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File: 51 KB, 600x400, 25FLOATING-INYT2-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14269537 No.14269537 [Reply] [Original]

Post effay houses

>> No.14269794

in 50 years that property isnt going to be worth shit, if its still standing at all. financial stability is fashionable, giving in to a """trendy""" house on a waterfront in a world with rising sea levels isnt.

>> No.14269820

Ok dad, but I think he was just saying it looks cool.

>> No.14269835
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I wonder if one nowadays would hire an architect to build a Gothic house instead of a modern trendy minimalist house. I don't know the advantages/disadvantages of this choice.

Either way, there you have a effay house.

>> No.14269853

Yeah... sometimes architects are hired to design homes and buildings in a classical style, but that's rare. Generally if an architect gets the chance to design something in a classical style, any classical style, it's a rare little treat and they'd be extatic to do it. Generally speaking.

>> No.14269855
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This is now a general architecture, landscape architecture and interior design thread.

>> No.14269875
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>> No.14269876
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>> No.14269965

4chan should have an architechture board
Just saying

>> No.14269993

those houses are a lot more expensive to build than modern ones, at least in burgerland. getting those cut stones is a lot more expensive than 2bys, sheetrock and siding, roofs take up more material, and all that metalwork and trim would have to be custom. the labor is also a lot more, having peope deal with larger stones, not being able to walk on roofs without special equipment, stronger foundations for added weight. the labor really adds up and most people who would want a gothic house would want an original, so the market would be tiny. maybe it could work in countries where the land and permitting itself is very expensive, like ive heard german houses are made of more expensive materials because of the other costs, or if the location makes the land costly.

>> No.14270104
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Is this faggot shack /fa/?

>> No.14270125
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>> No.14270587

It should. How do we make this happen?

>> No.14270589
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>> No.14270592
File: 3.15 MB, 3200x2399, Make-a-House-in-Minecraft-Step-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought my house with a gf, you guys like it?


>> No.14270595

It's not standing, anon. It's floating, and looks to be anchored to those concrete pillars on the side.

>> No.14270604
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>> No.14270605
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>> No.14270606
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Go pagan-core

>> No.14270609
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>> No.14270611
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>> No.14270616
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these are cool. thanks for sharing

>> No.14270619
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my pleasure capitano

>> No.14270623
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>> No.14270627
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>> No.14270663

Wow this is such a dated aesthetic, I love it

>> No.14270668
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>> No.14270671
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>> No.14270674
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>> No.14270680
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>> No.14270683
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>> No.14270849

patrican. looks fucking menacing

>> No.14270859
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>youll never live in house like this

>> No.14270874
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I second this.

>> No.14270876
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>> No.14270880
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>> No.14270883
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>> No.14270925

>giving in to a trendy house on a waterfront in a world with rising sea levels isn't

it's a Dutch houseboat. it even says "FLOATING" in the filename, you tard

>> No.14270998
File: 29 KB, 474x250, downloadfile-197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14271007

should be architecture and design. I would love to discuss graphics, textures, fonts, and buildings with you fags

>> No.14271012

geometric grass spaces like that are disgusting imo

>> No.14271019
File: 2.09 MB, 2048x1536, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an absolutely classic

>> No.14271025
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rare interior shot

>> No.14271027
File: 310 KB, 1600x1101, james-brittain-revisited-habitat-67-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14271069


>> No.14271153

glorified depressing commie block

>> No.14271273

That's the Alexandra Road Estate, located in London. It has won several awards.
Back to /pol/ you troll

>> No.14271310

Was this the one on Grand Designs that floated? Was fucking cool.

>> No.14271430

Anon from the post you replied here;
thank you for your input anon, I was always in doubt about this subject.

>> No.14271449

Even if it had won a 1000 rewards it's still depressing.

>> No.14271459
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Reminds me of this. Only Rapture is more comfy

>> No.14271530
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*rabbles in agreement*

>> No.14271550
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>> No.14271566
File: 366 KB, 1300x975, 61175950-london-england-uk-march-07-2008-the-alexandra-road-estate-designed-in-1968-by-neave-brown-applies-th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still shit
i'm always dumbfounded hat bongs regard it as the pinnacle of architecture

>> No.14271591
File: 249 KB, 1920x1080, 1bf22ef6eaa4ceff9507e259fd6e200b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ would colonize it immediately (not saying it's necessarily a bad thing though)

>> No.14271702

I disagree. I think the desighn in new and a unique way to save space and still get people in. As oppose to a giant shoebox that you shove people in. This one alows more room for gardens and life

>> No.14271733

That is a bad thing. You wouldn't be able to have a discussion about modernist architecture ever because it would just be posts upon posts of "Jewish architects ruined beauty" "modernism is a plot to undermine culture" etc. I don't even entirely disagree with that. But if every counterpoint in support of modern design just boiled down to "cuckcuckcuck" that would be p boring.

>> No.14271735

This. Better to have one kick-ass common space than countless shitty little side-yards

>> No.14271740

Holy shit that's so nice
there's something about living in a futuristic, steel and glass condo complex and decorating like an old victorian parlour that really floats my boat

>> No.14271782

I think you're kind of a faggot if you're scared of being called a cuck. I know you phrased it slightly differently by saying it would be boring, but most people can see right through this. Why would anybody in their right mind support modern or even postmodern architecture and design?

>> No.14271812

i wish this show spent more time showing what the european cities look like, new york just looks the same.

>> No.14271827
File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, E4CEA9B8-F4BC-40F5-966E-82E05D24A868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14272046

Your a cuck

>> No.14272048

yeah I mean, there are some merits to modernism. there are some more enlightened elements to it when done right. Ideally I would like to see a mix of all architectural styles out there, and i do think modernism is overly dominant right now. These are the kinds of ideas I would love to discuss with people who are informed about it and open to having a conversation.

also fuck you. Don't project on me you mouth-breather.

>> No.14272216
File: 215 KB, 1600x1066, psmings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You wouldn't be able to have a discussion about modernist architecture ever because it would just be posts upon posts of "Jewish architects ruined beauty"
But that IS the discussion. That genre of architecture doesn't have any history to speak of.

>> No.14272223
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>> No.14272326

it doesn't have a history in the sense that it is new. so what they fuck? are you saying any innovation or new style is a NWO psy-op to undermine culture just because its new?