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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 925 KB, 1050x493, LEATHER JACKETS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14319206 No.14319206 [Reply] [Original]

It is LEATHER JACKET season, have you copped your badass LEATHER JACKET yet?! Show us your LEATHER JACKET!

>> No.14319220
File: 58 KB, 453x604, 351fts3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought mine yesterday but will return it. The amount of SEX is even too annoying for me.

>> No.14319222

Unironically what is it like being a sociopath who finances the rape and murder of innocent cows just so you have jacket that you're not even attractive enough to pull off well?

>> No.14319234

And for the lanthanoids in your electric devices and fucking clothes fucking children had to work in shit conditions for a dollar/day. Your beauty products have all been tested on animals and you most likely aren't vegan.

>> No.14319249

leather is a byproduct of the food industry. you won't save cows by throwing their skin away after they're killed anyways.

>> No.14319252

I don't use beauty products, I don't even wash my hair
I use a good soap which was not animal tested and that is all.

I don't know where you heard that the "lanthanoids" used in electronic devices are harvested from animals, because I can't find anything about that at all. You'd think there would be some kind of vegan sub-movement to bring awareness of it at least. I think you just either straight up pulled that out of your ass to try and one up me/ make me second guess myself or you've heard it said by someone else doing that and just believed it without even thinking to double check.

Children in sweatshops aren't animals so weird pivot, and anyway it's actually fairly easy to find clothes that aren't made in fucking third world shitholes and remain effay if you're not a poorfag or an idiot who buys more crap than they'll ever need.

I don't claim to be a perfect vegan, but I'm actually trying to do something good. These autistic quibbles don't mean a lot

>> No.14319254

>leather is a byproduct of the food industry.

>> No.14319255

Who is raping these cows ? Probably you. BOOM GOTTEM

>> No.14319258

Go fuck yourself retarded leftist

>> No.14319259

6,5/10 bait

>> No.14319261

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14319268

uh, not really man.
This is just something people who have no understanding of the animal products industry assume happens. There is a ton of waste, it's not this perfectly smooth and efficient thing becasue there's loads of different companies who specialise and there are different kinds of cows purpose bred for different things.

Lots of cows don't have skin good enough for the kind of leather that is acceptable to major retailers, and so on

>> No.14319271

I'm actually probably more right wing than you in most regards zoomers, since when was it right wing to support a giant jewish factory farming industry that destroys natural beauty and forces millions of innocent creatures to suffer needlessly

I'm not against meat as a rule, I don't mind a small rural community with a few farms and maybe hunts to keep the wildlife in check, idiots always assume way too much

>> No.14319273
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>> No.14319277

I was thinking of buying this leather jacket but idk if the quality is good or not.


>> No.14319279

>I'm not against meat as a rule
you should be, the meat industry causes dozens of times the damage and suffering tanneries do

>> No.14319282

I think you didn't read my post properly

>> No.14319283

so you're vegan or only eat what you kill?

>> No.14319292

maybe I should have worded it differently
I'm not against meat in principle*

I don't eat meat, I am vegan and I'm against the meat industry of course I don't know how you could possibly get anything else from my posts so far itt, but I'm not against the idea of meat in any context no matter what like a Jain monk for example would be

There's lots of silly ideas by some vegans thhat humans aren't meant to eat meat, it's ridiculous of course humans can process meat and have farmed or hunted as long as we've been around.
I don't hunt, personally I would find it hard to stomach killing and animal and eating it, but I don't consider it morally evil like I do the international corporate meat industry or whatever you want to call it, you know what I mean

>> No.14319298
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>> No.14319302

someone post the rockstar chink

>> No.14319305


>> No.14319322
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>no taste

>> No.14319346
File: 83 KB, 500x653, dff6cf40b8991cb4beae57ce51deba91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating vegan for 11 years now and I still have my old leather jacket. I'd probably never buy a new one, but I'm surely not throwing it away. But yeah, feels weird sometimes when I put it on. I try to see it as an art piece, like I'm wearing a jacket made from Jew skin or something. It helps with the guilt.

But yeah, I applaud you for your decision and being woke af. Cheers veganbro! <3

>> No.14319347

>its a vegan soicuks ruin another thread episode

>> No.14319353

eh, it's from before so you weren't contributing financially to it's production. I have a some second hand milsurp pants and they have these leather bits on the bottom of the leg, we can't be perfect.

>look at me I'm such a big man with my steak that someone else killed and prepared

You'd probably piss your pants if put in an enclosure with a domesticate cow you fucking pussy

>> No.14319368


>> No.14319371

Vegans are elitist, who would have guessed?!?

>> No.14319378

I mean let's not act like /fa/ isn't elitist af on its own, even if it's pseud.

>> No.14319380

oh shit you got me, I am indeed better than you

>> No.14319384

would you rather have leather made from human skin?

>> No.14319385
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that leaves all the more SEX for me :)

>> No.14319386

>children aren't animals
This human exceptionalism cope out is quite tiresome and literally bigoted, as in inspired by the word of god... besides disregarding the fact that agriculture is displacing animal population when it's not straight up killing them, you can be assured that harvesting grain is killing as much animals if not more than slaughterings going on in humane ways. Also, there are animal products is most every electric hand tools, as rabbit fur washers are most common and economically convenient way to lubricate and absorb shock in one go.
You're still using animal products if you're benefiting from the work of somebody else using animal products, you're only shifting the load of the blame on some poor other soul. That's honestly the most despicable and low way to live, by having others do your dirty deeds. Also, this >>14319261

>> No.14319390

Cows get specifically bred for decent quality leather. The cattle cow on your plate is not the same kind of cow that died for your leather jacket.

>> No.14319391

Looks like an early 90s computer programmer.

>> No.14319399

suede jacket > leather jacket
recently copped for 110, 70's vintage :O, custom made

>> No.14319405

This one again. sigh
First off there is literally nothing I can do to prevent the widespread use of agriculture. At most I could advocate for some kind of third world culling to bring the huge world population down and lower the demand. Never gonna happen, even if I did
The animal products in electronic devices thing is totally over played in these kinds of arguments and again, all I can possibly do is advocate against and refuse to participate/ financially support something.

>You're still using animal products if you're benefiting from the work of somebody else using animal products, you're only shifting the load of the blame on some poor other soul.
Is this like a relgious argument, that I'm dumping my karmic load on someone else or something? No, you're full of shit mate. If I was given a choice and I CHOSE to benefit from someone else's use of animal products over an option to not do so you'd have a point, but I do not.
>That's honestly the most despicable and low way to live, by having others do your dirty deeds

Again,, not what's happening. You're being dishonest

>> No.14319412

So basically burying your head in the sand is your solution. Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess... more power to you

>> No.14319415

ironic post

>> No.14319421

how are these granddad jackets tasteful

>> No.14319423
File: 450 KB, 1280x1920, pmarino_v_3oct12_pa_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only /fa/ acceptable jacket

>> No.14319424

pics pls

i also luv suede, but its damn delicate and hard to clean

>> No.14319427

>advocate for some kind of third world culling

typical sentimental stormfag moron that cries over poor animals, but disregards human life

>> No.14319428

Bb no matter how hard to try to disassociate yourself from the world around you, you're still actively supporting as you benefit from it. You give your money to those supporting it, or those supporting those supporting it. Bottom line is you're feeding the beast all the same. And like you said, you cannot do anything to prevent it, and even the choices you make aren't even informed in the first placer, so you're just running around like a headless chicken in whatever direction makes you feel good about yourself. Avoiding factory farming is one thing, but thinking that veganism is fixing anything is sociopathic.

>> No.14319430
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i'm retarded i thought i posted a pic

>> No.14319435


>> No.14319438

anything other than a SLP jacket is poorfag cope

>> No.14319439

No, see that's the problem
I'm doing far better than most, actively avoiding contributing to animal cruelty and exploitation on an industrial scale as much as possible is precisely not
>feeding the beast all the same
it's feeding the beast far far less

You don't need to tell me that I'm just a drop in the bucket, please anon don't patronise me
I'm not saying the vegan movement is especially effective, I'll be the first to admit that and perhaps it's futile effort.
To call it sociopathic is just childish of you though, you just want to throw that word back at me and it makes you look really silly

What exactly is your fucking argument here, that I should just start eating meat and wearing leather because even if I eliminate animal products as much as possible in my own life I'll still be benefitting from them in some "multiple degrees of separation" kind of way against my will

If you don't see how much of stupid statement that is then I'm not going to bother with you anymore

I literally said in that post that I DON'T advocate for that
You have the reading comprehension of a toddler

>> No.14319445
File: 351 KB, 578x810, nonagon-fw2017-women_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that anything is fixing anything is sociopathic
Not that guy, but your logic is irrational. I understand what you're saying and there's some truth in it due to the nature of the society humans built, but that doesn't mean it won't change over time.

I'm >>14319346
>vegan for 11 years
and when I made the transition, I was all alone. People called me a weirdo, my parents were worried I'd die or get sick deficiencies, there were no vegan products, no guides, no stores, nothing. Now a decade later you have huge movements, support communities, exclusive vegan restaurants and stores, all kinds of products and you see increasingly more companies adjusting to the change. Lab grown meat, leather etc. It may be slow, but maybe in 500 years we'll see a much better world for us all. I find that 'used to be better' talk silly, because despite of what people like to claim, the world is not going down in flames, but it's better than it has ever been and develops into something even greater as we move on. Electric cars, renewable energies, all that shit.

So saying that '[X] is pointless' and 'how cruel the world is' helps nobody.

>> No.14319455

Eating a balanced diet is better for everyone. Shaming people for their use of animal products by calling it rape, murder, and sociopathic is exactly that and childish as well.
It's not about being a drop in a bucket, it's about being misguided.
And maybe wearing leather would be a good idea for you, as a reminder your contribution to the world and the hypocrisy that is your life; kinda like Johnny Cash wearing black all the time.

>> No.14319464

>t. bubble-boy looking forward to an unsustainable futur of synthetic feed because the world is flawed so let's throw away the baby with the bathwater, guys.
Nobody is saying things shouldn't change, but your ideology is unsustainable and misguided. If you think the solution to unhinged growth is more growth, you deserve the capitalist hell you're bound to.

>> No.14319465

how are people on this board so autistic and detached from reality. you ugly cunt

>> No.14319497

Yo veganfag, i only eat meat, only buy animal tested products, wear only real leather, murdered several animals as a kid, love to watch the annual pigslaughter in my country, also fuck you for eating the food of those same animals you claim to love and protect

>> No.14319498
File: 192 KB, 1000x1333, RU14F2764LCWK09_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating a balanced diet is better for everyone
Yes, a plant-based, balanced diet rich in protein, fiber and minerals, without the poisonous trash derived from mass farming and the inflaming, artery-destroying lard shit inherent in animal products.

>Shaming people for their use of animal products by calling it rape, murder
Not the guy you're talking to. I'm not 'shaming' anyone, but he's right. It simply is rape & murder. inb4 all animals do it/top of the food chain whatever... We are not animals. We shouldn't rape. We shouldn't murder. (hope we agree on that) We should be better and actively work towards a better world.

>it's about being misguided
Yes. (You) are misguided for being conditioned to think these atrocities are normal when they're completely unnecessary.

>unsustainable futur of synthetic feed
Ironically the animal products you consume are the most synthetic food. These creatures are artificial since they've only been engineered by humans, all these supposed nutrients you can only get from meat are artificial because humans completely destroyed the natural food cycle and thus have to supplement their genetically modified, nutrient-void soi mix feed and inject them with artificial vitamin solutions. (You) are merely ingesting a chem cocktail encapsulated in a package of cholesterol and unhealthy fats by eating animal stuff. The majority of rain forest is eroded for the sole purpose of growing soi to feed livestock, not 'soi boys' + it is estimated that in a scenario where all humans would take on a plant-based diet, the effective farm land on the planet could be reduced by 75%, which means we could reforest that land or build cities on it or whatever. Animal industry is literally the most unsustainable in the world my friend.

SLP jackets are a meme for rich Asian kids. Their cuts are ridiculous. IMHO all rider jackets are shit because they only look good when worn open, and who wants a jacket you can never close?

>> No.14319512

seethe more, poorfag

>> No.14319514

>we are not animals
Gee I wonder why nobody takes you guys seriously... imagine being this delusional.
Tell me what exactly do you think we are, genius?

>> No.14319525

I disagree with your arbitrary system of morality on a fundamental level.

>> No.14319528

Obviously yes, we are animals in the sense of being mammals in this eco system. But unlike the other animals we share it with, we developed a culture which is based on moral agency and civilization, which in turn is bound to clash at some point with the moral misalignment of the industrial standards we established, whether its in regard to human or animal welfare or the resourceful treatment of the planet. You know very well WTF I meant, you just chose to hang yourself up on something that rustled your jimmies.

I disagree with your mom's meth habit, but she still does it, so I have to tolerate it. *hint*

>> No.14319540
File: 62 KB, 655x280, deer-eating human carcass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 all animals do it/top of the food chain whatever
Well you might not wanna hear it, but it's still the truth. But let me illustrate this point regardless
>animal products you consume are the most synthetic food.
Your beyond meat™ burger patty is far more processed than the average polish sausage. Do vegans really think everybody who doesn't subscribe to their ideology exclusively feasts on fast food?
>We developed corporate greed, I celebrate human exceptionalism! God told us we are better because he made us in his image. God can't be a vulgar four legged animal now, couldn't HE?! We are soooo much different than the rest of them suckers. My culture is better than other cultures too btw
Yes, I knew very well WTF you mean

>> No.14319543

>giant jewish factory farming industry
the typical farmer in the US is whiter than a cheesecake, but whatever makes you sleep at night, subzero IQ /pol/tard

>> No.14319548

>summer coming up
>leather jacket time

>> No.14319552

why not? wear it over a t-shirt

>> No.14319562

>posts an animal eating another animal
>implies I eat mock meats/animal product replacements
>and some other bs

Whatever man. As 2Pac once said: "Fuck you and your motherfucking mama." You're just a retard.

>> No.14319567

Why are you posting in a thread about leather jackets again?

>> No.14319576

>why not? wear it over a t-shirt
when it's warm, it's warm even in a t-shirt. adding a fucking jacket to it is brain dead retarded.

>> No.14319589

>implies meat is processed food
>gets mad when being called out on eating processed food himself

great work bud, you sure proved your point there

>> No.14319596

depends on the climate. here in northern europe it almost never gets too hot for a jacket

>> No.14319633
File: 58 KB, 282x514, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLP isn't cool anymore, dad, no one is mirin your leather jacket

>> No.14319634
File: 65 KB, 400x400, 886568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded. I literally don't eat any processed food. I cook everything myself, it's my main philosophy. Meat by definition is an artificially engineered product infused with all kinds of chemical trash to give (You) those 'nutrients you can only get from meat'. (You) are literally eating a living pill jar bro.

>> No.14319639

>Meat by definition is an artificially engineered product

meat has been consumed by humans since prehistoric times
and leather is arguably the oldest known garment material
only due to consuming meat and using leather humanity progressed far enough so soikuks like you can lament over how tragic everything is
lmao @ you retard

>> No.14319641

>what is it like being a sociopath
No complaints so far

>> No.14319659

>I cook everything myself, from eggplants grown in ground up shrimps, to tomatoes in soil fattened with dried up beef hearts, and yummy potatoes thanks to chicken and sheep fertilizer.

Wow amazing

>> No.14319660
File: 51 KB, 762x1100, 1536650003320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate these 5.


>> No.14319665
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>> No.14319672


>> No.14319673
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>> No.14319679

improvement but still meh

>> No.14319682

hunting is a thing

>> No.14319689
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>> No.14319695
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>> No.14319698

this is the best one

what brand are they for reference?

>> No.14319701

>meat has been consumed by humans since prehistoric times
>leather is arguably the oldest known garment material
So we should live like cavemen forever and never advance? Humans have raped and murdered each other since prehistoric times, should we do that forever? Humans have enslaved each other upon their heritage and race for ages, does that make it okay to continue forever with it?

>lmao @ you retard
Your mother is a slut brah. She doesn't even take money to get dicked down anymore. Just the sausage and nut juice alone is enough reward.

>eggplants grown in ground up shrimps
>tomatoes in soil fattened with dried up beef hearts
>potatoes thanks to chicken and sheep fertilizer
Kek, of all the retardation I get to hear on this website, this at least made me smirk. Impressive, very nice.

>> No.14319707

that'd be rad

>> No.14319708

Kill yourself

>> No.14319712

t. 5 foot wok star chink who invested $10k into SLP

>> No.14319715

Ever heard of organic meat and wild game? Hell just raise them rabbits and ducks. Of course you'll need to be able to face death and look at it in the eyes, instead of constructing your world view and bitchy ideology around avoiding it, like >>14319292
has the decency to admit.

>> No.14319726

I don't think you know what processed food means. Your body doesn't know when something is artificially engineered anyway. A molecule is a molecule, and your body will treat equal molecules the same, regardless of origin. If your argument is against selective breeding, that argues against agriculture as well. If your argument is against consuming medications and hormones injected into animals, those can be avoided by purchasing better meat.

Just say the truth: you think eating meat is immoral. It is. But I don't care.

>> No.14319729

dude its spring, tf do you live where you can wear a leather w/o sweating your ass off today

>> No.14319730

have fun not having S3X kiddo

>> No.14319736

He's right though, but he forgot to include Celine too.


Sorry sweaty I'm a lanklet.

>> No.14319748 [DELETED] 

Gipsy, Coby

>> No.14319749

We could be all wearing jew-skin jackets and stroll among breed back aurox herds but allies won.

>> No.14319751

you ARE aware the nazis wore leather like there's no tomorrow?

>> No.14319752
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Gipsy, Coby

>> No.14319754
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>> No.14319756

You smirk now, then later you think about it again, maybe even lay awake in your bed wondering. One day you'll just have to scratch that itch and look it up for yourself. You'll try to brush it off at first, but the thought will come creeping back, and eventually you'll have to come clean with yourself and stop living a lie.
How do you think we feed the earth? Where do you think nutrient in the soil come from? Petroleum based chemical fertilizers? Even they have their limits.

>> No.14319757
File: 216 KB, 762x1100, 1542421187537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14319759

hitler was a veggie

had he won, he would have banned leather quickly after

>> No.14319761
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>> No.14319765
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>> No.14319770 [DELETED] 


>> No.14319773

>organic meat
There is no such thing as 'organic meat'. It's just a marketing ploy to somewhat ease the minds of meat eaters. Also I get your point but my point is: Why raise/hunt/kill animals when it's completely unnecessary? Twist and turn how you want, but there is no argument for eating animal products other than your taste preference or perhaps your weakness to desist from doing so.

>Your body doesn't know when something is artificially engineered anyway
That's true. And that's exactly where the dangers are. There are constantly studies about the possible effects of ingesting these artificial agents + everyone knows the horrendous effects on hormones, cholesterol, arteries etc. from animal products. I understand your point and I know most plants are artificially fertilized and grown as well, but the animals (You) eat were just as much raised on these plants (and even worse since livestock feed is treated a lot more) + you get the chem cocktail infused into them. So in the end of the day, I get the same and better nutrients as (You) minus all the shit that gets added to animals and the artery clogging, cancer inducing shit that is inherent in animal products anyway. Just look up the acids and poisons your colon is subjected to when digesting meat, the insane amounts of bad cholesterol in meat and eggs etc. I don't want that shit.

>eating meat is immoral. It is. But I don't care
It's good you're being honest about it and admit to your weakness. I respect that a lot more than these retards trying to somehow justify their lifestyle with nonsense and broscience.

You continue to amuse me. I like the way you write. It's like reading the diary of a psychopath clown who eats children. Please link some of the shrimp eggplants and beef heart potatoes. I'd love to see them. But yeah, I know soil consists of decayed matter and whatnot. It's the basic principle of life. You die and re-enter the cycle etc.

>> No.14319775
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>> No.14319780

Hunting is organic meat you idiot
>Why raise/hunt/kill animals when it's completely unnecessary?
If you had ever bothered to do basic research or spend any time in the wilderness you'd know that herbivores overbreed, overrun shit and starve themselves to death if they aren't sustainably hunted. Money from tags that you need to legally hunt is used for wildlife conservation and research, doing more for the environment you ever will by shitposting here

And for the record, "vegan" leather is made out of PVC or other plastics that are horrible for the environment.

>> No.14319808

I will admit that I know nothing about the wildlife overbreeding etc. but it seems a bit irrational considering that humanity has altered the face of the planet beyond recognition, which might have a thing to do with that.

>"vegan" leather is made out of PVC or other plastics that are horrible for the environment
I never said I wear those + whether you think that plastics are over all worse for the environment than the animal industry isn't the point. Literally everything humans do fucks the world up, the key is to minimize the fuckery as much as we can and the discussion at hand was about the ethics of animal products, not about about a derailing to plastic.

Anyway, I have to go so don't be mad if no further bait is taken from me. Peace

>> No.14319815

Start here and enjoy the ride:

>It's completely unnecessary to eat animal products
It might be for a couple of years while you're in your prime, but if you're a growing child, an expecting mother, a sick individual, an aging woman, etc. you'd have different needs. There are a lot of different experience in this world, not everyone can be sheltered and pampered as you

>> No.14319819

why did this turn into an autistic discussion about veganism

post leathers, dammit

>> No.14319831

yo anon, im gonna be honest, all five jackets look really cheap and tacky. if you want to save money on leather then buy used or don't buy at all

>> No.14319832
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>humanity has altered the face of the planet beyond recognition
That was beavers you dimwit.
Listen, we get it: you have good intentions but don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14319851

>650 euros

>> No.14319856

he said it *looks* cheap. a jacket can cost $3000 and still look cheap

>> No.14319863

how about you post a couple of jackets that you think look good?

>> No.14319867

when i'm at home, perhaps

>> No.14319898

so what is bad about zara/h&m jackets again?

>> No.14319912

Shit leather or is not leather at all, will break after a few uses, smells bad, looks tacky most of the time, SEX core.

>> No.14319914

Blood meal is pretty standard in organic crop production buddy, as is shrimp meal for that matter

>> No.14320112

all look like cheap mall clearance jackets

get a proper one

>> No.14320164
File: 24 KB, 460x460, c8ae8ab7f050a644bb2982b8fc1b3b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buying this gustin horween cxl leather jacket

>> No.14320168

not bad

>> No.14320205

>better not harm animals!
>children in sweatshops are A-OKAY
kill yourself

>> No.14320208

>get a proper one
post pics of what you deem "proper"

>> No.14320214
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>> No.14320218
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>gustin horween cxl

>> No.14320222 [DELETED] 

>worn by Marlon Brando in the 1953 film “the Wild One"
>movie meme
fucking yikes

>> No.14320227

>overpriced made in japan weebshit

>> No.14320252
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>not posting the superior one

>> No.14320266
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>> No.14320269
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I like this one more


>> No.14320276

your gf sitting behind you on the motorcycle

>> No.14320277
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>your gf sitting behind you

>> No.14320278

you probably still shill SLP jackets at 3x the price and think they are better

just admit it, the nips are better at everything now

>> No.14320282

nah, I don't shill overpriced shit

>> No.14320284

What do you recommend for a good quality, non-overpriced leather jacket?

>> No.14320288

I like it but I'd be paranoid about the buttons getting loose

>> No.14320292
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what is that?

>> No.14320294

Sewing a button is pretty simple

>> No.14320295
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So air doesn't go up your arm.

>> No.14320325

Stop shilling this fag.

>> No.14320337

doesn't that material age like shit? like it get all fluffy over time with fibers coming loose or forming balls?

>> No.14320342

No, it should age just fine.

>> No.14320344

based on what? I have never seen these look good after a couple of years

>> No.14320353

I've seen them last fine in higher quality products

>> No.14320355

the sooner you realize vegans are starving their brains, the more their actions make sense

>> No.14320384


Those animals would be killed for the meat

Wearing leather jackets shows that the animals death had more meaning and wasn't for nothing

>> No.14320390

romantic way to put it, but its simply not true. many tannieries have their own stock of animals that is bred exclusively for their skin.

>> No.14320401
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Eastman Leather A2.
Goatskin, this jacket is like 20 years old and looks basically new because the hide is tougher than horsehide and doesn't patina.
Apparently most surviving original A2 examples are Goatskin.

>> No.14320402

I'm sure the meat is just wasted.

>> No.14320433
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My delivery from Cockpitusa. How's it look?

>> No.14320438
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>> No.14320440

leather quality is good, fit and cut are really meh. you look like you have a nice stature, don't bury it in this bag

>> No.14320448
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>> No.14320455

Looks a little like you have a beer gut. Jacket looks fine, I just hope for your sake it's more flattering irl.

>> No.14320458
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>> No.14320460


>> No.14320463

high school SEXgod/10

>> No.14320468

what does this even mean?

>> No.14320470

you would get lots of SEX if you wore that to high school or university

other than that, stay away from such flashy designs

>> No.14320471

Based. No reason to be so aggressive tho. It's not being a sociopath, its just being ignorant or misinformed. Before you went vegan were you a sociopath? No, you just didn't know some stuff. Godspeed

>> No.14320476

so does that mean I (30yo) would get lots of high school pussy if I wore it outside?

>> No.14320478

This, on the other day I saw a 5'3'' asian wearing full slp.
I was already preparing to beat him up but when I grabbed him by his l02 jacket I saw the celine tag.
So I left him alone.

>> No.14320480

wtf is SLP?

>> No.14320481
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5'9" and 140 pounds. It's pretty snug on me, a size smaller would probably be too tight.
Second image I pulled the bottom of the jacket to my pants. Last time I was told to do that.

>> No.14320482

shoe like pottery(slp)

>> No.14320486

take a pic unzipped

>> No.14320508
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Looks better set than the previous.

High waisted pants really sets the look for A2's. The waist knit is usually underneath the doubled over stomach/pocket area.

>> No.14320517

for those bulky pockets to look good, your stomach has to be perfectly flat and the fit perfectly snug

neither seems to be the case

>> No.14320523
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>> No.14320525

It looks a size or a half size too large buddy

>> No.14320536

One well crafted shitpost is enough to completely derail a thread, it's what I love about this site 2bh

>> No.14320554

But we are animals anon...

>> No.14320682

Postmortem YSL.

>> No.14320687

Did you check whether it was from the newest collection? If not, should’ve stomped his insectoid face in

>> No.14320999


"Alpha male" always looks like some 12 year old wearing his dads clothes.

>> No.14321019

Fucking baller man. I got the Tigha Clark in red which is sweet as well.

>> No.14321545

Got SEX?

>> No.14321657

Sometimes I bring up jews or interracial couplings just to derail threads I don't like. Works 9/10 times. Pretending to be a femanon trashing men also works. But seriously, socialism is the only viable and moral option for a peaceful sustainable society. The only examples of socialism failing aren't true socialism, and only an idiot would reference them.

>> No.14321659
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>leather jacket season

Is it time?

>> No.14321696

>be vegetarian
>wear skinned animals

>> No.14321723

He wasn't vegetarian. It's just something people say

>> No.14321731 [DELETED] 

lol reminder that vegans are literal mouthbreathers

reminder that theres 7 billion and rising vermin on this planet furthering the next extinction event and that subscribing to a moronic cult rhetoric for suburbanites is pointless and also pathetic

>> No.14321734

>care about your health
>not give a fuck about animals
checks out to me

>> No.14321816

You're full of shit and so are the bloggers you consider scholars. It's a well documented fact mein Freund.
Read "The remains of Adolf Hitler: A biomedical analysis and definitive identification" and the part about tartar on his teeth confirmed not having any traces of meat fibre.

Yes we get it, you like to derail threads. I'll just hhide your post now

>> No.14323003

Fuck, guess it's another exchange for a size smaller. Wish last thread I posted in had said it looked too big. Hopefully it won't end up looking tiny.

>> No.14323024
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From the first pic, here are the problems I see.

1) The shoulder seams drop after your actual shoulder (you can see your right shoulder bump about 2 inches from the end). This, combined with the excess of material on the left shoulder side (the bunching at the underarm) makes me think that the 'chest' measurement is too generous. If this were a 42 regular, I'd say you'd have to try on a 40, or even a 38.

2) The sleeve length appears to be slightly long too, but as this is affected by where the shoulder seam is placed, it's not easy to judge it properly.

3) We can't properly judge the waist and where it drops if you wear trousers that are either baggy or if you have bad posture. But if I were to guess, I'd say it looks like the jacket is too long.

Gut feeling? The jacket is 1 size too big for you.

>> No.14323038
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Pic 2 confirms that the jacket is too big for you (if that is where your waist actually sits).

Pic 3 (>>14320481); have a look at the bunching of the sleeves below the elbow. That is not ideal, though it's not a deal breaker either. You could always have it tailored if the rest of the jacket fit perfectly, which it doesn't.

Pic 4 (>>14320523): these jackets, when unzipped, always look like trash because the elastic of the waistband pulls the jacket around in places that don't flatter the silhouette of the body. If you combine that with loose clothing (your untucked T and jeans), then everything will look lazy...which is not how this jacket is worn.

If you want an honest look of this jacket, pair it with a collared shirt, beige trousers or chinos with a proper belt (think preppy), then try the jacket on again.

Also, something which must be taken into account is that new leather jackets don't fold or 'relax' properly to your body, which means that if you wear one off-the-rack unzipped, it's likely to be 'square' in some places and not in others. This design tends to have this problem with the pockets, which when new will square up the front and make it look slightly odd. After a few years of wear, it'll relax and bend and fold according to the weight of the leather and your body shape...but for now it'll always look odd, even if the jacket actually fits you well.

Is it a case where the jacket comes in 'Large-Medium-Small' or is it properly sized (42-40-38 etc.)? If it's properly sized, you can get a much more precise fit. Also, does this company do custom fits? If so, then that might be an option to consider.

Rule no. 1 of leather jackets: never settle for one that doesn't fit perfectly. You won't wear it, especially if you buy one in the future that DOES fit....

>> No.14323061


>> No.14323062
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>> No.14323431

>leather jacket season
>fucking May
Its getting into summer fashion time

>> No.14323438

Thanks, Alpha, God bless ya, respect from Pakistan

>> No.14323519

Thanks for the feedback, it's actually a 38 so I'l be going down to 36.

>> No.14323557
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No problem. It took a lot of research and a mistake or two to learn precisely what I needed for my body with regards to leather. It's a wonderful material, and certainly my favorite for clothing, but it's unforgiving, and if we don't know what to do when we're buying one, then all we end up with are expensive errors. Furthermore, it's very easy to say, 'well, it's 90% good, and the price is excellent, so I'll get it'. With synthetics, we can get away with that because they stretch, or they can be shunk, and they're also easy to tailor. Leather does not stretch to appreciable amounts, and even in controlled shrinkages it's woefully unpredictable. Tailoring it is easy if you have an excellent tailor who has the industrial needles you need to get through hide...but you can't correct mistakes of sewing in leather, so once again it's a one-shot deal (so if you get it tailored, make sure you have an awesome tailor).

There are three general things to look for when you're buying a jacket. 1) Where the shoulders fall. 2) Where the cuffs end. 3) Where the waist ends. These three things will vary even if the chest size of the jacket is consistent with your own chest.

Finally, make sure you wear what you plan to wear with the jacket when you try it on. One of my first mistakes was buying a jacket on sale while wearing a very thick sweater. It looked awesome in the store...but now I can only wear it with the same damn thick sweater because if not it looks too large. Good luck!

>> No.14323560

fucking faggot with his little vibrator dildo

>> No.14324511
File: 2.10 MB, 4032x3024, EB1D1CAA-6ADB-47C5-BF20-7E22C0D4717D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ricky. Probably my favorite piece

>> No.14325727

t. angry joe