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14231045 No.14231045 [Reply] [Original]

Baldness and body hairs are manly things and should be considered as attractive but they aren't


>> No.14231091

If you're actually manly in your behavior and not a bitch or pushover then they will accent your manliness. If you're not manly it will accent your lack of manliness.

>> No.14231096

Body hair is seen as attractive

>> No.14231097

this. baldness is the male equivalent of big tits or wide hips in females. what the fuck is wrong with girls that they can’t see this?

>> No.14231099
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>> No.14231109

Women like men with really short hair. They just don’t say it very often. It’s very primal

>> No.14231141

A lot of girls are attracted to older bald guys. Late-20s to early 30s and beyond

>> No.14231177

It's really sexy to me to see a young guy balding that doesn't shave his head. Back hair and chest hair are erotic, too. Most men are just children and terrified of the vocal women who shame them for their masculinity.

Basically, society is cucked.

>> No.14231226

Translation: if you have dimorphic features and a big skull you’ll look fine bald, if you’re an insectoid manlet, it’s over and you need to hop on fin

>> No.14231239

It's all attitude, this ugly ass motherfucker i know with rotten teeth pulls girls left and right. He's a 5'5 skinny gnome.

>> No.14231245

1) I don’t believe you
2) if this is true it’s one of the many exceptions that proves the rule that short bald men are universally perceived as unattractive

>> No.14231307

>Baldness and body hairs are manly things

how is baldness a manly thing

>> No.14231313

High testosterone? Duh

>> No.14231363

baldness has nothing to do with high testosterone you ignorant fuck

It's caused by either high follicle's susceptibility to dihydrotestosterone, increased androgen receptors by the follicles or just a high amount of dihydrotestosterone - and the latter case unironically means LESS free testosterone, thus being the opposite of "high testosterone duh"

>> No.14231373

Oh god. I'm just turning 19 and my hair is slowly thinning at the temples. Why has god forsaken me.

I only have a few years left to make use of my good looks.

>> No.14231377

Can you grow facial hair

>> No.14231382
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Are you an idiot? Where do you think DHT comes from? Your cholesterol levels? It's the androgen that causes secondary sex characteristics in men. Having a lot of it means you're manly af.

>> No.14231388

None lmao. Just have a few scruffy hairs on my chin.

It's just the beginnings of balding though, I should hopefully have a few more years until it's very noticeable. Right now you can't really see unless it's under certain lighting. Might try a fringe if it gets worse

>> No.14231408

some thinning is normal mate. Don't panic.

>> No.14231425

don't fucking throw a wikipedia screencap at me you illiterate mong, DHT is converted by 5alpha reductase from testosterone, thus LOWERING its amount when the DHT levels are particularly elevated, and having more than necessary dht/androgen receptors in your hair is useless and doesn't make you any more manly, you coping bald fuck

try reading a physiology book instead of wikipedia articles you don't understand

>> No.14231433

I’m 20 and have been NW2 for 3 years. You might just be adjusting to a mature hairline.

>> No.14231449
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LOL are you serious nigger? What country are you from?

Do you not know what synecdoche is? Maybe in your shithole country you have to assume no one knows how hormones work, but in the civilized world, this isn't esoteric information. Screeching about how being hairy from elevated DHT isn't manly is pretty much retard-tier delusion anyway.Yeah, sorry, a guy with a hairy back and a unibrow is really feminine, silly me. Body hair is the secondary sex characteristic of men. DHT also causes the beard, which is the loudest of the secondary sex characters. What is more manly than this? The primary sexual organ? So only giant dicks are manly, or..?

You're cute, please go on, I almost want to milk you.

>> No.14231488

baldness is poor genetics and looks bad
body hair is just gross and unsanitary

>> No.14231493
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let me guess, you're a guy

>> No.14231502

it's a by-product of test. nothing to do with the amount, balding is just poor genetics

>> No.14231510

you're such a fucking sperg, I'm wondering if you didn't actually understand ot you're just playing dumb

you stated, like a fucking retard, that baldness means "high testosterone duh"; I explained to you that it doesn't mean that, it means high dihydrotestosterone, which IS NOT testosterone, and high DHT levels means you actually have LESS testosterone since you're converting a lot of it into DHT.

And more DHT than necessary won't you make super manly and grow a coat of hair like a monkey (you will notice the guy in your pic has a lot of hair both on his body and head, so he's not suffering from DHT overproduction), but at best it will give you a bald head, and at worst prostate cancer.

now you can go ahead and claim that tumors are manly. dumb fuck

>> No.14231512

I am a guy, yes

>> No.14231519
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and you're wrong

>> No.14231530
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also yes, referring to testosterone and meaning any androgen makes sense to anyone who isn't autistic.

are you straight? if so, then no shit you think male body hair is gross

>> No.14231541

T. Man who can’t grow any hair except on top thee head

>> No.14231554

Jesus Christ you're dumb as a brick.

>> No.14231572

coming from the guy who thinks he has to educate the world on the conversion of testosterone to DHT, and then explain how you can have low T and high DHT and that has nothing to do with the fact that the T was used up somehow. any other basic metabolic processes you want to explain here? glycolysis? krebs cycle?

>> No.14231624

I'm not that guy, but he does make sense, while you sound like an hysteric bald pussy.

>> No.14231637

If you have high testosterone, you have high DHT, since testosterone turns into DHT. Saying someone has high testosterone you clearly are implying they have a lot of the male sex hormone, just because it metabolizes doesn't make this some unfactual statement.

and I'm not bald, but I can't wait to start balding.

>> No.14231646

I thought balding was caused by sensitivity to DHT, not amount of DHT? I could be wrong

>> No.14231647

baldness has little to do with manliness. just look at all the bald low test cucks

>> No.14231649

that could be the case, but it still sends the erotic message that you're filled with testosterone and virile. I'm pretty sure you're right there, but you still need it in the first place. Folks who can't produce any never get hairy.

>> No.14231651

>but I can't wait to start balding.
you're delusional. nobody looks better bald. I have a massive skull, prominent cheekbones, and an angular jaw. with hair I am an absolute pussy slaying machine, but baldness runs on both sides. at 21 I have already receded to around NW1.5-NW2, when I slick my hair back or cut it short my sexual prospects practically halve (I have the data on this because I've used tinder to see how legit the baldpill actually was).

>> No.14231658

>Baldness and body hairs are manly things
they're beta men things, not alpha men things
what is a lion without its mane?

women look for shit that puts you above other men like height and muscles or a strong jawline or a intimidating look. what's intimidating about a bald head lmao?

>> No.14231661

I'm 21 and mine started to thin at the temples when I was like 18 or 19. It hasn't gotten any worse since it started. If you think about your life in terms of making use of your good looks that are running out, women are not going to be attracted to you. Just forget about it, chicks really don't care that much. The ones that do aren't worth shit, but a pump and dump.

>> No.14231665

Tinder isn't a very good measurement honestly. Those are the most shallow girls on the planet.

>> No.14231666

Plenty of women love body hair and find it very sexy, However some women also hate it. Some see it as a positive some dont.

Balding however is a loss of a positive, aka head hair. With a full head of hair I can have stylish hair or I can be bald, With no hair I have no choice in the matter. Which option do you think is going to be more sexy? A man who can look however he wants or a man forced into his look?

I mean there will be a very small group of women who like that kind of thing but the vast majority will take a man with choice.

>> No.14231668
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I'm gay, bald men do a-okay among other guys. This isn't a fetish of mine either, I actually prefer hair, but male pattern baldness is really handsome. I've known girls who've agreed, but most girls demand their men shave their face and look like basically children/women, so yeah, maybe you're shit outta luck.

>> No.14231673

> like height

In all my years dating this is one of the single most important factors to a woman. I cound never imagine being a 5'3 or smaller guy.

>> No.14231679

maybe, but it's not as if I have a social life whereby I can meet non-shallow women, so it's basically my lifeline. I've met all four of my gfs through tinder, and the girl I'm currently seeing, who is awesome. I'm lucky that I'm handsome enough for "good girls" who use the app for laughs to meet up, almost every girl I've met up with said I'm the first person they've ever hooked up with off tinder.

idk man, the future is pretty dark. male to female ratio is only getting worse, women are only getting more purchasing power. looks are practically everything. getting into an average white girl's pussy has gotten almost as difficult as getting into Harvard for most guys.

>> No.14231693

Nah women just have stupid high expectations when they’re young due to social media. They think every man should be modelesque. However as they get older they will realize not everyone is gonna look like Ryan gosling and will fall back. I’m in college right now and the average girl on tinder is pulling 2-3 points above where they should be. It’s a shame but that’s how it is for young men now

>> No.14231708

yeah this mate of mine is like 5'5 or 5'6 and has a solid mug but is not that popular with girls
girl friend of mine straight up told me his height was a turn off. he's really popular with older gay dudes for some reason though

>> No.14231714

100% agree with this. Though Id say men tend to age better, looking good for longer untill they hit the drop off point where they go from grey fox to sack of shit very quickly. This may also explain why women tend to fall back.

>> No.14231719

he's also bald as shit at 28 forgot to mention

>> No.14231727

What are you even trying to prove with that pic you dumb idiot. I've never said that DHT doesn't do anything, quite the contrary; I've talked about higher than necessary amounts, try to read and understand my posts again. To make it clear once and for all, you can be hairy without having extremely high DHT (which is what you keep claiming makes you "manly"), you just need the right amount.

yes, using the proper names for different things is autistic. What I understand from your post is that until now you did believe dht and t were the same thing, and now you're just scrolling wiki articles to try and save your face (and failing in doing so)

>then explain how you can have low T and high DHT

are you fucking serious? because your body converts more testosterone into dht than it should

say we both have the same amount of testosterone; I'll convert an x quantity into the necessary amount for my development, giving me my nice beard and chest hair but leaving me with a nice head full of hair. On the other hand, you'll convert an unnecessary y quantity, much higher than x, thus remaining with less T than me, but compensating that with a nice bald head and an enlarged prostate.

>any other basic metabolic processes you want to explain here?

no I'm done for tonight, you're obviously too fucking dumb to understand shit

they are both factors, just like the amount of androgen receptors by the follicles.

good point.

>> No.14231730

gays are likely to fetishize features, so a short guy can be hot in terms of height difference, and being bald is hot because it's manly

older gays are just more forward because they have nothing left to lose

>> No.14231733

A lot of girls profiles online will outright say 6'+
sorry guys.

now im lucky as im over 6' but this still pisses me off to no end every time I see it. And ill outright just not bother with a cunt like that.

Saying that when I asked my current date partner what she found attractive about me the first thing she said was height. There is nothing really like that for the other side, Could you imagine if most mens profiles said natural DD or larger only?

>> No.14231739

>older gays are just more forward because they have nothing left to lose
that's probably why. they really are desperate as fuck
and he is handsome as in bone structure and facial features. if he were tall and had hair he'd be a solid 9

>> No.14231748

This, literally every single bald guy would look better with hair. I'm not saying that bald guys should kill themselves, but they shouldn't glorify their condition either. Just accept it and move on, there are plenty of other features to work on.

>the chad full haired scientist putting the bald loving faggot in place

>> No.14231768

>Just accept it and move on
Nah, pussy mentality. Don't go down without a fight. Try fin, if you tolerate it well, try dutasteride (almost guaranteed regrowth). If you get sides, minox + dermaroller will buy you time until Breezula (CB-03-01) is released in 2020-2022--it's topical finasteride proven to be more effective but it doesn't go systemic at all, so no risk of sides.

>> No.14231773

Worrying excessively about your hair, to the point where you sacrifice other elements of manhood (seems like almost everyone gets sides with fin to some degree) is in and of itself not manly isn't it?

>> No.14231775

>and that has nothing to do with the fact that the T was used up somehow
are you missing that part? because it seems like you didn't even get that far in my post

I'm glad you're wasting time arguing with someone who you have thought of as retarded for about 4 lengthy posts now. On what planet does someone not know of DHT though? I think I learned about that when I was 12 years old. This isn't rocket science, doctor autism.

>> No.14231788

maybe. I got sides from fin, I quit it. the sides went away. I'm still maintaining with other stuff. I'm only fucking 19, I'm not ready to resign myself to a cue ball yet. I'm Nw2ish.

>> No.14231800

If you're maintaining then you're good for now. I went through about a 4 month period where I was really worried about it, but it's a losing battle and its best not to dose yourself in chemicals. But it just depends on the person. My feeling is that any girl who would worry a great deal about a man's hair isn't someone I could be with long term anyhow, so there's no loss.

>> No.14231802

I'm just saying that hair shouldn't be a focus when there's so much little to do (fin isnt going to regrow your hair, and as the other guy said there are sides to risk), and so much more you can work on (body, attitude, clothes, lifestyle etc)

bro what do you even want from the guy, he explained fucking everything, let this die, for your sake

>> No.14231808
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it's funny because I have a BSc and a full head of a hair, but sure, I'm probably insane for thinking a bald guy is manly and full of sex hormone. Oh and DHT and its conversion is a very obscure topic only PhD level doctorates know about, obviously.

>> No.14231813

>I'm probably insane for thinking a bald guy is manly and full of sex hormone

nah, you're just a faggot.

>> No.14231817

I want to waste his time, of course. You can't produce DHT without T in the first place, so it's silly to object to my pointing out you need high T to be bald by saying "well actually first the T needs to convert to DHT and then you have low T so... etc etc" reddit +1 for clarifying for the drop outs

>> No.14231824

and pretty proud, the real insanity would be having to listen to a woman for the rest of my life

>> No.14231826

get out of this thread with your beautiful hair you motherfucker. if I ever see you I will scalp you and steal your locks, I am a teenager and have the hairline of Don Draper, life is so cruel just fucking lol

>> No.14231831

thats just a weird fetish of yours
know how some people are into morbidly obese people? that's you

>> No.14231832

>the real insanity would be having to listen to a woman for the rest of my life

on that, we agree and I envy you

>> No.14231840

It's not a fetish. I don't jack off to pictures of bald men, lol. I just think male pattern baldness looks handsome. Some guys look 10x better with a shaved head. I prefer long hair, usually.

sounds hot

>> No.14231874

>come to /fa/ to read about shoes and coats
>find myself into a biology class

I expected this from fit, not here. it was actually interesting though.

Opinion on fina my man?

>> No.14231883

Women don't like baldness because it sends them a signal that you are sexually depleted.
Your hair quite literally displays your virility.
This is why men go bald in their old age but monks don't, because monks are chaste so their semen keeps their heads full of hair long into their old age.
the effect of never masturbating or wasting semen = perfect hair

>> No.14231888

Not them but I took it for a few months. I don't think my hair loss slowed much, and my dick lost interest in women. I kinda ignored it for awhile but then I took a bunch of acid and was thinking about how hair is not worth diminishing your manliness or energy. I figure it's better to be virile and strong in bed with less hair than shit in bed with hair.

Perhaps the sides were in my head, but basically I felt like I'd get an erection then it would fade faster than normal. Also morning wood went away and I didn't find myself walking past women and thinking woah. Just kinda like "Oh there's a person."

Maybe try it and if you're lucky enough to not get sides then great. I imagine side effects are under-reported because they are very subtle.

>> No.14231905

>Not them

Both posts are the same one guy (i think). But if anyone has advice is welcome of course.

Thank you for the answer. Did the sides, real or placebo, go away once you stopped?

>> No.14231916

describes my time on fin exactly. I was on it for six months. the disconnect of seeing a hot girl and not getting aroused was fucking terrifying once I realized it was there.
not that guy but my sides persisted for a while after I quit. it took months of full sobriety, daily exercise, and dialed-in nutrition for me to feel like a man again.

>> No.14231942
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The stereotypical hairstyle of a monk is balding. What shit are you smoking

>> No.14231945

Literal trannies take fin

>> No.14231963

Yeah you're not 16 anymore, of course you aren't going to be as horny

>> No.14231986

That's ridiculous. Besides, don't you know what fin is?

>> No.14231992

Yes the sides largely went away. I still wonder if the erections are a little weaker than before, but overall I feel a lot better and things seem a lot better. Also seeing a hot girl I definitely feel shit again.

>> No.14231994
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because trannies are known for their good sense

>> No.14231995

nigger I took fin at age 18.5, I'm pretty sure I can gauge a difference in my libido

>> No.14231996

how long did it take you to come up with this theory?

>> No.14232002

to be fair, even though the post you are replying to is quite dumb the tradition of tonsure is that of shaving one's hair on purpose to show humility, as opposed to genetic balding which happens whether you like it or not.

>> No.14232045

are people trolling when they say this retarded shit?
Is it still not a well known fact that alopecia has nothing to do with an individual's testosterone levels or is it just baldcel cope?

>> No.14232055

yes yes it's DHT, the metabolite of testosterone, great.

>> No.14232777

Body hair is attractive as long as you take care of it.

>> No.14232817

Isn’t baldness correlated with low T? I mean, all soiboys are balding

>> No.14232824

It actually is, to a point.


>Daily hat use (p = 0.050), higher body mass index (p = 0.012), and higher testosterone levels (p = 0.040) were associated with decreased temporal hair loss.

The whole thing is extremely strange. Only white people get bald to a high % too, so there is either something wrong with our lifestyle (may be it, since people are balding at a younger and younger age), or at some point in history, women flocked to bald men en masse, thus we inherited this curse.

>> No.14232825

So if you haven’t balded in puberty the chance that you will bald later on in life is minimal?

>> No.14232827

>The present cross-sectional, population-based study revealed no associations between sex hormones and hair loss in men from the general population. Previous studies with smaller sample sizes and selected participants yielded similar negative findings with regard to androgenetic alopecia grade severity and premature balding. Although higher testosterone concentrations are suggested to increase dihydrotestosterone concentrations converted by 5α- reductase and, thus, to stimulate androgen actions on the dermal papillae cells of hair follicles, the present study observed no link between serum androgen concentrations and male hair loss.


>> No.14232833

>said that I’m the first person they’ve hooked up with off Tinder

>> No.14232837


baldy cope

>> No.14232890

same homie, realized it a month after my 18th :(

literally the only physical feature I was truly shamelessly proud of was my hair, people had been complimenting it since I was a kid

>> No.14232914

i personally like bald men
on another forum i go on there was a thread "unconventionally attractive things you like" and a lot of women were saying they liked bald guys
a lot of people find body hair attractive too

>> No.14233082

The opposite, if you experience hair loss at age 17-19 and it stops, it’s likely your hair loss pattern is stable and you just have a mature hairline, if you start losing it later, it’s probably going to keep progressing

>> No.14233091

I don't think anyone really knows desu

>> No.14233102
File: 2.38 MB, 2268x3595, 565206AB-F14A-4AE6-97B6-976867D2D705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I mean there aren’t any hard and fast rules, but generally the people who lose their temples in their late teens/early 20s are just adjusting to a mature hairline and their final pattern is NW2 or NW3. This is assuming density is good and hair loss is gradual. Dr. William Rassman has written about this before.

If you’re paranoid just see a dermo and ask for them to map your miniaturization pattern and determine if your hair loss is normal or indicative of MPB. NW2 isn’t recognized as balding by anyone—women, men, or the medical community. Only bitter NW4s will immediately sound the alarm and tell you to take powerful pharmaceuticals for the same hairline that some of the biggest American sex symbols have.

>> No.14233169

DHT doesn't cause baldness, that means lady men should never go bald.

>> No.14233187
File: 11 KB, 254x360, female pattern baldness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male Pattern Baldness is inherently masculine, but then Female Pattern Baldness is inherently feminine and nobody likes that either. Just don't be bald.

>> No.14233891


It's actually less about levels of testosterone and more about follicle sensitivity. You can have incredibly high T and high dht, but you don't have the sensitive follicle gene so you won't go bald. It's just genetic.

>> No.14234224

It’s all about the guy. If you’re a pretty man, then balding blows because it kills your gimmick. If you’re the type of guy who’s very masculine, then just accept it and flaunt it. When it gets reallly bald, then just shave it. It’s just part of being a man. Quit trying to look like you’re a highschool douche.

>> No.14234226

Women , whole tastes are formed by homosexuals, don't dig it. Yeah bears are a thing, but hairless twinks are their gold standard.

>> No.14234272

What year are you in, 2006? Hairless twinks aren't popular anymore. Almost every gay keeps facial hair and competes in the body hair olympics now.

>> No.14234289

dont think there's a rule
most people i know who are really bald started balding in their teens. though a cousin of mine started balding in his mid 20s and is now very bald at like 28-29

>> No.14234295

Their preference for pederastry means shonen form

>> No.14234296

Shut up werner