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14322276 No.14322276 [Reply] [Original]

School me on drinks, /fa/. Just want to see your guys' tastes.

>> No.14322296

Higher percentage beer or straight vodka. Sometimes mojitos or screwdrivers in the summer.

>> No.14322298

>vodkawater if shooting for progressively drunk
>straight vodka if just trying to get fucked up
>jack and coke if not feeling the above

>> No.14322301
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Rum Martinez


>> No.14322313

Bookers or eh Taylor neet, Evan Williams SB on the rocks

>> No.14322331

Straight rum, vodka, tequila. Screwdrivers and Guinness are ok. vodka bull or flying hirsch when partying. Don't like cocktails or anything like that. Else I'll just drink my favourite beer.

>> No.14322332

During summer, I like Campari with soda and a bit of fresh orange juice.

>> No.14322333

If I'm just drinking, I'll go with anything bold. Strong red wines, stouts, or bourbon, just served neat at room temp. But if I'm eating I usually go with something dry or lighter so I can taste my food

>> No.14322334

Only one you need is a Ceasar desu senpai

>> No.14322339

get the fuck out

Ricard is patrician, otherwise guaro. Vodka is fine, whisky too, if you don't act like you know your shit.

>> No.14322343

>just enough water that it's easy to sip constantly
>keeps you hydrated so no hangover
it's objectively good

>> No.14322348

Bourbon or scotch. Wild Turkey / Glenlivet 10 are the ones I buy most often.
Other than that, beer. Cheap lagers mostly.

Can't stand vodka, gin tastes like methanol to me, sweet and flavoured alcohol makes me sick, don't really care for wines. Rum is alright though. Dark, neat.

>> No.14322354


>> No.14322357

How's Wild Turkey?

>> No.14322362


mojitos and caipirinhas

>meticulously craft one-Hell-of-a beverage
>lights cigar with a fucking lighter that you can get at the gas station

>> No.14322366

Wild Turkey is great but it might be a little robust if you aren't used to sipping whiskey. I think Crown on the rocks is a great into whiskey.

>> No.14322371

One of my favorites. Both the 81 and 101 proof are great, although I usually go with the 81.
Don't think there is a better bourbon in that price range, although the Bulleit is nice too, and I hear good things about the Buffalo Trace but I never tried it.

>> No.14322372

I'll give it a shot, thanks.

>> No.14322374

all i drink is scotch when the weather’s cold. i like glenfiddich a lot

>> No.14322375

Depends on the proof i guess. Just have the cheaper 81 proof with a single ice cube and try it neat see how you like it.
Bourbon is generally much smoother than scotch or irish, and I find WT really smooth. Not much alcohol burn compared to some other I've tried.

Oddly enough, I can't drink Woodford Reserve. Too harsh, even with ice

>> No.14322410

If I'm out drinking I usually drink whiskey & soda or gin & tonic. Hard for a bartender to fuck those up, but I've been surprised before to receive a scotch with coca cola.

>> No.14322827

>Jack and Coke
If you take it up the Popper yes

Jack/bourbon on ice
Bottom shelf beer

>> No.14322834

Caiprinhas are not for these weaklings

>> No.14322853

>Jack/bourbon on ice
I can think of at least 5 cheaper bourbons that are objectively better than Jack. Don't know why anyone drinks that junk

>> No.14322863
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>> No.14322872
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These two combined

>> No.14322961

Gin and tonic is bascially all I drink

>> No.14322975


>> No.14323125


>> No.14323128

Jagerbombs, and gin and tonic.

>> No.14323132

anyone have more like this
masterful cocktail making looks so fancy

>> No.14323218

the lowest % beer
i have crohns :(

>> No.14323224

I'm a big fan of whiskey, lately rye whiskey in particular. Bulleit rye, George Dickel rye, and Old Overholt bonded rye are all great.

>> No.14323230

mr chi city has got all you need to know brother

>> No.14323236
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Cocktail: G&T
Beer: high percentage IPA
Wine: rose/merlot/malbec
Favorite Liquor: Fernet Branca
>just drink whatever you can confidently order

>> No.14323245

Beer: nigger modelo and modelo

>> No.14323262

whats her insta?

>> No.14323263
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>> No.14323264

hops in beer make you grow titties you fucking faggots lmao

>> No.14323268

Alcohol is haram.

>> No.14323271

everything straight fuck drinks are for queers and women

>> No.14323381
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drinking is for fags and those dumb enough to pay to poison themselves

>> No.14323412

Ikr. What a bunch of lowlifes.

>> No.14323416
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Straight whiskey is all I drink. If there isn't any, wharever gets me fucked up the fastest. I don't drink for pleasure, I drink to get fucked up. I hate going to parties where people are just drinking beer and talking.

>> No.14323583

that's not a cigar you fucking dumbass

>> No.14323586

>not enjoying objectively enjoyable things because your false sense of masculinity doesn't allow it


>> No.14323590

im on scumwave
only drink 22/40 oz big bottles of
>miller high life: when i'm in the mood for cheap but classy
>modelo: i'm trying to fight/fuck
>stella artois: tryna beat bitches
nips if i'm gonna be out and about, nothing better than sneaking a sip of jager in public

>> No.14323592

Pisco Sour

>> No.14323598

I want to try this. What's the ratio?

>> No.14323600

Strawberry Daiquiri with a bendy straw.

>> No.14323604


Why not just drink a vodka tonic at that point lol.

>> No.14323679

name them

>> No.14323719

fernet branca

>> No.14323952
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Pernod with cola, G&T.

>> No.14323960

good taste

>> No.14323962


>> No.14323965

Fernet-branca with or without coke, champagne and cheap beer

>> No.14323967

Because kossuvissy is the nectar of the gods

>> No.14324028

Stoli on ice
Stoli with Cremant

>> No.14324243

Daily after work: Diplomatico reserva exclusiva rum
cocktail : Mojito
Beer: Duvel or Lindemans kriek

>> No.14324253

A good anejo tequila, neat.

>> No.14324255

Beer is for soi's. You look like a manchild drinking it.

>> No.14324256

Im lame so I drink Gin/tonic and locally brewed beer (Munich)

>> No.14324267

Cringe thread.
Is especially cringe

>> No.14325323

Vermouth most of them
Egg liqueur or coffee flavoured
Medium sweet red wine most of them
All kinds of herbal jager type of drinks, but i prefer local brands more
I would rather drink cheap vodka than light(in color) beer

>> No.14325428

Chocolate milk. 1.5x the recommended amount of powder.

>> No.14325434

Cava or any brut sparkling wine.

Then kentucky bourbon.

Then craft ales.

>> No.14325860

Beer makes me feel too full too fast.
Wine is great but I have nobody to drink with so the bottle would be spoiled unless I drink the whole thing in one sitting.

So I mostly drink Scotch, some Porto. Manhattan is my signature drink.
I have taste so I hate bourbon.

>> No.14325977
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pic related: Irish Mist is gift of the gods
also, Rumple minze (100 proof candy cane juice) with beer chaser.
gin and tonic on a hot summer day around the pool.
White Horse is my preferred brand of scotch whisky. neat with water chaser.
Grand Marnier is another favorite sipping liquor.
can't stand bourbon or tequila (bad experiences, bad storys)

>> No.14326092




>> No.14326110

Dark ale or ice cold czech lager. I don't mind tasteless swill too much either desu.
Manhattans or gin and tonic (decent gin, long lemon peel rubbed against inside of glass)
Occasionally a dry cider.

>> No.14326112

Wine does come in small bottles too anon.

>> No.14326348

Lmao woodford reserve is smooth. Try bulleit.

>> No.14326352

gin fizz best summer drink

>> No.14326508

Bottom shelf half-pints of vodka, chugged straight

>> No.14326510

>cares about being able to taste his food in the golden drunken haze
I like you anon, I hate when vodka baths make my tongue too numb to enjoy the food I just bought

>> No.14326513

That just sounds nasty, although I realize straight vodka is objectively nastier. I would just rather choke a nasty bit down and drink some fresh cold water afterward

>> No.14326516

I can't imagine what the point is, it tastes passable but barely gets you buzzed and makes you fat even without food

>> No.14326532

I don't drink.

>> No.14326547
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I always drink beer as im on zoloft and drinking too much makes me a maniac retard.
When i wasnt a druggie i used to drink cheap scotch w coke, JW Red or J&B if it wasnt available. I fell for the expensive whisky meme and I drank Macallan w coke for a month as i didnt like it neat

>> No.14326832

It's hard to find and weirdly expensive where I live. Sometimes I buy bottles in the hope that someone will drink it with me.

>> No.14326838

Based and repilled

>> No.14326841

dark & stormy famalam

>> No.14327269

Campari on the rocks.

>> No.14327551

Crown Royal with Royal Crown cola

>> No.14327577

vanilla whisky, aka bourbon :^)

>> No.14327601

exclusively drink pina colladas but i only drink in the mornings

>> No.14327618

I like a peaty scotch like Laphroig or Ardbeg, neat most of the time but occasionally with Drambuie. I'm very fond of St Germain too but it's a bit sugary to drink all of the time. I prefer red wines. My go-to is Velvet Devil merlot

>> No.14327721


>> No.14327915

The Bartimes YouTube channel is filled with stuff like this, although this is one of the more complicated drinks

>> No.14328786

Rakija with beer-good thing
Campari-nice thing

>> No.14328788

straight tequila

or double brown and a pinger