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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 308 KB, 2000x1328, 8c796eed7cb466d75caafda6f9b788e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14239048 No.14239048 [Reply] [Original]

the cum boys are browsing /fa/ right now.
do they dress well?

>> No.14239049

how tall are these guys

>> No.14239050

Stav is disgusting inside and out

>> No.14239516

Adam unironically dresses pretty well. Nick usually dresses like shit but is a cutie

>> No.14239670

sexy and cute bug

>> No.14239676

Gross unfunny white bois

>> No.14240671

only one of them is white

>> No.14240788
File: 651 KB, 581x580, ngnw6j2d8zp21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nick went back to wearing cutoff sleeve mountain dew tees he'd be fa as of now he's gay

>> No.14241013
File: 8 KB, 240x240, Nickmullen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are fashion killers

>> No.14241014


>> No.14242019

les garcons du cum

>> No.14242212

I agree
hi guys cool adam here
they are big NY hipsters

>> No.14242248

nah stav is white

>> No.14242542
File: 75 KB, 1080x1092, 28435654_971280623024696_2967847054648279040_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick unironically looks good

>> No.14243045

all three are under 5'10

>> No.14243064

they're the only cool brooklyn hipsters in existence so yeah

>> No.14243073

Nick is funny and good looking for a manlet. Hes like the altright jason schwartzman

>> No.14243126

he is an actual socialist fyi

>> No.14243172

nick's the only one who's funny/interesting enough to warrant listening to.
don't understand the comparison to chapo cuck shed though. cum town is miles ahead of them.

>> No.14243198

are these the new MDE?

>> No.14243205

no, cumtown is actually funny

>> No.14243206
File: 858 KB, 240x228, YOUDISGUSTMEFAGGOT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14243209

not very much but they have overlapping appeal and fanbases. MDE was much higher effort but cumtown is funnier

>> No.14243213

not him, but don't be autistic.
cum town's style of humour is basically a 1:1 spinoff of the MDE stuff on youtube before sam started getting political. and mde had 3 people being consistently funny.

>> No.14243239

nah, cumtown is much funnier than sam ever was regardless of similarities in style

>> No.14243244

Jew, Jeww, and Jewy

>> No.14243327

the nice jewish boi on the left can get it

>> No.14243387

the latest ep sucks, fuck you nick stop phoning it in

>> No.14243546

fucking faggot said he was gonna post another one this week to make up for it and he didnt

>> No.14243552

the comparisons are there because the hosts are all friends. Nick literally lived with amber and felix

>> No.14243554

none of them dress well, adam does occasionally but recently he's been leaning in to the whole looking stupid on purpose thing

>> No.14243853

They're as left as Chapo. Edgy =/= Alt Right

>> No.14243855

Well they run in the same social circles, along with Red Scare

>> No.14243873

34 minutes in on saturday’s show they mention a fashion board so I guess this is legit

>> No.14243924

great fuckin podcast