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File: 109 KB, 500x669, 9b8e07af3336b1430f3b67e86e44681f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14316880 No.14316880 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that this is what girls want

>> No.14316883

what shithole do you live in

>> No.14316885

>Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks.

>> No.14316887

Just truck sluts and cuntry girls

>> No.14316949

I laughed way too hard at that

>> No.14317013

nice bulge, but his upper body is just sad

>> No.14317022

>skinnyfat nationalist hick
ok flyover

>> No.14317054

Especially cause they’re such good size and all

>> No.14317056

Man, I really wish.

>> No.14317063

In modern society, masculinity is seen as aggressive, regressive and backward. You can ask any girl here to rate a picture of a strongfat viking and no one would like it.

>> No.14317081

propaganda doesn't change inherent biological attraction unless you become gay

>> No.14317584

>reminder this is what your cousin wants

>> No.14317602

>you can ask any girl here

>> No.14317603

Maybe because I'm an American and not a fucking Viking you dumb fuck??
Go back to Europe if you wanna impress women with your LARP. I'll have me a nice homegrown southern man who really knows how to lasso a lady's heart.

>> No.14317689

This is a bit too hicky for my taste.
A button-up shirt works wonders. Nice plaid pattern with the sleeves rolled up.
Take it up a notch and add a casual vest, then I'd take it.
All for big belt buckles and hats, though.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.14317760

From the picture it looks like a pretty clean place with good air, good nature, lots of greenery around. You wouldn't be projecting or anything about living in a shithole now would you?

>> No.14317763

a-are You a-a girl?

>> No.14317794

good for them

>> No.14317887

you're either trailer trash or you live in the city and you've never lived around people like this, they're complete scum and deserve to be culled

>> No.14318001
File: 175 KB, 833x849, 1556049719092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 doors
2 womps
2 terms

>> No.14318342

I'm cringing at this. And I support Trump.

>> No.14318358

I can see that, your daddy gave you good advice.

>> No.14318741

it grows when I pull on it

>> No.14318761

>this is what girls want
18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch

>> No.14318765

based and redpilled.
you BTFO that numale SJW incel cuck epic style
praise kek

>> No.14318898
File: 113 KB, 500x618, greenwich_village.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure they are my enlightened city friend

>> No.14318908

35-40 year old mother with FB profile pic of her in sunglasses and bible verse in bio:
*likes this post*

>> No.14318936

Will you show me?

>> No.14318961

>my daddy taught me how to pull on it without breaking the skin
>with my mouth

>> No.14319020


>> No.14319046

you'll only get white idiot girls who have no oopinions other than "stupid democrats"

and will refuse to get an abortion if you knock them up

>> No.14319417

But that's the exact type of city dweller who worship blue collar workers that i'm making fun of

>> No.14319419


>> No.14319479



wow, we got a live one here boys

>> No.14319501
