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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 970x546, common-projects-mens-sneakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14266367 No.14266367 [Reply] [Original]

Are they worth the price tag? Are they the essential spring/summer sneaker?
Also which model is the best one because they all kinda look the same online.

>> No.14266380

achilles low

>> No.14266386

this exactly

>> No.14266412

why not?
what are some good replacements?

>> No.14266418
File: 304 KB, 1014x1332, cps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should explain everything not sure why it isn't stickied

>> No.14266423

Are Greats shoes worth looking into? They look basically the same but cheaper.

>> No.14266459

If you mean simple monochrome sneakers than go for Svensson(~170$ 1:1 cp knock off/made in Italy) or COS (~100$ made in Portugal)

>> No.14266472

They're definitely overpriced but the quality is superb. Achilles low or bball mids, the running shoes are ass ugly and the combat boots have shit leather.

>> No.14266475

bball low

>> No.14266486

What are some good spring/summer sneakers that aren't the most popular brands like nike or adidas?

>> No.14266537

cuckold soiboi shoe, literally says "i've never played sports or lifted weights or even done anything physically active in my entire life"


>> No.14266544


>> No.14266548


>> No.14266550

lifting weights is for low iq people

>> No.14266587

lifting weights and having an aesthetically pleasing body is a modern status symbol of wealth and class.

Not that you could achieve it anyways :)

>> No.14266603
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Yep nailed it. you fucking retard.

>> No.14266605
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*Tips fedora* hello good sir i also hate chads that go to the gym and steal all the asian pretty girls pic related is me i dont get alot a girls but its funny knowing what theyre missing on. Id make such a good husband and father. i am so smart and have an Iq of 140 according to a test ive taken online. i also work my job at JPmorgan... as a janitor who specializes in unclogging toilets that is and i only shower once a month since i have a natural musk. I also grow a beard to show how manly i am and wear quirky shirts with anime waifus on them since they love me unconditionally. I feel like you and me are very similar and i see myself in you. whats your discord good sir??

>> No.14266617

thanks for proving my point retard


>> No.14266647

Not them, but you've got to be either trolling or low IQ yourself if you think lifting weights is for retards.

>> No.14266665
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>> No.14266666

>oonga boonga grug pick up and put down heavy thing over and over
>grug smurt for picking up heavy thing UUGH

>> No.14266713

Begone, satan.

>> No.14266745

its not that people who lift weights are retards, but the majority of people who lift expect some life changing experience and improvement instead of focusing on more important things like studying. just check out /fit/, dumbest board by far even on 4chan

>> No.14266796

lifting weights wont help you get a gf but it will help you get a better gf

>> No.14266804


>> No.14266809

/fa/ is like 10x dumber than /fit/
>hurr what clothes I have to wear to get art hoe gf

>> No.14266818

Well there are tons of idiots everywhere. But i noticed back in high school that working out improved my brain function, I became much much sharper. Yeah it's not a life changing experience thing, but being strong is useful and fun.

>> No.14266830

for me /fa/ was pretty useful because i live in a very small town so literally everything clothing related i know is from the internet. i dont follow trends or dress fashionable but i like clothes. everything i know about brands, retailers, sales, etc. i know it from the internet.
/fit/ is retarded, half of it is bro-science, its too personal which kills the entire point of anonymous discussion, its the same people making the exact same threads and spam the board

but to get back to my original point, lifting and /fit/ is retarded because you have to be an utter fucking retard beyond repair if you genuinely want to improve your life and ask a bunch of social outcasts on how to do so.

its literally every bodybuilding community on the internet. im not sure whether you remember bbmisc from early 2010s, that was probably the dumbest group of people ive seen in my life.
and again im not really saying that lifting is for retards, but rather that people who want to improve their life with lifting are retarded because they have fucked up priorities. 80% of /fit/ lives at home and dont have any hobbies, they just keep reposting that gosling shit all day.
its not lifting that makes you retarded, its thinking that lack of muscles is the biggest problem in your life.
then these people develop some god complex for putting weights up and down not realizing they are at the bottom of the barrel in almost every other aspects and the vast majority of people arent dumb, its their priorities that are fucked up

>> No.14266844

Why do you want luxury sneakers? That’s an oxymoron you faggot. Buy stan smiths, they have a story behind then, are priced correctly and are made by the second biggest sportwear brand in the world

>> No.14266870

this all sounds like a personal problem

>> No.14266873

>story behind them

"Hey man want your name on a shoe?

Also they look nowhere as good and have logos and vents with worse leather.

Speak for yourself. I lift and use to play lacrosse and rugby in my cps.

>> No.14266892
File: 20 KB, 720x271, 2C7C63A1-5F9E-4450-B918-14309611977B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their slip on is pretty cool

>> No.14266904

You mean a more shallow gf? If you attract your girl with your physique, she will be attracted to your physique as well. And there will be guys with better body that appeals to her. You can be outcompeted easily with physique, but emotion is something else.

>> No.14266907

Except people here dress not because of women. This is just a nice little hobby, whereas /fit/ is like a new bible for its residents.

>> No.14266909
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>> No.14266935

>"Hey man want your name on a shoe?

lll idk why people want a "story behind" shoes. Nike gets money from these retards all the time with bs after bs.

>> No.14266958

what size to get if i wear 11.5 us and 11 us in vans

>> No.14267087
File: 70 KB, 380x463, 124563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the black suede and like them

>> No.14267109

/fit/ is only retarded due to the sheer amount of /r9k/ transplants. It didn't used to be so fucking cringe.

>> No.14267115

i used to visit both /r9k/ and /fit/ and r9k is 100% less retarded

>> No.14267151

I'm not sure why you would even want to buy the most boring shoes despite the price tag. You could do so much better

>> No.14267187
File: 33 KB, 500x480, 1499200185619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14267206

I own a pair, and while I don't wear trainers often, they are very comfortable, will last a long time, and the style is timeless.

>> No.14267488

imagine believing people exist who care 0% about looks

>> No.14267523

Yeah but the soles tarnish the profile, europoors can’t design for shit

>> No.14267527

as someone who got the gray pair
who cares about lighting
i couldn’t live with myself
thank god i got rid of them for more than i got them for
ended up getting a white pair
also: i never wear mine
mmm gats are way more comfy

>> No.14267543

tards like this are why these companies can sell products at twice their real worth

>> No.14267678

They're worth it if you have similar priced clothes to go with it.
Don't buy CPs if your going to be wearing mall clothes.

>> No.14267766

t. craves arthoes

>> No.14267792

Whenever I see people with common projects I think someone with no taste. How tasteless do you have to be to have the most basic looking sneaker in your collection

>> No.14267865


>> No.14267945

the most basic ones always look nice in any occasion

>> No.14267961

Absolutely worth it if you buy on sale
Stick to Achilles low

>> No.14267968

I don’t crave women. I have nothing to offer, shit genes etc.

>> No.14267971

Idk, I wish they exist. I have shit genes I can’t compete with a lot of people. Some guys have better faces, most guys have bigger dicks, a lot of guys are taller, etc. I don’t want to do anything, I even lost the appetite to eat, despite the hunger.

>> No.14268460

Wrong about the combat boots but go on

>> No.14268734
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>> No.14268908

If you are dumb enough to fall for the common project meme then go ahead and blow your money on their garbage shoes.

>> No.14269076
File: 22 KB, 575x282, D2OEDT0X0AEE55R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there's no point in getting them if you're not an ig model

>> No.14269248
File: 49 KB, 960x720, 40414406_1923885050967775_8098587116407095296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can afford them and you like how they look, go for it. they're simple, well made, and versatile. there's really nothing bad to say about them. i don't think price is something you can really complain about either, considering that they go on sale all the time. you can usually find white achilles lows for ~$300 during end of season sales at most online stockists. i have a pair from 2014 that have seen some heavy wear, but i think i can get another 2 years or so out of these. amortize the price you pay over 5+ years; that's pretty good value. you'd probably go through 2-3 pairs of normal sneakers during the same time frame.

i have a pretty sizable shoe collection, but i still find myself opting to wear my white achilles lows more often than not. it's not that surprising given that they're convenient, comfortable, and clean. they're perfect for running quick errands or just stepping outside for a moment.

don't pay much attention to the people who hold excessively antagonistic views against common projects. the majority them are most likely one of the following:

a) poor, can't afford common projects
b) have never seen common projects in person
c) have scuffed shoe collections comprised of mostly adidas/nikes
d) all of the above

>> No.14269261


>> No.14269267

actual answer in shit post thread

>> No.14269736 [DELETED] 

I want black cps but i cant afford $400

Its sad.

>> No.14269738
File: 52 KB, 1024x768, cp bball low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bballs or N O T H I N G

>> No.14269741

buy them used!!

so many people wear these a few times and post them for under 300. some pairs are in solid 8-8.5 condition for 200-250. lowball them around 175-200. clean the shoes, replace the insoles and you're mint.

shoes are gonna be worn anyways so might as well get a cheaper pair. they're also able to undergo resoling so longevity is no issue

>> No.14269764

common projects are boring, basic and makes you look tasteless. They're not expensive as well

>> No.14269812

which shoes do you wear?

>> No.14269817

I’m pretty sure you can’t resole cps

>> No.14269819

Various. Most expensive would be Prada creepers. Achilles Low are just boring shits.
These at look somewhat interesting

>> No.14269823

I actually love these a lot more than the achillies

>> No.14269825

you should take a moment to think about whether you have earned the right to have an opinion on footwear

>> No.14269834

t. pleb who is an advocate of the most basic sneakers ever

>> No.14269842

i'm an advocate of wearing whatever you like.

since when is basic a bad thing? the majority of this board can't even pull off the "basics" and is still brazen enough to act too good for a pair of perfectly fine shoes. common projects is basic luxury and it does a very good job of it.

>> No.14269847

>If they don't like my basic looking shits they must be poor
This is the problem. I own Ann D, Raf, MMM and y-3 stuff that cost more than these shitters

>> No.14269860

please share with us the ann d, raf, mm, and y-3 stuff that you find so much more interesting than common projects

>> No.14269898

which creepers
pics pls
i want a pair

>> No.14270090

Fucking no! These hVe shit leather. You must never have seen any irl

>> No.14270493

you're a fucking idiot and have deep problems. Working out would get your hormones in the right place which helps you think clearer. for instance you are saying physical fitness is bad because people that do it are retarded. I think you are the one with the problem

>> No.14270573
File: 239 KB, 694x1036, received_2139036996331095 - Copy(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh cps are meant to be stylistically uninteresting take a sec to look at what you are saying

>> No.14270581

Not really worth the price. You can get same quality for 200$

>> No.14271413

because "luxury" basics is horseshit the industry uses to extract money from brainlets

>> No.14271431

They are pretty good. I think retail is a little much, but if you can get them 150 its a great deal. they is super comfy and overall I love wearing mine. Leather isn't as buttery smooth as CP but you are paying way way less.

>> No.14271469
File: 40 KB, 600x522, sorryforwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine are now 3 years old, and look close to new, though with some babying and only general city life usage. They have different last than Svenssons that also use magrom sole, and at least I prefer the CP last. Its not as roomy so they fit more snuggly which I like. CP silhouette is still GOAT.

Compared to stans smiths, the stans looked worse after like 10 times of wearing than what CPs look after 3 years. Ugly creasing etc. Svenssons have survived pretty well, but the brown leather under the white upper(?) is starting to peek through in the creases, which while not bad, are still worse than CPs.

Are they 300 shoes? Maybe not, but I kinda hate doing compromises on some things. I fell for the timeless white snekaers meme, that they have so far been too, so overall I'm pretty happy with them.

>> No.14271489

Fashion victim the sneaker

>> No.14271558

>Mine are now 3 years old, and look close to new, though with some babying and only general city life usage.
You can literally do that with most shoes.
Stan smiths are low tier garbage too. You fell for the money over brain meme

>> No.14272730

>That pic


>> No.14272957

is there a source for any of this?

>> No.14273479

ETQ, Acne and Tiger of Sweden are all better. dumb burgers cant get into minimalism

>> No.14273587

The German soldiers were high on amphetamines during battles u dumb /pol/ack

>> No.14273762

Post the shoes

>> No.14273767

You think only one side used marching powder? ...Right then.

>> No.14273771
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>> No.14273775


>> No.14273828


>> No.14273840
File: 1.73 MB, 3712x2342, IMG_20190419_172628017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these back in 2014 (€220) and vibrammed em in 2016. Been holding up ok. Id say it was worth the cop

>> No.14273946

such a retarded justification. if you want to buy a shoe because you like how it looks just fucking buy it instead of this mental gymnastics
>a-akschuallyyy its really good quality
i used to wear basic leather adidas shoes every day both summer and winter when i was younger and they lasted two years at least and looked way better than that.
this shit is not good quality and the paper thin leather is not even durable

>> No.14274036


>> No.14274243

these retard not understanding the irony ..