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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14257371 No.14257371 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck do girls do this shit? I see so many girls who had really good feminine looks ruin it by shaving their head or getting it cut way to short completely de-feminizing themselves. Even my girlfriend has been talking about getting an amber rose haircut despite my objections, be honest guys, is this the beginning of the end for my relationship?

>> No.14257379

Yeah, that cunt is finally getting out of this abusive relationship where one partner decide what the other should do.

>> No.14257456

The idea that females need to have long hair to be feminine is a social construct.

Long hair represents femininity just as much as the color pink represents femininity: none whatsoever.

>> No.14257608

The only women that could pull this off are Asian lmao

>> No.14257687

Exactly and girls who go against this construct by cutting their hair kingly brand themselves as horrible mothers for all prospective men. Just like tattoos. The social construct is useful thatway.

>> No.14257691


>> No.14257693

Short hair on girls is cute.


>> No.14257698

or maybe short hair just looks like shit on 99% of women regardless of societal expectations, retard

>> No.14257708

I'll have my hair cut like that one day. I was afraid my bf would be against it but he said it'd look cute on me. My hair stylist said that my hair was "too healthy and beautiful to cut it short" but what's the problem, it'll grow back lol

>> No.14257751

>Short hair on some girls is cute.

>> No.14257754
File: 59 KB, 500x322, 7bf40d67f9b1f357e0f3ce51a6198529c04643cfa33afbab3b071e2accecff55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking smack that whore to the ground and relieve yourself while shes down

>> No.14257755

You’ll look worse and regret it, the short hair will look good when it’s cut but a week later it will look like shit and you’ll hate it.

>> No.14257758

retard detected

>> No.14257762

>social construct
it still exists, and portrays certain characteristics. short hair is and always will be masculine.

>> No.14257828

I feel the same brother.
>is this the beginning of the end for my relationship?
oh yikes. keep her in check so she doesnt pull off that kind of shit
it's not a social construct when it's a basic biological instinct to find longer hair more attractive

>> No.14257862
File: 79 KB, 1280x620, MDkzNTRmMzM3YiMva2pzaW5KVUNQR2x3czNqbk5DZmdxUS1xMWJVPS8yM3g1ODM6Mzg3N3gyNDQ2LzEyODB4NjIwL2ZpbHRlcnM6cXVhbGl0eSg3NSkvaHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tL3BvbGljeW1pYy1pbWFnZXMvYXJzNm5kZXZ3aHF2ZmlzbWFpZmUyM2JvbWl3NWxoM3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioning amber rose without any hint of disgust let alone desiring to be like her
>is this the beginning of the end for my relationship?
Yes, it's dead already

>> No.14257936

Just because you say retarded things with great confidence doesn’t make them any less retarded.
Literally the only good post in this thread.

>> No.14257944

Loads of girls I went to uni with cut their hair quite short, not pixie cut but still shoulder length. Why? It looks fucking shit and makes them look like old women. Same for this one girl who was a max QT with hair that went down to her asscrack. She cut it to a normal length and now she’s not nearly as attractive. Is there something that happens to girls in their early 20’s that makes them do this? Physically or mentally? Long hair just looks better ALWAYS.

>> No.14258046
File: 483 KB, 498x611, tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are very few girls that are still feminine looking when they do this. and these girls are always 10/10s. i learned from that mistake though, pic related. it's down to my shoulders now but it still needs growing to be at its best

>> No.14258056

the only women who cut their hair this short:
>dykes / lesbians
>feminist's / edgy liberal women
>active women who need their hair out of the way (rare)
none are desirable.

>> No.14258064


Have you styled your hair to a bob cut inbetween, or something with bangs?

>> No.14258089

i did get a bob inbetween, was decent looking. got blunt bangs for the millionth time in december, i always regret it, doesn't do any favours to my already round ass face. now it's grown to this 2010 sideswept kinda deal but it's normal enough that i don't mind it

>> No.14258099


Just asking since I met my gf when she had a sidecut which then turned into a bob with bangs and then grew out. No idea how to handle a round face. If it's only fat (excuse the assumption), then keto + fasting will make it more accentuated.

>> No.14258162

if a girl's hair is too long (I mean - reaches her boobs or it's even longer) it looks bland and boring in my opinion

>> No.14258183


>> No.14258198

thats what happens when weinstein grabs you by the pussy, your hair disappear

>> No.14258334

girls with short hair look like shit mostly
also I always assume they are lesbians

>> No.14258429


>> No.14258437

And you'd be right most of the time

>> No.14258448

>it's a basic biological instinct to find longer hair more attractive
Oh no nonono a human being can't actually be this retarded

>> No.14258465
File: 27 KB, 327x499, cdfe8cacc4a07bed62aaf47801f398b1--i-dont-want-to-love-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairlets seething

>> No.14258476
File: 31 KB, 400x550, 1553547014408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair tomboys, especially ones with masculine jawlines, are evidence that there is a god and she is good.

I pjty whatever insecure fool is constrained by hangups about their culturally coded concept of femininity and masculinity. Masculine vaginal transudate is ambrosia. To fully appreciate androgyny in its manifestation within women; proves one has achieved true enlightenment and has a highly refined taste.

>> No.14258542

i act on stage, people saw my headshots and didn't hire me because they thought i was fat. i just had a round head. i'm on the skinny side

>> No.14258567


>> No.14258573

Just admit you're gay, we're not judgemental here

>> No.14258593


That's rather unlucky. I think you look fine.

>> No.14258614

OP, this is important as fuck. This will decide whether your girlfriend should or will go ahead with her stupid haircut idea.

Only very specific women with very specific builds and facial structures can pull it off. I.e. They have to be fucking 8+/10

But not just fucking that. There are two more things that go above these: posture and the beginnings of hunchback.

If your gf has shit posture, tell her to fix it. Check the back of her neck, behind the shoulders. If she has a bump there (most women do) tell her cutting her hair off will place more attention on this.

Men can have short hair because we don't suffer from the hunchback bump.

>> No.14258628

Chubby face is cute on girls.
>just read the filename
burn in hell plz

>> No.14258629
File: 114 KB, 897x800, 1544276046445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I am also fully willing and capable of appreciating androgyny in men, it lacks a certain scarcity that is present with androgynous women. Whether that's due to some genetic factor involving the redundant X chromosome, or if it's due to some stronger social pressure on women to conform "or else", or even if it's a more ethereal reason that lies beyond the veil of reality; I lack a concrete answer. Perhaps, abiding by non-classical logics, it's a combination of all three. This is a puzzle that resonates to the very core of my being and I have committed my time on this world to unearthing answers.

Until then, I am left with this much: androgynous tomboys are very special, and very desirable. I will ensure each and every one who is open to my affection recieves it in appropiate amounts.

You seperating yourself from the competition pool is a boon to that goal.

>> No.14258747

When will you incels learn that women do it literally to piss you off?

>> No.14258772

reading too much into this. I like bald women and women with short hair and i'm 99.9% straight. It's just a great clean look with a bit of an edge because short hair on women is still unconventional.

>> No.14258827

Androgynous women are important to me. It's not just the hair, the hair can be long for all I care. Frame, facial structure, personality all are more important than a chosen trait like short hair. It's intertwined with my spirituality, and I have found great personal meaning "reading too much into" it.

>> No.14258840

Yeah you're still reading too much into it lol. You like what you like I don't think you need to turn your sexuality into a religious experience. I love women too, including some androgynous ones but my body wanting to procreate is the sole reason for it. Nothing divine or spiritual about it.

>> No.14259073

You're inviting walls of text that you don't care to read, and I don't care to type.
1. I find it curious that you think "too much" is a meaningful quantification. From my own perspective, you are reading too little into it. I'm not foolish enough to try and force my own way of living and thinking on you.
2. You are conflating an affinity with lust. Things are far more complicated than a desire to procreate. The notion that a. this desire occurs at a lower level than other psychological phenominon; b. that fixation on the wider spectra of feelings associated with the affinity is anymore of a choice than the desire to procreate; c. that any part of your experience of life, especially those producing great passion, should be excluded from an experience of spirituality
3. If we exclude things we find great inspiration in from what we consider divine, what can we possibly consider divine? Do you require another man to tell you what should be personally meaningful to you?

You are not as passionate about this, there is nothing wrong with that. It is simply the way you are. You do not read too little into it, you read into it just as much as you personally need to. Your personal needs are not the same as mine, as your experience differs from mine, why does this fact elude you?

>> No.14259508

no thanks

>> No.14259550

It's honestly repulsive..

t. Faggot

>> No.14259632

>partners having preferences for what each other should do is abusive
wew, smells like cuck propaganda

>> No.14259635
File: 587 KB, 487x815, 1549783084305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, that cunt is finally getting out of this abusive relationship where one partner decide what the other should do.

>> No.14259647

Short hair girls are my fetish tho.

>> No.14259714

Social construct =/= meaningless, wrong, to be ignored, etc

Money is 100% socially constructed, but your brain takes it seriously whether you like it or not. You can choose to act in a way that violates a social convention, but that doesn't mean others will suddenly change their cognition to recognize your take as the correct replacement.

Your statement shows an incredibly naive understanding of the world.

In the case of hair, there is even a clear environmental motivation for the sexual difference in common length. Short hair is practical for physical labor, long hair often is not. Males typically, both currently and historically, are the ones doing manual labor, so that we associate short hair with males (and therefore masculinity) is not arbitrary.

>> No.14259719


>> No.14259725

Nice strawman.

>> No.14259838

How? The guys argument was "long hair being feminine is a social construct. So is pink being feminine. They are equal in their indication of feminity in that they both do not accurately indicate it at all as they are social constructs."

>> No.14259843

you are either blind or gay if you think emma watson with short hair looks bad

>> No.14259862

Not the person you're replying to, but he's wrong regardless. The assertion of
>men historically are the ones doing the manual labor
Is wrong. Female peasents were often the ones plowing fields, tending livestock, etc.

Not only that there are plenty of cultures, especially in Africa where short hair on women is the norm, in some of these long hair on men is also the norm. Traditionally the only women who kept long hair were nobles who put it up in extravagent styles.

At the end of the day, all of this is arbitrary however, because we live in a modern society with a vastly different way of life and values, and have for a very long time. Short hair on women in a more contemporary context isn't even new (what comes to mind when you think of a flapper?)

At the end of the day, complaining about something being unmasculine or unfeminine is retarded because these are definitions that change all the time. Not only that, but we should be approaching people as individuals, acknowledging the individual tastes and unique personality, instead of creating 2 very very generic boxes to put some 7 billion wildly different people into.

>> No.14259915
File: 45 KB, 431x594, D48E9A3D-A378-4353-A97D-AF0E475777FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn’t look bad with short hair, but she looks better with long hair

>> No.14259923

Lol this is an incel post

Girls with cute hair are a major turn on imo

>> No.14259966

You have to be AT LEAST a 10/10 to pull this off and any other girl will oust themselves to being the ugly duckling.

>> No.14260058

i breakt up after my gf cut her hair

>> No.14260066
File: 1.29 MB, 2000x3000, hbz-mia-farrow-1968-gettyimages-507296847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread hoping to see many images
>1 relevant image

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.14260102

Refreshing to see reasonable people on this Polynesian boogieboarding forum.

>> No.14260133
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x1203, 1553969518260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally agree with all of that but I still think long hair looks a lot better on women.

>> No.14260283

Active and fit women are the scourge

>> No.14260324

doesn't sound bad to me
I've watched Rosemary's baby recently and it made me want to cut my hair even more

>> No.14260409
File: 109 KB, 509x846, 1547106132240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair cute. Shaved head bad.

>> No.14260500

either they're lesbians or they're going to act like an high strung entitled bitch the entire course of the relationship, two things to always avoid when seeking a mate

>> No.14260505

I agree that certain women with distinct features can pull short hair off but being an 8+/10 on its own does not guarantee she will look good with short hair I mean look at OP's pic related, it's Emma Watson and she looks like a middle school boy with that haircut, even most attractive women when they cut their hair off lose that distinct je ne sais quoi that gives them stand out feminine beauty.

>> No.14260529
File: 70 KB, 770x513, ca86ff744786b2ee51df871e5a4ffae3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14260532
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, zoe-k-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14260533
File: 51 KB, 528x699, Female-Very-Short-Buzz-Cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14260534
File: 83 KB, 496x694, Amber-Rose-Very-Short-Buzzcut-for-Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14260535

I think women who look like women are really attractive with short or buzzcut. the problem arises when she looks like a boy after. which really steams from her lacking feminine facial features in the first place

heres some examples of it working


and not working


>> No.14260555

Short hair is a flex for women with extremely feminine faces. Long beautiful hair makes anyone look better, by cutting it off it's like removing a crutch.

They don't look good BECAUSE of the short hair, the look good DESPITE the short hair.

>> No.14260657

>partners make compromises and have a mutual respect for one another
>one partner does whatever they want and won't take objections

>> No.14260981


maybe her hair were in the way while she sucked that bbc

>> No.14261989


>> No.14262208
File: 68 KB, 750x737, 3f8a4d3fc7bfd1632dd04024cec638c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said you could post Alice you faggot.

She's mine.

>> No.14262239

Too vague, come again.

>> No.14262577

Only women that should have their hair cut this short need to have that androgynous look about them, or it just looks like total shit and makes them look off somehow to me. OP's pic does not pull it off well in my books. It's something about her hairline that makes it just look like ass. Kinda like she's recovering from cancer or something. My fiance has short hair and it suits her because of the aforementioned androgyny thing I mentioned. She posts on /fa/ sometimes I think, so I'll show her this thread.

Also, if you care so much about controlling your girlfriends hair to the point where you think it could be a deal breaker if she has it cut short you're probably not compatible anyway.

>> No.14262810

my gf cut her hair before she met me and has always said that she regrets it and can't wait until it's long again

>> No.14262829

Hair always grows back I had a pixie cut 3 years ago to have virgin hair and now it's grown back to boob length. Girls are fickle and like to change their look from time to time lile short hair. If you think you'll be with your gf for years to come just go whatever and tell her that you love the way she is and looks. I mean I'm sure she has more going on than just some long hair.

>> No.14262879

complete coincidence that women get thick shiny hair during pregnancy

>> No.14262881

that's a wig

>> No.14262883

cause women confident enough to shave their head don't care about opinion's from people like you

>> No.14262898


OP is describing an ultimatum

>> No.14262900

Money is nowhere as important as hair.

>> No.14263028

you retards realize that if a girl gets a haircut she's still got a hole right?

>> No.14263071
File: 15 KB, 480x480, reviewb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board is such a joke lmao. everyone here trying 120% to look cool and different and somehow also scared of anything that deviates from the norm at the same time.

in summary: short hair girls are good, shaved head girls are phenomenal.

>> No.14263077

Y'all wanna act like girls cutting their hair off but katy perry literally killed her career because she cut her hair

>> No.14263091

>everyone here trying 120% to look cool and different and somehow also scared of anything that deviates from the norm at the same time

says someone that saves shitty review brah memes. get some self awareness, fagget

>> No.14263095

you are upset and for what

>> No.14263106

i think you meant to say "yikes, who hurt you"

>> No.14263115


>> No.14263117

Everything is a social construct and they exist for a reason. You not clever for saying that something is a social construct.

>> No.14263123

Look at this dude.

>> No.14263126


>> No.14263137
File: 67 KB, 801x530, 20181101_110907-picsay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I had the same haircut.

>> No.14263168

>doing something different that looks good

>doing something different that looks bad

>believing that doing anything different is automatically good

Contrarians are obnoxious mate.

>> No.14263177
File: 139 KB, 1080x1345, buzzqt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does fa think about women who take the buzzpill?

>> No.14263186

Girl here. Short hair on girls was acceptable in the 2000s when everyone had green punk hair with frosted tips but now? Now it's disgusting. Why would you want to look like a hermaphrodite with a fivehead?

>> No.14263200

Sage. Literal bait

>> No.14263214
File: 94 KB, 1058x1323, image-20160415-11163-d1m1mw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not a social construct when it's a basic biological instinct to find longer hair more attractive

Ah yes, all those millions of years of human evolution where ancient men would hack at their heads with a rock until their hair was just above the ear, and women would just let it grow until they started getting tangled in berry bushes and bedding. Our very DNA commands that long hair = female, sexual selection regarding hair has never been subject to a myriad of ritual, cultural, and practical considerations.

>> No.14263223

Must be a hassle to go to the toilet with that. Looks nice, though.

>> No.14263247

Katy Perry killed her career by acting like a xanned out hunger games tribute with no clue how be subtle about changing her image solely as a marketing move.

>> No.14263270

I mean you have a point and I really want to believe that it's just a social construct that long hair is an exclusively feminine feature but the fact that so many factors of human physicality in relation to attractiveness are biologically ingrained, it still just casts a doubt in my mind, I mean if height, facial symmetry, jaw shape, frame size, eye shape, nose size are all to a degree determinants across every human culture of attractiveness then what makes hair the anomaly? Yeah you can argue attraction is social construct all day but at the same time, sexual selection is a frequently observed naturally occurring phenomena in the animal kingdom even in animals which lack the social intelligence to have or comprehend the concepts of culture, social standards and natural beauty.

>> No.14263588

I don't know, man.
but I know that I don't like short cut hair on girls at all. it's unattractive. I hate shitty "crone" hair-dos as well especially on young girls. let the long hair flow. don't be a stuck-up faggot bitch is what I wanna tell them.

>> No.14263598

i don't think it's "biological" or some shit. it's just the way the hair frames the face. longer hair will typically soften features, shorter hair will do the opposite.

obviously though, this varies a lot depending on hair style and the basic face shape in the first place. simply parting your hair to the side can drastically change the composition of your face (when i say composition, i mean in the visual arts sense)

>> No.14263606


>> No.14263625


>> No.14263895


>> No.14263898

people like you are what made this place so shit

>> No.14263905
File: 32 KB, 480x429, ba4db96be6d1be25257ba32d6e4038a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.14263924

>Girl here

>> No.14264063
File: 15 KB, 500x645, short-hairstyles-for-girls-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my experience, it depends entirely on the facial structure. Some girls can get this cut and still look cute and feminine while others just shouldn't bother. My fiance had short hair exactly like this pic for a while and I loved it. But yeah OP I get your point. If your gf gets "betty bangs" or whatever they're called it means you're better off severing ties with her.

I'm sure there are some implications underlying this topic about how women are trying to be masculine because most men aren't anymore. But I'll let you work that out for yourself.

>> No.14264090

if it helps show off their delicate neck that shit is 110% feminine

>> No.14264099
File: 81 KB, 470x595, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shows it off so I can grab it easier.

>> No.14265260

Like some anon said, for a woman to pull off short she already has to be good looking, otherwise she will look like shit. Nonetheless, I fucking love woman with short hair.

>> No.14265483
File: 2.36 MB, 859x1159, B1EBED87-6E2A-475B-9F94-CC05200BA101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hair on women is CUTE, and tomboys are top tier, prove me wrong
Protip: you can’t

If you’re gonna go short hair you’ve gotta commit to a bit of androgyny though, getting short hair and then trying to look super feminine with it always ends up looking worse than keeping your hair long

>> No.14265585

Pretty kewl, we can share clippers bby

>> No.14265630
File: 73 KB, 527x880, 1548865210427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally. This guy gets it.

>> No.14265680
File: 123 KB, 1080x1080, 1525040310677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man understands.

>> No.14265695

picrel looks so fucking good, which proves your point
based and redpilled

>> No.14265710

On some people it looks great imo
On others (her), not so great.

>> No.14265716

Based and redpilled

>> No.14265723


The patrician's choice. If she looks good as a tomboy, she will look good at any time in life.

>> No.14265725

Yeah but, short hair is super fucking hot on women. Pixie cut ftw.

>> No.14265732

Tomboy Emma is cute tho

>> No.14265938

they're trying to scare off predators like you m8
if she wants something that you don't like she's tired of dealing with you

move on

>> No.14266829
File: 1.09 MB, 4928x3264, 35AAEDE8-74D3-4EFE-8320-E62389BADD10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does work pretty well on her