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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 407 KB, 1924x2048, s5975enzvj321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14214708 No.14214708 [Reply] [Original]

When will you embrace the faith of the One True Fit? No one needs more than one outfit, and it makes your life so much better.

>Everything in your wardrobe automatically goes together
>Can replace piecemeal when something wears out
>Consistent fit and form
>No worrying about what to wear
>Can buy in bulk
>Easier laundry
>switching from a 'consumption' attitude to an 'investment' attitude saves money and let's you pursue high quality, timeless clothes instead of ephemeral fashions

>> No.14214710

i really want to die by inhaling farts somehow

>> No.14214744

is this after a strong booty regimen workout?
or after some good photoshop?

>> No.14214755

if you went to the gym you would know

>> No.14214865

been on this for a few years now
It's honestly so freeing, comfy, and confidence boosting

Plus it makes me recognizable, so all the honeys can find me easily

>> No.14215578
File: 27 KB, 361x476, 9fe9a32c784b76d63d91a5a7c0728700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Works out on her ass
>doesn't work out on her goblin posture

Seems about right.
Bent shoulders and head aren't feminine. Just a neckbeard in disguise.

>> No.14215592

Was just about to bring this up. How does someone even walk with that posture?

>> No.14215732

People who handle their phones whilst sweating and touching dirty exercise machines at the gym.

>> No.14216281

Femoids just have bad posture.

>> No.14216291

that was for the picture.

>> No.14216539
File: 37 KB, 480x491, 3c02208c52b4b7d674470c548a56cbd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look around. Most girls drop their heads down when they are on their phones.
Dudes not so much, you gotta keep your head up for the girls that are looking down and not at you.

>> No.14216659


>> No.14216703
File: 132 KB, 1024x1536, 3529944_1_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad posture is just part of being a woman.

Back in the day when men were hunting n shit, women were hunched down picking berries and seeds and sucking cock.

>> No.14216735
File: 671 KB, 1200x662, the-neon-demon-2016-elle-fanning-bella-heathcote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14217748

how the hell do you reach this point? I've been excercising for months and see no fucking change. I've been eating more as well. I know this is more of a /fit/ talk but they're assholes over there.

>> No.14217837

The fact that her posture was so bad and she was usually the least good looking person on screen kind of ruined the movie for me. Something about refn makes him cast youthful innocent women in his films (same as the girl in drive) that aren't conventially attractive. Maybe that's his thing, people that are almost attractive. I feel it has to do with how he views his own appearance. If he could change just one thing he could be conventionally attractive (his chin). I guess people would argue the casting is something to do with having a character that is pure and naive even while others around are the opposite, creating a greater constrast.

>> No.14218715


>> No.14218749

Yea refns chin is fucked, he needs a beard. It’s funny because his chin and jaw are kinda weak or something, but his wife’s chin and jaw are exceptionally pwerful. Like the most powerful lower face I’ve maybe seen on anyone, especially a women.

What do you think about him casting handsome men all the time though? I think gosling is kinda ugly actually, but I hear from most people he is conventionally attractive. And mads is one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen, even if he is kinda unconventional

>> No.14218759
File: 44 KB, 620x412, liv-corfixen-69613e9b-452b-4944-9e76-ea020ff4c30-resize-750[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, ur right

His jaw is pretty normal though, just has a fat neck.

>> No.14218796

I can’t tell if she is hot...

I think his jaw is normal, but his chin kinda doesn’t exist. This would be a lot better without the neck of an obese person tho

>> No.14218924

I think Gosling and Mads pull off a lone wolf masculine type of look well. I feel a lot males like this character type, I'm not sure where it comes from but it's something to do with being warrior-like. I guess the same goes for the male appeal of danger-core or army surp.

I guess this is common. People are most sensitive to features they feel are inadequate, and when looking for a partner, they seek to balance those features for their offspring. Opposites attract in that sense.

>> No.14218982

Honestly the women who do these ass workouts only do them because the rest of their body is utterly bereft of feminine features.
It's the equivalent of height-coping for men with muscles.
No woman would give a shit about her ass if she had a great face, lips, tits, hourglass body. Something extraordinary.
Most of these women who try and gain 'fatter asses' are planks.
Letting people know that you're not naturally like that is sort of desperate as well

>> No.14219126

The whole ass workout routine trend started from Brazil though.

>> No.14219282

Does it work on guys? Not a trap, just Hank Hill levels of ass

>> No.14219309



>> No.14219563

his wife looks like a t rex and he looks like a thumb

>> No.14220021

>different shoes
so much for commitment

>> No.14220079

She did alot of squats and hip thrusts and nothing else. Pretty easily achievable

>> No.14220835

i dont like girls that go to the gym... cuz they had good self esteem and i dont so i like girls that feel more miserable than me, so i can be dominant... thast why y go for ugly or fat girls...

>> No.14220847
File: 42 KB, 912x405, ricardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to the gym NOW

>> No.14222143

probably realized squishy nike trainers were unhelpful for squat.

>> No.14222252

I'm a lazy depressed cunt with no drive or self discipline. Forever cursed to be skinny fat