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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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14257949 No.14257949 [Reply] [Original]

>Closest station: Town Hall
Likely get lunch and or beers

>> No.14257987
File: 182 KB, 1100x1467, 9854610269154B649D8B2E6610D4265D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with this jacket i saw but will never find

>> No.14258007

Sounds Good
See you /fa/ggots tomorrow

>> No.14258096

>and or beers
Alcohol is bad for your skin. If you don't care about this, you're not /fa/.

>> No.14258106

I don't rub it on my skin, I drink it.

>> No.14258110

I can't wait to see the shitty ass pics that will come from this

>> No.14258126

It eventually makes its way and shows up as another sign of skin ageing.

>> No.14258131

Lucky no one will see my inside skin then

>> No.14258148

beer is for fat people

>> No.14258177

food is for fat people to

>> No.14258246
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>> No.14259396

Just to reinforce my stance on this meet, I will be vehemently protesting and accosting any and all females in attendance. I have given my three friends accompanying me similar instructions, and am hoping to see you all there!

>> No.14259695
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pls gib /fa sydney gf

>> No.14259748

literal coward for bringing your own personal bodyguards but whatever
I’ll be wearing a blue rain jacket

>> No.14259808


>> No.14259868

I'm sitting next to a literal bum on the train, fuck he stinks

>> No.14259895
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like a deer in the headlights, I could decide what to wear and now im dressed like shit on the bus over

>> No.14259931

Will be 20 minutes late bros
If you go somewhere post the place and I'll come

>> No.14259935


>> No.14259947

I'm in the grey jacket

>> No.14260000

surely a Melbourne meetup soon

>> No.14260043

We're at the Grilled close by

>> No.14260135

frick i would've come if there was more notice

>> No.14260145

Someone post pictures

>> No.14260146

Post pics

>> No.14260152


Has the obvious troll arrived?

>> No.14260165


>> No.14260170
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I would come and laugh at you from afar

>> No.14260243

pics??? I need a good laugh

>> No.14260312

That's okay.

>> No.14260314

Trust me, you dont want to see their fits, incredibly bland and normal, walked past the statue and cringed. Do you really want to see a photo of 4 random brown guys and a girl? Someone legit showed up with adidas sweatpants and a leather jacket.

>> No.14260317

pics or you're a lair faggot

>> No.14260321

im not there anymore retard, just wait for the pics, they might pussy out though.

>> No.14260325

>im not there anymore retard
then shut the fuck up about it you lairfaggot

>> No.14260326

well then i guess i'm a liar.>>14260325

>> No.14260330

thanks for accepting it you pussy

>> No.14260334

this already happened right since its sunday in Aussie land?

>> No.14260337 [DELETED] 

How cringy or awkward was it?

>> No.14260340

Join the new /fa/ discord my friend has a Meetups channel for discussion

>> No.14260342
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How awkward was it?

>> No.14260376

>adidas sweatpants and a leather jacket.
was me :(

>> No.14260385

you fags are not going to post the group pic?
just blur the faces ffs

>> No.14260397

post the pic, cover your faces

>> No.14260418

post pics reeeeeeeeee

>> No.14260451

too scared to say hi?
despite our small turn up, it was actually really enjoyable and meeting everyone was a delight
dont worry your cologne smelled superb

>> No.14260475

Post pics then loser

>> No.14260499

Blur the faces and post pics

>> No.14260506

I went to a /b/ meetup in Sydney about 10 years ago. It was me, an Argentinian stoner, and a cumdumpster. We went to the pub and it was hilarious. 10/10 evening.

>> No.14260514

today was pretty rad desu, way less autism then expected

>> No.14260583

i should have gotten your insta or something you seemed pretty rad

>> No.14260589

Imagine showing up and not saying hi.

>> No.14260591
File: 2.04 MB, 1440x1920, image000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the picture, some faces blurred on request. Nice meeting you folks today :)

>> No.14260595

Cheers, good time would go again/10

>> No.14260597

was a good time 10/10 expected a worse time, next time lets get some beers

>> No.14260609

Better than the New York meetup.

>> No.14260611

they look fine and normal tbqh
doesn't scream fashion meetup though

>> No.14260624

This must have been taken before the four guys in suits showed up to chase the roasties away?

>> No.14260629

Yeah they showed up and beat them up in the middle of sydney

>> No.14260633

Tbh I don't think any of us were hardcore /fa/ people, a lot of /mu/ crossover etc. We talked a bit about clothes but it was mostly just chill

>> No.14260755

not super effay but everyone looks fine. Slightly disappointed we didn't get some good cringe desu lol

>> No.14260758

why does everyone look so normal looks like fun guys let us know when u have enother

>> No.14260768

because these fuckers don't even post on /fa/

>> No.14260788

The first meetup picture that's not cringefolder worthy. Good job, guys. It doesn't scream effay, but that's alright.

>> No.14260804
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No, it's not alright, they are giving us a bad name by dressing like normie cunts

>> No.14260813

But it's tail??

>> No.14260818

get outta there kitty!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14260927

creative fits, looking clean

>> No.14260942

lmao fuck that faggot who hated on the adidas pants, outfit is tuff

>> No.14260946

>2/5 are Lebo sand niggers

Australia has fallen

>> No.14261050

Who's tjehirl. Sofat?

>> No.14261485

the girl is dressed like absolute shit, is that was passes for female fashion in australia?

>> No.14262725

Fuck the haters femanon, your fit was colourful and fun. What records did you get?

>> No.14262805

anons look happy and normal
thats cool

>> No.14262832

Lmao even 4channers in Sydney are Chads.
The guy on the far right looks Chad as fuck

>> No.14262946


>> No.14262949

Would anyone here be keen for a Newcastle meet? Sydney is a bit far for me

>> No.14262955
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>> No.14262956
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>> No.14262957
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>> No.14262959
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>> No.14262964

I bet that girls feet smelled amazing after walking around in those shoes, I'd love nothing more than to take them off and have her force me to deepthroat her feet, until I choke and gag on them.

>> No.14262972

he looks like charlie sheen and tobey maguire mixed together

>> No.14262984

wtf is wrong with you dude

>> No.14263003

>t. faggot

>> No.14263034

>t. incel

>> No.14263040

I honestly am an incel, I assume you're using it as an insult, I won't deny it. I'm not proud of being 20 and a virgin, but I won't dodge the question

>> No.14263042

Here's a pro tip, stop posting creepy shit and pretend to meaningfully engage with women. If you pretend enough you'll notice that women can't tell the difference and start sitting on your little dick. Then maybe you can gag on their sweaty feet.

>> No.14263060

yo syd fags. I was in sydney a few years ago, is that project on king george st done yet?

>> No.14263061

Can you give me some tips on how to engage with women? I've honestly got no clue as to I should go about socialising with them at university, I feel like I'm an alien and that I don't deserve to talk to them

>> No.14263064

check back in a few years champ.

>> No.14263080


It's dated, but watch the Tao of steve

>> No.14263089

Unless you're in the same class id avoid random women. Best bet is to try bars so there's at least some expectation of socializing.

>> No.14263142

My classes are split 50/50 gender wise, would it be a stupid idea to try to meet women there? Bars are out of the question are I rarely drink

>> No.14263150

>rarely drink

>> No.14263170

Calling me gay when I'm asking about trying to meet women, sure

>> No.14263365

To be fair if you're an incel, how can you say you're even straight?

>> No.14264346

The fits gradually get better left to right

>> No.14264347


>> No.14264505


>> No.14264868

wellington meetup when