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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 48 KB, 799x660, 1552798026575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14215410 No.14215410 [Reply] [Original]

How many points are you?

>under 5'11

If you have over 2pts you are literally unacceptable and please get off this board.

>> No.14215413

hispanic so 2pts and fuck you im staying on this board

>> No.14215415
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3 pts

>> No.14215424


and since OP is a weeb, he's probably a fat balding manlet with terrible skin. that's 7pts. at least

>> No.14215426

zero actually

>> No.14215429

1 point but I don’t accept it. being petite is /fa/.

>> No.14215431
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only if ur cute and also wanna be my cute petite gf (male)

>> No.14215447


6ft tall 180 pound handsome anon here. if I post my picture of me wife will be upset.

Honestly, it doesn’t matter so no e fashion is universal. Stop being an ass OP.

>> No.14215467

sounds like ur fat

>> No.14215471


Nah not fat. I got some meat but no her oblivious. Very handsome

>> No.14215474

>disliking anime
>literally on an anime image board

>> No.14215501 [DELETED] 


>> No.14215507
File: 217 KB, 802x1000, 1552028489593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want anime then go on the fucking anime boards faggot. Is North America still controlled by the Indians? nah fag. This is our website now. Best be getting back to them jap cartoon reservations weeb

>> No.14215530

Shitskin but I have a Eurocentric face so I get a pass

>> No.14215537
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>> No.14215543

one point for less than 5'11 but I am female and 5'10 so its probably zero.

Bald can be fucking attractive by the way so shut the fuck up OP

>> No.14215548

I think being short is worse than being a shitskin though. Especially when it comes to fashion. Short people just don’t look good in clothes unless they’re going for a cute petite aesthetic and nobody here is a cute girl

>> No.14215558

OK, no points. But with 22 years I have still some time left to bald and get fat.

>> No.14215629

how do you feel about men shorter than 511 please say it’s okay

>> No.14215638
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>> No.14215809
File: 833 KB, 1413x2000, tmp_23718-__original_drawn_by_unasaka_ryou__6dc6a4cef71767fa2fe9f0948262ffcf-1060504644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website

>> No.14215815

Cringe pic

>> No.14215826

From my experience everything about 5 8 is fine

>> No.14215832
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>someone actually took the time to make this

>> No.14215851


are ashkenazi jews shitskins?

>> No.14215939

Very cringe and 9gag tier

>> No.14215957

>under 5'11

so 2pts so far

what now?

>> No.14215961


>> No.14216021

ye desu

>> No.14216023

Literally retarded, the entire website uses anime reaction images and has board-related -tans. Of course some boards are hyper-weeb but ALL of 4chan is AT LEAST soft-weeb except for the shit tier boards like /soc/.

>> No.14216025
File: 122 KB, 960x960, 1488358746048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 0pts

>> No.14216026

what’s 5'11

>> No.14216039

Horses look so terrified

>> No.14216062

>every board uses "insert a specific subsection of reaction images"
Also the tans are just a relic of the past, I doubt even a third of the website's current user base even knows what the tans look like let alone what they are

>> No.14216068

Anyone who watches anime is a virgin
if you disagree youre lying

>> No.14216099

I have acne on my butt and legs so that's 1 point

>> No.14216155

0 pts!

>thank goodness he said under 5’11 and not under 6’

>> No.14216189
File: 30 KB, 600x450, 1544656041596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dick size

>> No.14216357

>not fat
you'd better be ripped then

>> No.14216360
File: 203 KB, 204x153, first beer of the day.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noone cares

>> No.14216362

you're a med, aren't you. the brownest browns of europe, even worse than southern slavs and they were muhammad's onaholes for centuries

>> No.14216364

for now

>> No.14216511

1 thank god

>> No.14216549

1 pt, I’m under 5’11” but I am a femanon
Tfw ur skinny with unique facial features but fucking short so you can never be a model

>> No.14216553
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>> No.14216565

>tfw 5'9'' male
tits or gtfo roastie reeeee

>> No.14216904
File: 211 KB, 1024x1004, 1538117944108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0 points, later virgins I'm not even attractive I just don't fit any of the point categories

>> No.14217025

Depends on many things. I'd say 5'11 is tall, normal would be max 5'8. I'd say normal is a no worry zone still. Shorter than that is for some girls a no, but they are probably not worth it. Obviously tall men get more attention. But that's only at first. If a guy is very tall, he still has other points to prove yet regarding personality, self care, and other features to every girl. Personally but probably most girls would agree), I become attracted to a guy when he is socially and ethically sound, smells and dresses nice, posesses masculine confidence, works on his physique, and a good sense of humor/tall/model face is just a bonus. Unchangeble features won't matter at all if you've got your shit together. However, it will always be a disadvantage. Let's say your relationship isn't going very well, or you're not putting much energy into the relationship (number one cause of breakups), your unlucky features will start to show to her. When a woman is unsatisfied with her relationship, she can't help but to notice how tall other men are compared to what she haves now. There are barely any women that notice and correct these thought patterns, so yeah if you are lacking in some feature you should keep this in mind. So indirectly, you might end up with a better relationship because of this.

Now if you are simply speaking of casual sex relationships, or one night stands, being short does matter more in that case. Your chances will greatly increase when you have a good sense of humor and charisma could definetely overpower your lack of height. Other than that, you should probably just aim for short/petite girls because there are plenty of them out there.

Hope this advice could be of any use, anon :)

>> No.14217034

Oh with "max 5'8" I meant "at least 5'8"... Stupid error.

>> No.14217136

>acne starting to come back
o fug

>> No.14217786
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>> No.14217788

this was a well-written and surprisingly informative post.

>> No.14217807

im a 0 according to you, and still not a virgin, you ugly fat loser

>> No.14218009

2 pts. Made it bros

>> No.14218416
File: 61 KB, 770x1024, chloe-greens-gesicht-ganz-nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 points :(

>> No.14218421


Hoping to get rid of the fat so I can at least be an in shape 5’10 prince of manlets

>> No.14218423
File: 90 KB, 1600x900, 2AB8B74A-C509-435C-BD3F-5FE15BD7C384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14218428

Not true

You just need to have them tailored well if you’re a male. You will still be a Manlet though

>> No.14218429


Tbh senpai one point should be automatic sudoku. The worst part is knowing you could be effay but fresh baguettes with cheez whiz are just so god damn delicious

>> No.14218436
File: 35 KB, 634x483, 73453554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhat yes, 1p
>under 5'11
somewhat yes, 1p

receding and still having acne is awful since the first one is associated with oldness and latter with being a teenager. I look so shit.

>> No.14218437

>being actually triggered over anime on an Icelandic sledding forum

I shiggy diggy

>> No.14218440

They’re even worse than shitskins

>> No.14218446

Lose weight and you’re good

>> No.14218448

Jews aren’t even white, incomparable.

>> No.14218450
File: 17 KB, 240x304, 1F7DC9AD-0396-449E-A536-4EFE1F58D56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me feel better Femanon, thanks.

>> No.14218454


>> No.14218461
File: 47 KB, 773x659, 57654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive considered it but my head is like a watermelon. and im not at the point quite yet I have to do it.

>> No.14218468


>> No.14218471

I'm a "very tall" guy, but I'm surprised at how you were able to mention you were a woman and provide a great response without lapsing into much virtue signalling.
Now, typing this, I'm actually thinking you might be a man.

>> No.14218472

/fit/ is getting filled with threads like this too. It's probably a discord tranny op.

>> No.14218480
File: 15 KB, 739x415, 71010315-6301-463C-96CB-104005BF5C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you grow a beard? Get jacked and grow a beard, it looks badass with a shaved head.

>> No.14218573

>under 5'11
1 point :(

>> No.14218588

this is based. everyone else who replied to this is samefagging

>> No.14218846

1 pt for being 5'9 manlet. 1 pt for acne scars. Ogre 4 me

>> No.14218963

spoken like a true mongrel Amerimutt that need to be spitted on face

>> No.14219047

no, im white (argentine)

sadly yes but keeping the hair with finasteride

>under 5'11
yeah, i'm 5'10

thank god no


2 pts

>> No.14220215
File: 101 KB, 1024x993, steve_nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and colonizationpilled

>> No.14220275

Which board had the best tan?

>> No.14220276

based Igor >>14216360

>> No.14220316 [DELETED] 

6'1 185lbs slightly built otter here. you should weigh more like 160 if you have no muscles, even when i was a dad bod alcoholic I never went over 165

>> No.14220331

6'1 180lbs otter here. He should weigh more like 160 if he has no muscles, even when i was a dad bod alcoholic I never went over 165

>> No.14220346

does skinny fat count?

>> No.14220348


>> No.14220471

Just fat, but not fat fat, fat in the sense I am fat but easily redeemable

>> No.14220546

Is yellow olive skincolor shitskin if it is the 2pt I'm very close to 3pts with acne but it comes and goes