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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 8 KB, 300x293, SelfHarm2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14257305 No.14257305[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is self harm /fa/?

>> No.14257306

dumbass lmaooo

>> No.14257307

no it's just weak and gross

>> No.14257308

if you're a girl maybe, if you're a guy then you're just a bitch

>> No.14257309

hey i love you anon, please be safe.

>> No.14257313

love you too

>> No.14257342


>> No.14257358

I'm kidding, kys

>> No.14257404

If you haven't begun, this is absolutely not a world you want to enter. Worse than starting smoking.

If you have, I feel for you OP.

>> No.14257430
File: 145 KB, 531x513, 2015-05-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually do love you anon

>> No.14257435

no, its /dumb/

>> No.14257451


>> No.14257453

no, I'm spending thousands of dollars on tattoos to cover them up,my only real regret desu

>> No.14257458

Ye you're really edgy and mysterious, god I wish he would talk to me

>> No.14257461


>> No.14257471

Honestly same. I started getting tattoos a couple months ago and can't wait to cover my scars from my teens. They're not that noticeable anymore and I haven't even bothered to hide them in years, but the idea of finally putting all that darkness behind me makes me pretty emotional

>> No.14257474


its attention seeking so in a bad way so no...

>> No.14257547 [DELETED] 

Please be safe

>> No.14257556
File: 2.18 MB, 4208x3120, IMG_20190410_132216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14257577

enjoy your new sign of worthlessness

>> No.14257637

no but it is sexually attractive on girls with dyed hair and nose rings

>> No.14257653

I will!

Makeup and laser tech are already far enough along that you can revert to being un-tatted both temporarily and permanently anyway

>> No.14257710

I have a really romantic perception of people who seem troubled, so I find self harm scars aesthetically pleasing. When I used to do it, I was very proud of my collection of scars, I thought they looked really cool, and I liked running my hands over them. But seriously anon, don't do it. Face your problems.

>> No.14257993

only if you are a depressed e-girl with +8/10 facial aesthetics. if you are a man they're pathetic

>> No.14258037

i find self-harm scars cute on guys desu but i have them too so my opinion is worthless anyway

>> No.14258041

No, as someone who cuts it sucks

>> No.14258295

I have some visible scars from this one and only time I've cut my arms. It was really bad and I regret doing it but honestly I don't remember shit of that day, I suffer from DP/DR and I was really in a dark place, I think I was 20 years old. They're not effay, if you struggling seek help. Take care

>> No.14258439


>> No.14258446

Hell no, I avoid all conversation.

>> No.14258506

That’s not self harm, that’s sampling lipsticks.

>> No.14258731

hey, if this is you please be okay!

>> No.14258739


>> No.14258770
File: 41 KB, 590x389, devilboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are always the master of your own destiny

>> No.14258781
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, 1553123689664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14258887

totally depends on the person its on.

If its a cute guy or girl, theres a bit of sympathy and a feeling i want to help them get better and sorted out.
If its a fat or ugly person, i think less of them, and add it to the list(1.fat, 2.ugly, 3.mentally unstable) to avoid them.

>> No.14258953

No matter if it's a dude or a girl, i'd get interested in them, but if they were really ugly or fat i'd just pity them and wouldn't really try to get close.

>> No.14259146

This is 4chan so there's no shame in posting this but I tried to kill myself when I was a teenager, what kind of tattoos can I get to cover an ugly horizontal scar right in the inside elbow? any inspo?

>> No.14259152

Back to your containment board tranny poster

>> No.14259164

>you will never be this mentally ill
feels good man

>> No.14259179
File: 85 KB, 960x923, sadness-is-closer-than-it-appears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you self-harm you're a dumb faggot. I feel like a dumb faggot every time I see my scars from years ago. How do I make them go away? I miss having smooth arms.

>> No.14259219

i didn't try to "self harm" but once i burnt myself all over the back of my forearm with a hot iron just to stop myself from being so vain. kinda worked to the contra effect, it made me realize how fucking retarded people who self harm are and should probably be more vain themselves. the scars are half faded now thankfully, they'll probably be 90% gone in a year.

>> No.14259223

I didn't self harm in over 3 years
The smaller scars(mostly writing) are very faded, but the big ones are still very visible
I wish I would have never done it
Luckily I did it on my thighs so only very few people see them

>> No.14259327
File: 27 KB, 533x470, beeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it only shows how much of a faggot you are and how desperately you seek attention

>> No.14259855
File: 81 KB, 745x1024, 1555112558221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will literally never be a plus for anyone.
except the person who sees the scars and recognizes you as weak and easy to take advantage of.

you dont want them.

>> No.14259885

If by effay you mean pathetic then yes. If I see someone with self harm scars I avoid them you already know they're damaged goods.

>> No.14259886

I want her to annoy me

>> No.14259890

I used to punch myself in the face, but I stopped once I started getting kinda good at it, and was actually seeing flashes when I did it. Was surprisingly difficult to get out of the habit of doing. Only did it with no one around obviously

>> No.14260546 [DELETED] 


wrong board retard

>> No.14260550


wrong board retard

>> No.14260551

no, haven't self harmed since I was 16 but still a bit paranoid about taking my shirt off because of them

>> No.14260573

No, it's extremely cringy, emo childish, attention whorish.

>> No.14260684

being a fag is fa so yea, I guess so

>> No.14261224

god no its not. used to date someone who had more scar tissue than normal skin on their arm. shit is not aesthetically pleasing. i still get fucking flashbacks from seeing that arm on acid

>> No.14261453

I almost had a bad trip seeing my girlfriend's clogged nose pores on acid; it's best just not to look too close and avoid mirrors

>> No.14262254
File: 7 KB, 250x236, 1BB762B9-6D35-4BD7-A6A5-B191517DB166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in high school there was a borderline autist who would interrupt the teacher every chance he got.
>one day the teacher straight up told him to stfu or leave
>kid buries his head in his arms, then starts growling
>proceeds to beat the fuck out of himself
>tears streaming down his face
>mfw i am witnessing a modern public flogging
>the boy was full wind-up punching himself in the dick, eye-socket, and jaw
>whole class watching silently
>super uncomfortable, but nobody intervened
>starts repeatedly slamming his head into the desk
>the teacher and some dudes spring into action, try to restrain him
>eventually the vice principal comes in
>big burly negro by the name of Mr. Greene
>just picks him up and carries the boy down to his office for reconditioning

fucking epic

>> No.14262373
File: 393 KB, 1302x973, 1479350140249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14262378
File: 21 KB, 480x640, nicememe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14262381

get the fuck away from people with self harm wounds and absolutely do not date them

>> No.14262398

Do people still do this?

It was kind of "cool" in a lame way when Girl Interupted was out and emo music was just peaking mainstream. You could seem interesting and "hurt" and that was totally in. Being pale and skinny and heroin chic was all the rage.

It's difficult to say self-mutilation is sooooo untrendy, but it is. Like 15 years too late for it to be even remotely not the most cringey thing I've ever seen.

>> No.14262438
File: 98 KB, 634x799, F0123D83-6310-4623-82B0-3B3823830E03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Mutiliated skin is in no way, shape, or form /fa/. Anyone who says otherwise is mentally ill and anyone who has purposely mutilated their skin needs professional help bad

>> No.14262448
File: 2 KB, 125x111, Lads What Is This.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self harm
why must you hurt yourself? why?

>> No.14262586

No you retard

>> No.14262590

Down the river, not across the bridge

>> No.14262749

What if you’re fit guy ?

>> No.14262965

I used to cut and replaced it by getting a tattoo gun. It really helped. I get that sweet endorphin rush but I feel like I'm creating opposed to destroying

>> No.14263013

how much of a wimp are you that a tattoo feels like cutting?

>> No.14263574
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 1555148366133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no.
I'm a male and cut myself when I was younger, and I would do anything to get those scars off my arm.
Seriously, they don't look cool to any normal grown person, and makes it hard to get a job requiring short sleeves as a uniform, such as retail.
I seriously think that you're a fucking moron if this isn't b8.
But if it is b8, then well done, because this is the exact way a retard like OP would phrase this question.

>> No.14263577

no and putting tattoos over those scars is degenerate too.

>> No.14263627

dont hurt yourself, anon. there is no reason to, you are stronger than you know. keep it up <3

>> No.14263885

Only if they're not in a visible spot. Should have done them up on your upper arms and shoulders like a real man, faggot. Also burns > cuts. Much more aesthetic scars and easier to hide. Unless you did it for attention like a big gay faggot.

>> No.14263980
File: 36 KB, 500x397, 6skbFK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /fa/
Could this be pulled by a black person?

>> No.14264322

Is that burnt into ur hand damn nigga

>> No.14264376

my ex had scars up and down her thighs, arms and wrists. Should've been my first sign to stay away. self harm scars = crazy bitch

>> No.14264618

Hell no it was never cool only scars you get from accidents are cool

>> No.14264625

It is in no way effay to self-harm. Please do not cause any harm to yourselves, and contact your close ones, a professional or other help, if you have intentions of doing so.

You can get help. You will get better. It CAN and WILL become better for you.