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File: 67 KB, 469x625, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14268126 No.14268126[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look what these bastards have done to our cigarette boxes. Like living in Soviet Russia or some shit.

>> No.14268157

and that's a good thing

>> No.14268159
File: 81 KB, 768x768, 18k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only there were other options than being a pleb... Also, cigarettes aren't the "torches of freedom" you've been sold. Stop smoking

>> No.14268165

feels good knowing this could literally never happen in my country, smoking is basically part of the culture and it would be ridiculous to attempt to push this shit.

>> No.14268181

Imagine being this proud of collectively swallowing propaganda hook line and sinker

>> No.14268244

Start rolling

>> No.14268261

keep crying bitch

>> No.14268266

I remember when I was 19 too OP

>> No.14268269

Is fearr an tsláinte ná na táinte anon

>> No.14268281

good analogy as its the commies doing it. Keep voting against those kikes

>> No.14268330
File: 1.21 MB, 960x960, wojakred.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No touchy mó toitíní

>> No.14268348

Changing packaging isn't going to stop people smoking. It's useless. If it actually proved a large decrease in smokers would result I wouldn't mind that much.

>> No.14268353

imagine being this much of a sòy muncher

>> No.14268362

based government. fuck nicotine junkies

>> No.14268380

If it’s not from the government, it’s not “propaganda” you pseudointellect, it’s just “marketing”. And I judge the value of their product based on what I taste/smell in my nose and lungs. Literally I’m smoking Lucky Strike Reds, and they don’t have any marketing campaign in my country. Be your own man, vegan fag.

>> No.14268433

Fucking Silk Cut?
Are you an 80 year old woman?

>> No.14268449

how do you watch this bobble head ass dude

>> No.14268455

Lmao >>14268380 is literally smoking the brand pushed on the masses by the guy who wrote the fucking book on propaganda. Couldn't be more of a soja soldier if you tried, boy.

>> No.14268471

get a cigarette case, pleb

>> No.14268478

Cigarettes should be taxed twice as much as they are.
Morons who smoke put such an immense strain on the health care system. They're almost as bad as fat people.

>> No.14268481

>I consume products I'm told to because I'm a real man. I'm very secure in my masculinity. You can tell because of all the products I dutifully consume.
soi as fuck

>> No.14268485
File: 1.62 MB, 1604x862, PRisPropaganda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B-b-but Public Relations™ and Propaganda are two distinct things, aren't they?
>Besides, I am a rational being completely independent in my judgment
> And I judge the value of their product based on what I taste/smell in my nose and lungs, I would never fall prey to mercantile lies

keep telling yourself that, see where it gets you

>> No.14268600
File: 515 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190417_190031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have one of these
It's literally the accessory I get complimented on the most

>> No.14268618

Why havent you gotten yours monogramed yet? That blank cartouche looks weird like that

>> No.14268627

Still postponing buying an engraving machine. Could use my modelling router, but I want to buy an engraving machine. You're right though.

Also haven't gotten around designing a proper monogram that looks aesthetic, my initials are PJE so there's no easy way unless you flip. the P. but that's gay

>> No.14268653
File: 28 KB, 340x270, serveimage-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing you havent yet because you just dodged a bullet. It's gonna look like you got that shit at the mall if you engrave it with a machine.
You gotta do this shit by hand m88 there's no other way. Do an image search for "trench art" or maybe even "scrimshaw" and let your imagination go wild.

>> No.14268663
File: 13 KB, 500x332, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to quit cigarettes
>Don't get physical withdrawals
>I just constantly want more

>> No.14268664

take this >>14268653 here advice and try out cold chiseling.

>> No.14268709

Nice one mick, good choice of brand. Although it’s a shame over the water in England it is a travesty what has happened to the cig packets

>> No.14268714

Freddie Mercury’s favourite pal, mater of fact they were the most popular brand in the 80s and were the last brand to advertise on UK TV and film

>> No.14268928

I'm sorry but these really are fedora tier. If you're not James Dean and I see you pull out this I'm going to thing you're a LARPing sperg. No offense, because I think they're really cool too, but it just doesn't work anymore in this day and age. Kind of like the way no one can pull off a monocle or pocket watch anymore.

>> No.14268944

>I can't pull it off so obviously nobody else can either
this is what you sound like

>> No.14268948

Lol post a picture of yourself then and lets see if you can pull it off? My point is 99% of people can't.

>> No.14268951

>No offense, because I think they're really cool too, but it just doesn't work anymore in this day and age
It's not common, which requires you to appear extraordinary to pull it off. If you're an average looking or lesser shmuck then yea you'd probably look fedora but if you had a really unique style or were very attractive you could do it with gravitas

>> No.14268963

They don't even take effort to 'pull off', they're a lot better than those cancer pics and unless you're fiddling with them and showing them off like a tryhard (i.e. use them in any way except just utilitarian). Not everything is difficult, only if you make it so.

>> No.14268971

Here in the states it seems excessive because the warning on our packaging is very minimal

>> No.14268978

I don’t smoke cause “im a Rebel” i smoke because I enjoy it you absolute pseudo intellectual

>> No.14268980

>willingly buys into anti smoking propoganda

>> No.14268983

>not smoking just to spite the cringey anti-smoking campaigns

if the establishment is telling me to not use tobacco it's probably good for me

>> No.14268989

I don’t always carry one, but it’s more convenient and looks better than a pack in an interior jacket pocket because it’s slimmer.

>> No.14269037
File: 13 KB, 236x328, 2fdc1049278805738cc098f6372a3bd5--style-men-my-style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people can't pull off pocket watches

Also this. They don't destroy the lines in a suit or pants like a normal flip top box would

>> No.14269041
File: 443 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190417_222438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw just re-found my good case, the other one is rather dogshit actually

>> No.14269136
File: 14 KB, 512x272, 31993180_1_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck these nanny state cunts

>> No.14269181

Health care should not be given out by the government.
>t. swede

>> No.14269202

I don't agree with you killing yourself anon, but I will defend to the death your right to do it.

>> No.14269204

Absolutely based

>> No.14269207

Have sex

>> No.14269237

Is there anything more pathetic and as wide spread than smoking cigarettes?

>> No.14269272
File: 2.16 MB, 3008x4016, IMG_20190417_165545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty standard nowadays.

>> No.14269273

Starting to smoke in you 20's because some random social outcast in an anime imageboard told you is cool

>> No.14269285

hows it feel being a slave to the tobacco industry pussy?

>> No.14269289

thats sick, where can i get that box

>> No.14269318

The USSR never put warning labels on cigarette packaging.

t. knower

>> No.14269338


>> No.14269344

Better than being a slave to the onions industry, bitchboy

>> No.14269354

bb they're one and the same

>> No.14269362

Is that Irish misprinted?
Isn't there only supposed to be one "do" in that sentence.

>> No.14269368

it is pretty disgusting.
and I don't mean the gross pictures of fucked up lungs and mouth cancer and other shit.

I mean the fact that the nanny-state decides that they must push their "we're doing it for your own good, protecting you from yourselves" bullshit into every aspect of our lives, despite us being adults.

it's fucking annoying.

and I'm not even a smoker, at all. I still hate it though. the people responsible - I genuinely believe they should be lined up against a wall and executed.

>> No.14269371

>imagine smoking

>> No.14269372

propaganda doesn't just mean it only comes from a government you retard

>> No.14269395

People like you live such a sad life, constantly being scared of stepping slightly over the line, doing something that would make you noticeable.
Have sex.

>> No.14269457

Where from Irishfag?

>> No.14269480


>> No.14269485

“Le merchantile” is anti smoking you idiot

>> No.14269488

It does, retard. Anything else is just marketing. Watch Mad Men, idiot. Have some knowledge about the marketing/advertising industry.

>> No.14269498

Most people who smoke probably know that it's killing them and consuming their lives.
I don't see how telling that to them again is going to change it. Maybe it will discourage people from starting, but schools already push out about as much anti-drug lessons as they have time for.

>> No.14269518

Smoking is for degenerate faggots and cunts
They literally dye your skin yellow like a chinaman with the teeth of a middle aged british man the health issues of a middle eastern hobo they literally cause cancer and not to mention they are expensive as fuck

people who smoke because they think it is cool literally deserve to be put into a asylum and get their nipples shocked by a 75 year old nun
>itt someone who is allergic to nicotine

>> No.14269520

>Have sex
Whoa watch out guys, we got a fucking stud in our midst.

>> No.14269528

Nah do can mean for and your, so together "for your" I believe

>> No.14269548

An Irishman on FA. Incel?

>> No.14269558

have a bowel movement in yer pants

>> No.14269560

The only people that post like you are virgins trying to shame other dudes for fucking women and triggering your incel feelings

>> No.14269566

I'm an "incel" because I think you look like a larping fag flipping your Chink shit ebay cigarette holder around? Just fucking LOL at how much of a total sperg you are. Utterly embarrassing.

>> No.14269569

You're the one defending that chink case retard

You want a chink case

And you get triggered when so.eone says condom Because you can't find anyone to fuck

>> No.14269579

Lol you're a fucking retard. This entire thread I said those cases were fedora tier, now you're saying I actually want one and occasionally shout some nonsense about sex for absolutely no reason. Top yourself you dyslexic fuck.

>> No.14269581

Pretty much the furthest thing from one.

>> No.14269585

Holy shit you're asshurt. I recommend suicide.

>> No.14269593

Post your face lets see how much sex to get

>> No.14269595


>> No.14269596

Wow We go fuck yourself

>> No.14269625

T. incel

>> No.14269633

Oh I’m sorry what I meant to say

Wow We go get kill yourself

>> No.14269636

Did a smoker fuck your oneitis, or just your mother?

>> No.14269639

>Getting this offended
>on 4chan
Reddit is that way

>> No.14269653 [DELETED] 

Hey, where'd you get that? Planning on doing a by-hand engraving like that one dude but all the ones I can find online are already engraved

>> No.14269655

Hey, where'd you get that? Can't find a nice minimalistic one to hand-engrave

>> No.14269656


>> No.14269659

Do all smokers get offended when you point out how retarded they are? I want to call them weak willed but you don't exactly need to be resolute to just not smoke.

>> No.14269660

Jews are the ones pushing the anti-smoking propaganda and regulations.

>> No.14269661

Lol call me weak willed but I have no intention of quitting. It’s nice and I like the taste of my Luckies.

So what if smoking is dangerous? You’re a man, the world is dangerous.

>> No.14269670

Based Pete Campbell

>> No.14269681

Cool I have never had any desire to smoke so I'll continue to not do so. Smoking is retarded but peoples reasons for doing it are even more retarded, you don't need to justify yourself.

>So what if smoking is dangerous? You’re a man, the world is dangerous.

That's very vague and doesn't argue anything.

>> No.14269694

I bet you're serious too
You like how it parts your lips when you suck on it, don't you? The warm feeling going down your throat, thick smoke running down the corner of your mouth...

>> No.14269702

>Getting lung cancer to own the Jews

>> No.14269743

Btw I’ve been bisexual since before I started smoking. Also, most heterosexual men I know are smokers.

>> No.14270101

Tobacco shop, but I'm sure Aliexpress has them too

>> No.14270121

Anon Freddy took dick in the ass for fun, that’s not a great look on the cigs

>> No.14270805


>> No.14270808

>doesn’t have a guy for duty frees
t. incel

>> No.14271668

It does nothing, people think it's not going to happen to them.

Same applies with cars.

>> No.14272705

Next they'll add some images of scat or roadkill or something for the heck of it.

>> No.14272749

why do you think adding >t. swede to your post lends it credence; also has nothing to do with his post

>> No.14272886

Apart from dying in battle, dying of lung cancer is the only acceptable way for a man to die.

>> No.14272924

100% Based

>> No.14272948
File: 128 KB, 868x670, A9D9A033-1845-49D9-BDD3-2ECACD2172C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freddie Mercury’s favourite pal, mater of fact they were the most popular brand in the 80s and were the last brand to advertise on UK TV and film

>> No.14272963

better vid about this

>> No.14273019

I can't deny that some people look cool while smoking, while others do not.
Why is that? Unironic question.

>> No.14273248
File: 9 KB, 255x197, ][][][][][][].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many reasons.
Its a skill. Some people are not good at smoking. Smoke getting into their eyes, spitting after every drag etc.
Where are you smoking also depends.
Attractiveness. Just like with fashion, 99% of the time good looking people will look good smoking, while uggos will not.

>> No.14273269

Does it fit 20 sticks?

>> No.14273273

>wanting to be noticable
You’re broken inside aren’t you?

>> No.14273290
File: 68 KB, 900x900, 1548222908809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread brought to you via philip morris corp.

Keep getting cancer kids - it helps our pharma investments.

>> No.14273295

>the “anonymous” and banksy are my heroes! Smash fascism!
Loling at you anon. So naive.

>> No.14273299

>i dutifully consume what i'm told regardless of the side effects
>if you don't then you must be someone i am brainwashed to hate

>> No.14273311
File: 18 KB, 313x286, 1552334785764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking a government controlled healthcare market is a good thing

>> No.14273315

No one told me to consume anything, retard. Use your head. If I was forced to do something against my will, I’d resist.

Life itself is not 100% without side effects, dummy. I KNOW the risks of all the things that I do and enjoy, and I’m willing to face those risks.

Go back to r/conspiracy. Get with the times, it’s 2019. Nothing actually needs to be worried anymore.

>> No.14273319

Maybe the healthcare system needs to be abolished, if you’re burdened by having to pay for sick people, then you should only pay for yourself.

>> No.14273428

Yes, precisely

>> No.14273816

>Implying that anyone is brainwashed into smoking nowadays, when everyone is constantly indoctrinated into being super anti-smoking, and you have to look really really hard to find anything that portrays cigarettes in a positive light

>> No.14273871

smaking is gut bruv

>> No.14273883
File: 3.10 MB, 3024x5376, IMAG1796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what lighter do u nigers use, shitty croket for 35 cents reporting in, god save my cancer soul

>> No.14274444
File: 489 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190419_182848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a bulk supply at home and refill before I leave home btw, having it half empty looks poor and makes them more prone to falling out

>> No.14274455
File: 21 KB, 400x266, 23232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i roll my cigarettes despite living somewhere where it's cheap. a lot of people sort of roll their eyes when i do it because they think its for 2011 hipster cred when in reality it's because when i buy a normal pack of cigarettes they feel like candy and i end up smoking 60 cigarettes a day whereas when i roll them i smoke 15 a day tops


>> No.14274514

60! ion even want to know what ur going thru dawg

>> No.14274739
File: 975 KB, 244x264, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people are not good at smoking. Smoke getting into their eyes
Yet Fassbender can get smoke in his eyes and still look cool.

>> No.14275471

My body my choice, nigger.

>> No.14275580

Hope your lungs wither and fail on you.

>> No.14275612


>> No.14275823

why dont you look at those repeating digits

>> No.14276050

you are disabled

>> No.14276174

Kek, didn't even notice, thanks /fa/m

>> No.14276321

you know the song on youtube where this photo was used?

>> No.14276698
File: 149 KB, 750x747, 1553285852782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who smokes has just been GOYM'd into buying a product that does absolutely nothing

Prove me wrong

>> No.14276859
File: 116 KB, 624x832, 105a40faf1834241cfa07a23b7096d2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It surprises me that people dont understand why people like to smoke.
Let me enlighten you.
>Human enhale smoke.
>Smoke contain nicotine.
>Nicotine makes brain happy.
Also the mix of camel blues and coffee is Godsent.
And lastly its /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.14276862

Slave to the flesh

>> No.14276942

Yes goyim buy more camels, the smell is indeed "Eff-Ayy" as you say. Very nice.

>> No.14276945

>that does absolutely nothing
You probably aren't inhaling.

>> No.14276969
File: 96 KB, 640x619, 1518027998991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its /fa/ as fuck
it sure is

>> No.14276973

How can I achieve that aesthetic?

>> No.14277037

>Human enhale smoke.
>Smoke contain nicotine.
>Nicotine makes brain happy.
Why cant I be happy?

>> No.14277040

Gotta be able to play it off

>> No.14277062

>getting cancer is effay af
idgaf about goverments telling me not to smoke or whether or not they should but have fun virgins lmao

>> No.14277079

YEET BOI that shit is SO CASH

Glad you enjoy literally burning your money.

>> No.14277164

Just so you know.
Most smokers smoke because they enjoy it,nobody keep smoking because they think it looks cool lmao.

>> No.14278079

But they actually did prove that anon.


>> No.14278089

>Glad you enjoy literally burning your money.
He says as he buys a $60 video game and a six pack of beer.

>> No.14279145

>nigs and wiggers buy Newports
>old people buy Virginia Slims and Winstons
>hipsters and hippies buy American Spirits
>normies buy marlboros
>Asians/Mexicans buy Camels
What the fuck is even the difference? Help a nonsmoking faggot out

>> No.14279150

lucky strike or benson & hedges is the patrician choice

>> No.14279304


>> No.14279655

>doesn't use a cigarette case
You were a lost cause anyway tb h

>> No.14279659

Just don't smoke you fucking troglodyte

>> No.14279664

not an argument

>> No.14279682
File: 271 KB, 3500x2333, pyg81n283p021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>forgetting about the best brands

>George Karelias and Sons Excellence

>> No.14279689

Dunhill is shit. The only good cig is Lucky Strike.

>> No.14279691

fuck me did not even see that there was a shill for a shitty reseller. Please ignore the bottom half

>> No.14279694

having this much of a shitty taste.

>> No.14279768

Benson was my go to when I smoked, more cig, tasted relatively good, good brand. Only stopped cause health

>> No.14279785

he's right you know
>lucky strike originals >>>>> literally any other tobacco

>> No.14279984

my negro

>> No.14280040

Not true by the way.

>> No.14280051
File: 94 KB, 1000x409, CEF061DD-EE00-4D42-A5E9-BE03BEF3E7F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep trying to quit
>Keep coming back to it
>Had told GF I quit, but I really haven’t. Now super paranoid about it and always sneaking off to “the store” for a stealthy cig, so even more expensive

Fuck how do I quit this awful shit, it keeps reeling me back in. This is just pathetic now

>> No.14280059
File: 199 KB, 1024x597, imagem-carteira-de-cigarro1-1024x597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14280067
File: 999 KB, 500x352, you are not immune to propaganda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14280070

Damn, Brazilian designers are pretty good (even as grotesque as the subject matter is)

>> No.14280078

Kek, yes.

>> No.14280638

> If you're an average looking or lesser shmuck then yea you'd probably look fedora

so eveyone on this board?

>> No.14280744

Tell your GF first,
Seek help man.

>> No.14281301

lol still smoking
what a douche

>> No.14281458
File: 253 KB, 1664x2584, 1555030623767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"real" tobacco (expensive Cuban cigars, et.c.) >>> Lucky strike additive free (discontinued, afaik) >> lucky strike originals > all other common ciggy brands

>> No.14281476

I quite like it to be honest, it's very vogue.

Also it makes it a nice treat to get the original packaging every now and then.

>> No.14281698

Rofl additive free luckies are the only luckies they sell where I live

>> No.14281834

based and red pilled

>> No.14281842


>> No.14281848 [DELETED] 

so much onions in this thread... spark up a full bodied american spirit and stfu

>> No.14281875

actual fucking retard.

>> No.14282730

>ag caitheamh tobac sa bhlian 2019
Bain taitneamh as d'aisle, a phiteog

>> No.14282888

Well what do you propose?

>> No.14282897

I hope smoking goyim get even more poor

>> No.14282936

This. Luckies are so damn underrated. Almost no one smoke em but nothing else is as good.

>> No.14282937

Read this>>14281842

Smoking is pro liberty and right wing.

>> No.14283309

The goyim will willingly spend money and get themselves sick and feel proud about it
honk honk?

>> No.14283630
File: 136 KB, 546x700, c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14283641

>Most cigarette companies are owned by gentiles
>the Jew government is constantly running massive anti-smoking campaigns
>B-but smoking is DA JOOS!!

>> No.14283685

Ireland is a shithole and I hate living here for many reasons, this is one of them

>> No.14283799

young wans in the Castle dont count

>> No.14284506

Then move, dumb nigger.

>> No.14284648
File: 165 KB, 884x655, each_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moms boyfriend fucks her and then beats anon
>blows smoke in anons face
>anon cries
>anon goes on 4channel and vents about jews
some things never change do they

>> No.14284721

Based and redpilled

>> No.14285788

Beautiful fingernails

>> No.14286621


>> No.14286890

but it works because there wont be as much fags thinking smoking is effay when the packs are ugly as fuck

>> No.14286989

I remember when I was 7 too

>> No.14287138

Maith an fear, bheidh tusa ag déanamh obair do Dhia.

>> No.14287147

Why do you care if they smoke/not?

>> No.14287151
File: 2.21 MB, 2448x3024, CC8F8862-1792-46C7-904D-22EDB77A77EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Luckies

>> No.14287669
File: 2 KB, 305x29, Edward Bernays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14287833

I'm usually smoking american spirit but want to try something new, any ideas? I don't like luckys or marlboro, camels are alright.

>> No.14287862

Imagine being one of those plebs that doesn't roll his own.
Nothing to it lads.
>good brand of baccy
I recommend Amber Leaf. Smokes a treat, gives you a good kick in the lungs
Swan are the king imo. Makes a nice skinny fag. Fits nicely in your mouth.
Avoid Rizla. Go with OCB

>> No.14287865

>smoking anything but drum or old hoburn

>> No.14287880

Ho no, we are attacking the only thing that makes him a true man,

>stop cryinh baby, accept that cigs are literaly cancer

>> No.14287886


1000% untrue.

>>14268600 is subtle enough that anyone can get away with it. In London I see them alot and it makes sense considering they cost like £10 pounds and look a million times better than the mandatory packaging

>>14268159 case like this is silly af however.

>> No.14287940

Written Irish looks effay, honestly.

>> No.14287991

It doesn't stop people smoking but it does make more people less inclined to start which is better