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14249391 No.14249391 [Reply] [Original]

>believe that cigarettes are effay
>look cool with cigarettes
>don't wanna fuck my lungs
>hate the smell of smoke

Is there an alternative to cigarettes?

>> No.14249395


>> No.14249400

no and that's kind of the appeal..

>> No.14249402



>> No.14249413

theres acting lessons for actors who have to smoke as part of their character but dont actually smoke as a habit.
you can do that
doing breathing techniques.
toothpicks , bubblegum, a piece of straw.

>> No.14249414

>freshmen year
>literally every fuccboi walks around with either a guitar (can only strum 3 strings) or a longboard (never seen on it for longer than a photo)

>> No.14249421

yeah develop an interesting personality and stop relying on props. save the money youd be spending on cigs and use it on a trip instead

>> No.14249429
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Lmao whitbois with their basic ass guitar trying to pick up girls on a college campus while I pull up with my oud and translate 3000 years of musical history through my fingers to 18 year old thots wet pussy HAHAHA you guys can't compete anymore you've made your own matinf rituals a hollywood cliche to be laughed at. Self immolation is the pursuit of the whites

>> No.14249432

have you tried sucking dick

>> No.14249517
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>Started smoking in high school
>Quit because legal age in California is changed to 21, so seems like a good excuse
>Start again after a few years because all of my coworkers did as well
>The peak of my effay
>Quit again because of health and just to better myself
>I’m more depressed than ever, everything pisses me off

Don’t start smoking unless your prepared to commit.

>> No.14249566

Just get a hobby that tou need to be athletic and physical. Cigs are for ppl jus standing around. If all u want to do is be around smokers then go for it.

>> No.14249571

>don't wanna fuck my lungs
Being a chain-smoker isn't effay. As for the smell, find a brand you like. My recommendations are Marlboros if you're American and Camel if European.

>> No.14249572

PS. an advantage of Camels is that soft packages are easy to find, and they're definitely 100% more /fa/.

>> No.14249586

smoking looks super effay but i dont wanna fuck my lungs up baka, i prolly will start this summer

>> No.14249694


>> No.14249722

French anon here.
Started smoking at 16 yo in High school cause everybody doin it and its cool.
Only smoke 3/4 per day at that point.
Go to Uni and become a chainsmoker, trying to larp as Bob Dylan or smthing.
Also start a weed habit
Finish Uni start to work, smoke at least nearly a pack a day and 2/3 weed cigarettes at night.

Now 26 and trying to stop smoking but meh fuck it brozzzz 420 yeahhhueuueuueuaoufafiqnlwknfosulnfoiaelkfnv rlmxgknv,dqmofwlgk=nv,qmdxgoùomvks<f;

>> No.14249729
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>piece of straw

>> No.14249730

>weed cigarettes
hey I do that too. is that common practice in france? around here people either use bongs or joints or bottles

>> No.14249731

its only somewhat cool but not worth the price on your money and health. also you gotta smoke even when u dont feel like it once you get addicted or u feel antsy. i smoked from 16 till like 23 (28 now) and dont regret quitting at all

>> No.14249816

Yeah we mostly smoke rolled joints here in France. I really don't like bongs and shit. It's funny to try once or twice but meh. I love slowly smoking this earthy stick of depression.

>> No.14249939


>> No.14250012
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>> No.14250041

Vapenation, brah

>> No.14250139

This, smoking is all fun games at the beginning when you only smoke at parties and in order to kill a pack takes an eternity.
You start adding them up slowly and after a while you start smoking a pack+ a day.
It fucking sucks.
Don't start smoking just because you think is cool.
Most people already know that smoking, just like any other addiction, is just something to cover up a void that you have (social anxiety or some fucked up thing that happened to you). Isn't cool.

>> No.14250148

Work on your self-control before you start taking up adult hobbies.

>> No.14250210

I smoke a pipe at home but don't take it out in public because pipe smoking looks gay as fuck unless you're 60+

>> No.14250212

whats the difference between a joint and a sigarette then? I thought a joint was just a handrolled sigarette filled with weed instead of tobacco

>> No.14250217

Pretty sure when he is saying weed cigarette he's talking about a spliff which has both tobacco and weed rolled up.

>> No.14250229

oh shit, yeah they often do that stuff here aswell. I hate that practice, it always ends up with people who use weed to also even get addicted to regular cigarettes due to the tobacco & nicotine. You always have to specifically ask wether they mixed in tobacco into the joint or not.

>> No.14250230

i unironically did this when i was 16

>> No.14250503

>Work on your self-control before you start taking up adult hobbies
Its hard to do so when you’re introduced at such a young age as many beginning smokers are. And like the previous anon said, smoking eventually develops into a mask for more serious issues, so for me at least it was a difficult decision to quit so I could begin bettering myself.

>> No.14250520


>> No.14250752


>> No.14250766
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>> No.14250772

just smoke weed occasionally like any normal person

>> No.14251545

Based and Beduine pilled

>> No.14252466
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>> No.14252498

if you dont like it dont do it you tryhard homo

>> No.14252544

Pauvre lopette