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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 23 KB, 340x270, tzil_340x270.1803707036_1wyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14306446 No.14306446 [Reply] [Original]

Femcel in need of fashion advice.

I usually dress like pic related. I'm tall (between 5'11" and 6ft) with B-cup tits (nothing impressive) and a nice round ass. I've come to the conclusion that the reason I'm not getting any guys is due to the way I dress. I need advice on what will attract men. I'm not slutty and I'm kind of shy personality-wise so nothing too provocative.

>> No.14306450

Forgot to mention: I'm skinny, slightly underweight.

>> No.14306453

remove that hat and you'll do fine

>> No.14306456

too tall, the only men you’ll attract are insecure twinks

>> No.14306457

I don't wear hats like that though.

>> No.14306459

No such thing

>> No.14306460

What’s it like being an autistic girl

>> No.14306461

Try improving your posture and wearing leather pants instead of a skirt.

>> No.14306462


>> No.14306465

well then i cant really see the problem
i dont agree with that guy i'm 6'5 and tall girls, even my own height are gorgeous, they look powerful and confident, so maybe that's my advice, confidence comes from within.

>> No.14306467

I'm 28 and haven't had sex in like five years.

>> No.14306471

Lonely honestly. I feel like I live in my head way too much. I avoid social situations because I always feel like I shouldn't be there, or no one wants me there.

>> No.14306473

Are there any leather pants that would fit me though, at 6ft tall and weighing 130lbs? None of the pants which fit my waist are long enough and all the long enough pants fall off my ass.

>> No.14306483

Put on weight.

>> No.14306486

I've tried.

>> No.14306491

You are a weirdly shaped mutant.

>> No.14306492

Did you just really?
Anon I...
Start drinking a half gallon of milk a day and planking until you have the build of a goddess.
Then, wear oversized hoodies, sweats, and flip flops whenever you can get away with it.
Laugh at boy jokes, but also roll your eyes.
Learn to play cards.
Also, play with your hair at strategic times.
Always messy bun.
Give negative zero fucks AT ALL TIMES.
Wear high-waist flare jeans because you can, with a little rumply top that sometimes accidently shows your belly.
Learn to walk in tall blocky shoes.
You'll fuck 24/7.

>> No.14306495

>tall girls, even my own height are gorgeous
...How many 6'5" girls are you running into?

I have difficulty believing a 5'11" skinny girl is having trouble "getting guys." I don't think this is a dress thing; I think this is an attitude and positioning thing. You've hit the genetic jackpot and don't realize it.

>> No.14306500

Maybe she has an ugly nose.

>> No.14306501

>masquerading your meme fetish/oneitis as legit advice

>> No.14306504

I'm kind of a "butterface", yes. But I've been told it's my dress sense which turns guys away, or rather doesn't turn them on.

>> No.14306505

i've seen a handful and like you said they hit the genetic jackpot, my reptile brain goes haywire

>> No.14306506

You're too tall for anyone who's insecure. Even at 18, when I was already 6'2, girls 5'11-6' girls would intimidate me. Now I don't really care, had sex with a 6'5 amazon a couple of times.

>> No.14306509

Do you even let men know you are seeking, or simply hope some random guy will pick you out of a sea of people?

>> No.14306513
File: 36 KB, 130x130, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outfit on pic is not that bad. You're really tall for a girl, but that doesn't mean you're too tall.

If you already like the way you dress, then it's not that. Note: if you're not taking care of your image at all, then that may be it.

I'm inclined to believe you're good looking or at least somehow hot / cute. If you don't like the way you dress, you probably should just lurk for inso here, and find what you like the most. Don't be afraid to try new things.

>> No.14306514

Well that's wrong lmao, who told you that?
Your fashion sense has little to no effect on guys wanting to fuck you.

Date you? Maybe. But have sex with you, hell no... you could be ugly, intimidating, give off a bad personality, smell bad ... consider the other possibilities

>> No.14306523

The only guys who hit on me are losers and virgins with very vulgar personalities, honestly. I'd rather find a winner.

>> No.14306525

>waaaah I only want Chad

>> No.14306530

No. I want a guy who is smart, talented, spiritual, and attractive, not some dweeb whose more desperate for pussy than I am for dick.

>> No.14306533

I mean, considering that you describe yourself as desperate for dick and getting guys, I'd say you're perfectly matched for the calibre of men approaching you.

>> No.14306534

yeah OP you look frumpy as hell.

Try getting some capris which tighten around your ass. You need to show off what you've got. Wear tops with tight straps but not too revealing.

STAY AWAY FROM: maxi skirts, cardigans, long shirts, anything which hides your curves.

>> No.14306535

Ah, and what exactly do YOU have to offer to a guy like that?

>> No.14306536

Those guys are a premium.

>> No.14306537

What should I offer him?

>> No.14306538

How would I indicate I'm seeking them, especially if I'm at a social gathering where I feel unwelcome?

>> No.14306542

See, you dont even know your worth.

And how the fuck is this thread full of replies, anyway? No proofs have yet been posted that OP is a woman, yet you fags shower "her" with (you)s.

>> No.14306544

Be yourself instead of pretending to be the same person as op. Maybe if you get swole other men will find your muscular body nifty.

>> No.14306552

I am OP. What do you mean?

>> No.14306563

So what should I do, according to you?

>> No.14306588

Try wearing short fitted jackets.

>> No.14306596

are you ugly?

>> No.14306599

My face isn't anything special. I'm not terribly ugly but I'm not gorgeous.

>> No.14306601

leggings, fila sneakers

crop top

>> No.14306602
File: 32 KB, 600x600, Loose-Trousers-Women-Trousers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try wearing high-waisted pants with black and white horizontal stripes, like these.

They will show off your butt and your height.

>> No.14306610

You sure this will help me attract dudes?

>> No.14306622

yeah + no underwear

also get some tattoos

the triangle with the circle and line through it.

get a feather somewhere

and script on your ribs underneath your tits

>> No.14306633

I don't have the money for tats.

What about something like mini skirts with fishnets or something similar?

>> No.14306672

get a guy to pay for them

or offer favors to some tattoo artist

>> No.14306679

Celeste is that you lol

>> No.14306687

My name isn't Celeste but it's old fashionny enough.

>> No.14306706

Ok Celeste. Anyway for some actual advice I don't necessarily think you need to change your wardrobe or take advice regarding leggings or tight shirts but take extra care in highlighting your slenderness. Like pushing your sleeves back to show your forearms, button-up shirts(?) to show slender neck, etc. You won't get any wolves and guys who 'know' will think you're a cutie.

>> No.14306713

OP again. So this is what everyone so far is telling me to wear:
>leather pants
>capris which show off ass
>striped high-waisted pants which show off ass
>crop tops
>small fitted jackets
>fila shoes

This is what my wardrobe looks like as of now:
>black leggings
>pencil skirts
>a-line skirts
>a few maxi dresses
>a few hipster dresses
>a few hoodies
>some cardigans
>a few turtlenecks
I usually wear black shoes.

>> No.14306730
File: 32 KB, 450x450, Dean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you need is a big smile Celeste :-)

>> No.14306734

Who is this Celeste girl?

>> No.14306741

holy shit, are you some kind of conservative mormon bitch or some shit? how can you not have any mini skirts or shorts?

>> No.14306759

no leather pants no leggings, buy a nice dress

>> No.14306762
File: 418 KB, 720x720, 1556808624563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get inspo from this thread: >>14305080
This is the sexiest thing a woman could wear in my opinion.

>> No.14306768

Nope, just an "art hoe".

Will do.

What counts as a "nice dress"? I have several "nice dresses".

>> No.14306772

only works for girls with nice skinny bodies and pretty hair and face

>> No.14306773

I have a very skinny body (again, I'm 6ft tall and weigh about 130-140 lbs). My mother thinks I'm anorexic.

>> No.14306791

Get tighter dresses and ditch all the hipster/art hoe shit.

Look at how girls dress in rap videos. That's what you need to do.

>> No.14306795

>is ugly

>> No.14306803
File: 68 KB, 564x752, 1511420289731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of look like her but my face is chunky, if that makes sense.

>> No.14306834

>is fat
>and ugly

>> No.14306862

I'm actually very skinny.

>> No.14306886

You are the person that these long flowy maxi dresses with cleavage down to the navel were made for. Please wear them.

That being said, for the sake of your health, try to put on some weight. Smoothies with stuff like nut butters, full fat yogurt, and heavy cream are a good way to get in extra calories, and make sure to get in some exercise.

>> No.14306899


Should my dresses be tight in order to attract a worthwhile man? I have one maxi dress which is very tight and I love it.

>> No.14306908
File: 164 KB, 1080x1921, 28780DCD-240D-40C6-BD18-FD394E5E5D53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s the best time for summer dresses, so wear them

>> No.14306914

Leather pants are an awful idea. Pencil skirts probably look weird with your height. I think the OP pic is pretty decent, but the skirt is a little bit long if you're trying to attract men. Not saying you need a miniskirt, but something above the knees. Probably your biggest problem is just that there's not a lot of men above 5'11" that would go for you, since men usually don't want to date someone taller than them. Like someone said before me, highlighting your slenderness is a good idea.

>> No.14306918

Worthwhile depends on your view, but imo sundresses are choice for conservative type guys if you can fit the look.

>> No.14306921

Don’t wear streetwear, it’s horrible on everyone

Leather pants are super sexy

>> No.14306925

U r not

>> No.14306971

Would these look good on a tall chick with a nice butt?

>> No.14307004

What about tight dresses that stop right above the knee?

>> No.14307006

I'm just like this and I think you're perfect just the way you are :)
But seriously start with your personality and attitude first. Also, since you didn't post a fit I will just assume that you dress badly and/or unflattering (like that mannequin you posted or girls who wear casual dresses generally do), so read the sticky, start dressing more "normal", and don't wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable (that is if you're indeed shy and want a relationship)

>> No.14307061

Its probably more because you are tall. Guys don't really care for tall girls. Some will, others won't. I personally don't mind, but I'm 6'4". Likewise, my fiance loves tall girls, but that's a whole other story. But for a guy who's like 5'6", you'll be a constant reminder of emasculation.

>> No.14307077

I, for one, as a uhpfftkkrrthahahahhaha 6'1" MALE, am tired of pfffftttf having to bend over to kiss short gggahahhha girls so I think it'd be nice to uhaahahahhaaahaha HAVE YOU AS MY GF HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.14307098


>> No.14307122

My father is shorter than my mother. It's a good way to create tall children. I'm nearly 6'6.

>> No.14307180

This. Tall women are hot. 5'11" isn't even that tall btw, it's just 1,80m.

>> No.14307240

And 6’5 chad

>> No.14307242

i am a 6' manlet and feel intimidated by girls above 5'9''

>> No.14307247

The amount of onions here from being duped by a discord tranny getting free (you)s is beyond fucking embarrassing

>> No.14307252

Are you funny? Enjoyable to be around? Can you please him? Pleasure him?
Can you cook?

>> No.14307253

I know this is bait but tattoos are shit.

If you’re skinny then wear leggings and low rise skinny jeans without underwear. This is unironically really attractive.

>> No.14307255

>wear oversized hoodies, sweats, and flip flops
yikes, way to repel men

>> No.14307269

>t. 5'4" manlet who LARPs as a 6 foot tall man

>> No.14307335

post a pic, blur out your face. can't judge you by your comments alone.

>> No.14307385
File: 6 KB, 244x219, 18582648_1327261627365523_4919652157957817603_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm just here to see the butterface

>> No.14307387

whatever makes you sleep at night, buddy

>> No.14307403


>> No.14307404

>between 5'11" and 6ft
Fucking zoomers.

>> No.14307456
File: 100 KB, 440x492, 1539619461228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want a guy who is smart, talented, spiritual, and attractive
>What should I offer him?
i came to /fa/ to stray further from the blackpill but fucking hell maybe i should just take it already

>> No.14307466

just post face already.

>> No.14307472

>I look like her but ugly

>> No.14307474
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, fuera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post face or

>> No.14307497

So why don't you approach those guys instead of waiting for them to come to you

>> No.14307742

jesus youre terrible.

>> No.14307784

I fit your description, and I prefer tall and skinny women. Fly to Copenhagen and lets see what happens

>> No.14307826

When I saw this post last night I was really hoping it was just a bitter dude larping as OP. Sheesh.

>> No.14307843

The way you describe your current wardrobe sounds really good, way better than advice given and way better than pic you posted.

>> No.14307853

Just get some bro to go shopping with you and he can tell you what looks good or not, how hard is it

>> No.14307862


>> No.14307867

fuckin lol

>> No.14307868


>> No.14307872

>"women aren't sex objects"
>literally has nothing to offer another human being except sex

>> No.14307899
File: 1.21 MB, 277x200, dc114876-86bd-40b1-989b-472c59a67994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can at least get by being an uggo by wearing makeup. hurry up and post a pic. how the fuck are there so many replies with literally only 1 picture not even of you

>> No.14308073

But you have had sex.

>> No.14308115
File: 22 KB, 452x337, sneed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneeds feed and seed formerly chucks
lmao you remind me of him, pretty funny lmao. go check this picture out,, you look like him exactly!

>> No.14308151

6'4" here. I hate dating small girls. Tall girls are the best. Plus they usually have ugly duckling syndrome, because the thing that made them ugly during adolescence is now a benefit, so they actually developed personalities.

>> No.14308246

you dont need to put on weight. im also 6ft 140 lbs and im a guy and im perfectly healthy. if you arent unhealthy you dont need to change your weight

>> No.14308254

I consider myself a very booksmart woman. Yes, I can cook and I've been told I give good head.

>> No.14308256

You could go on Tinder and have queue line of guys outside your door waiting to fuck you by tonight.

>> No.14308288

>and I've been told I give good head.
kek jesus christ. yeah, it's not your looks or style that's keeping you from getting a guy

>> No.14308362

>I consider myself
ignore everything after this phrase
>I can cook
you can only show this after they are at your house
>told I give good head
fuckin lmao, as if anyone would say you gave a bad blowjob
even if you do, then you need to work on having something to offer before this

>> No.14308371

This entire thread is bait. It’s that cross dresser from reddut larping

>> No.14308374

>i read books sometimes, have a basic life skill, and am good at something that is impossible to fuck up


>> No.14308486

OP here. I just went out and tried on a few outfits. I’ll post pics in a half hour.

>> No.14308489

post tits while you're at it

>> No.14308558


>> No.14308561

Wear skinny pants if you got a nice ass duh even I as a man with primitive woman fashion knowledge can realize some basic level shit

>> No.14308578

add me on discord ill be your personal male fashion advisor

>> No.14308579

just be yourself
start taking showers, lose weight, get a new haircut and hit the gym. put on some nice cologne and be more confident bro. start approaching more men, I mean whats the worst that can happen right?
also work on your personality, you don't seem very interesting to say the least... maybe pick up some hobbys instead of masturbating to anime all day and eating cheetos. also maybe, just maybe, leave your mommys basement too and get a job.

you also seem very entitled hunny sweety, just stop it ok? men can detect your entitlement with their personality-detectors.

>> No.14308901

ay bitch where dem pics at??

>> No.14308925

Why does being told to be fun and not fake make anons so angry?

>> No.14308943

Because autistic people consider anything social to be equally contrived

>> No.14309223

Holy shit HAHAHAHA

>> No.14309455


A relationship consists of two individuals, imo you have to be an individual/yourself before you can get into a meaningful relationship. Doesnt mean that a relationship when youre 'not yet yourself' can't be enjoyable and good.

>> No.14309491

Legendary thread. Womanoids BTFO

>> No.14309497

i think she got scared outta here

>> No.14309517

op go to church

>> No.14309534

By being smart, talented, spiritual and attractive..like the type of guys you want to attract.

>> No.14309621

U know it’s a girl(boy) right? Surely u r not still taking this bait

>> No.14309649

pls b in london

>> No.14309810

>implying men care about what you wear, not your looks.
Put on makeup, be confident, go to gym, etc

High quality guys love driven girls who are able to stand tall as their partner, not desperate shit like this

>> No.14309898

Fuck it I'll take one for the team and make you my gf I guess

>> No.14309920
File: 41 KB, 500x749, Phoebe-Philo-at-Celine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tall and skinny
go full Philocore

>> No.14310051
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still no picture! what a fag!

>> No.14310076
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>> No.14310521
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, 681AA28D-0179-4B23-B220-A3A4A5195628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where’s the pics u fucking slut. Sorry but you don’t just suck away the space on this board that a good Rick thread could’ve existed . Show the goods

>> No.14310524

go on tinder, slut

>> No.14310793

Ditch the dumpy skirt for some more fitted jeans since you have a nice ass. You can still do shy girl core with loose & baggy tops, sweaters, etc.

>> No.14310798

How come the biggest foids are always lurking around incel territory lmao

>> No.14311948
File: 85 KB, 1200x800, 1556917853894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yet you expect an attractive guy. Not only are you ugly but you are dumb too. Fix you attitude... and your face.

>> No.14311963

Alain is the peak kino male, and if ayyliums ever come to visit, I hope they take his and Newmans DNA to create a perfect specimen somewhere out there.

>> No.14312059

>surrounded by lanklets at 6'1
Even a prince is a peasant in the land of kings

>> No.14312087

based + dubpilled

>> No.14312092

not true, i’d date a girl taller than me

>> No.14313452


>> No.14313457


>> No.14313460

let's see the booty then, as well as the waist, only then can I tell you what kind of pants to wear

>> No.14313461


>> No.14313462

Did you ever think she's not looking to be pump and dump?

>> No.14313466


>> No.14313472
File: 15 KB, 400x400, checkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14313537

That looks like lingerie, not a summer dress

>> No.14313539

shave the mustache