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File: 44 KB, 1000x667, Love-handle-treatment-San-Diego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14321769 No.14321769 [Reply] [Original]

Are love handles effay? I heard girls like them on guys

>> No.14321783

no they're not you're stupid as shit

>> No.14321784


>> No.14321785

Well, some girls like them. Ever hear of "dad bod"?

>> No.14321790

that's a cope and you know it

>> No.14321792

Im a girl, on a boy it's disgusting

>> No.14321794

Fatties are a joke

>> No.14321802

How the fuck to get rid of this shit? Will fasting help?

>> No.14321817

>I heard girls like them on guys
Don't listen to what girls say they want.

>> No.14321850

you mean when girls thought leonardo dicaprio looked good fat because its still leonardo dicaprio?

>> No.14321875

Skinny fat, go for a fucking jog

>> No.14321882

damn you are dumb

>> No.14322032


>> No.14322656

You eat shit?

>> No.14322663

Eat less and exercise

>> No.14322679

In my experience, the kind of girls who prefer dadbod are very slothlike themselves. They've just lowered their physical standard for others to match the standards they've set for themselves.

When you keep a healthy lifestyle around people who don't, it often makes them uncomfortable or even feel judged.

There's also that small portion of women that would rather have a slob than have a guy that's a magnet for female attention.

>> No.14322698


>> No.14322979

girls who like “dadbod” know that you’re a repulsive piece of shit who’s built like a freezer bag full of left over gravy, and are only fucking men like that to feel beautiful. If you’re fine with knowing that she’ll be fucking you because she thinks you’re repulsive and wants to be worshipped, sure, let yourself go.
Otherwise, pick up some fucking freeweights you coping autist. There’s literally no excuse to not have abs as a man.

>> No.14322986


i need to finish all my jars of crunchy peanut butter first, anon

>> No.14323026
File: 39 KB, 361x361, 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s literally no excuse to not have abs as a man
Pasta and beer. Though honestly my abs pretty much only fluctuate from slightly visible to very visible, and it's always because of pasta and beer.

>> No.14323029


>> No.14323333

Abs are genetics

Not everyone is capable of having them, even at very low body fat

>> No.14323337
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>> No.14323340

Shut the ever-loving fuck up, you degenerate, twisted, disgusting excuse for a man. You inept, pencil-dicked, pussy-whipped, retarded pile of human cartilage. Are love handles effay? No. I don't care if you're trolling, I don't care if this is some utterly asinine excuse for 'banter,' and I don't care that this is such obviously bait. Fucking neck yourself. You autist. You literal neckbeard. You scum-sucking, ass-bleedingly pathetic sloth. You are the chili-stained sweat pants of people. Resembling pair of disgusting, food-encrusted, lazy apparel thats only purpose is to be worn by someone equally spineless, and then hidden and thrown away the instant someone else is to see them. You utterly disgust me. Attempting to justify your own ineptitude - your own inert, sluggish, work-shy, indolent nature by dressing up your utterly revolting adipose as 'fashionable' on a board of pathologically retarded, arrogant, sheep. If I knew you and I saw that you posted this - or god forbid you said this to my face without even the slightest hint of sarcasm - I would gladly beat you to death with my bear fucking hands. Your rotund, disgusting, weak excuse for a 'body' would hit the concrete with a wet flop, like the garbage bag of mashed potatoes you no doubt resemble. My fists savagely beating chunks of blubber off of you, heaving handfuls of your utterly weak, perverse flesh upon the interior of any room I happened to be liberating you in. It would take minutes for me to pummel my way through the layers of yellow tar you've tacked onto your invertebrate body before I finally reached the first of your over-stressed, heavily clogged arteries, and even then I wouldn't get the satisfaction of reaching human blood - but instead would be met with a dingy, inhuman ichor that would ooze like the many disgusting pimples and boils you have riddled all over your acne-riddled face. Fuck you. Fuck your thread. Fuck this board. But most importantly fuck your fat, misshaped,disgusting body.

>> No.14323346

Kindly kill yourself before you post about physical fitness ever again

>> No.14323362
File: 337 KB, 593x635, 1554866015150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to delete love handles?

>> No.14323446

I find it hot on white girls. But only on them.
Men must be /fit/

>> No.14323623
File: 94 KB, 960x640, boiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14323774


>> No.14323778

Be consistent in dieting, lower your daily caloric and work out 3x/w

>> No.14323781

god fucking damn i hate fat people. they deserve to be put in cages and fed nothing till they resemble a human being again.

>> No.14323782

Yeah but then I see tons of thicc going on fat chicks with jacked dudes, often married couples. Quebec is a weird place.

>> No.14323785

Most girls will be ok with them.
But you're definitely better off without them than with.

>> No.14323791

>mfw so close to getting rid of my love handles
I'll look like untrained chad by mid summer.

>> No.14323794
File: 8 KB, 235x177, 1506399510243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I forgot to post my good face

>> No.14323883

It's not that hard really you just gotta be patient. Just fast, eat less and exercise. Got rid of mine in a month and a half.

>> No.14323897


what kind of exercise?

>> No.14323904

You can't target where you lose fat, only where you build muscle. A good combination of heavy lifting and cardio is the best way to maintain good health and burn fat. Just remember, if you start gaining muscle in the spots you're trying to lose weight, they're gonna look bigger before they look smaller. Also remember that love handles are usually the first place fat stores and the last place it leaves, so to lose love handles you're going to have to love most of your visible fat. Good luck bro.

>> No.14323906


>> No.14323976

amen, bro.


>> No.14323988

you live in a cucked nation where lazy women feel entitled to high-value men because nobody told them that getting fat is solely a negative and that only 0.01% of women look better above 25% bf

>> No.14324000


>> No.14324569

damn right

>> No.14324598

Guys, I barely eat anything and bellf fat is still there. Is it bad genetics?

>> No.14324607

Man I exercise about 4-6 times a week, 2-3 cardio and 2-3 lifting. All about an hour or more in length. I eat 3 meals a day, hardly no candy, just tea water and coffee and lean and healthy snacks. I have to walk a lot for my job, and I'm still skinnyfat. It's probably genes, but also the fact that I didn't care at all about my health in my teens. And now in my late twenties the tone has been set, I think.

>> No.14324610
File: 122 KB, 634x855, 9813D48B-E4D9-4DF7-9AC3-DAF53ACFAC56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what girls mean when they say they like a ”dadbod”
not your fat ass

>> No.14324613

Wasted quads. Also this >>14323346

>> No.14324710

Aesthetically? No.

Do they feel warm and cozy when squished up against you from behind after a long day? Yes.

>> No.14324746

this, my bf has been packing pounds and hugging him and cuddling is amazing

>> No.14324855


>> No.14324949

>wanting your boyfriend to be fat and cuddly over healthy and attractive
Treating your significant other like a therapy dog or anime body pillow is pretty lame.

>> No.14325025

Fuck no. Lose weight fatass

Work out and dont eat past 5pm


>> No.14325069

That is so not a dad bod. That is basically the natty limit of lifting heavy for years

>> No.14325242
File: 11 KB, 382x314, dyel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get back to the gym fatty

>> No.14325265

Jesus Christ no you skinny fat fuck now go take your dnp and thank me later

>> No.14326242
File: 10 KB, 200x252, 1474604386518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On women, yes. On men, no.

>> No.14326376

Don't do this. It can kill you

>> No.14326401

eat less

>> No.14326429

Not that simple. I wish CICO fags would educate themselves with new science

>> No.14326431

Gymcel cope

>> No.14326438
File: 139 KB, 1275x1755, Joop-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my genes. Already thicc waisted and love handles make it worse. Why can't I look like this?

>> No.14326505

Like Ben Shapiro?

>> No.14326589
File: 15 KB, 234x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you crazy?

>> No.14326599

Because youre lazy.

>> No.14326604

There's one more question to answer though. Do YOU like them on you? And try to answer that from YOUR perspective, not "I don't like them on me because it repulses girls", that's just deflecting it all back on the imaginary girls' perspective.
The best kind of lame there is.

>> No.14326670

ok fatty
>don't eat past 5pm
don't listen to this

>> No.14326690
File: 1.18 MB, 1496x930, 1552352137191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bang. you're dead retard

>> No.14326751

Just build everything else around them. A bit fat on your waist is nothing when you have shoulder as the size of your head and a big chest

>> No.14326756

I can't believe I weigh 115lbs and still have dumb love handles. This fat will just not go away.

>> No.14326767

fat girls and white trash girls like dad bods

fatty cope

>> No.14326809

Love handles, like calves and dick sizes are entirely genetic.

>> No.14326811

Well I need something to grab when pegging my men.

>> No.14326850


>> No.14327025

Yeah i've a couple girls who just loved them
You can often predict what kind of body a girl is going to like based on their political views
Generally lefties prefer love handles and the such (even junky tier body) while right girl prefer an ancient greek tier body

>> No.14327030

huh TIL that literally 99.9999% of women are right wing

>> No.14327103

W-What's wrong with pasta?

>> No.14327116
File: 70 KB, 1024x759, rs_1024x759-141201101149-1024-jake-gyllenhaal-southpaw.ls.12114_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeap, that is literally a few weeks after filming Southpaw (he cut his hair for that role and it's not even a bit grown out).

He's just lacking a pump and isn't dehydrated and doesn't have ideal lighting.

>> No.14327125

No you retard

>> No.14327129

Pasta has too much protein and bulks you up.

>> No.14327143

It's pure carbs

>> No.14327169
File: 259 KB, 725x1200, 0d9f24855ea6e14bd64ebadfc1a905ac--viola-su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do carbs get such a bad rap? If you eat under tdee you will lose weight regardless of where the calories come from

>> No.14327171

Why can't I find a girl like this?

>> No.14327181

Yeah but you're ignoring which materials your body is going to lose. You generally want to keep/gain muscle and lose fat, that's not going to happen if you don't eat enough protein.
>high in protein

>> No.14327185

I can just tell by looking at her and her surroundings that she's a slavic countryside whore.

>> No.14327192
File: 109 KB, 600x902, 3f2221515e0a49c7339ff217cc811c33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's that obvious?

>> No.14327201

I have handles on my corset for this.

>> No.14327207

> a fucking bmw
>"one hand raised to head, looking to the side" basic bitch pose
>slavic manface
jeez man just drop her

>> No.14327209

Most Staceys are right winged, and they are not worth fucking

>> No.14327225

no they are not, barely any women are right wig now. some women vary from leaning slightly left to being a full blown drug addict commie prostitute but at the end of the day most are apolitical.
stacies only seem right wing because they don't hide their attraction to traditional masculinity, while the indie ones are too stuck up to admit they also want that.

>> No.14327302

Women will change their political views to whatever if the dick is good enough

>> No.14327731

I've lost a lot of weight lately, but the love handles remain. I don't really care, and every time I joke about them with a girl I'm seeing, she'll say she doesn't mind.

>> No.14327746

Thats one of the last area to lose excess fat once you're over 23.. Its why its so important to be in good shape in that time frame(18-25) since it really sets a lot of stuff in stone, as far as body proportions go.

The amount of people who are fat at 23, who are fat for the rest of their lives, is probably like 90%.

>> No.14327799

>trashy clothes trying to look classy
>standing in the middle of the street
>pic taken on main road not far from the datcha
I mean if you can get along with her that's fine, I can't stand Russian women or I can't relate to them, even the ones like me. I much prefer Canadian white girls, I always get the good ones for some reason.
t. Russian who has lived in Canada almost all his life

>> No.14328215

ECA stack or Yohimbine HCL. Calorie deficit. Fasted cardio

>> No.14328232

Lads, that's Viola Bailey

>> No.14328256
File: 32 KB, 336x434, 47961DBD-B404-4F1F-A609-2A9EF405ABFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is thicc and why does this generation love it

>> No.14328371

Ok, so I'm essentially right
>she's latvian not russian
Oh shut up, it's all the fucking same.

>> No.14328392

based and redpilled
are you a fucking tumblr hoe? stfu faggot

>> No.14328397

>are you a fucking tumblr hoe? stfu faggot

>> No.14329531


Asking the most insecure board next to /fit/ this question is pretty hilarious anon.

If you haven't noticed everyone here uses an imaginary punching bag labeled "wooman" to project their unga bunga self image issues on. It's easier to accept how much you hate yourself when you blame it on someone else.

Ultimately it's always going to be about the type of person you are. Yes, looks matter but they matter more on the spectrum of "does this person take care of themselves?". Many manlets on this board will tell you weight falls under that but it doesn't unless you're literally going into heart failure.

Either way, you're not gonna get a healthy response from anyone on this board so just go see someone who can actually help you figure that out

>> No.14329539

It's reactionary chubby cope.
The 90's were not a good time for the chubsters and theyre rebelling.

that coupled with the black fascination with jiggly things spells a recipe for disaster