for a cut
I just don't understand. I'd say what ever works for you but on DNP anything will work for you.

>> No.14337313

COOL TAKE: You can be effay if you're fat. It's just that most fats act as if they're thin

>> No.14337319

what the fuck.
i'm 1.70 60kg but still have some chub even though i have an almost underweight BMI.
is it loose skin like some of my friends say or do i need to get even more s k i n n y?

>> No.14337414

My doctor says if I lose anymore weight that I'll have to be hospitalized to prevent permanent health defects.

>> No.14337419

You have zero muscle mass. Lift some metal

>> No.14337422

Americans are so degen. Do WFPB and fast. There you go, instant BMI of 18.

>> No.14337429

Lift this dick into your booty hole

>> No.14337438

You have a BMI of 21. You need to lose some more weight. A BMI of 18 to 19 is skinny. Alternatively or rather additionally build muscle, it's healthy anyways.

>> No.14337446

If muscle is so healthy why doesn't it build itself?

>> No.14337449

Because you sit around on your ass all day shitposting online.

>> No.14337455

So? That doesn't stop my skin from growing. It didn't stop any of my organs or bones from growing. Didn't stop my dick or balls from growing. Why should muscle be any different?

>> No.14337467

Nothing because I’m already skinny without even trying

>> No.14337507

If all of these things keep growing you're either in puberty or have cancer.

>> No.14337534

I will once I can get insurance/cash floe to replace it with Vyvanse. :^)

>> No.14337591

I'm 128lbs at 5'8", up from 117 at my lowest a couple months ago. Mostly gained in muscle, since my face doesn't look really any fatter. I think I'm gonna bulk up to 140? 150? and then cut back down again

>> No.14338418

>i am an alcohol
let me drink you

>> No.14338422

lmao pal, i was at a similiar weight but slightly shorter and i was fucking fat

>> No.14338446

Walk to work and back every day so that's 3 miles right there and I'll try to run a 5K five days a week. Besides that I just have coffee for breakfast, vegetables or turkey for lunch and a medium/large dinner.

>> No.14338451

EC stack

ephedrine gives me the feels, though.

>> No.14338460
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>You can be effay if you're fat
lol ok fatso

>> No.14338468

Self control

>> No.14338496

Go to the gym 4-5 days a week, I'm also trying to eat less food in general

>> No.14338514

Tense is a part of the english language and is useful for conveying and understanding timelines.

Why didn't my muscles grow with my dick during puberty? I dis not have to exercise to get a schlong. By sitting around all day my body does not eat my penis for food. So why not muscle??

>> No.14338518

whats that? i know i could just google it but i fucking love ritalin/addy/pure amphetamine and Im looking for harm reduction ways/alternative, less harmful drugs to replace them with

>> No.14338533

Don't abuse stims retard. If amphetamine is too hardcore for you, you're fucked. It's as innocuous as they come.

>> No.14338832

I've been working out, eating better and drinking less cocktails. I'm still 20 lbs from my goal weight, and I'll never be effay but I'm becoming more comfortable in clothes and myself.

>> No.14338920

t. fatty

>> No.14338938

If you're just using it for the stim effect I would just replace that with a caffeine/ephedrine/l-theanine stack desu

>> No.14338940

Eating once a day ~1500 cal and drinking 4L of sparkling water to stop from drinking other garbage.

>> No.14338987

Eat less than you burn. That literally all you have to do. In fact, getting fat is easier than losing weight, because you actually have to waste money and time eating like shit, whereas losing weight is all about eating less.

>> No.14339000

>drinking 4L of sparkling water to stop from drinking other garbage
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14339006

nice trips
helps from drinking alcohol mainly. the carbonation keeps me awake through the day as well

>> No.14339361


Currently 6' and some change, around 110 pounds. Trying to lift more and eat less so I'm just bones. Still not very effay desu.

>> No.14339362

Week 6

Haven't slept four days


>> No.14340799


>> No.14340804

Only one proper meal most days, even with three I'm still thin.