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14224053 No.14224053 [Reply] [Original]

I already have a Barbour Beaufort for winter, now I want a jacket for warmer weather

1) Lightweight wax


2) Waterproof polyester

I think wax is better bang for the buck

>> No.14224113
File: 83 KB, 1004x950, MWX1350OL51_ss19_front_model_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wax Harrington style

>> No.14225187


literally bought this exact jacket the other day.

I love it

>> No.14225249
File: 112 KB, 1100x1400, barbour-ashby-lightweight-navy-lifestyle-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've settled on the Barbour lightweight Ashby in navy blue, it's like a slim Bedale

I really like the wax Harrington but I have wide hips & long legs so it might look a bit goofy on me, whereas the Ashby is longer

>> No.14225538

Those jackets look cheap and uncomfortable. Cover up the model's face and imagine your head there instead. You will just look like an Indiana Jones wannabe. Everyone will laugh at you as you waddle down the hall, your jacket rubbing against itself making squeaky noises.

>> No.14225544


>> No.14225552

Is the texture crinkly?

>> No.14225558

Where do you live that you can wear a polyester bag in summer weather?

>> No.14225562

im honestly baffled at the waxed jacket meme. i think they look horrible, and unless you are literally working in the forest and treking through branches and brambles, or out pheasant hunting or somethng, i do not why you would wear one.

now, lets think about this for a minute. follow me here. waxed jackets are (1) very heavy, they are (2) not breathable whatsoever, since its just a cotton shell with a thick coat of wax on top of it. (3) it requires a lot of maintenance and re-waxing, which is a pain in the ass.

if you want waterproofness, why would you choose this over a goretex jacket ? if you want toughness, there are fabrics out there that are way tougher, and more breathable. i guess what im saying is,these jackets may look cool at times, but they are literally outdated and serve no purpose at all.

>> No.14225565
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upvotes get your score points

>> No.14225574

In my experience waxed cotton is very breathable or otherwise feels more cool and comfortable than goretex.
They are a lot heavier though, that is true.

>> No.14225575

I mean they're more comfortable than goretex at warmer temperatures. You don't feel like you're in a greenhouse.

>> No.14225597

Good post.

>> No.14226691

>Those jackets look cheap and uncomfortable.

Wax jackets are way more comfy than polyester

>rubbing against itself making squeaky noises.

and wax jackets aren't as noisy as polyester

>> No.14226697
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>im honestly baffled at the waxed jacket meme. i think they look horrible, and unless you are literally working in the forest and treking through branches and brambles, or out pheasant hunting or somethng, i do not why you would wear one.

They look normal in the UK at least. Maybe in an urban American setting they look tryhard.

>now, lets think about this for a minute. follow me here. waxed jackets are (1) very heavy,

Not really true

>they are (2) not breathable whatsoever, since its just a cotton shell with a thick coat of wax on top of it. (3) it requires a lot of maintenance and re-waxing, which is a pain in the ass.

They don't need to be re-waxed every year. Anyone can do it at home.

>if you want waterproofness, why would you choose this over a goretex jacket ? if you want toughness, there are fabrics out there that are way tougher, and more breathable. i guess what im saying is,these jackets may look cool at times,

A wax jacket is more comfortable & pleasant to wear, and looks more classic.

>but they are literally outdated and serve no purpose at all.

Yeh, everyone should wear Patagonia vests to the office instead of suits

>> No.14226700

Goretex coating gets punctured by branches very easily. I get branches scraping my coat and face every day so I have been using cotton, wool and wax jackets for a decade. Anything sport textile only for running.

I would recommend OP not getting anything Barbour or wax for the spring because the jackets won't breathe until they have been worn in aka the wax has faded and they turn into more regular jackets.

>> No.14226713
File: 74 KB, 1006x1340, Atka+Gore+Tex+Insulated+Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiko-wearing Goretex fan

>> No.14226714
File: 1006 KB, 950x930, beaufort_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rolex & Barbour wax jacket

it's not just about the destination it's also about the journey!

>> No.14226715

they are very durable
mine used to be my dad's

>> No.14226719

>they are very durable
>mine used to be my dad's


How many shitty Goretex jackets last more than 5 years? 10 years is pushing it. If they haven't begun to perish, they will look outdated.

>> No.14226764

You have to wear wax jackets in, if you try one in a shop it doesn't give you any idea about them.

>> No.14226786

What's the difference between the beaufort and bedale? Is it just the game pouch and armpit vents?

>> No.14226787

dont be a beta and get a leather

>> No.14226792

Beaufort is for men and Bedale is for women.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F44C;</div>

>> No.14226820

sassy, can you get beaufort in green though?

>> No.14226827

Beaufort is longer, too

>> No.14226864

>Beaufort is for men and Bedale is for women.


>What's the difference between the beaufort and bedale? Is it just the game pouch and armpit vents?

Bedale is shorter and has ribbed cuffs, Beaufort is longer and has velcro cuffs (the cuff thing is not a big deal at all).

I think traditionally the Bedale was for riding, the Beaufort for on foot.


Arguably the Beaufort is the classic Barbour, Bedale is the young person's Barbour.

>> No.14227221

>Bedale is the young person's Barbour.
I am a zoomer and looking at that link you generously posted, I think my heart is still on a green bedale. I don't know how well it will hold up in winter, but I have fleeces and long johns for my legs. Gonna get one of the hoods too.

>> No.14227309

Sage aka green is the best color, color matches well with the brown collar and the green looks good in every shade of fade.
Then maybe navy of you don't wear blue jeans. Olive is meh and black fades to ugly grey.

>> No.14227328

Green - classic Barbour look

Brown - if you want to stand out from the crowd

Blue - if you will do farmwork in your Barbour

They all look good

>> No.14227414

This. It rarely cracks into 90s where I live. You probably look autistic af wearing a jacket in summer. If people are asking if you're hot, they're questioning your tism

>> No.14227422

They'd probably be questioning more why the fuck someone is wearing a jacket during the summer. People will think you're autistic or a fatty hiding their shame.

>> No.14227429

>smells like wet dog
>gets fingers oily every time you touch it
>more expensive
waxed jackets are ass

>> No.14227469


Why only own one jacket?

It seems reasonable to own a couple. A longer one for cold weather, then a shorter windbreaker-style.

>> No.14227471

I own many types of jackets for all sorts of weather, but none for a slight summer breeze in 80F. If you like people questioning if you're hot constantly as you're swimming in sweat, go on ahead.

>> No.14227991

Olive = brown.

>> No.14228612

Alabama anon reporting in.
Who wears jackets in summer? (except maybe a raincoat)
We're roaming around in shorts of some kind, and a polo shirt, drenched in sweat.
One exception are the "old money twits" and the wannabes, trying to bring back the seersucker suit of the 1930s, because traditions, and trying to bring back the "good old days".

>> No.14229366

>Alabama anon reporting in.
>Who wears jackets in summer? (except maybe a raincoat)
>We're roaming around in shorts of some kind, and a polo shirt, drenched in sweat.
>One exception are the "old money twits" and the wannabes, trying to bring back the seersucker suit of the 1930s, because traditions, and trying to bring back the "good old days".

"Summer" was the wrong title for the thread.

I should have said, "Warmer weather". A jacket to sometimes wear in Northern Europe, from March to early June, and from September to October.

>> No.14229375

I'd go by height when deciding between beaufort and bedale

>> No.14229387
File: 48 KB, 472x706, dksmvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sporty blazers

>> No.14229388
