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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.14293404

First for convincing my wife to dress prep and now she does.

>> No.14293448
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>> No.14293453
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>> No.14293455
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>> No.14293457
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>> No.14293458
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>> No.14293460
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>> No.14293461
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>> No.14293463
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>> No.14293466
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>> No.14293518 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14293524
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>> No.14293557
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low IQ

>> No.14293568

haha good one

>> No.14293585

You really need all these links and an entire thread just to buy clothes from Macy's?

>> No.14293664

Speak for yourself. Nothing I own comes from there.

>> No.14293807

any motif belt recommendations to wear golfing

>> No.14294052

I've decided that sand/stone colored chinos are the best color.

>> No.14294054

Actually no, just stone colored

>> No.14294294
File: 323 KB, 862x1003, 25321374-B714-4ECE-A444-BCA10A1E3060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this match the style?

>> No.14294371

That skirt is waaay too short. She looks like a prostitute.

>> No.14294382

Recommend me a starter cable knit sweater

>> No.14294444

Are Royal Oxford fabrics prep?

>> No.14294461

I got a royal oxford shirt not really knowing how it was different than regular oxford and I'm not a huge fan of it. It is a lot more formal and nicer looking and i think it's better for dressier fits.
Unfortunately it's my best fitting shirt so whatever, I wear it untucked and casual

>> No.14294463
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>tfw no anglo gf
We'll make it someday.
R-right lads?

>> No.14294465

I love prepcore. Which makes me appreciate other "cores" much more.

post more inspo

>> No.14294593
File: 66 KB, 618x412, The-Outsiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a socs
lol gay

>> No.14294711

Who buys their clothes from macys?

>> No.14294732

Hey, I usually dress in slacks and a button up with leather boots everday but the weather is getting warmer and i would like to start dressing a little more casually. Only problem is i'm not exactly sure what casual is besides a tshirt and jeans. any help plz? for reference i'm 6 foot 1, 34 inch waist, size 40 suit. The only thing I really dread is mid or low rise pants. If i'm not wearing high rise I feel like my pants are gonna fall down.

>> No.14294755
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Only wear high-rise pants if you have a really long torso. If mid rise pants make your torso look long than I’d go with high.

>> No.14294770

I love the look in OPs' picture. What kind of pants are those, and is that a madras shirt?

>> No.14294788

Cords and yes

>> No.14294824

I think I have a long torso. I have a 30 inch inseam which seems short for my height

>> No.14294835

That is pretty short. Stick with a higher rise

>> No.14294845
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>> No.14294849
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>> No.14294851
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>> No.14294853
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>> No.14294856
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>> No.14294858
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>> No.14294994

This guide is actually good. I would add a white chinos to use with the navy OCBD

>> No.14295012

Are polos from Polo the best polos or are there better polos than Polo?

>> No.14295172

Polos with logos on them will never be acceptable. Who wants to be a walking advertisement?

>> No.14295217

What about monogrammed polos

>> No.14295230


>> No.14295256

Spainbros, how did you go to the polls today?

Toro blue OCBD
Polo Ralph Lauren Nantucket reds
Castellano 1920 brown penny loafers


>> No.14295258

>pijo de mierda
Si te veo te rajo maricon.

>> No.14295325
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What are some good films for inspo?

>> No.14295340

Podemita, Gitano y Subvencionado

>> No.14295385

>barefoot in the park
>making the grade
>mad men
>the graduate

>> No.14295406

anglos girls are absolute rubbish
fat, entitled, shapeless and have recessed jaws

anglos generally are not good looking, sorry I know you americans obsess over muh WASPs

>> No.14295417

I am not a yank.
Don't consider working class subhumans, only upper class english roses.

>> No.14295432

Dead Poet's Society

>> No.14295484
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Should I buy a peanuts Timex?

>> No.14295500


>> No.14295507

don't exist
pure fanfiction

t. english and oxbridge

>> No.14295523
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Don't try to hide your qts anon, I'll get them anyway mate.

>> No.14295611
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That excludes farm girls. And they're literally the best of the bunch.

>> No.14295618

someone stole her ass

>> No.14295630

I want some mates to play polo and rugby, and hunt foxes with too.

>> No.14295631

Oxfords or derbys?

>> No.14295656
File: 1.23 MB, 1432x1076, Screenshot_20190428-175342_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You should see about going to some hunt meets as a foot follower. Basically anyone can do it. I can't stand horses but I love wandering about with them or following on the quad. Consider beating once the shooting season rolls around, you get paid for that and everything.

>> No.14295660

What a thing to say

>> No.14295661

What breed of doggo?

>> No.14295666


>> No.14295667

Seems fun and comfy but it's a bit plebeian if you don't get to ride a horse don't you think?

>> No.14295690

Have sex

>> No.14295704

literally the first polo shirt had a logo on it you mongoloid its tradition

>> No.14295708

moonrise kingdom is based

>> No.14295710

stop repeatedly posting this shit you fucking faggot

>> No.14295736

All farm girls turn into literal heffers in their late 20s.

>> No.14295773

nah too gaudy

>> No.14295815

w2c jacket

>> No.14295824
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>> No.14295828
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>> No.14295837

I mean, that one there is literally mid 30's but whatever you say champ.

>> No.14295841

English fox hounds. I think this is The West Percy pack, I can't remember.

>> No.14295861

I thinks it's a Barbour Bransdale. It's definitely one of their technical fabric shooting jackets anyway and they're all much of a muchness.

>> No.14295884

Actually kill yourself

>> No.14295887

I honestly hate derbies. Oxfords will always look better.

>> No.14295904


Some hang on a bit longer, but all are spherical after having a couple of kids

>> No.14296070
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Ondskan (Swedish). Good film btw

>> No.14296096


>> No.14296128

good movie

>> No.14296133

Isn't this the bitch from Trading Places?

>> No.14296197

Oh, I've seen this kind of collar and wasnt able to identify it.
What the fuck is that shirt?

>> No.14296202
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Any advice on getting a relatively cheap braided belt that doesn't evaporate immediately?

>> No.14296244

She looks French or higher class italian

>> No.14296257

Voting for larping rightwingers. If you care for European Elitism vote liberal or social democratic

>> No.14296260

Unexpectedly based

>> No.14296263
File: 74 KB, 845x593, df220630ba0dab5ef16b6571a86d80af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys wear button down collars with suits?

>> No.14296273

With a suit, no.
With a blazer, absolutely.

>> No.14296286

They look like shit.

>> No.14296293
File: 252 KB, 1552x873, 636477be938c5a2ee0ff422003889707_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on mustaches?

>> No.14296326

>European Elitism vote liberal or social democratic
is this a joke

>> No.14296343


>> No.14296427


>> No.14296445

only if you can actually grow one. If you're even questioning whether or not its dark enough/looks odd/is full enough, you have your answer.

>> No.14296459

What color jeans/light or dark

>> No.14296488



¿Donde esta el soi? AI Ai ai ai

>> No.14296494
File: 427 KB, 1430x1628, Screenshot_20190428-182149_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vineyard Vines is coming to Target.

>> No.14296507

>24 diputados

>> No.14296512


>> No.14296580

Everything about this looks awful.

>> No.14296592

Who cares. Their fabrics are cheap and overpriced. Kys if you own anything vv

>> No.14296597

Don’t rock one if you have a baby face

>> No.14296598

Fuck you.

>> No.14296601

Get the ll bean one
What exactly

>> No.14296625


>> No.14296635

true trads are Carlists/Francoists and ergo do not vote

>> No.14296659

Well, now that won't be overpriced at least.

>> No.14296668
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This is my inspo

>> No.14296810

Good. It suits his face.

>> No.14296811

Are you mad I have a wife and you're an incel or are you mad I'm influencing how she dresses?

>> No.14296812
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>> No.14296817 [DELETED] 

>ng, sorry I know you americans obsess over muh WASPs
We romanticize our own WASPS, but wasp over here means rich white person and not the average bucktooth'd denizen of bongland

>> No.14296824
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>> No.14296826
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>> No.14296829
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>> No.14296832
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>> No.14296923
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>> No.14296951
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>> No.14296970

What are approved Preppy tie knots?

>> No.14296998
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4 in hand only
anything else is tryhard shit

>> No.14297277

Metropolitan is full of very preppy anxiety about downward social mobility. They spend a good deal of the movie in tuxedos, however, so I'm not sure how useful that might be in terms of fashion inspiration.

>> No.14297326

>anglo gf
Is that model anglo? I thought that was an American RL ad

>> No.14297722

Preppy Spanish clothing brands?

>> No.14297912
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They don't use American women as models for obvious reasons.

>> No.14297913

Going to the uni next year

What style of watch is appropriate for a casual everyday prep look?

>> No.14297922

Cable-knit sweaters over button down Oxford shirts. Chinos in loud colors and with "go to hell" prints, and boat shoes.

Dont wear oxford shoes, loafers, or a tie at Uni. You'll look like a try-hard tool. That stuff is reserved for adults

>> No.14297934

that's not what he asked lol
>Dont wear oxford shoes, loafers, or a tie at Uni.
a lot of guys at my uni wear derbies and loafers (Leiden university).
timex is cheap and easy. i just use some random swiss watch my dad gave me that he got when he was like 18

>> No.14297936 [DELETED] 

>What style of watch

>> No.14297950

What type of strap? Steel, fabric or leather?

>> No.14297952
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Oops, I skipped the "of watch" part, which turns out to be the most important.

It can depend on how prestigious your Uni is. If it is a private college, I'd get a clean, vintage styled watch like this with a leather wristband. Or if you like shopping, look around for some actual vintage watches.

If it is a shitty state school, I'd just get a Timex with a canvas band or something. Whatever you do, don't get something big or with a metal bracelet. They will stand out at a university and make you look weird.

Tricky part of dressing for Uni is that by mid semester, most of your classmates will be wearing athletic tees and sweatpants to class. You want to like nice, but even the nicer end of casual will make you look like a try-hard when everyone around you has cargo shorts on.

>> No.14297959
File: 858 KB, 1440x2659, Screenshot_20190424-235956_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timex website has a customization tool. Just play with combinations until you find something you like. Brown leather will probably be the most versetal, which is important for a first watch owned by a broke college kid. But fabric bands matched well with an outfit can really make an otherwise forgettable casual fit.

>> No.14297989


Based. Thanks

>> No.14298006

What are rules with bow ties? Is it inappropriate to wear them with a sweater? What collar styles go best?

>> No.14298053

Don't wear them. If you're an old Southern gentleman maybe you can get away with it.

>> No.14298062
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The current king of prep rocks them though

>> No.14298078

cringe opinion

>> No.14298096

Link to nice summer sweaters? I work in an air conditioned office, but have a long walk from the car (About 1/3 mile), so preferably nothing that will cause me to sweat too much in between.

>> No.14298200

depends on the type of suit, and the occasion

>> No.14298332

In Germany it's a big no-no. In Anglo countries, maybe.

>> No.14298349

Lol they’re floundering. Their stuff has sucked dick since about four years ago when they 100% sold out to fratcore (as opposed to like 75% before)

>> No.14298382

Not with a suit, but with a sport coat or blazer then sure. If you wear a tie with a button down collar then make sure the collar is big enough or else it looks bad.

Wearing a button down with a jacket and tie is as American as freedom and apple pie, but Europeans frown on it.

>> No.14298420

William Buckley sometimes wore button down collars with his suits but what material were they? Looks finer than regular oxford

>> No.14298424

hahahahahahahaha faggot

>> No.14298435

Just because one man can pull it off, doesn't mean you can.

>> No.14298456

With a suit? Never. Looks tacky.
With a blazer? It's fine

>> No.14298470

I love this one. Based as fuck.

>> No.14298494

Are silk ties acceptable, or will I look too much like a car salesman?

>> No.14298586

>Dont wear loafers at uni
I’m not that other anon but I’m on my way soon and
All I own is loafers, boat shoes, and Mocs. Fuck that I wear what I have. Are you suggesting fucking sneakers? Lol

>> No.14298588

This guy dresses like your average middle class dad

>> No.14298607

My custom shirt from Ratio and boy is it nice.
It's their 100% cotton "summer" oxford. It's lighter than their standard oxford so it's ideal for summer and hot weather, which is exactly what I wanted. Fit is perfect as I found my best fitting shirt and had them recreate every measurement of it. Collars are unlined and have great roll, the buttons surprised me as they're these really nice and think ones that feel really sturdy. Construction appears to be flawless, no bad stitching or anything.
Overall, it's simply perfect and will be a perfect addition to my shirt collection, especially since it's about to get hot as fuck where I live but I refuse to wear anything but a button down anyway. They're a little pricey, but that's the price you pay for a custom shirt and it's comparable to other top brands, so it's not a big deal.

Thank you for reading my blog

>> No.14298610

What's wrong about sneakers if you're still in your 20's?

>> No.14298617

>Dont wear oxford shoes, loafers, or a tie at Uni. You'll look like a try-hard tool. That stuff is reserved for adults
Fuck off. How old are you? Are you still in high school? People can wear whatever the fuck they want to university and no one will care. You're at university to get educated, not make friends and be the popular kid. When you're in your 20's no one gives a shit how you dress and no one will care. Many people come straight to class from jobs or internships and are dressed up nice. People get it and understand that so no one will care. I remember a kid showed up in a suit everyday as he came to class straight from work.
Wear whatever the fuck you want, be yourself, have your own style and focus on your studies and getting your degree. DO NOT listen to ignorant zoomers on an anonymous anime image board.

>> No.14298620

>Dont wear oxford shoes, loafers
Wrong, nobody cares
>or a tie
Correct, you’ll look like a tard

>> No.14298645

Post a fit pic ya fag

>> No.14298669

What kind of tops do I wear when its hot?

>> No.14298687

Lightweight oxfords or linen. Normal oxford is too thick for summer but most brands have thinner versions. Linen is super breathable and lightweight, but they also wrinkle like crazy.

>> No.14298715

Anyone have very basic inspo?

>> No.14298829


Are cotton/linen hybrid pants like this machine washable?

>> No.14298831

God made linen for a reason.

>> No.14298833

That's what Trad is, faggot.

>> No.14298848

>You're at university to get educated, not make friends and be the popular kid

Cool, but most people actually dress to influence other peoples perception of them. If you go to class wearing Oxford shoes, a tie, and a Navy blazer, and everyone around you is wearing sweatpants and graphic tees, you will look out of place and like an idiot. You want to dress better than your peers, but not so much so that you look like a try-hard.

>> No.14298868

That's the whole thing we want here

>> No.14298899

>most people actually dress to influence other peoples perception of them
Maybe the brand new, fresh out of high school freshmen. After a semester or two no one gives a fuck

>> No.14298901

Saved to my inspo folder. He just looks so effortlessly classic and good here

>> No.14298907

One thing I love about Charles' style is that everything he owns is old as fuck. He's very open about how he just patches up his suits and gets stuffed repaired. He regularly wears a pair of oxfords that were made for him in the 70s that he just keeps getting repaired and keeps wearing.
He is the epitome of what it means to be prep. Can't wait for King Charles

>> No.14299263
File: 152 KB, 720x960, B464E5C8-DD5A-4977-8388-C1AF45827292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m so trad and athletic looking
>I’m praised by all the sheep that support the two party system
Fraud larper

>> No.14299429

if you don't think this is what every preppy dad looks like outside of fucking gq photoshoots you've got another thing coming

>> No.14299472

He's 50 years old and rich. I'll forgive him for having a bit of a gut.

>> No.14299665

Not everyone’s dad is a fat fuck

>> No.14299785

>i've just watched an episode of endeavour/midsomer murders and i swear that's how i dress in real life, lol i'm so classy

>> No.14299864
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, ratioshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is fresh out of the dryer, so this is after shrinkage and its true fit.
It's really nice. I can't stop raving about this shirt.

>> No.14300086

Cmon bud that thing looks way too tight on you. Also learn to iron

>> No.14300172

Its not horrible, but you need an extra 0.5" in the chest, and 1" in the midsection.

>> No.14300197

>Collar too big
>Sleeves too short
>Chest and waist too slim
>I don't even know what the fuck's going on around the shoulders

Come on son

Maybe it's not that bad, take another pic when ironed and without puffing your chest out

>> No.14300386
File: 448 KB, 1184x1191, 2019_0428_17222000~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Trying to figure out a summer wardrobe. I'm going to start cutting soon I promise.

>> No.14300425

Lets hear those brands, boy. Wear em with pride

>> No.14300478
File: 191 KB, 735x551, Greases BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Urban Lumberjack Beardsters < Folks that bathe

>> No.14300664
File: 2.86 MB, 4032x3024, 20190430_113937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique pls

>> No.14300690
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Same faggot.

>> No.14300704

richard spencer-core

>> No.14300709

>collars are unlined and have a great roll
are you blind? there's no roll and that shirt doesn't fit you at all

>> No.14300711

go watch Rushmore

>> No.14300714

dont wear them unless youre famous. average joe with bowtie looks either gay or like a virgin

>> No.14300841
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, 20190430_132354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Why so? That wasn't exactly the look I was going for.

>> No.14300880

You look like someone who works at office depot. You can't just cobble together a bunch of cheap items and just hope it works.

>> No.14300893

Shave, get a haircut them burn the tie.

>> No.14300937

Can be more specific? I appreciate the feedback. I know I'm a fucktard, but I'm trying to improve. What are the cheap items you are referring to? The quarter zip is RL, the shirt is Proper Cloth, the tie is Brooks Brothers, and the pants are BR. These are brands you guys recommended me. Should I be look at other brands instead?

>> No.14300940

Clean shaven, or something else? And this is the haircut I just got :(

>> No.14300947

But somehow he has worse opinions.

>> No.14300996

Ah, sorry. Just looked cheap then. Best advice is to look at the inspo posted and the Instagram's and try to replicate the looks. You should start with oxfords

>> No.14301004

I have a couple oxfords on the way.

>> No.14301006

Is this Drake's shirt right? I remember somebody bought a similar looking one

6/10, I would go with a lighter or bolder blue in the shorts and a long sleeve shirt instead with sleeves rolled


>> No.14301015

Same dood.

>> No.14301033
File: 1.58 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190211_194403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only wear a tie with a blazer imo. Best go for something casual, wool, not shiny.

Speaking of blazer. I think I'm desperate for a longer one that covers my bum. Not sure if I can bite the brooks bullet. Prices in Europe are high..

>> No.14301039


>> No.14301041 [DELETED] 
File: 3.17 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20190426_145059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more of my fits. I'm a nub so don't these as inspo, I just think these threads desperately need more fits.

>> No.14301058
File: 1.48 MB, 2237x4608, IMG_20190426_145059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting more fits. I'm a nub, so don't take them as inspo, I just think that these threads desperately need more. Too many people talking shit, not enough posting fits.

>> No.14301070
File: 851 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190107_161430439_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14301077
File: 1.04 MB, 2115x2371, IMG_20190204_120109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14301079

Women shop?

>> No.14301091

Escorting the (real) gf.

>> No.14301174

This one was good.

>> No.14301215
File: 166 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20190122-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14301334
File: 177 KB, 1024x1024, muhshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purposely got it slim because I don't want that baggy look. All my clothes fit me in the chest if I can help it.

Sleeves are definitely not too short. They probably look that way since it wasn't ironed and the wrinkles make them shorter.

>> No.14301358
File: 453 KB, 1740x2158, rlshirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison, here's a RL shirt that would be considered that classic baggy oxford style but I feel like I drown in it.

>> No.14301374

I think the RL one looks fine, just the right amount of baggy. If you tuck it in you'll get a comfy billow that'll make you look less "uptight" than the ratio one.
I am pretty thin myself and a bit of baggy definitely looks better on me, too slim makes me looks like a constricted twig and I kinda get that same impression from your ratio shirt.

>> No.14301376

Try to wear the slim like the regular one. Tucking in slims look weird sometimes

>> No.14301387

That is a much better fit. Its a bit baggy on the arms, but only slightly.

>> No.14301402
File: 229 KB, 1280x1170, ratiountucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Ratio short untucked. This is how I would wear it just to class or something

>> No.14301582

>every single one of them is clean shaven

>> No.14301586

Based and greaserpilled

>> No.14301591

Why a dark wash jean rather than a lightwash jean?

>> No.14301621

Honestly it just looks better. It's that simple

>> No.14301658

This looks retarded with the low rise pants

>> No.14301783

What easily obtainable and preferably mechanical watches are fitting of the style?

I was going for a Tisell diver but imagining a sub under an unlined oxford cloth cuff made me reconsider. The watch itself also has a rep for spotty QC.

I know Timex is a big one, but I've already owned one and am hoping to upgrade from quartz.

Seiko has a reddit tax (even the seiko 5) and orient just looks fugly and oversized to me (38mm for nondiver is my limit).

There's the option of vintage Omega dress watches, like the Deville and Geneve, but buying nth-hand watches seems like a second job with all the research and due diligence. Is it worth it?

My budget at this point is like $500. Later in my career I'll just say fuck it and cop a datejust, but for now I can't really justify it.

>> No.14301785

>>every single one of them is clean shaven
they were all pre-pubescent, to be fair

>> No.14301788

Both. Fuck. You.

>> No.14301794
File: 37 KB, 396x530, 1555191309981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best online retailers for a certain sort of clothing? The only brick-and-mortar stores near me are places like Macys, Kohl, and JC pennys. All the clothing there looks cheap and baggy, like pic related. How do I get a fit more like >>14293402 and >>14293460 , where everything looks tailored but not too tight? as opposed to "high school math teacher" core.

>> No.14301806

Get something adequate and relevant to your work, hobbies or interests.

>> No.14301821

El hobbit de la shire

>> No.14301827

Samwise Gamgee de las dos torres

>> No.14301831

Too neutral, I hope that’s not a black pullover, and chino jeans are horrid my guy, also do something with that upper body. Calisthenics is fine
Bro, get rid of the Peter Parker hair. Yikes it is black.

>> No.14301847

Its still a bit tight in the midsection. Not the worst fit of all time. Just also not something to rave about.

>> No.14301998

W2c stanford belt? W2c preppy belts?

>> No.14302034
File: 328 KB, 1050x570, GDE_4910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is fine tucked and untucked. You have a bit of a gut which an undershirt would help or you can just accept. It is what it is.

My advice would be to swap out that dark belt for light brown or a light green / blue / rep type pattern or web belt. Black is too dark and cuts you in half.

With accessories and on the go you're fine. Cheers.

>> No.14302041

too big

>> No.14302126

Country club prep

>> No.14302490
File: 53 KB, 373x498, 1556676073366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory Animal House post

>> No.14302500
File: 1.65 MB, 3330x3254, _20190501_122748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copped this braided belt. Thoughts?

>> No.14302572

Vintage is the way to go. Its worth it in the end. That "second job" effort will make you proud when finally cop it.

>> No.14302578

Looks nice. Pretty versetal color too that will match a range of shoes.

>> No.14302595

Is their cheaper stuff at Macy's any good? A lot of it is on sale right now.

>> No.14302625

Thanks for the feedback. I've ordered a lighter sweater (V-neck instead of quarter zip this time), a couple of oxford shirts, some mid-rise chinos. Now about the tie, which you guys told me to burn. What do I look for in a silk tie that makes it not look cheap? I'm not a big fan of cotton ties.

>> No.14302668

In the US you have lots of options:

>> No.14302678

Thoughts on lapel pins?

>> No.14302679

Jelly. Here in Europe it's either menswear meme clothing, smooth Italian fuccboi or English countryside larper

>> No.14302691

Yep, specially canvas/embroidered stuff is nearly or impossible to find. Braided belts are the way to go.

These are possible to find as well: Argentinian belts

>> No.14302729

Only for certain occasions. Not for daily use.

>> No.14302732

I'd never go untucked.

>> No.14302751


Jackson c. Frank self titled album.

Great album.

>> No.14302755


If you're wearing sperrys it's shit.

>> No.14302758
File: 109 KB, 720x1280, 6a8b389dfc63643f63b375d6a787d7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone know the name of this type of bag? Pic rel.

>> No.14302767

Terrible outfit

>> No.14302768

Doctor’s bag.

>> No.14302776

Way too flashy to be prep. It should be understated.

>> No.14302805

Holidays and stuff.

>> No.14302806

It is. He had a tragic life, but is undoubtedly one of the most underrated folk singers. Shame his career was so short

>> No.14302810

Seconded. A nice weekender/duffle bag is a much better choice for the same use case / aesthetic.

>> No.14302831


>> No.14302844

I'm gonna buy my first navy blazer. Ideally I want something office appropriate, and that I can wear on the quarter mile walk from the car to the office in southern summer heat. What materials should I be looking at? Can I get an unlined interior, or is that too informal?

>> No.14302846
File: 523 KB, 932x1543, Screenshot_20190501-105449_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cop or not?

>> No.14302940

Is there a rule about blazer button metals needing to coordinate with other metals? I love the gold button blazer, but all my watches are silver.

>> No.14302946


>> No.14303008

They look nice. Cop them, unless they're low rise or slim fit. Then don't.

>> No.14303037


>> No.14303076 [DELETED] 

linen shows my underwear tank top or if I dont have one on my nipples

>> No.14303077 [DELETED] 

What tops do I buy at Massimo Dutti for summer?
Polos and shirts?

>> No.14303079

They’re really nice and all but RL needs more mid rise. 10in are pathetic

>> No.14303092

I have no clue. I just get their belts

>> No.14303096

Ralph Lauren

>> No.14303164

Yes, also, their belts are good for the price

>> No.14303210


>> No.14303222


Thoughts on this instagram?

>> No.14303289

looks good

>> No.14303585


>> No.14303696

where do I find summer prep inspiration?

>> No.14303726

KJP, Brooks Brothers summer catalogues, etc

>> No.14304261

Clean shaven. The haircut is fine.

>> No.14304285

Just another nu male hello kitty

>> No.14304329

As useful as these kind of blogs are for inspo, does anyone else find them off-putting in a sense?

Uploading hundreds of photos of yourself online, whoring yourself out to brands for those amazon referral bucks, just hoarding every conceivable part of the wardrobe in every colour and fit, constantly shopping to have new content.... the suspension of disbelief is always broken for me when they make mention of their actual career in very vague terms and you realize they dont do fucking anything, they're a blogger, a middle manager's middle manager or sometimes even outright a "fashion consultant" or some other bottom feeder. And is it always ALWAYS hapas? They are the biggest americana LARPers. It doesn't feel quite right.

Like can you imagine seeing the inside of their wardrobe, how they've got like 1000 sportcoats and jackets in every colour? it'd just feel excessive. it's larping.

Traditional menswear to me is necessarily utilitarian and thrifty. An aspect of it should just be lived, and if your life is documenting meta-culture, and your job is some meaningless paper pushing or literally just blogging, its all just a silly simulacrum.

>> No.14304347
File: 169 KB, 1080x1350, PrepSummer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KJP reminds me of this picture I had in my inspo album. W2C shorts like this?

>> No.14304412

Ll bean

>> No.14304417


>> No.14304448

w2c coat ?

>> No.14304468

Can baldies into prep look?

>> No.14304529

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge

>> No.14304604

I think you're a bit of a snob

>> No.14304938
File: 1.09 MB, 280x360, alain4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14304972

this would all be true if it wasn't for the fact that they make good money as an "influencer"

>> No.14304985
File: 48 KB, 535x820, navy-linen-blazer-charcoal-long-sleeve-t-shirt-charcoal-jeans-original-10753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14305015

picked up a jpress ocbd flap pocket and some poplin trousers. hopefully lives up to the hype. i've been really pleased with their rugby style shirts.

>> No.14305046
File: 161 KB, 500x750, inspo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14305047

seiko 5 with black face and olive nylon strap

>> No.14305050
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>> No.14305051
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>> No.14305054
File: 90 KB, 564x1162, 6ae103558b4962906a99312f383ff265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more part 2

>> No.14305055
File: 70 KB, 564x737, 2b954e6e4c8175a10905910dc666c52f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more part 3

>> No.14305157
File: 73 KB, 475x475, IMG_8508-e1523192695539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible advice. His first blazer should be actually navy (not some lighter blue) with gold or silver buttons in a classic cut and in midweight wool so he can wear it (almost) year round and in most settings, either casual or professionnal.

tldr: just get one from BB

>> No.14305162

Can I wear gold buttons with a steel watch?

>> No.14305392

Yeah, why not

>> No.14305405

Is there such a thing as a preppy running shoe?

>> No.14305412

cute tummy lol

>> No.14305453


New Balance 990

>> No.14305455


>> No.14305558

Anyone here has mint pants inspo?

>> No.14305784

t. paddy

>> No.14306278

Is there such a thing as a trad approved youtube channel?

>> No.14306568



>> No.14306577

Not an argument

>> No.14306637

All White sneakers are it

>> No.14306643

That shirt on the left looks so good

>> No.14307507

This. 99X as a whole are prep.

>> No.14307554

post more perfect fits

>> No.14307561

We kindly ask that you vacate the premises, sir.

>> No.14307757

I love the button down shirt under a knit or cotton sweater. Too bad it is summer right now.

>> No.14307769

Anyone make nice leather lunch boxes?

>> No.14307772

So do linen shirts under sweater vests.

>> No.14307830

>cotton sweater
Wool sweaters are much better

>> No.14307847

Do linen/cotton Oxfords wrinkle bad? Used to own some linen chinos, and I looked like a mess by the end of the day.

>> No.14307879

How do you wear an Oxford/Chino combination without looking like an office pleb or cia?

>> No.14307912

Shoes, tie, and blazer. Don't skimp on them either. In fact, they should be the highest quality you can afford. Wearing a $400 shirt with a tie and shoes from Kohl's makes you look like you work at Office depot. A Kohl's shirt with top quality shoes and tie makes you look prep.

>> No.14308108

Untuck it

>> No.14308158

be handsome and fit

>> No.14308206
File: 851 KB, 452x1000, 84h3th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picked up a jpress ocbd flap pocket
a bit roomy but it should fit great after a wash. might size down a sleeve depending.
>some poplin trousers
ouch. i need to drop 10 pounds.

might pickup some loafers this weekend from the allen edmond store. been putting a lot of wear on my boat shoes with the weather warming

>> No.14308208
File: 224 KB, 707x1701, 8bit_prep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not me btw. it's from that instagram farther up the thread

>> No.14308215

how would something like this work with blue and green corduroy pants? any ideas guys

>> No.14308218

thrift stores

>> No.14308472

shirt must be tucked in.

>> No.14308479
File: 67 KB, 780x780, Gladstone-Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone know the name of this type of bag?
Looks like a Gladstone bag.

>> No.14308536
File: 316 KB, 2000x2000, image_924ad196-3714-49c4-bc96-51cffd23e566_2024x2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some new trousers. 100 bong bucks seemed like a decent deal. Cheaper than cordings.

Will post fit when they arrive in a few days. I've already bought the grey flannels from them so I can recommend. (Natalino)

>> No.14308543
File: 174 KB, 2000x2000, image_faf6b91b-ff8d-4be5-8426-d440b41d41cc_2024x2024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And these.

>> No.14308560

Side tabs are /fa/ for sure, but definitely not prep/trad/ivy.

>> No.14308630

I'm sure they're trad no? Anyway this is as close as a /menswear/ thread as there will ever be so I figure it's appropriate.

>> No.14308707

Side tabs are modern trend. They look nice, but aren't trad. Belt is a big part of a trad outfit.

>> No.14308765

Side adjusters are trad as hell, other guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

Bro the modern menswear trend is a revival of an old tailoring feature. I have 1940s vintage suits with that shit on them. Usually buttons, but all the same.

>> No.14308994

If it was close to the sweater without being an exact match, bretty gud

>> No.14309087

>I’m praised by all the sheep that support the two party system
Do you...know who that guy is?

>> No.14309224

Another puppet