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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 306 KB, 640x480, 56f2f6ba52bcd01a008b851f-640-480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14264931 No.14264931 [Reply] [Original]

Choose wisely

>> No.14264935 [DELETED] 

Either, but most of you will choose left because they can’t pull off cargo shorts

>> No.14264939

Cargo shorts are so COMFY, the extra pockets just make them so COMFY, When I’m just sitting around the house or need to head over to get some beers they’re so COMFY. Cargo shorts are the optimal shorts style just because they are so COMFY unlike other homosexual shorts.

>> No.14264940

Either, but most of you will choose right because they can’t pull off cargo shorts

>> No.14264944
File: 438 KB, 750x1334, D1698E4F-AFEE-4679-B7FF-997F242799A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re from this /tv/ thread aren’t you

>> No.14264948

I wear cargo shorts. They're comfortable. I don't think they look bad but I had a friend who said "Do you have any shorts that don't make you look like a slob?" A lot of girls on Tinder (I know) even put in their profiles that they won't date someone who wears cargo shorts. I don't get it. What's so bad about then? Almost every clothing store sells them.

>> No.14264954

Option C: shoot myself in the head rather than wearing shorts because I actually care about how I look.

>> No.14264956

I'm wearing black basket ball shorts and a t shirt all summer I dont give a fuck. Why the hell would I care about looking good when my balls will be hotter than the Suns core and leaking sweat like a broken water main?

Cargo shorts are pretty sick tho. I had some cool digital army camo ones that everyone always complimented.

>> No.14264967

Pocket envy. Their pants don’t have pockets so men’s pants can’t have pockets

>> No.14264974

What if it's hot? You must choose but

>> No.14264977

Left looks manlier, right looks more boyish. Make your choice.

>> No.14264998
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It's up to you how much you need to compensate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.14265006
File: 28 KB, 468x386, D7EC8753-CE5C-4739-B01F-A374A3CF0503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhm sweaty. Those are short shorts, not cargo

>> No.14265008

men shouldn't wear shorts

>> No.14265011
File: 235 KB, 1400x1050, call_me_by_your_name_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both are too long
pic related is ideal

>> No.14265018

Doesn't work with those legs and that shirt.

>> No.14265021

>I can't pull it off so it doesn't work

Lol wtf do you know?

>> No.14265053

objectively wrong

>> No.14265068

...Right. You're a retard.
You don't seem to know the meaning of that word, so why do you use it?

>> No.14265078
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>> No.14265081

autistic krautchan faggot

>> No.14265241

cargo shorts? no one has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since Vietnam.

>> No.14265267

There's nothing bad about them inherently outside of the fact that they're fashion poison. Society has decided they belong to a certain subset of men, like wearing fedoras or certain types of facial hair or whatever. This is partially BECAUSE they are comfy and worn by millions who don't particulary care what they look like that day.

Wearing cargo shorts is disgusting not because there's anything in particular bad about that style of shorts, but because it reveals to everyone around you that you are not savvy enough to navigate that particular social norm, so it makes you look like a slob who doesn't care what others think, or an autist who can't figure it out.

>> No.14265618
File: 70 KB, 467x398, boomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically cargo shorts. If I want something lss casual I just wear chinos.

>> No.14265621

imagine a girl in long-ish cargo shorts. sexy? prob not

>> No.14265624
File: 48 KB, 700x467, shorts length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s 5”.

>> No.14265677
File: 17 KB, 236x296, 03864b065083576a7786efd71b49aeeb--inspire-me-health-fitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too long

>> No.14265763

9" the best desu
11"is too tapered to be this long

>> No.14265776

I sincerely doubt Alanah is this virtuous offline, but I applaud her for this even though Star Wars is the big gay

>> No.14265788

I wear 5" because I'm a shortlegged manlet with a 27" inseam, so they look like 7" shorts on normal people

>> No.14265883


>> No.14265904

I wear 5 and am 6'4

>> No.14265919

I like 11" due to the weird shape of knees to calfs region.

>> No.14266010

just get 3in inseam ranger panties

>> No.14266193

left cause the other are too short and look gay.

>> No.14266221

>only wearing one or the other
>not changing it up depending on the rest of your outfit

>> No.14266231

Don't I have to get into Regiment first?

>> No.14266245

>look gay
It's not the clothes, anon...

>> No.14266253

just dont get the green ones
amazon sells the same brand
and if you're too skinny to look good in them, just >>>/fit/

>> No.14266508

Jesus Christ this is cringy. It's like whiteknighting, but for followers instead of trying to get dick - it's not even being an ethot. Alannah is also not effay.

>> No.14266539

>tucking the front of your shirt into shorts
i choose neither

>> No.14266628

Hahahah holy shit please be bait

>> No.14266670
File: 1.53 MB, 1148x1122, 5.5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5-6" is the best length if you have the thighs for it.

>> No.14266676

currently wearing shorties rn, idk if they're on par with the rhodie shorts tho

>> No.14266857

the cargo chad vs the faggot numale s.o.y cuck virgin

>> No.14267044

Come on, this should be easy. Cargo shorts look bad because they destroy your silhouette. They make you look fatter and shorter like you're wearing a diaper. Your bottom half becomes as wide (or wider) than your top half, reducing your shoulder profile, turning you into a flat square shape. This isn't rocket science. Look at something every girl swoons over: a slim fit suit. It makes your shoulders look broader, your top half more muscular, your torso and lower body more streamlined, and your waist slimmer.

>> No.14267049

Wrong. There are plenty of other clothing options for men that have enough pockets to carry all of your things without making you look like you're wearing a brown diaper.

>> No.14267058

>Wearing cargo shorts is disgusting
>because it reveals to everyone around you that you are not savvy enough to navigate that particular social norm, so it makes you look like a slob who doesn't care what others think, or an autist who can't figure it out.


>> No.14267267
File: 75 KB, 499x760, E484149C-9728-4BA6-ADEA-27143FACC9D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it’s time to bring back padding

>> No.14267474
File: 37 KB, 482x341, Cargo-shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14267478
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heres my choice

fuck shorts

>> No.14267482
File: 174 KB, 869x1390, philip-labonte-all-that-remains-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the chadcore cargos

>> No.14267483


>Unironically taking fashion tips from Business Insider


>> No.14267502

in what world is that guy a chad

>> No.14267507

He has the chad face. Prolly has a big dick as well.

>> No.14267514
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>> No.14267518
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>> No.14267693

Terrible skinny legs. Does anyone have any good /cargoinspo/ or is it literally impossible?

>> No.14267696
File: 990 KB, 3718x2092, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14267976


>> No.14268005

9 makes your legs look thinner

>> No.14268040

is there a more attractive male feature than big thigh muscles? i really think there isnt

>> No.14268050

It's a meme like pineapple on pizza, even white socks and black square toed shoes were cool a few decades ago.

>> No.14268468

A good neck, too. Women might not mention it until you're intimate, but they like it a lot.

>> No.14268546

you're right.

I'm wondering though, when will the world start memes for girls who wear black yoga pants? Talk about not giving a fuck about anything.

>> No.14268604
File: 3.30 MB, 750x1334, 3FEEA04A-14DC-4B26-ADB4-29F5CCC4FE8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you look like a slob, doesn’t mean everybody else does too
Only true if you’re a twink to begin with. It should t come as a surprise that everything doesn’t look equally good on everyone.

>> No.14269288

Yeah that looks fucking awful

>> No.14269307

Cargoshorts are goat for college

No need for a backpack, I just put all my pens, calculator, keys, phone, snacks and a waterbottle in my pockets and carry my books by hand, shit is comfortable too my ballsack never itches during lectures

>> No.14269320

both look bad so you might as well have pockets

>> No.14269337

I literally have no idea how to find good looking shorts. I wear pants in the summer and where I live it gets up to 100 degrees

>> No.14269359

I wore pants in higher temperatures with high humidity at that. Only wear shorts at home or beach.

>> No.14269365

selous scouts really had that drip

>> No.14269370

champion mesh shorts if you're 18-22

not the long ones but the mid length ones that stop at your thigh

>> No.14269375
File: 712 KB, 1808x2712, 1555536297805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick broke

>> No.14269382

Nothing wrong with cargo shorts so long as they are the proper waist size and short enough to sit above your knees, so that the majority of your legs are visible. AKA to make them work you can't be a fat fuck trying to hide it underneath baggy clothes, which is pretty much the same with any clothing.

>> No.14269385

you have no idea what you're fucking talking about

>> No.14270727
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, cismrXjLx28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

patrician tier

>> No.14270743

outweighed by men liking to stare at ass

>> No.14270776

>blahblah i cant find good shorts/shorts look so bad
thighlets spotted. you need ATLEAST 24inch/60cm thighs nowadays. i love short season because girls lust over me so much all of the sudden compared to winter.

>> No.14270818

Left: someone dressed for an afternoon drink with friends on a summer weekend
Right: a gay onionboi