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/fa/ - Fashion

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14239964 No.14239964 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth it buying cheap clothes/replicas from chinese online stores?

>> No.14239968

ali is my go-to for everything, just look at feedback and don't buy anything that people have commented on bad workmanship

>> No.14241266

Same. Do keep in mind that you have to be more careful with the Ali stuff because it breaks easier. Other than that.. If the customs don't catch you it's a good deal.

>> No.14241353

Absolutely DO NOT buy that trash unless you want to bathe in chemicals and chinese dye. Horrendous quality and material standards.

>> No.14241395


>always wear fakes
>no one has called me out
>6 ft tall, habdsome and have 7 inch cock.

Dont listen to this guy. There are tiers for replicas or as a hater would say “knockoff or fakes”.

Check out the reviews and ask for additional pictures. Also visit replica forums for additional information.

>> No.14241405


I meant, dont listen to this guy.

>> No.14241413

is this some discord brigade or what? dont buy anything from there, it looks off and cheap

>> No.14241441

if you know what ur getting, yeah. the sizing is almost always fucked tho

>> No.14241449

Sure if you want it to fall apart on the first wash and fit like shit

There are exceptions but buying knockoffs/cheap shit is ALMOST NEVER WORTH IT, and I don’t just mean about clothes. Appliances, phones, tools, peanut butter, game controllers, laundry detergent, anything.

Fakes are worse than knockoffs by known brands, because the fakes don’t have any reputation to protect and will quickly shit out the closest approximation.

Things can be overpriced because of A) Brand names creating abnormal supply or B) Advertising costs, but outside of that if the cost is lowered it is usually because of cheaper materials or rushed fabrication. The shitty Chinese knockoff company did not find a way ti magically be more efficient than the known brand and they aren’t just taking less profit for giggles. They cut corners somewhere.

>> No.14241467

No, they are horrible quality. No matter how overpriced certain clothes are, at least they are good quality. Fakes are all about replicating the look but none of the quality.

Other thing is original expensive clothes have that certain look and feel in real life. If you take two basic black jeans, you can very easily tell which one is 20 dollars and which one is 200 dollars. Nowdays companies can cheat with the good lightning, photoshop, angles and all those tricks but in reality cheap clothing give a cheap feeling.

>> No.14241517

Fake what? Clothing? I knew the chinks made good 1:1 sunglasses I didn’t know they did the same with jeans and shit

Can someone post examples? Y’all are fucking vague

>> No.14241533

>listening to this board's opinion

>> No.14241563

I’m not listening to anyone’s opinion, I’m just curious

>> No.14241594

>Can someone post examples
You think they've bought a thing from chink shit considering their holier than thou attitude?

>> No.14241658

if you want decent reps taobao is the only option

>> No.14241670

>1:1 sunglsses

i dont know if its ever worth it when you cant get the prices you get in the irl markets
try haggling with the sellers on wechat and post results

>> No.14241685

Aokoo. He has a store on dhgate but also deals via WhatsApp. Search around reddit to see what they look like, really impressive imperceptible fakes. $20-30 total for clubmasters or whatever

>> No.14241698

> cheap clothes
Yes, but but prepared to get shit
> replicas
Fuck no.

OG chink brands are alright. Fakes/replicas prey on dumb poorfags and always shit.

>> No.14241701

Coping fashion victim who spends $200 on brand-name plastic

>> No.14241822

Six feet is tall? Are you Vietnamese?

>> No.14241825

/r/designerreps is cringe but they have sourcing for high tier replicas. I’ve never once been called out and I wear full designer just for fun sometimes.

>> No.14241832


>> No.14241844

>buys cheap clothes that look expensive
>calls others coping
with this low iq autism you will forever remain poor

>> No.14241850

>look expensive
No, they don’t

The real cope here is him trying to make himself feel better about not being able to afford the real thing

>> No.14241864


6ft is tall imo.

>> No.14241865
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nobody except for absolute autist nolifes can tell the difference between my $20 aokoo raybans and the real thing you retard

they can laugh all they want, nobody with any social capital invests the time to tell the exact RGB code of the nose pads on pieces of plastic

>> No.14241870

yeah they do
even on the most basic piece of clothing, the detailing, quality of material, feel is entirely different when it comes to cheap vs expensive
fake clothes will try to mimic that expensive look

>> No.14241872


Nothing wrong will replicas OP.

I’d rather spend money on replicas and put that cash your saving buying fakes onto real assets like a house as example. Or you can go out and experience like travel expense such as a vacation or a nice ride.

>> No.14241875


What’s your angle anon?

>> No.14241896


But they don’t succeed

>fake raybans

Jesus being poor with no taste is just as bad as being rich with no taste

>> No.14241901


Take a look at it this way. You see bag A and Bag B. They look the same and taste the same however they are different brands. You noticed Bag B cost less and their brand is non existent however it is an imitation. The only difference is the stitching pattern. Bag A cost 100 while Bag B cost 20.

>> No.14241903

alright buddy, whatever you need to tell yourself to justify spending hundreds of dollars on human ornaments

(hint: they won't make you more attractive)

>> No.14241909


Already have a banging wife and kid and a mortgage for 850k dollar crib. Fake Fashion is the least of my worries kiddo.

>> No.14241918

and you still spend your sunday afternoons on 4chan, just like me, a broke college kid

>> No.14241932

>If the customs don't catch you
is buying chink clothes illegal?

>> No.14241938


Buying to sell is.

>> No.14241997

how the fuck would they know?

>> No.14242029


Let’s say you you found the connect to get you 1:1 replica ray bans as an example. Seller offered you a bulk discount let’s say 120 of hear sunglasses for 15 a piece. A real version cost 70 so you can sell them for at least 30 a piece. You sell all of them make some money. Tell yourself let’s double up and order 300. You sell them all. Let’s triple up! You sell all. Next thing you know you profited 10k of earnings from selling fake shit. A secret shopper will report your store and you will go to jail.

>> No.14242032

well, okey, i was imagining a situation where i buy one thing and i get arrested for it

>> No.14242037
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Shut up, faggot.

>> No.14242046

heh, that post was adressed to me ;)

>> No.14242059

You’re really deluded enough to believe an aliexpress bag will be using the same exact materials as a high fashion brand?

It’s not about making myself feel more attractive. It’s about achieving an aesthetic and taking pride in the quality and artistry in the clothing that I wear. Don’t project your insecurities on to me I am completely secure when it comes to my physical appearance

This is a shitpost

And that’s you’re problem. You’re bitter because you’re broke. I’m not rich, I just choose where I put my money because I went and worked instead of going to college. I wait for sales, I buy the cheapest item off a brand that I’m interested to gauge the quality and I stick to an aesthetic so I know that I’m going to wear it instead of impulse buying some common projects because they look nice and feel nice.

>> No.14242070

just kys faggot

I am a deadbeat wearing Hanes tees and hand me down jeans and I get more pussy than your tryhard money-hemorrhaging “aesthetic”

>> No.14242097

Good for you. I don’t care. For the people that genuinely do care about fashion, do you really think that you should be taking advice from someone who is:

>a deadbeat wearing Hanes tees and hand me down jeans

>> No.14242106
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Yes, because fashion is not about brand or material or price, it’s about FIT, and aesthetic is about FACE you unbearable tryhard

>> No.14242121

its utterly obvious you never had a single piece of expensive clothing. hint: they dont look and feel the same as cheap ones

>> No.14242124

Are you 14? why are you bragging about getting laid? you sound like a teenager who just got his first gf. just fuck off

>> No.14242126

Fashion is not an objective art. All you’re showing me right now is that you don’t know what you’re talking about and that you are very insecure. Like I said, I’m comfortable with my physical appearance, and if you aren’t, that’s your problem. If you are only concerned with beginner level fashion, that’s fine but your opinion is shitty and ignorant. Need I remind you that you are:
>a deadbeat wearing Hanes tees and hand me down jeans

>> No.14242128

so would shades like that have uv protection?

>> No.14242142

Yeah. Some guys on reddit got a few pairs of his tested and they were fine.

>> No.14242149

u mad, oldfag? Go take a bath in rogaine

>> No.14242158

I don't understand the point of replicas. The entire point of quality clothes is that it makes you feel better wearing it. Why not just buy from fashion fashion retailers if you dont want to spend money? Even those are way better quality than fakes. Can you imagine driving a fake car or a living in a fake house? its retarded.

>> No.14242174
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>a deadbeat wearing Hanes tees and hand me down jeans

>> No.14242181

I bought some fake shoes. It looks and feels exactly the same. How do they do it

>> No.14242187


>> No.14242189


It ain’t about getting laid. It’s about finding a woman who will be by your side and will take care of you. In reality, the more getting laid you get, the chances of finding this person will be slim. My wife is used to be a model and after souls searching, we opened our first business and now we’re living on the hills.

Reason I’m on /fa/ is because fashion is related to our business. Just go on here and look at what everyone’s wanting to wear and what not to wear.

Back to the point. I got no problem wearing replicas. Everyone’s got their own opinion.

>> No.14242193


Autocad and measurement tools.

>> No.14242582

o i am laffin

>> No.14242589


>> No.14242705

how to avoid this, is there anyway to sell legally, paying taxes and all? i was thinking of starting an online rep store so i can afford the real thing lol

>> No.14243764


You can sell it on the streets in the back of your trunk however if you are in country that prohibits infringement, the only option is to KYC (know your customer) when fulfilling an order to customer. This is so they won’t snitch on you. Hard to manage though. There are secret shoppers everywhere. Reality is, you can’t set up an online shop. Only in the streets or you can try CL by posting an ad.

>> No.14243810

if you don't respect fashion/design as an art form, yeah.

>> No.14243833

what did he mean by this

>> No.14244044


I’ve seen 6ft tall Viet gooks.

>> No.14244079

Those are what my legit ray bans look like, it just means polarized

>> No.14244134

The p is for polarized you fucking brainlet

>> No.14244159

I buy replicas because I like the style. Ain't no way I'm paying 5k for the luxury aspect hahaha

>> No.14244681

>He choose quantity over quality.

Pathetic manchild move.

Also this:

>> No.14244710


All good. I drive a 2005 maybach 57 and wear replicas. Not single anymore.

>> No.14244712

>I drive a 2005 maybach 57
pic of the keys pls

>> No.14244776
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My car is just a top tier old s class. Like any other Benz key fob.

>> No.14244793

You’re actually wrong. Im basically rich enough to buy whatever clothes I want and my replicas from when I was poor are just as good quality as my real stuff now. Quality is a meme, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.14244801
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my key

>> No.14244815

ITT: fashion victims larping as rich to justify their retarded consumption habits

why bother with fakes or replicas? if you can't look effay in thrift store clothes, you never will

>> No.14245235

>2005 maybach

How many miles are we talking and how many accidents? 5 seconds of looking and I found it for 68 with 16k which is basically new

>> No.14245260


LMFAO he posted the original picture by accident

>> No.14245270

See >>14242126

>> No.14246134

This is the case for the lowest tier reps, but trial and error has eventually taught me that there are excellent replicas out there

>> No.14246176

I have bought A LOT of shit from China. Personally, I don't think clothing is really worth purchasing because sizing is often fucked and you never know what you're gonna get. Unless you're able to track down a certain piece that has a lot of people lauding its quality, it's just such a crap shoot.

HOWEVER, accessories like wallets, sunglasses and other shit like that is definitely worth buying. I've been buying fake Goyards and Raybans from quality suppliers and have always been satisfied. Can't really tell the difference unless you're really looking.

>> No.14246196

Where can I find the fake ray bans on Ali?

>> No.14247757

been looking for these but with blue lenses... mind postink link you oder from?

>> No.14248493
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Ali sucks ass for fakes because Daddy Jack Ma does his best to keep the site squeaky clean. I recommend DHGate.

Search "AOOKO Hot Sale Men Glass Gray Dark Green lens Sun Glasses Outdoor UV Protection Women oculos de sol masculino Sunglasses 50/52/54mm" on DHgate and you'll get an example of what I've found to be decent.

It's effectively the same site, but I think they turn more of a blind eye to obvious fakes. I buy my Goyard card holders here too. There's a point where maybe spending $30 of fakes is ridiculous, but I've bought bottom barrel fakes and was just not satisfied. Hope this helps.