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/fa/ - Fashion

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14220569 No.14220569 [Reply] [Original]

the art hoe look is dead but what replaced it? objectively true answers only.

>> No.14220579


I believe it is replaced by thot culture. Dressing like a thot (stylish hoe) Is more recognizable than that art hoe.

>> No.14220592

Wearing one of those beige fuzzy sweaters from Uniqlo and a green puffer from Uniqlo

>> No.14221108

e-girls or edgethots

>> No.14221117

Yoga pants and oversized, ideally cropped sweatshirts

>> No.14221241
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I'd say the hot thing right now is when girls dress like they should be lurking at a skatepark. Beanies, dungarees, oversized sweatshirts, docs, vans, etc.. It might be a little basic for /fa/'s tastes but it looks hot as shit to me, and it isn't as tryhard or repetitive as the art hoe aesthetic. Also girls wearing boys clothing is always a win

>> No.14221259


>> No.14221273

wokecore. Thrifted everything and/or quality without branding, pro-envinronment. Shines through everything, music, eating, consuming. No to fashion, no to trends - similar attitude what Rei & Yohji & A6 established, but with a modern and colourful take. Low presence of sexuality, being modest. Art. Departure from the real world to different creative realms as a way to protest against current events. No religion, but high spirituality.

>> No.14221274


>> No.14221280


>> No.14221286
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>> No.14221364

you're gay?

>> No.14221519

girl here and i can confirm that whatever you said is the direction a lot of us are going in... but you just worded it very strange. also i can’t seem to word it better myself or find any examples haha.

the thing about thrifting becoming popular (as much hate the competition to find anything decent now that it all gets picked over), is that by finding unique pieces that speak to your soul, you eventually find a consistent formula of fashion that suits you. yes, there are still general overarching trends and certain “archetypes” of girls and styles that exist, but there’s also more freedom for individuality and forming your own, dare i say it, “aesthetic.”

that, and i think the note about escapism and more modesty is on point. there are a lot of niches that exist in which girls larp in vintage styles or even outfits inspired by fictional characters, or women in art pieces. i mean look at the kinds of grids that get posted by females in the “ideals” threads.

>> No.14221522

male version of this?

>> No.14221541


I fucking hate girls like this that actually do hang around skateparks. Bitch, you don't even skate, why are you here? Oh, that's right, to watch dudes and hope they do tricks for you. Gross. Get out of my park and STOP SITTING ON THE QUARTER PIPE LELSIE I SWEAR TO GOD I'm trying to do an alley-oop and turn it into a tailslide, fuck

>> No.14221556

agreed. they’re just the zoomer equivalent of rock groupies. girls will latch onto any subculture and it’s aesthetic to get dick. just like girls who get into gaming/weeb shit, and even black metal now apparently. they thrive on constant male attention and validation.

>> No.14221641

soiboi faggots

>> No.14221759

Men are weaker than ever before. The gym freak, ALPHA etc. trends that have been trending are the epitome of male weakness. Men so weak, they have to clothe themselves with muscles that they don't need. Going to absurd lengths just to please women, plain pathetic. Western world has a very small amount of true male confidence left. Military personnel and maybe some executive position business men still have that old school male power that doesn't rely on some fake performance and constant need to behave correct/"alpha".

It's a new era, the modern man is in contact with the feminine side of his psyche. This wave will hit the mainstream men in 3-5 years, you're going to see A LOT more men interested in arts, losing interest in the whole young men & gym/ desire to be "alpha" -thing that still is very heavily affecting the mainstream man. You can already see it in the younger kids and who they're influenced by.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-50EMUbk5RE This was a funny video, this is pretty much what the "chad" man's mindset will be in 3-5 years. Colours, self-expression, venturing into traditional womenswear silhouettes (cropped, flow, rayon, high-waist, slimness) etc.

You don't have to believe me, you'll see it in a few years

>> No.14221777

And I'll add that the modern woman is very masculine aswell. The shift towards more feminine is healthy progression for both men & women, but it'll take a longer time for men to adapt.

>> No.14221795

>girl here
tits or gtfo

>> No.14221807

You'd be suprised, but most serious lifters don't lift for women. And I don't mean frakazoid roiders even. People lifting consistently for longr than 8 months straight. It's mainly 17 yo zoomers without a plan or any displine that do random curls and bench presses without sticking with it that lift for women women.

>> No.14221817

Not true. Higher estrogen, low testosterone and low sperm rates in men are not healthy by any means.

>> No.14221853

im already on his wave. but girls still dont like me :(

>> No.14221866

how are you people so behind on trends

>> No.14222093

post fit and/or describe current trends that /fa/ is so behind on (you won't)

>> No.14222108

>the thing about thrifting becoming popular
this isnt 2012, thot

>> No.14222187

when i say popular i mean it’s appealing to the lowest common denominator now. there’s like thousands of youtube videos of girls doing ~thrift hauls,>>14222108
to clickbait levels of cringiness. i don’t remember thrifting be that big among normies till recently, but whatever, call me a thot.

>> No.14222203
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>it's a thot thinking she isnt part of the LCD
stfu and buss down

>> No.14222232

says the dude who posts a pic of a fucking meme rapper

>> No.14222271


this board is so pathetic

>> No.14222295


>> No.14223716
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>> No.14223747

nigga get a car

>> No.14224706

Fa faggots are all going to be chads. I can’t wait

>> No.14224715

Pretty much. Lifting is normally athletes trying to improve or people who are a bit depressed and get addicted to the opioid hits/improved body image. One of the few healthy addictive outlets

>> No.14224924

Are you 14 years old?

>> No.14226157


>> No.14226244

doesn't even get her hair wet

>> No.14226291
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>billie eilish core
all is lost

>> No.14226338

this is the trend my friend group has settled into in the 2ish years since finishing college. boys and girls.
"escapist" and "protest" seem key here. defiantly positive and whimsical in the face of grim political, economic, and social future. i mean just looking at em, it kinda looks like they raided a thrift store while tripping but i think you captured the vibe pretty well

>> No.14226678

This is sort of what I’ve been doing, minus the retarded Twitter wokeness and spirituality bullshit. It’s just been a side-effect of being an impoverished twenty-something with anarchist ideals

>> No.14226915

I think it goes hand in hand with the second rise of psychedelics

>> No.14227649

aka, thots buying up all the good shit in thrift stores. fuck em

>> No.14227733


>> No.14227737

ew check em fags