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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 57 KB, 499x750, 98D64256-67BD-436D-8FE0-15211671D76E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14252862 No.14252862 [Reply] [Original]

Making a new one before bonespo retard gets the chance Edition

>post thinspo
>stay hydrated
>read the FAQ

Old >>14235798


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Fasting Resources:

Feel free to post questions and requests, report about your progress, and ask for support.

To get helpful replies make sure to post:
>current stats: sex, age, height, weight
>tdee and your deficit
>highest and lowest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you are going for

>> No.14252870

How to avoid waking up hungry? Every time I get up my stomach is growling like crazy.

>> No.14252871

Should avoid going thinspo if I'm a manlet? I feel like I would look like a kid even more

>> No.14252873

I always feel full when I wake up but just drink some water/cofee/tea and wait it out. You'll be fine

>> No.14252875

Either you lift and look like an overcompensating meatball or you get thinspo and look like you’re 12. Your choice.

At least losing weight will make your legs look longer from a distance.

>> No.14252954
File: 44 KB, 505x762, 560580E0-751A-4F30-8C25-2FFF4B5ACAA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join weightloss discord
>reach goal weight
>made friends, don’t wanna leave discord

Should I have a cheat day so I can gain weight to lose again?

>> No.14253076

Why do that? Is there not a way to get peoples’ individual contact information?

>> No.14253085

When I wanted to buy a SLP teddy jacket, I’ve been told they only look good on athletic people

>> No.14253106

they were wrong
I think most if not all ysl looks good on a thin frame

>> No.14253117

>Should I have a cheat day so I can gain weight to lose again?
A cheat day? Just one? It would barely make any difference. If you ate wayyy too much you would still gain less than 5lb. You'd have to spend a few days eating too much.

Don't bother though. Not worth. Just be supportive to the people who are still losing

>> No.14253127

How is Adderall supposed to help me?

>> No.14253135

You lose weight without trying. It speeds up your metabolism and completely wipes your appetite.

Basically the laziest way to get thin, I used to take it for ADHD and laugh at all these fatties without the disorder who don’t know how to stop eating without it waste money to buy it illegally.

>> No.14253156

Can you explain what happened to me? I used to take it daily in high school as prescribed for my ADHD (25mg), and I went from 220 to 190. I stopped taking it daily after I graduated, and I ended up getting to 250 and increasing after 2~ years. I tried taking it for a month straight and I didn't lose any weight. What's different?
I'm around 278 now, I'm 6'4 and a male. 22 years old.

>> No.14253214

I mean, if I had to take a wild guess it might be because not everyone experiences the same effects from a medication. For example, people always told me that Vyvanse makes you lose weight but I didn't lose any or even have a decrease in appetite. I'm also on an anti-psychotic that's known to make people gain anywhere from 30-60 lbs and I haven't gained a single pound.

Don't fall for the Adderall meme. It doesn't teach you how to break the habit of stuffing your face so even if you lose weight on it, if you were a former binge-eating fatty you're going to go back to gaining weight once you stop taking the pills. Do what everyone else does and follow CICO. Start eating healthier meals. Exercise.

>> No.14253413

ive been eating like absolute shit for the past 3 days or so but its under my defecit but i feel awful
how do people eat like this consistently baka

>> No.14253429

unironically weed kills my appetite

>> No.14253441

that's why most stoners are skinny

>> No.14253446

Any stimulant will decrease your appetite

>> No.14253565
File: 1.42 MB, 1242x1705, E23B4BFF-87EE-48B3-8FAE-0D6AB9A0CADE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to be skinny and hairy and still look good? All thinspo male models seem to be hairless.

>> No.14253575

Gonna be honest with you, no.

>> No.14254057
File: 55 KB, 1242x180, 2D8C0051-AF30-4097-B125-E4C4DB26E795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no skinnies are awake today?

>> No.14254088

Delete this please its disgusting

>> No.14254125

I made that post just so I could post the picture. You’re welcome.

>> No.14254280
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>> No.14254282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14254284
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>> No.14254355

dont go overboard, but skinny will always be better than fit, regardless of height

>> No.14254363

Unhealthy and disgusting, why would you want to look this way? Thin is good but Jesus this looks so detrimental to your health.

>> No.14254408

>looks so detrimental to your health

that's the point

>> No.14254462
File: 212 KB, 800x800, 60844929-1138-476F-AAF7-9F59FB513996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not the point of /thinspo/ threads you dumbass. JFC you’re going to get these threads banned if you continue to make them into your personal ED general instead of keeping it fashion-related.

Go back to MPA.

>> No.14254467 [DELETED] 
File: 815 KB, 2157x3329, 12.934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14254580

Ooh this is cute

>> No.14255098 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 1080x880, 26184537_1750217345002905_4498769464199741440_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is homo

>> No.14255108 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 1080x1349, 16464204_1198975233485321_8671070780534030336_n copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255119 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14255219
File: 38 KB, 515x773, Hedi_Slimane_in_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255306


>> No.14255505

I'm attempting a 48 hour fast today. Any tips?

>> No.14255517

Attempting a 48 hour fast. Any tips?

>> No.14255521

Turns out the reason I've been so fucking ravenous lately is the Olanzapine that the psychiatrist put me on. They're so dishonest about their motives for using drugs, he told me it was for "mood stabilisation" and to help correct distorted ED thinking. It wasn't until I saw a different psych when I finally got the truth about why I was on it. Needless to say, I won't be taking any more Olanzapine.

>> No.14255522

Drink lots of water.

>> No.14255525

Any other tips?

>> No.14255527

On top of >>14255522 drink broth to get some salt in you.

>> No.14255591

So I've maintained the exact same weight for 5 days in a row (132.6) despite doing OMAD around 250-350 calories per day. I decided to take someone's advice and eat more today then go back to restriction tomorrow.

Thinking of eating a little over my BMR which is about 1420 calories, so maybe 1500 today. Your thoughts?

>> No.14255602

just get the weird asian shin extending surgery

>> No.14255611

Absolutely the fuck never, I'm an actual faggot and this shit is disgusting

>> No.14255776
File: 35 KB, 500x376, A3E0EA2B-68D1-419E-8C76-46841F112E25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn’t that puc posted in the last thread? Post new thinspo

>> No.14256397
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x1535, 51345275-563E-4C22-BC39-9C84BB5DE878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<—— Peak thinspo.

>I'm an actual faggot
Don’t actual faggots like other actual faggots?

>> No.14256403

>Have athletic build
>Generally just a big dude at 6’3 190
>Calves gigantic from football and track
>Attractive face and good jawline
its kind of over for me correct? Im worried that no matter how much weight I lose my muscular calves and thighs will always ruin any asthetic.

>> No.14256600

Ayy when the fuck did you guys lose your last face fat? like at what bmi? i'm starting to look alright but my lower cheeks are still pretty pudgy

>> No.14256758
File: 5 KB, 240x135, twinkass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be an actual faggot without being a detestably ugly waste of human flesh

your pic is the reason why society doesn't accept us. His face is horrendously gross and he's clearly way too old to dress like that.

Twinks should shave. End of story.

>> No.14256763
File: 1.59 MB, 1242x1511, 475B5A50-A304-4461-94D2-CC3E7F83A609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon....we need to bring body positivity to the LGBT community (no fatties though).

>> No.14256764
File: 830 KB, 1242x1520, 97DA5D2E-5F49-4164-B248-A6229814A307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a word for 45-year-old hairy twinks?

>> No.14256772

>Is there a word for 45-year-old hairy twinks?

>> No.14256774

Body positivity is for things that you have no control over. An electric razor is $20.

suicide victims. I'm not joking.

>> No.14256787
File: 1.48 MB, 1242x1516, 022A91F5-64C6-4FEF-A526-99FFDF51816F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Body positivity is about not needing to change your body to fit society’s expectations.

>> No.14256800

Society's expectations of general attractiveness exist to ensure things like that don't breed.

"body positivity" in the form of convincing yourself that you don't need to positively improve your body is not only cognitive dissonance, but a recipe for self-alienation, self-loathing and poor mental health.

>> No.14256813

Zyprexa is commonly used to treat anorexia.

>> No.14256819
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x1878, tumblr_p7qwyaWDIk1wxbhzjo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I look like slutelf? He's skinny without being a hungry skellington and has a plump bottom. Right now I am skinnyfat. I am at a caloric deficit and do intermittent fasting. I would like a bodyweight program I can just do at home. Can I just do something simple like 50 crunches, side planks for 1 minute, 100 squats, 50 lunges each leg, then some pullups?

>> No.14256826

He’s always hiding that nose lol

>> No.14256853
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1515, 804A270D-6CF0-43C2-A5DA-E6B64FCD2CE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it is not people like him who should change, but rather people like you.

>> No.14256953
File: 143 KB, 900x1200, slutelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like me includes basically everyone without a mental illness. If you think every sane person should change to suit you, you're fucked up in the head.

>> No.14256973


>> No.14257061

yes. but not wearing that shit
t. hairless faggot

>> No.14257248

>people are mentally ill for liking what I don’t like!!

>> No.14257421

I lost 28lbs in 23 days.

21lbs in 2 weeks and then 7lbs in 7 days. I'm gonna have to prep myself for another 14 day fast because it seems like fat loss doesn't really ramp up until after the two week mark.

I'm salty because after the 14 days I dropped to 207 and then gained back 8lbs of water weight. I'm worried I'm going to gain that water weight back and just like lose 1lb after fasting for 6 days :-/

>> No.14257437

I am 6'1, 136lbs and skinny fat, I don't know anything about fitness but I want to be cute and skinny, I dislike being skinny fat. What should I do? Should I lose more weight? Should I start going to the gym? Someone please help me.

>> No.14257466

I recommend eating around the same # of calories as your TDEE (google this and find a calculator). If you start to lose weight you'll look like a skeleton but I imagine for self image reasons you don't wanna gain a bunch either.

You're lucky in the sense that you have this option when starting out fresh: if you eat around maintenance calories you should start to build a bit of muscle and lose fat at the same time, so embrace it!

Going to the gym to build some muscle is a good start (ask /fit/ if you want programs and stuff, just stay away from the SS/GOMAD bullshit), and you should also do some sort of cardio. My recommendation is to either run or pick a sport you enjoy. If you hate all cardio, do HIIT and just get it over with quick.

>> No.14257477

Thank you so much!

>> No.14257482

No worries! ask away if you have other questions

>> No.14257594

Can someone tell me if I'm fucking tripping or not? I don't want this to turn into an eating disorder, I'm just surprised I didn't lose 10lbs in one week because I lost 20lbs in two weeks.

>> No.14258190 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 600x871, D40BFA52-D236-407D-A90D-BF2236FF9530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are lolis thinspo?

>> No.14258192 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is up with Romee?

>> No.14258463 [DELETED] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1125x1347, 76726AE0-ABA4-47B5-9878-3D0EF24925D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. What is going on with her? Is she pregnant or something? She’s gained so much

>> No.14258470 [DELETED] 
File: 713 KB, 2211x1931, DFF60DCA-A4E7-46CD-AE12-6BD51928BFF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story from today vs a post a couple months ago

>> No.14258481

she looks like she fucks black guys

>> No.14258492 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 474x436, E8C3978D-3D8B-4DDA-973B-AD19B2B40948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, you porn addicted nigger. One and only boyfriend for many, many years.

>> No.14258504 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 1125x1971, 8B928699-30E7-4804-80CB-A4EB03E75794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And from today.

>> No.14258525

you sound like you fuck black guys

>> No.14258533 [DELETED] 

So much projection

>> No.14258551

you know its true

post asshole or its proven

>> No.14258559 [DELETED] 

Get fucked you faggot

>> No.14258570

>he gets fucked by black guys
oof yike

>> No.14258601
File: 794 KB, 1863x2683, 20190413_121524-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello back skellos, it's spring and I'm ready to lose the weight I took during winter. What's the most efficient between fasting, intermitent fasting, and calorie restriction considering I have a low bmi?
>inb4 iron man

>> No.14258696
File: 181 KB, 1200x1600, C1446E53-165C-4ECD-994C-AB293D5C0C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thinspo? also r8

>> No.14258704

I do 20/4 intermittent fasting (12pm to 4pm) with 2 small meals for a total of 500-800 calories daily. Been dropping weight like crazy.

>> No.14258709

You look like my grandfather during the 1940’s.

>> No.14258711
File: 185 KB, 500x375, 7C08BEA1-432D-44CF-B50D-91211D4F620A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14258783

Great, I've been doing 16/8 for the last few days. May I ask what you eat generally?

>> No.14258926

How do you calculate calories burned? I feel like all the online equations vastly overestimate

>> No.14259048
File: 61 KB, 500x500, 51hzvk6iA0L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would avoiding protein and being sedentary reduce the size of my calf muscle?

>> No.14259053
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>> No.14259241
File: 206 KB, 749x1000, 7F6B4716-BC5D-4071-9A24-ED3E97691A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any more pics like this? Not even remotely fat or even close to the same size as the girl on the far right. Still, have a fear of being the fat friend of the group and letting myself give in and letting myself get as fat as the girl on the right. (Who isn’t as fat by normie standards but she is by my standards)

>> No.14259495
File: 989 KB, 1242x933, 2F69DBA8-3847-48CF-A24C-EB9B919398F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.14259517

Can I get a link?

>> No.14259527
File: 91 KB, 634x710, 60C60676-4584-4E64-8211-03C93808B946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, like this exactly. Here’s another example. Though really I think all three models look gorgeous so this isn’t such a good example.

>> No.14259532
File: 25 KB, 480x239, 3F05B479-D109-49F3-AE99-D0974F87DCF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14259542

>so fat she can't even lean without falling over
Fat people are literally disabled.

>> No.14259545
File: 68 KB, 742x600, 9A5610B7-FB41-421C-A6C6-7130AF7B632B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, pics like this help immensely because of how unsettling they are. It shows that practically anyone can go from skinny to overweight especially because of conditions like PCOS, Hypothyroidism, etc. the case here was pcos.

>> No.14259568
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>> No.14259588
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>> No.14259680
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>> No.14259845

I didn't eat today but drank 1.5L of wine... I feel like shit... Should I go buy more wine

>> No.14259858

yeah nah its just laziness

>> No.14259867


>> No.14259873

fat* and disgusting

>> No.14259874

no, there needs to be a middle picture that would be the real improvement left too skinny right too chubby

>> No.14259899

Mostly stuff high in protein/fat (eggs, shrimp, salmon, roast chicken, avocados, oils) along with fresh fruit/vegetables. Nothing processed and very few carbs. That along with downing full glasses of water throughout the day makes me feel stuffed all the time.

>> No.14259956
File: 55 KB, 800x792, FB2705A6-97BC-425A-BACE-0A56838A2D1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14259963

Neither of them looked underweight. They looked like they were perfectly healthy before, that first one looked like she had bad proportions though, so that why it looks better

>> No.14260009


>> No.14260018
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1920, 1545506534068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I look like this?

18 / M / 6'3" / 160pounds

>> No.14260019

They looked like boys. Why don't you just be honest with yourself and get a bf

>> No.14260021 [DELETED] 
File: 316 KB, 1081x1272, 5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic rel is me right now

>> No.14260511

how long does bulimia bloat take to go away from your face

>> No.14260545

go for a build like young henry rollins. literally the best look a sub 5'9 guy can acheive

>> No.14260566
File: 24 KB, 500x647, 1544305537428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf currently looks like this
skiiny overall but calves almost same as thighs

She wants to lose the calves but doesnt know how. Anyone have tips?

>> No.14260980

t. low test gay pedo in denial

>> No.14261276

retard they're fat

>> No.14261303
File: 777 KB, 2048x2936, C191A7F9-6D17-4E50-BD28-6ACD1760697C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this thinspo?

>> No.14261304

little girl ass nigga

>> No.14261312
File: 199 KB, 2176x1242, ACE94205-E0B8-444F-ABB0-168BBE95FA7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im finna need you to re-evaluate where you think you are

>> No.14261319

>open thread
>go to bottom cus i read newest comments first
>literal lolicon
thank you jannies! very cool!

>> No.14261331 [DELETED] 
File: 313 KB, 1080x1648, 3311B7D2-648E-468C-BC33-807FFC18E6DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to rebdit plese

>> No.14261332

shut up tranny

>> No.14261527
File: 44 KB, 460x510, 1554956600101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is the thinspo discord link reeee. I need people to lose weight with

>> No.14261577
File: 62 KB, 875x700, 32A4FE34-BDAE-48E2-B514-89E63CD3C4EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you make a discord i'll maybe join it

just dont dox me, okay?

>> No.14262285
File: 54 KB, 400x533, 57spo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14262612 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14262801

Ban evasion?

>> No.14262807

stay there as a means to keep your current shape

>> No.14262831 [DELETED] 

>tfw no skelly boy with long hair, really long feet, and really long toes to be a paypig for

>> No.14262950

tad heavier than I'd like but much better from the 125-126 from a few weeks ago
in a much better mindset with food and working on eating when im hungry and eating smaller portions. want to get to 120 again

>> No.14262951

been on a weight loss plateau for 2 months. give me every way to break out of it. its been demotivating me

>> No.14263124 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 472x1118, 119C755D-A8D5-4DD3-A3F8-F25BC48797BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does my stomach look fat here? I ate a whole bag of chips the night before.

>> No.14263193
File: 63 KB, 750x750, steqhs54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14263250

Men can look quite good when thin, but women nearly always look best with a good amount of chub.

My goodness, yes, such an improvement.

The right is better. ;)

>> No.14263545
File: 464 KB, 2048x2048, 484BC3AA-9D99-46B9-9F72-83F915B832AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in regards to fashion they don’t. I think most people on this board agree that clothes look more aesthetically appealing on thinner people. Also, research shows that when you lose weight in the face it increases your overall attractiveness.

>> No.14263592

prove it?

>> No.14263632
File: 175 KB, 700x900, AD9CC9C1-B9D4-4808-B563-F56165AE0233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men can look quite good when thin
haha no. men are supposed to be big and strong. Women are supposed to be weak and frail.
Men are supposed to protecc
Women are supposed to produce babies

>> No.14263653


>> No.14263680
File: 199 KB, 938x1500, 73C5AC97-5BA4-4087-9A41-A3C9255252FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a sissification thread created by (((THEM)))

>> No.14264006

Eat nothing but 4 small apples tomorrow (spaced out) and drink a gallon of water. Seriously.

>> No.14264213 [DELETED] 


finally we can put down the amphetamines and the caffeine. our saviour has arrived, and it’s in the form of fibre pills

>> No.14264345

Weight loss always slows down as time goes by. Get reasonable goals

>> No.14264495

Anybody know how to beat post-intermittent fast binging? I'll fast fine all day and then when my eating window hits I pig out. Been doing it for 3 days now, 20/4, used to do it earlier this year.
124 lbs and 5'3, female

>> No.14264602

How much is a “binge” for you?

It’s easier if you make your eating window during the middle of the day instead of in the evening. Try 11 to 3 or noon to 4.

And make sure you drink a tall glass of water after everything you eat so you feel full.

>> No.14264670

Lots of chips, fruit snacks, animal crackers, cheese and crackers. Whatever's convenient. Usually I'll stop myself before I let it become a true binge but before that I just feel out of control. I'll try changing the time like you said

>> No.14264687

Do you live at home? If not, don’t keep that shit in your kitchen. Having easily snackable food available is the worst possible thing you can do if you lack self control.

>> No.14264733

weak and frail women can't produce babies dumb faggot bitch

>> No.14264862
File: 88 KB, 620x620, B1715472-36C4-439D-873F-4C0C1D4E5CAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you never had sex so how would you know incel?

>> No.14264893

how to be thin when you have anxiety?
i literally can't stop eating when i'm feeling too anxious which is almost all the time

>> No.14264923

I'd say chew ice or gum. Maybe try medication. I have pretty bad anxiety and I used to chew the insides of my cheeks and lips a lot but now I'm pretty good.
Nope, live with an obese mom and sister that don't give a shit about health

>> No.14264930

are you on meds?

>> No.14264945

Will going thinspo make my ass flatter? Cause I want my ass to be flat.

(p.s i’m a skinny guy already)

>> No.14265029

Yep. An antidepressant and an anti anxiety pill

>> No.14265036


>> No.14265039

so i have no choice but going to the doctor huh

>> No.14265075

You probably have other options. I can only talk from my own experience :/

>> No.14265087

nigga what the fuck

>> No.14265097

is it safe to workout/lift weights during long duration water fasting?

>> No.14265155


>> No.14265204

drink diet soda. chew gum and let yourself have as many pieces as you want because biting into them really helps. and get low calorie food specifically for when you feel anxious like rice cakes/yogurt/berries. exercise can reduce anxiety

>> No.14266411

>page 10

>> No.14266434

im 6'2 and naturally muscular? how do i break this down, i have abs natural lats and huge legs. I wanna be slim and how do i break down muscle

>> No.14266450

I wish I knew this too. No one here ever seems to have an answer.

t. woman with extremely muscular legs naturally that make me look like a 5-foot stump despite being 5’8”

>> No.14266524

yeh it sux

>> No.14266549

Seething, belligerent, and disgusting gluttonous fattie spotted. God, I can smell you from here, you fat fuck. You can put down the fork, you know. Substitute a meal or two with water, possibly a cigarette, or simply hold out until dinner. Run some cardio, perhaps? These things aren't difficult. Sorry, but there's nothing attractive about fat people, let alone "bigger" women. You have no right to enter haute couture if your waist is above a 30, fattie. Try not to die from clogged arteries, fuckhead. I have more respect for heavier people who acknowledge their gluttonous ways and go about to reform them than people who bitch, whine, and have tantrums until the world of fashion caters to your childish impulses; which it never will.

>> No.14266726

Diagnosed with hypothroidism, which explains why I jumped to like 128 over the course of a year, which was the heaviest I've ever been. Started Synthroid as well as a new antidepressant, and I've gotten back down to 115. I'm 5'7 with a very small frame, so I'm curious to see if my goal of 90 is realistic.

>> No.14266854

Has anyone here tried keto?

>> No.14266905
File: 1.35 MB, 3024x3024, BB52CFDD-BEAE-46B7-839D-91C7F35EF8C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I actually insane?

>> No.14266914

Why don’t you just download apps for this?

>> No.14266956

Anyone ever try using Nair on their entire body from the neck down?

>> No.14267038

I initially started losing weight bc of apps but now I just ignore it

I've had ED journals and shit before which work for like a week

I'm on spring break and my roommate won't be back for 5 days so why not try this, to have my wall filled with things saying I'm fat

>> No.14267909

I wish I lived alone because I’d have thinspo and FPH taped all over my fridge, pantry and kitchen walls.

Anyway how tall are you at 149? That was my weight this morning :S

>> No.14268880
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is ammy thinspo?

>> No.14268894

decided i hate my thighs so i'm going on a diet (again). i already cut carbs and eat 1200 a day but i'm a small organism (5'5) so i didn't move from my 63kg for a while after losing 7kg through keto. so now i'm doing omad 700 cals, running and lifting. maybe one or two extended fasts. ooooof this will be great.

>> No.14269137
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Today i realized something. Instead of overdosing on caffeine i should spread out multiple cups throughout the day

no this is normal

>> No.14269698 [DELETED] 
File: 580 KB, 1125x1392, 880188DF-1C16-4B5F-B4FD-A425C7D924F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pi thread but there’s barely any thinspo posted. Lmao.

>> No.14269700 [DELETED] 

Sir this is a thinspo thread

>> No.14270562

why dont you mentally ill mongs go to /fit/? this doesnt belong on here

>> No.14270647

thin is very effay

>> No.14270677

Go back and read the conversation, showing peoples’ weight transformation from beautiful thin girl to fat slob can be motivation to not be the fat slob.

>> No.14271332

Struggling with the same issue over here, I guess it's something to do with genetics and fat distribution.
So basically she's one of the genetically unfortunate ones and the only way to lose the calves is to keep losing weight everywhere along with it.

>> No.14271416

is thinspo one huge cope for hardgainers and framelets or what

>> No.14271553

why not stay in there to give advice? also to motivate yourself and others, theyre not asking you to leave right?

>> No.14271681
File: 263 KB, 1071x1237, Screenshot_20190418-230557__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Freelee thinspo?

>> No.14271885

meanspo doesn't work for me, it just makes me laugh

>> No.14272120 [DELETED] 

A big part of ADHD is having issues with impulse control. This includes when it comes to eating.

>> No.14272154

All I can think of is the fact that she poops out 50 bananas every day

Also fuck her, insufferable cunt

>> No.14272157


>> No.14272171
File: 23 KB, 370x297, 562D3785-0A0A-4DD2-970C-9D66470EDF14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freelee is really starting to age rapidly. I know she’s getting old but for a while she was looking pretty good for a woman in her 30’s. In this photo she looks 48, not 38.

>> No.14272362

seriously white people you NEED to be wearing sunscreen this isn't up for discussion

PA++++ only

>> No.14272401
File: 28 KB, 370x297, A4AA810F-24C1-40E8-AD66-219069E6AA58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not just a sunscreen issue (if at all), it’s a result of years of a diet lacking in essential nutrients that she preaches in the name of wokeness which in actuality is probably killing her. The chronic bulimia probably contributed too.

Lose all the weight you want but at the same time try to actually nourish your body unless you want to look like a dying hag before you’re even middle-aged. The contents of what you put down your throat matters just as much as the number of calories.

>> No.14272428

how to stay thin

>> No.14273419
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>> No.14274254

A vegan diet in general is great for you, but Freelee doesn't eat any fat except rarely some avocado or some seeds. You need some fat for the absorption of nutrients. She's 'fine' health wise, just not optimal. Her aging is mainly because of the sun. She has moved to the jungle since she broke up with her cunt bf. Apparently she walks around naked in the sun all day. Her fucking toilet is even outside. And she stopped shaving her armpits and stuff. Before she did this she looked very fit and young. I remember her saying that sunscreen is bullshit, and you should use fucking coconut oil. Which has an spf of fucking 7 (sigh). She's really kind of ruining it for the vegan image. Because it's known to be the best diet for low mortality. She completely lost it and now people blame it on veganism

>> No.14274261

Exactly. It's all since she broke up with durianrider and sits in the sun all day. Its not her diet mainly

>> No.14274304

if u hold in ur poop all day you won't feel like eating

>> No.14274335

>A vegan diet in general is great for you

I follow a lot of e-celebs that happen to be vegan and one by one they’re starting to complain about their bodies failing on them before they’ve even turned 30 and several are starting to reintroduce animal products into their diet. Kalel Cullen is the most recent, she’s literally balding because of an iron deficiency and started eating shellfish to combat it.
>inb4 just take supplements!1
If your diet lacks so many vitamins and minerals to the point that you *require* supplements to not get sick, that’s a major sign your diet isn’t “great for you”. Feel free to sacrifice your own health for a bunch of stupid animals who serve no purpose on this Earth other than to be food, but don’t pretend that humans don’t require at least some animal products. A lacto-ovo vegetarian diet can be healthy due to naturally being lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, but a vegan diet is shit for you. You can’t argue this.

>> No.14274377

this. pescetarianism, veganism but with fish, is the way to go for moralfags

>> No.14274404

Forgot about pescatarians. I’ve considered becoming one (for health benefits, not because I care about animals) but I like chicken too much :s

>> No.14274406


>> No.14274421
File: 57 KB, 615x773, Emily-Ratajkowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi guys, I'm 5'7 170, I used to be 200lbs, I was to be around 120 but I'm worried I'll get loose skin, help me please.

>> No.14274507

desu even if you do get loose skin it’s not going to be a lot. only people who were bordering or actually were morbidly obese end up with nightmarish loose skin. what you will have to worry about is saggy tits if you’re female, though.

>> No.14274517

i should also add - i’m about the same height (5’6.5”) and my sw was 187 and right now i’m 133 with no loose skin at all, just a slight stomach pooch (but that should go away after 10-15 more pounds). dunno if that helps.

>> No.14274627
File: 1.78 MB, 2336x4160, IMG_20190420_001932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my drug fueled body.

Honestly the easiest way to lose weight.

>> No.14274668

post dick

>> No.14274688

you look like a tweaker that showers regularly

>> No.14274697

Fairly accurate

>> No.14274723

I bet your boyfriend loves pounding that twink body.

>> No.14274959

hi cletus

>> No.14274984

gay straight or bi?
i’d fuck you

>> No.14275392

I bet you'd love it too

>> No.14275478

In less than 30 days I went from 234lbs to now 201.4lbs

I'm gonna make it guys, did a 14 day fast, then a seven day and now another 14 days.

I'm gonna get down to 150-160lbs by June god willing, maintain with fasting 4 days a week and eating the rest :-)

>> No.14275973

Congrats! But keep in mind that weight loss has a tendency to slow down the lighter you get, so don’t necessarily count getting to 160 by June. You may end up hitting a plateau before then too.

>> No.14276026 [DELETED] 
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x2560, 20190420_112855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down peasants

>> No.14276036
File: 713 KB, 1331x1173, 20190420_113540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bow down peasants

>> No.14276066

Axl Rose is that you?

>> No.14276304

Damn. Which drugs?

>> No.14276314


>> No.14276378

Snake Juice fucking sucks.
I'm officially under 200lbs 199.6lbs. I don't think I've met someone doing water fasts that don't drop close to 1.4-1.7lbs a day once they are in ketosis other than people with low bf percentages.

I know I'll have to do more fitness and also watch what I eat on break fasting days but honestly this has been the easiest thing I've ever done my whole life.

I don't recommend it for people under 25 but for older folks fasting can be the way.

>> No.14276472

Coke and amphetamine. Also smoke like the devil so I barely gotta eat.

Amphetamine works the best and is the cheapest, but coke has the least drawbacks.

Just make sure you've got real amphetamine and not methamphetamine (though i bet it works too, just way more addictive). Also drink a lot of water slather yourself in moisturizer after using it because it dries out your skin like nothing else in this world. Can cause a little acne for that reason, but if you take good care of your skin, both on your face and shoulders/upper back you'll most likely have no complaints at all.

>> No.14276946



>> No.14276956
File: 219 KB, 900x900, fitness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bitter that I'm skinny-fat because I lost all the weight I needed to but was an obese child so my body is fucked. I was 150 when I was 12, 260 when I was 20, now 25 and 115 at 5'8".

I'm saving for a tummy-tuck but working out in the meantime.

Pic not me, but related. My body is shaped like hers but smaller, have a stubborn stomach I know will be a soggy bagel likely until surgery. Already got surgery to fix my chest and lipo on the top half of my body (Was included). My loose skin and stretch marks are surprisingly not as bad as they could be, and people always say "As if you need to watch your weight!" just because I dress in clothes that fit and don't accentuate the remaining chub.

Regret not working out and not saving surgery money while losing weight.

>> No.14277034

Holy fuck how do u have the self control to do so many fasts

>> No.14277053

post loose skin

>> No.14277086

Not anon but I watched this doc on this dude who water (?) fasted for a long ass time. He was huge though, I wonder if it's easier to fast when you have more weight on you. Scientifically, should make sense.

I'm on Vyvanse and still can't seem to do one day of fasting, but I also have no real food-related willpower and will emotional eat if I'm not careful. Maybe if I had sleep meds it'd be easier.

Just like the mom in Requiem lol

>> No.14277088

How do y’all deal with the dizziness? Like, if I haven’t eaten for a while I feel kind of dizzy/spacey even if I don’t really feel like I’m hungry.

>> No.14277090

post more

>> No.14277104
File: 1.34 MB, 295x255, E44CC6B9-6B9C-4F59-888F-296E15A7CB81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you even read the entire study linked on that page or just the introductory paragraph shown there? The study frequently talks about how vegans are usually deficient in most essential nutrients, even goes on to say that vegan children experience stunted growth, and veganism is associated with diseases such as osteoporosis. The study mainly praises lacto-ovo vegetarian diets (as I did in my post) but often says the benefits of lacto-ovo veg are no different than that of an omnivorous diet.

Try again.

>> No.14277174

Lmao supplements/vitamins are like five dollars per 200 pills

Go fuck yourself with a rotting animal carcass

>> No.14277176

Wish I had a long torso, fuck

>> No.14277221

Have fun wasting money and choking on 20 horse-size pills every day while us omnivores get our nutrients effortlessly.

>Go fuck yourself with a rotting animal carcass
Lol. What a soi thing to say.

>> No.14277461

Kill it with fire

>> No.14277466


>> No.14277516

If you put your body into ketosis before fasting then fasting is easy, you have drastically lessened cravings and almost zero hunger once you're in ketosis. Usually takes about three days to start keto mode, but you can accelerate that if you do a fat fast. Yeah that's right, you consume more fat than protein. When you feel your appetite start to go, you can go straight water until you feel hungry, If at any time you feel a bit lightheaded, eat some nuts or put some butter in your coffee.

>> No.14277529

what hairstyle suits better with slp aesthetic?, long?, french crop? WHAT?

>> No.14277595

Rotten froot

>> No.14277605

Small frame, long torso, scene angle.

Skinnyfat's only real hope is to get toned, you won't bulk on deficit. So don't worry too much. Try pilates.

>> No.14277607

Look up "skinny people next to average people", my favourites are the stubby fashion crews that squabble around the feet of supermodels.

>> No.14277701

did the celimane discord get deleted for did i leave accidentally

>> No.14277785
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>> No.14277788
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>> No.14277789
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>> No.14277790
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>> No.14277793
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>> No.14277795
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>> No.14277797

Still a fatty bahaha

>> No.14277799
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mental illness

>> No.14277801

shut up fatty

>> No.14277804
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>> No.14277822

First time I ate keto high fat, little net carb, very high carb. That kept me going the first three days.

Idk I've been chubby except a few years most life and being in the public eye I saw how I was getting and finally made it happen

Sleep is critical and it only gets harder the longer your fast but that sleep period is when the fat melts off the most
OMG I'm trying to get on Vyvanse, lucky bastard.

Watch videos, keep watching videos like Dr. Fung it really motivated me.

I had like no control around food at all until I said enough was enough.

Does Vyvanse fuck your sleep up?
I disagree kinda most people fail even with keto as a start and peoples struggle with hunger is more mental than not.

>> No.14277843


>> No.14277845

>those hips
tbhonest i would kill myself if i looked like that

>> No.14277851

You’re gonna die before your 60th birthday dude, like all current/former druggies.

>> No.14277938

Recently learned that drinking a bottle of wine every day is more likely to cause cancer than chainsmoking. Watch out fren

>> No.14277998

I would suggest losing at least 40 more lbs but nothin to save here anyway

>> No.14278002

They said that to keith richards fatass

>> No.14278049

Oh, triggered are we? I have had numerous drug addicts and alcoholics in my family. Two of them died in their 50’s, one at 62, and the others are wasting away with severe health conditions that will likely kill them. It’s also a great way to have your face look like a 45-year-old’s when you’re 28, haha.

Just lose weight the normal way, retard. I swear these threads get dumber and crazier every time I decide to open one.

>> No.14278073

Replying to the wrong post.

But I do enjoy knowing I have the ability to be healthy and follow my moral compass at the same time. Stay mad.

>> No.14278082

Why do I feel nauseous when I'm faint from not eating wtf

>> No.14278131

>muh moral compass
Imagine being such a söy-guzzling fag to actually care about the wellbeing of animals, lol. I’ll gladly sacrifice my “moral compass” if it means I won’t have to raise manlet children and age like milk.

>> No.14278136

Has something to do with excess stomach acid, which gives you that puky feeling.

>> No.14278222

I'll be old and ugly before my 60th as well so it'll be fine

>> No.14278245

That's what every young junkie says and then they come to regret it once they do come close to that age. Plus you're going to look ancient long before then, just look at Aaron Carter.

But whatever, if you want to kill yourself and waste brain cells just because it means you don't have to diet/exercise then be my guest, but there are better ways to stay thin.

>> No.14278542

>Does Vyvanse fuck your sleep up?
My sleep was already fucked but it definitely made me more anxious at night. I take mine in the morning and still end up irritable at the end of the day when they start losing the effect.

It's amazing otherwise, 10/10 get on that.
I don't eat all day and do one meal a day most days, but I do have a binging issue so I'll look into what you said. My problem has always been a cycle: Fast, break fast, feel bad about it and overeat, feel worse, etc.
I don't have a feeling at satiation and I find my fasting attempts have set off binges or overeating. My mind and body are fucked about about hunger cues.

I'm gonna get back on sleep meds soon because that helped, I've been working out to get rid of some stubborn fat so my hunger has increased. I'm eating under my TDEE but put on weight, it seems like water weight but I want to cut my one meal calories down too.

Despite my personal failures I'll check out the videos, thanks. Can't hurt to try.

>> No.14278581

That's hot

>> No.14279005

I meant, high fat, protein and fibre not carb
I've been trying to get on it 3 months.

Blood work, liver check, psychological tests, telling literally my entire life to my Psychiatrist, have to give out a form to a former teacher to fill.

Almost there, I'm frustrated it's taking so long but I'm trying to so bad to get on this for my career that's I somehow got into and have a good life in the most expensive city in my country despite being a highschool drop out.

If I can also go longer in fasts I'd appreciate it.

I'm a life long binger but something snapped and I'm working with the flow.

You got this.

>> No.14279499

Source on who this is?

>> No.14279559

Man any of you has already accepted that the only thing in life that makes you feel good is to have the control over your weight? Because I'm currently trying to accept this and it's hard as fuck. So many times I tried to recover from this but it's impossible. I don't care about love, friends, study or travel. I'm only capable of feeling happiness when I'm on control. It has been years and this shit doesn't stop. Why.

>> No.14279692

I'm working on that, and I've been told I have very nice feet.

I am a trans guy though, so knowing my luck it'll be a deal breaker.

>> No.14279870

Binge eating is the most /fa/ mental disorder. Just pounded Easter candy like a mofo

6ft male 140 pounds.

>> No.14280544

Kaczynski believes that a core element of human psychology is what he calls the "power process" (paragraph 33). He theorizes that, in order to have healthy, functional lives, people must formulate goals and exert nontrivial efforts to attain them.

>> No.14280733 [DELETED] 

kys fat retard

>> No.14280840

I didn’t even eat anything yesterday... nobody brought candy to my house which is good.

>> No.14280947

whats wrong with her hips?

>> No.14281044

Too wide, and the way her hip bones poke out is awkward.

>> No.14281062

Currently eating around 700-800 calories a day in a single meal and fasting between each.

I'm looking to get leaner without going full /fit/.

Would sticking to this each day naturally make me leaner or am I fucked?

>> No.14281181

Heck yeah it will . What will you be eating anon ?

>> No.14281191

I generally just stick to lean meat, veggies and some carbs from noodles and etc.

I'll treat myself to fruit now and then about I'm trying to get away from sugar in whatever form, it makes me eat shit like nothing else.

>> No.14281232

What do you think about @julschix_ ?

>> No.14281237

I wonder if she even eats.

>> No.14281267

okay that sounds pretty coolio so long as you're getting an adequate amount of protein.

and if i may add, a drastic deficit like that in a prolonged amount of time is not exactly sustainable. from personal experience i ended up gaining what i lost from eating <1000cals/day for weeks . (went from 125lbs - 118lbs fairly quick.) obviously it could be mitigated if it were done with more maintenance, etc. but be smart

>> No.14281272

Tranny? S/he's got a huge fucking head.

Nice legs though.

>> No.14281374

Thanks, anon.

I worked out that I need roughly around 50g of protein a day which I'm making sure to get, I'm also trying to keep my carbs low because I hear weight drops off.

I'm currently 119lbs now and I'm aiming for 108-109.

>> No.14281499

I'm 5'9 and 119 lbs.
My trousers don't fit me anymore and I look ridiculous in 28 waist trousers with my 26" waist. I can't afford to buy new trousers or get them tailored so I look like a retard. I'm also getting ill more when I've become skelly mode and hope to fit back into my trousers nicely.

>> No.14281926

based album

>> No.14281976

well fuck me i guess im weird, your hips make my mouth water

>> No.14282016

give me ur power if im high and i start eating i won't stop

>> No.14282831

Same :‘(

>> No.14282843

People who’ve been smoking everyday for extended periods of time experience the decrease in appetite. Only new or occasional smokers get munchies.

>> No.14282848
File: 359 KB, 1280x1599, 579YO41280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'1 and about 110 lbs and I can't wait to be 88 lbs ! I was once 143 lbs..
That would be my dream
I eat about 1000-1200 calories and If I binge I will purge

>> No.14282940

nobody asked gtfo woman this is for celine models only

>> No.14283014


>> No.14283015


>> No.14283025

You gonna post that dumb shit on every board, stupid thot?

>> No.14283124
File: 1.03 MB, 1079x1075, 20171229_214008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what men want

>> No.14283127

Why should i go you motherfucker
I said that i will lose weight to 88 lbs and purge my food

>> No.14283210

Just post more pics.

>> No.14283229

purging will make you binge more you will NEVER get to 88lbs bingeing/purging/bingeing/purging over and over again idiot

>> No.14283234

at 5'1 1000-1200 is maintenance omg good luck in life

>> No.14283243

Put your cig out on my pussy

>> No.14283311

No, with 1000-1200 I went to 85 lbs, but later I gained due cancer

>> No.14283314

maintenance is 1600-1800 calories

>> No.14283361



>> No.14283544

Is soma good for weight loss?

>> No.14283558

I used to have the willpower to fast regularly and eat <500 calories. What happened to me?

>> No.14283598

how do i look like blackpink from rose. HOW

>> No.14283634

reincarnate as a cute korean girl

>> No.14283750

i can't do that but i can throw up??????

>> No.14283803
File: 43 KB, 400x578, 4029384729293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up I'm 5'0 and lost it with 1000-1400 calories and still lose

>> No.14283811
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>> No.14283813
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>> No.14283818

>falling for the low calorie food meme
just cut carbs you sugar addicted fat fucks

>> No.14283819

Bro where are her organs?

>> No.14283822

calories in calories out how much do you weigh

>> No.14283828
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>> No.14283830
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>> No.14283840
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>> No.14283844
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>> No.14283868

were you exercising or purging

>> No.14283923

kek all these idiots starving themselves in vain. don't worry, you'll either a) die or b) just end up binging and finding another pathetic hobby. in the meantime, why don't you just go to actual pro-ana sites instead of doing this eDgY shit here?

>> No.14283945


>> No.14283951

nah, i'm obviously talking about the people who are disordered and underweight. and the dumb cunts who think they want to be.

>> No.14283999

Faggots are mentally ill.

>> No.14284011

Hello. I am just wondering, why dont you just get a good diet and train?

Looking at some pics in here and reading stuff feels like there are alot of depression and anorectic tendensies. Go to gym and eat well and you'll feel alot better

stay safe everyone, love you all.

>> No.14284020

Are you retarded? Why do you think wide hips and big tits are associated with birth? Have you taken a look at any fertility goddess representation? Weak and frail women are not good at producing babies or going through pregnancy. Besides, why are you in a board/thread aimed at males, where the majority of people are males, to talk shit about thinspo for men? Why aren't you in one of those pro Ana/Mia forums for teenage girls?

>> No.14284024

What does having sex or not have to do with knowing basic biology? Why does his response, which makes sense, denote virginity?

>> No.14284028

You are both mentally ill. Seek help.

>> No.14284041

You're gonna soon anyways, hurting your body like you are

>> No.14284155

Oh hey there, did you enjoy your week-long ban?

How is not wanting wide hips hurting their body?

>> No.14284172

High restricting actually is the most effective and permanent way to lose weight, it is also more sustainable. 900 is considered a starvation diet, doctors tell people to eat 1200 and exercise for half an hour (I'm guessing in hopes of creating a deficit), but realistically most people can eat 1500-2000 and maintain weight. Starvation or extreme diets work for some people, same with fasting, but it's definitely not for everyone.

You're doing it the right way. Between 1000-1400 you can maintain an actual lifestyle without feeling like shit and still lose weight.

If it works, it works.

>> No.14284343

If I just want to me a straight up twig how important is exercise
I want to be peak thinspo

>> No.14284516
File: 34 KB, 400x400, Def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how much you're losing.

If people are losing 10-20 lbs to be twig-like, they'll most likely not need much definition.

Consider the thin people you've met in your life. There are skinny people who have flab, and skinny people who look more sleek/defined. Skinnyfat vs naturally skinny vs skinnytoned. I guess it's all down to what you like the look of most, if you have choice. I'd rather be skinnytoned than have a soft mushy skinnyfat body, desu.

>> No.14285141

tfw the thought of breaking 17.5 bmi is fucking terrifying and just sounds so disgustingly high even though 17 is totally comfortable and sounds fine

>> No.14285206

Idk maybe it’s the depression and anorectic tendencies

>> No.14285207

Lovely smile

>> No.14285212
File: 1.23 MB, 3724x2096, EF52C90B-54F2-48FD-93D8-BDD9EB24AB3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to invest I guess

>> No.14285242

Yeah me too. And my friends get the munchies really bad so I feel kind of disgusted

>> No.14285394

If I'm skinny fat. Will I look truly skinny when I lose weight? Or will I look different then naturally skinny

>> No.14285512

You will look like a smaller version of yourself