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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.14211991
File: 121 KB, 500x774, loafer gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14211993


>> No.14212004

How would you rate and tier OCBDs? What's your top tier and what is your cheap shit tier?

>> No.14212005

That boy's face is the best part of the photo

>> No.14212024

What the best haircut for prep?

>> No.14212128

Please someone make an OP with recommended brands already.

Top gud
Mercer and Sons (Best OCBD, get it tailored if you don't want to wear a tent)
Ratio -( custom so money)
Kumakara (limited range of colours/patterns, be warned, with a tie, the roll looks like it's giving birth ) Limited selection.
Drakes - (expensive )
Spier and Mackay - (custom)
Luxire - (custom, send a shirt that already fits)
J.Press - (noice)

Medium gud
Gitman Vintage (skeleton fit, wide variety of funky prints)
Boggi - (not bad, limited selection)
Brooks Brothers (ubiquitous but quality has declined over the years. lots of non-iron bullocks)
Ralph (worse than Brooks, short length and annoying logo)

not gud
LL bean. Lands End (small collars, for Lands end get the Hyde Park must-iron)
GAP - (like uniqlo, not so fthin)
Uniqlo (small collars, skele-fit)
Eton (way too expensive for what it is)
Charles Tywritt (small collars, very stiff cheap fabrics)
J.Crew - (small collars, thin, cheap fabric, short hems)

>> No.14212134

I hope you're making this comment in every single thread on /fa/ right now.

>> No.14212135

>with a tie, the roll looks like it's giving birth
waddaya mean lol

>> No.14212198

Can somebody give me belt recommendations. Preferably in a western-european style (Belgium, Netherlands). Recommendations of American preppy belts need not apply. Thanks.

>> No.14212240
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>> No.14212263

Looks great

>> No.14212285

Absolutely based. Thanks bro.
If I make another OP I'll be sure to add it

>> No.14212318

BB made in the USA oxfords are top gud, but anything non-iron is not gud at all. Kamakura is tip top gud, if your shirt collar doesn't curve like a woman's legs in the birthing stirrups then you don't know SHIT about trad clothing.

How do the custom sizing ones like Ratio and Luxire and Spier and Mackay compare?

>> No.14212328

>made in the USA oxfords are top gud
Yeah I'd agree actually. Just pricy. I've bought a red "original oxford" but unfortunately it had an annoying shiny finish to it.

In terms of finishing and collar I'd say it goes Ratio, Spier and Mackay and then Luxire. In terms of fabric, Luxire is a real crapshoot since they have a buttload of fabrics to choose from. The basic blue oxford is great value (and THICC). I've bought a bunch of them.

>> No.14212348

The fact that Spier and Mackay makes thick-ass shirts with amazing collars for around 30-40 bucks blows my mind

>> No.14212456

Do you guys wear undershirts under your oxfords? I usually don't sweat unless a shirt has really high armholes that sort of dig into my pits, but I'm always afraid I might start to without an undershirt

>> No.14212496

I usually like undershirts so I can wear my shirts a few times before I wash them. I usually only skip the undershirt with some of my lighter shirts when it's really hot and only with the ones that aren't too sheer.

>> No.14212501

Oxford is just so damn heavy of a fabric wearing an undershirt with it gets really hot

>> No.14212579


Better be a V-neck undershirt

>> No.14212610

Of course. I'm not some fucking yokel with a crew neck t-shirt visible under the collar.

>> No.14212940
File: 499 KB, 1600x1050, E338FA7F-2DFC-4527-9AE6-A2DB60263142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mercer & Son is obviously god tier
Didn’t like the fact that they charged so much for shipping(justme)
You can't buy these if you’re a lanklet tho
Gitman for lanklets
Lands end (thebestbeateroptionhands down)
ll bean(don’tbuythisfuckshit)
This list is based on what I’ve tried
>Spier and McKay
>good tier
>short length
That’s just you lanklet
I swear Kamakura is all cringe menswear hype
RLs are pricey for its quality
Mercer and Sons is worth every penny my friend
When it’s cold
Just show the pit stains my friend who cares, but if it’s really bad all that humidity and friction will mess with the cotton so sure wear a v neck. I heard Thompson tees are great

>> No.14212979

Kamakura is actually legit though. Buy one and see. I own two and I'm always kinda sad when they're in the laundry because that means I'll probably end up wearing my RL shirts that day

>> No.14213002

I've been getting demoralized lately when I think about trying to dress Ivy. It feels like a costume, like I haven't earned the right to wear that type of clothing. But, conversely, I feel that I'll never achieve the status without looking the part ("dress for the life you want" theory). Do I keep trying to make the clothes work, and hope that my life "catches up" to them, or abandon the style and focus solely on the social side of success?

>> No.14213013

coming from someone who dresses prep and lives in SoCal where everything is either surfer asuhhh dude core or streatwear...

you are getting too wrapped up in it. This a mindset and lifestyle, not a cliche you need to fit into

Most wealthy people have shit taste anyway. Prep is for the intelligent and/or frugal

>> No.14213033
File: 108 KB, 1000x564, B4D3853D-73A0-47EB-B494-9B5C95338E7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you’re born into that stuff it’s just natty
If you like the style and want to rock it, just rock it with confidence.

>> No.14213041

I am currently unemployed, living off my savings while going to school full-time.I live in a friend's unfinished basement.
I don't wear full prep but I do dress very prep-like, with an oxford and chinos as my usual dress, etc.
Dress how you want, what you're comfortable in and live your life. I'm poor as shit right now but in a few months my wife will graduate and we'll be living quite comfortably. Then I'll graduate and when we're both working we'll be legitimately well off, probably gonna make around 150-175K. I dress this way because I like it.
Dress how you want and be yourself and fuck what anyone else thinks.

>> No.14213043
File: 77 KB, 522x682, wowspolo-main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out /fa/scists. I have recently had a yearning for the power ivy look of strong, boxy chinos. I think I'm looking for a fitted chino with a pleated front. A strong thick look (not the gay baggy boomer 80s pants). I want to look like I'm about to write a quant phd/colonise a small African country/be a glownigger and destablise a beaner country.

> Pic related but I want a tight and slim fit, see also https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/2400/1*OHtKPVJioJpqRh3a8fkLvQ.jpeg

>> No.14213046

where tf do you think this is?

>> No.14213054

>trying to dress like a grampa

top lol this thread is free cringe entertainment.

>> No.14213060

There's degrees of wearing a personal style that you like vs wearing a costume. Khakis with an oxford shirt are completely acceptable clothing for anybody. If you can pull off a patchwork madras shirt with a straight face then good for you. If you're putting on weejuns and a repp tie and 3/2 roll doeskin blazer with brass buttons with the seal of an ivy league college you didn't attend and your pants have embroidered lobsters on them and your needlepoint belt has little pictures of sailing knots but you've never been on a boat just to go to the supermarket then maybe you look kind of ridiculous.

>> No.14213067

You're right, better wear joggers and pinroll cuff my jeans I wear with running shoes so I look better

Fuck off

>> No.14213071


>> No.14213074

Hold on anon you’re almost there

>> No.14213090

Is prep a young person's thing? I'm almost 30 but all the "inspo" I ever see looks like high schoolers and college kids.
Does prep evolve into something else as someone ages?

>> No.14213103

>Even my unlined collared shirts aren't as soft and floppy looking as >>14211138
I'm almost entirely sure that's because the shirt the guy in the pic is wearing isn't oxford cloth, but poplin. The fabric looks way too thin to be oxford cloth.

>> No.14213167

Prep is all aged mate.

>> No.14213168

Belt inspo please. I have two belts and one of them is so low quality the paint on the buckle is coming off.

>> No.14213255

>Need to be rich to wear khakis, button down and blazer.

The problem isn't your bank balance. It's that you've internalised your poverty.

>> No.14213256

Oxford can be thin. I've got thin ones.

>> No.14213334


General where people spend so much time obsessing over achieving a certain style that they overlook basic details

>> No.14213408


>> No.14213534

absolutely not

All of my bosses have been prepcore to the point, even coming into the office with GTH pants before client meetings

>> No.14213547

What would you wear underneath?

>> No.14213561

>That’s just you lanklet

A good shirt should be 79/80cm in length for optimum tucking in. I'm 179cm tall.

>> No.14213618

arent PRL shurts exactly 80cm?

>> No.14213716

I always wear an undershirt under every shirt, even in summer. I just go down to lighter shirt fabrics.

>> No.14213732

>Does prep evolve into something else as someone ages?
It doesn't have to but if you feel awkward in it you can just go full trad.

>> No.14213876

nothing. just dont sweat like a pig

>> No.14214111

I think so

>> No.14214813

tight and slim fit and pleats don't exactly go together like wine and cheese my man
you'll end up looking like you're wearing jodhpurs imo
i'd just go for flat front as the pleats go into serious old man territory anyway

>> No.14215084

Thanks for the advice, guys.

>> No.14215090


>he likes to wash his shirts after every wear

>> No.14215102

I got two wears max. Shits starts to stink, yo

>> No.14215104

If you wear a shirt three times a week and wash it twice and I wear a shirt once a week and wash it once, who's shirt will last longer?

>> No.14215155

My shirt, because I wear it once a week and wash it every 3 weeks.

>> No.14215162

Well played dirtyshirt anon

>> No.14215312


I just want some khakis/slacks for work that look a bit more successful andmanly instead of looking like another pisspants H+M numale

>> No.14215325

Part of the point of prep is that everyone in a prep family wears the same things. Hence why old worn out hand-me downs are very prep

>> No.14215332

Actually what about khakis in the style of

>> 14211991

with a white shirt like this https://www2.hm.com/en_ie/productpage.0634013012.html , a pair of brown shoes (maybe understated loafers), and a black belt? Trying to upgrade my smart casual business look because everyone at my company (tech bugmen) look the same

>> No.14215494

Slim if you're skinny, straight if you're not. Tucking your shirt in helps a lot.

>> No.14216368


>> No.14216375

What are some prep watches for a young professional?
Is a Rolex or an Omega prep?

>> No.14216381

Orient Bambino

>> No.14216582
File: 7 KB, 150x225, s-l225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a 70's mustard colour suit at a thrift shop today for really cheap. Cop or not? Similar to photo. It was a bit on the long side, but shoulders were good, arm length okay, pants really good. It didn't have any manufacturer labels, only a small tag saying British made and from the details it seemed to be bespoke.

>> No.14216586

If you're black then yes otherwise no

>> No.14216592
File: 300 KB, 1280x694, MV5BYTkxOTI3YWMtOTU4Ni00N2Y4LTg1NjYtYTI3MWJjMzk0NzJiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDAxOTExNTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14216599

IMO rolex is overrated. For the money you could be looking at some JLC, Grand Seiko, Cartier, etc.

>> No.14216624

I'm as white as they get with blonde hair and blue eyes, so that's a no then.

>> No.14216638


>> No.14216745

First time checking out http://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FNavyBlazer%2F why do I get the vibe that they’re trying too hard and are 12 years old? Saw so many of them mention “factory stores”.

>> No.14216925

Some stuff is good, others are total cringe

>> No.14216937

do one for sweater too please

>> No.14217017

those khakis are fine if not right on the boundary of being a bit too high waisted (it is possible)

>> No.14217081
File: 54 KB, 700x525, 8e90bfa6-7ad0-470f-aa61-81254f3d8be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm young and enjoy vintage watches, I don't feel like I deserve anything high end just yet. The Timex Marlin is nice too

>> No.14217612

Do tattoos have any place in prep?

>> No.14217863

Cop if pure wool

>> No.14218102


>> No.14218240


>475 american pesos

>> No.14218268

Can anyone explain why people would wear a sweater in summer? I never understood that one

>> No.14218283

It's probably lightweight cotton and he's cold?

>> No.14218295
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>> No.14218305

Not me

>> No.14218309
File: 61 KB, 564x846, e62ce3395efce043aa1f2d5d5b49da31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time changed, i'm a brown guy who wear preppy in a country full of whites who wear casual, nigger fashion. Even my white supervisor is jealous about my superior clothing style.

>> No.14218321

whites wearing "niggerfashion" is completely the same as you wearing /prep/ lmao

>> No.14218351

Nope. It's about a ceancut, natural look. Beards are a no-no as well imo.

>> No.14218352

They're a bunch of brand whores with no style masturbating to each others preppy credentials.

>> No.14218364

It sounds like a pretty miserable life to be honest

>> No.14218516

How much time and energy do you guys spend ironing your shirts?

>> No.14218523

i dont even iron my oxfords anymore

>> No.14218529

only if it is of the Olympic Rings

>> No.14218553


>> No.14218601


>> No.14218686


>> No.14218699

same, it is a casual shirt after all

>> No.14218746

Someone give me a rec what colour of pocket square to wear with a red bowtie (mandatory). It's for a bal later tonight. Thanks

>> No.14218827

Suggestions for summer blazers and sport coats? No (light blue / striped) seersucker, I already have three jackets.

>> No.14218921

white, matching anything (waistcoat, pocket square ect) is super tacky

>> No.14218928

Thanks, white was my go to as well.

>> No.14219039

Just get non-iron shirts. Every brand has them now

>> No.14219064

Non-iron feels like shit and doesn't drape right and disintegrates after a few washes. It's shit. Just wear wrinkly clothes and give them a quick ironing if you're dressing up for a nicer occasion.

>> No.14219199

>not spotting obvious bait

>> No.14219331

Is 2% stretch really that bad for pants? I've been wearing bonobos chinos for years and I need a couple of new pairs, but they stopped carrying any 100% cotton. I'm open to other suggestions for nice chinos that fit similarly and come in a decent range of colors.

>> No.14219333

reminder if you're not ottermode prep is cringe

>> No.14219341

>tfw skinny-fat
I'm 6'2" though so it makes up for it

>> No.14219388

can burgundy shoes be worn casually?

>> No.14219390

Why not?

>> No.14219397

I don't know, the darker colour makes them seem so formal. It's probably just me

>> No.14219414
File: 2.01 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190330_213121_604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am wearing burgundy Penny loafer right now

>> No.14219431

napoleon looked fucking sick in that suit, cop dude!

>> No.14219465

If you’re not ottermode, yoked, or a smart lanklet kys

>> No.14219471
File: 131 KB, 486x538, B629AA2E-8530-4340-BC42-3ECAB557F0F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t play with my emotions anon

>> No.14219472


>> No.14219477
File: 169 KB, 1080x1350, 912A1CB9-84BB-4029-BF8F-C6670DE259B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kjp collars are trash jcrew tier or smaller but I like these basic outfits. Can wait until it gets warmer.

>> No.14219514

What brands make non-iron, non-stretch shirts? I'm so tired of everything nowadays being thin, shiny plastic looking garbage but being sold for the same price as 100% cotton

>> No.14219601

Might as well go to uniqlo.

>> No.14220095
File: 64 KB, 658x734, MP000000002432636_658Wx734H_20180219013137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a medium brown jacket about the same color as pic related and I'm not sure what color pants to wear it with. It goes well with khaki but other than that all of my blue or grey pants are too dark and don't contrast enough. Would a light gray work?

>> No.14220239

Just get the same color as the ones in the your pic. They look like they go together nicely.

>> No.14220284

The only reason people buy from them is bc they’re made in USA

>> No.14220310

Maybe 5 minutes the night before. But I'm pretty good at ironing.

>> No.14220326

Same. If you're good at it then ironing is fast and easy.
My wife has a steamer that I'll use on some of my oxfords just because they don't need to be perfect, but I'll iron everything else.

>> No.14220375
File: 868 KB, 980x735, 280EC728-5021-4F8C-AF35-1320044A448F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs some sports casual

>> No.14220565

Those teeth

>> No.14220739

this or a chess piece if a grandmaster

>> No.14220907
File: 241 KB, 1280x854, 9E9A0BA6-AA4B-47D8-AC2B-3BAC84A38575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14220915

Jelly snow nig

>> No.14220925

Looks really bad desu

>> No.14220932
File: 54 KB, 900x597, E1BA8EF5-BD19-4DF1-B5C6-CB009EAA7B0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if you’re an athletic guy you’d like a little more room. A roomier fit would be your option, but a little stretch won’t kill ya. Make sure it isn’t too noticeable though

>> No.14221030

Where to buy socks?

>> No.14221107

don't you know?

>> No.14221170

This guy looks like the MAGA hat boy but with some years more

>> No.14221397


>> No.14221691

It’s simple. Who knows what you’re into

>> No.14221694

He doesn’t know

>> No.14221718

Fuck he really does

>> No.14221727
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>> No.14222608
File: 955 KB, 2046x2374, 9C9966C2-0C00-4405-AA5B-9675B751E8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a conference

>> No.14222632

He does haha

>> No.14222635

Great tie

>> No.14222729


>> No.14222863
File: 90 KB, 1080x1080, 21484E50-38F2-424F-9401-AA47169ED7B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14222945

Classic. The thing with JFK is he didn't even think about his dress, it's just part of who he was and how he was raised. It wasn't a costume for him

>> No.14222975


>> No.14223134

That color of suit will only ever make you look like >>14216592 at best or Joseph Goebbels at worst

>> No.14223148

I like that hair, anon. Routine/cut?

>> No.14223352

Nice anon, what does your shoulder bag look like?

>> No.14223670

Jesus wept, learn to tie a decent tie knot.

>> No.14223672

>he doesn't participate in Goebbels Tuesday

>> No.14223673

like my post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight!

>> No.14223692
File: 219 KB, 500x860, 1500139267688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast fagola

>> No.14223695


>tips le epic full windsor

>> No.14223798

He came out of the womb wearing his nuckets reds

>> No.14223801

Mobile fag here Nantucket**

>> No.14224111

post bag

>> No.14224285
File: 235 KB, 394x480, 9EC2ED05-5E10-4DEB-8FD5-AADC54BDCFB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14224296

This was the first time ive tied a tie. grew up in a situation where ive never needed to until now
Full windsor was just easier will definitely improve.
I don’t know what to call it but I don’t reccomend since it’s high maintenance. I might get it a bit shorter soon.
>>14222635 >>14222729

>> No.14224304

look at this dude

>> No.14224806
File: 78 KB, 564x704, 1553940598356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2c shoes and pants?

>> No.14224856


>> No.14225006

what is your favorite color for khakis?
i own only 1 pair right now and it is quite dark, so dark that it really only works with white and navy (and dark green and other dark colors), not with light blue ocbd's

>> No.14225027

Light sand colour

>> No.14225108
File: 199 KB, 779x1279, 7DZeaXZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to illustrate what i mean, mine are basically pic rel color
yeah i think i'll have to buy one of those

>> No.14225252

The topic of the Patty Winters show this morning was big breasts and there was a woman on it who had a breast reduction since she thought her tits were too big; the dumb bitch.

>> No.14225301

sorta my mom

>> No.14225476

My guy, it's not about the TYPE of knot but that Anon's specific knot in the pic looks like he got his hand stuck in there while tying it and then shook until he got loose.

Now, Anon did explain that he'd literally never tied a tie before so that's fine. Speaking of which, >>14224296, don't bother changing to a Windsor, just practice tying a four-in-hand until you get it right. In particular, you need to tighten your knot more, so the tie doesn't look like a tube sock hanging off your neck.

>> No.14225495

Pull it tighter, try to get a dimple in the middle and a more triangular shape in the knot.

>> No.14225961
File: 193 KB, 1080x1350, 172DACB9-F7E0-499A-B2BC-636FF9CD351B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14226099

You will need to step up your game with tassel loafers

>> No.14226639

These shoes are retarded looking lol.

dumb broad indeed

>> No.14226754
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>> No.14226760
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>> No.14226762
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>> No.14226945

More like that's just kinda what everyone of similar wealth wore at the time

>> No.14227245

posing for this kind of photos is literally larping

>> No.14227267

the khakis in that pic would work fine with a normal light blue ocbd...

>> No.14227275

the only knot you need is a four in hand. also, all your clothes look like theyre made with fabric from the 70s

>> No.14227461

The fit is completely inofensive

>> No.14227921

if i wear my loafers daily, how long until i'll have to resole them do you reckon?

>> No.14227968

He was a fucking catholic son of a bootlegger
he dressed fine but as the picture of a "prep" he wasn't a great one

>> No.14227990

Sled Nation STAND UP

>> No.14228092


>> No.14228168

its a bit much to be fair

>> No.14228181

Buy two pairs and wear them on alternate days

>> No.14228599
File: 183 KB, 500x699, 355B244C-EA5C-4B55-ACCE-751D495841E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14228665
File: 97 KB, 700x1100, newMS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? Anyone have this brand, is it good quality?


>> No.14228685

I bought non-iron oxfords before I knew they were shit. I though oxfords were stiff uncomfortable shirts for a long time and regretted the purchase. Now I know oxfords should be soft and comfy.

>> No.14228707

Non-iron dress shirts are one thing, but who the fuck decided to invent non-iron oxfords?

>> No.14228769

I got into an ivy league college. How should I dress if I choose to attend?

>> No.14228793

Leather needs time to breathe

>> No.14228809

Basketball shorts and joggers with a hoodie
That's how all your classmates will dress. No one does ivy at ivies anymore.

>> No.14228989

no, so bad it hurts

>> No.14229072
File: 200 KB, 2000x1427, Reddish-Brown-Captoe-Double-Monks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems more appropriate here and I'll probably get actual responses.

Anybody know w2c a good pair of oxblood monk straps? I want to get another comfier pair of shoes than my allen edmond oxfords, since wearing those daily is tearing my feet right the fuck up and oxblood seems like a good color to go with them.

>> No.14229074

Maybe meermin? Double monks aren't really prep.

>> No.14229077

Well was just a picture I found, can be single, but figured this is probably the only general on the board that wears anything other than sneakers or some dumb shit.

Also gonna cop some loafers when it gets warmer, but still kind of cold anyways

>> No.14229128

im so glad i dont go to uni in the USA
if you wore joggers or basketball shorts here you'd be ridiculed. quite a lot of people dress preppy even

>> No.14229581

gotta have an AARP card to pull off that look

>> No.14229751

im gonna buy more unusually colored oxfords
just bought a miusa BB one that is in some type of orange-ish yellow, looks great for summer

>> No.14230102
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If you find where all the high quality oxfords in good colors are, let me know. Light blue and white are nice colors but it would be nice if all the other colors in existence made up more than like 2% of shirts.

I got a green university stripe one recently and I like it, but I would still like to find a miles davis solid green and maybe a light yellow or ecru.

>> No.14230108

Drake's has a solid green one this season
quite expensive though

>> No.14230184

Opinions on the "midtown uniform"?

>> No.14230206

i dont get this yank meme of getting rid of suits
bankers on the other side of the continent still wear suits more often than not

>> No.14230222

other side of the pond*

>> No.14230559

Well boys, I think I finally did it. I got my wife to actually try and dress better and get inspo from prep. She told me the other day that she felt like I dressed so much better than her that she started to feel inferior when we're together in public. She just dresses basic as fuck, like Vans, jeggings or whatever the fuck girls call those retarded jeans they wear, and t shirts usually. She's cute but even she admitted it's pretty juvenile.
So I went on Pinterest and typed "preppy female" and just showed her all the ones I like and the styles I think she'd look good taking inspo from. She says she's going to start buying shirts and sweaters and stop wearing leggings and all that.

We're all going to make it

>> No.14230560

Got a compliment today on my peacoat

>> No.14230563
File: 41 KB, 520x650, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C good all wool peacoats that aren't super long? I want something that doesn't go too far past the hips sort of like pic related.

>> No.14230568

Where can you get good bang for the buck all cotton piqué polos?
Uniqlo only has polyester blends.

>> No.14230642

i'm happy for you cpn

>> No.14230655

I have this one: http://www.camplin.eu/man-aw18/

>> No.14230676
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>> No.14230750

Thinking of ordering a shirt from Mercer. Anybody have any experience with their fits? I don't think I've ever ordered any clothing apart from shoes online. Be gentle, it's my first time.

>> No.14230834

Based. My gf brought a nice new pair of mature shoes after I remarked by me liking trad clothing. No more sneakers for her.

>> No.14230845

They're known for being pretty loose. I looked at a sizing chart and it's absurd so I haven't tried buying anything from them yet. They have a first-time customer discount but it doesn't apply to custom sizing which costs extra, so I guess your first shirt has to be big.

>> No.14230987
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Either evolves up into more professional Buisness or academia or fades into a maritime, trad outdoors look.

Example A

>> No.14230996
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Ex. B

>> No.14230998
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A. 2. (not necessarily so vintage but nonetheless more Buisness)

>> No.14231353

boomers have been ruining things for decades

>> No.14231827
File: 2.47 MB, 4032x3024, 948F3609-A52B-4621-9AD5-FF6E6C838851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped sperry “cvo cloud”. Pic related. Fits slightly larger than vans authentics. Rubber color irl is off white similar to converse 1970s. Would recommend

>> No.14232081

desu I only iron the front and let my blazer cover the wrinkled parts.

>> No.14232118


Navy surplus, unironically

>> No.14232139

>want to wear shorts like this
>outrageously hairy legs
Seriously, they look like two hotdogs that got dropped behind the fridge. But I like that outfit a lot. Two things; would a madras shirt work for this, and what kind of belts go well with summer prep?

>> No.14232220


>> No.14232679
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>> No.14232716
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Kiss = keep it simple stupid
Caesar, SidePart, Crew, Slicked back
>Slim fit ya no
Just buy classic fit trousers and get them tailored
Just get a timex for everyday wear. Obviously you’re gonna want something luxurious for special events
Depends on how you walk(heel or toe dominate) and on what surfaces you walk on
Pretty roomy. You’re gonna have to tailor them if you’re slander.

>> No.14232925

>Depends on how you walk(heel or toe dominate) and on what surfaces you walk on
toe dom
flat surfaces, sometimes cobblestone

>> No.14233149

best polo shirts without a logo?

>> No.14233155


>> No.14233466

You shouldn't be wearing leather shoes daily. You want to have them with shoe trees for 24 hours before you wear them again. If you knew how to take care of your shoes and feet you wouldn't be having this problem. Also, Allen Edmonds are some of the comfiest Leather shoes I own, so how about you learn how to wear and care for your shit instead of abusing it till its uncomfortable to wear.

>> No.14233569

follow-up question, Best oxford shirts (available in Europe) without a logo?

>> No.14233605


>> No.14233724

Brooks Brothers, Massimo Dutti, Original Penguin


>> No.14233832

It's a shame Allen Edmonds is absolute shit now. Ever since they got sold they've gone way down hill.
I can't justify buying them again. Twice in a row I've gotten shoes with defects.

>> No.14233851

The literal US Navy ones are made by Sterlingwear and are 80% wool, 20% some bullshit fiber meant to improve water resistance, IIRC, but they also sell a model ("Navigator") that's pure wool melton. They used ot have a decent site if irregular stock levels, just went to have a look now though and it's been rteplaced by a fucked Under Construction page from roughly 1996, so who knows when they'll be back.

Still the only acceptable brand for them though. >>14232118 is correct that you'll get them cheapest as Navy surplus.

>> No.14233856

>for high lustre and high praise it's POLISHED COTTON
Jesus F. Christ

>> No.14233910



>> No.14233921

they go half off twice a year though
i now own 2 drakes oxfords, 2 bb oxfords and 2 prl oxfords, next time im going to try kamakurashirts, i heard great things about them

>> No.14233932

Kamakura is excellent. I own two myself.
Of the shirts you own how would you rate them? Comfiest? Quality? Fit?

>> No.14233971

probably drake's>bb MiUSA (from the original polo button down line)>prl>non iron bb (from the sport shirt line)
i really dislike the non iron stuff, just ruins an oxford and i regret buying it
the drake's shirts fit (its a regular fit but it fits similar to the milano fit bb shirt) the best,but they shrunk quite a bit in the wash, especially the sleeves so keep that in mind. I also like that fabric the best, sturdy but still very breathable. The MiUSA BB one also fits very good but the second button is quite high up which means it looks better with 2 buttons undone instead of 1 (not that bothersome or anything, though). prl ones also fit good but they are slim fit sized up to get enough sleeve lenght (PRL has really short sleeves), essentially turning them into regular fit, but the sleeves are quite slim so if you have big bi or triceps it could be annoying

do you also own a bb shirt? how would you compare it too the kamakura shirts?

>> No.14233984

Great info, thanks.
I don't own any BBs yet, just PRL, Kamakura and Spier and Mackay. Planning on my next OCBDs purchase being BB though so I'll be sure to comment here when I do.

>> No.14234049

>they go half off twice a year though
do you know when they do that usually?

>> No.14234112

I have a pair too, in off white

Just a comment, imo they're too slim to wear with jeans that wide, better with slim/tapered chinos (that high waisted tapered look) or shorts/swim trunks

>> No.14234193

Where can I find some good comfy loafers below $100?

>> No.14234201
File: 982 KB, 3149x3944, paul-newman-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leg opening is 7.5 so they arent wide by any stretch of the imagination, but in any case i strongly disagree. those shoes were originally supplied to us navy sailors and worn with 50s military chinos that had a leg opening closer to 9 inches. pic related is newman wearing the exact same model with pants of about 7.5 inch opening. obviously it is all subjective, but this is just my 2 cents on the matter

>> No.14234218
File: 102 KB, 1170x753, hero_paulnewman02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shot of Newman with the off white ones

>> No.14234222

In that picture his chinos are probably around a 7" leg opening, whereas here they are probably closer to 7.5 inches. For what it's worth IMO the shoes are versatile enough to go with a range of different styles

>> No.14234251
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forgot pic oops

>> No.14234253
File: 1.20 MB, 2018x1582, signubammer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder, if you weren't in a fraternity in college, and if you at the very least aren't from the East Coast/South, you have no business dressing trad. Don't be a poser.

>> No.14234304
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>> No.14234343

you can't possibly be comparing yourself to Bill Murray right now

>> No.14234435

Where do you buy your polo shirts? I usually shop at H&M, but I really hate their polo shirts. The material is stretchy and disgusting, probably made for fat people. I want normal cotton ones.

I usually buy Fruit of the Loom T-shirts online. Cheap and good quality, and much more options to choose from than elsewhere. Are their polo shirts okay too?

>> No.14234444

>wearing shirts
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.14234465

If it's cheap I really see no reason not to. Worst case scenario you just become beerhall putsch core, which is based

>> No.14234590

I'm from the East coast and the South. And who the fuck dresses trad? Trad is poser shit, prep is fine

>> No.14234597

Only a complete retarded would make this post. Shirts on girls are top tier as fuck

>> No.14234610

When does Drake's do sales? I thought they only did the 3 for $500 which is still pretty steep.

I would rate my Kamakura and USA BB oxfords pretty similarly. The BB fabric feels a little rougher, but it has mother of pearl buttons that look really nice and the button stitching looks better. BB regent fit also fits me a little better, but they're similar. At full price I would pick Kamakura every time, but sometimes BB has sales and they have a wider variety.

>> No.14234867
File: 172 KB, 1020x1530, suit bradley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this suit on the right called? Style name? Is it long?

>> No.14234873

It's literally just a normal suit. Probably made of wool. It's got peak lapels instead of notch ones.
Besides notched lapels it's the most basic and normal suit ever.

>> No.14234883

Good enough.
I'm really looking for a boring sort of look. I'm going into law enforcement so I need just a political kind of fit. It's been so long since I had a suit that fits.

>> No.14235020

its the same thing idiot

>> No.14235060

Charcoal or navy, notch lapels, not skinny meme shit but tailored.
That's all you need

>> No.14235063

If you think this you don't belong in this thread and have just outed yourself as a poser

>> No.14235135

Just ordered a Spier and Mackay shirt. It's not an oxford since I've got loads of those but it's a button down.
We'll see if it lives up to the hype but the collar roll looks crazy from the pictures

>> No.14235141

lets be honest if you're in this thread you're a poser

>> No.14235403

december and june iirc>>14234610

>> No.14235463

Girls should only wear dresses
Wearing a shirt implies they are also wearing pants
So girls shirts are usually slutty

Unless they are wearing a skirt.

>> No.14235466

lose your virginity before you make posts like these

>> No.14235469

You want girls walking around looking like men?
Or maybe you’re into that

>> No.14235508
File: 434 KB, 1280x1920, ee024f85ebcfa2837f1d51e89e0ccab9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're retarded. Wanna know how I know you've never even kissed a girl?

Shit like this for hot summer days is cute as hell

>> No.14235509
File: 174 KB, 600x900, cute-preppy-outfits-79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this for decent weather or spring/fall is nice. Girls can wear shirts, anyone who says otherwise is most likely a clueless virgin

>> No.14235511

What is more of a deal breaker for you: non-iron or stretch?

Stretch shit is always thinner and not as soft, and as a result wears out sooner, but non-iron is straight up not healthy. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen and makes the clothes feel like shit, smell like shit, and last half the time. Not to mention most people's skin has reactions to it.
I'll deal with stretch, but I won't fuck with non-iron.

>> No.14235568

They’ll definitely last long for you anon
>toe dominate
Great for your calves and less pressure on the knees

>> No.14235926
File: 153 KB, 3896x1852, chad trad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

caption this

>> No.14236284

Me on the left wearing the clothes on the right

>> No.14236288

hahahaha right outfit is literally what I wear when I go clubbing: Khakis and bright pink ocbd

>> No.14236375

it's quite cheap at 12 euros. But still, getting clothes that i might end up not wearing doesn't appeal at this point anymore :/

>> No.14236711
File: 489 KB, 1280x960, CD2A99C4-8760-4F6A-8653-DC3A0E02D90F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Duluth Trading’s collars are better than PRL

>> No.14236917

So, like Brooks Brothers has their absolute dogshit main line shirts that are all non-iron trash, and then they've got their miUSA line that's supposedly really good, does Polo Ralph Lauren have anything like that too? All their stuff is stretch garbage that's super thin and feels cheap. Do they have any 100% cotton oxford shirts hidden away on their website somewhere?

>> No.14237017

Maybe Purple label?

>> No.14237042
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I am bad at this

>> No.14237055

2/10, but A for effort though.

>> No.14237080

This is a cool looking outfit

>> No.14237340

No ones falling for that
Are you retarded? All of their ocbds are 100% cotton.

>> No.14237353

Whose are? My PRL shirts are stretch, which means they've got elastane in it. BBs main line stuff is all non-iron trash, so it's been treated with formaldahyde and other stuff.

I just want a decently priced 100% cotton shirt with neither of those two things

>> No.14237399
File: 338 KB, 3896x1852, prepvvc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.14237412

lol based

>> No.14237414

is it prep to own slaves
i was reading in my families history book (btw direct relative of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_du_Puy this fucker
and i found out that our family used to own shitloads of slaves in NY which i guess came with the territory if you were loaded back then but damn
also i found records in the book saying that we payed off poorer people to fight in the revolutionary and the civil war which seems like a pretty bitch move even if it adds to an air of high society

>> No.14237492

10/10 Great job anon

>> No.14237499

And I'm a direct descendant of Henry Morgan, the famous pirate.

What are we supposed to do with this information?

>> No.14237605

Kamkura, gant, trennery

>> No.14237618

What color Sperrys does everyone ITT wear? I guarantee you own at least one pair

>> No.14237636

Literally has "GANT" and their logo on their pockets. Absolutely not.

Those tiny bitch ass collars on their shirts probably don't even roll. Absolutely not.

I thought you fools said they have no colors to choose from, they've got loads. Can't find a flaw, thanks mate, probably gonna end up getting one of theirs.

>> No.14237640

You live in a God -tier climate by the sea and it is never hot.

t. Currently in Monterey

>> No.14237642

What about "easy iron"?
For instance https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.0501616008.html

>> No.14237649

H&M sells 100% cotton oxford shirts. What exactly is it that you want?

>> No.14237650

That shirt is literally more plastic than it is natural fibers. And I'm pretty sure "easy-iron" basically means that because it's made of plastic it's easier to iron it.
Look it up but it's got something to do with the way the fibers bind to each other that it helps it hold its shape, thus not getting wrinkled

It's all just one big disgusting meme

>> No.14237652

100% cotton with a bitching collar roll. Quality that will last years and just get softer and better with each wash, instead of falling apart.

>defending H&M
Please do not support a company that literally exists to take advantage of retards who have no idea what goes into making clothes and making the quality.

>> No.14237655

Brooks Brothers made in USA line, Mercer and Sons, Kamakura, Drake's, J Press, Gitman, Ratio

All this >>14212128

>> No.14237658

Yeah, but is there formaldehyde in it?
Only results matter. You're not your fucking khakis.

>> No.14237672

Don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure it still does. I assume non-iron and easy-iron are basically the same things, so yeah, it probably does have formaldehyde in it still.

Enjoy your cancer! Cheers

>> No.14237690

>Skin contact with formaldehyde can cause skin rashes and allergic skin reactions. ... Instances of dermatitis arising from wearing clothing containing high levels of formaldehyde have been documented.

>The NICNAS review also found that formaldehyde can have other health effects, but these occur at much higher levels than can be released from textile products.

>Formaldehyde is released by some textile finishes, such as those conferring crease resistance, while the garment is new. These finishes are most likely to be used on fabrics that otherwise crease easily, such as cotton or wool. Formaldehyde is very water soluble, and washing the new garments before wearing will generally reduce the amount of formaldehyde released from the fabric.

>The ACCC completed an initial program of purchasing a broad range of clothing on the Australian market and testing for residual formaldehyde content, using two recognised testing authorities in Australia. No formaldehyde was detected in any of the garments submitted. Clothing tested included infants', children's and adults' garments such as shorts, shirts, trousers, tops and nightwear. For details, please see the Product Safety Australia section of the ACCC website.

it's fucking nothing

>> No.14237696

>lets just wear embalming fluid guise, totally cool
Retard. Can't wait for people like you to be the first to get thrown into the gas chambers

>> No.14237707

Rls ocbds are 100%. Which ones exactly are you buying?

>> No.14237716
File: 304 KB, 1280x1280, 20190405_195138~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really?

>> No.14237730

Oh, I see what’s going on. I didn’t know some slim fits came in stretch. All I buy are classic fits. None of them come in stretch

>> No.14237738

If i don't get slim i literally drown in my own clothes. You could fit two of me in a classic for shirt

>> No.14237741

Shoot, anon. My bad. I don’t why rl does that. That sucks

>> No.14237752


If you are buying slim fits from RL try just the M, L, XL, etc. I have two large OCBDs that are about the same as a 17/35 slim fit.

>> No.14237756

Buy classic and get it tailored.

>> No.14237757

I'm 15.5/35 in shirts. I'm literally between M and L in sizing. I either go with M and it's too short in the sleeves or go up to L and it's too big in the neck, which also means too big everywhere

>> No.14237760


Do you even lift bro

>> No.14237763

>tfw 15.5/33 and even then the sleeves are too long sometimes
I must have weird proportions. I also know people who are 6' and wear 30" inseams, but I'm 5'10" and 32" inseam.

>> No.14237764

I can’t fit into slims I have very wide lats and shoulders.

>> No.14237767

Tfw 17 1/2 32

>> No.14237774

Started to, yeah. I'm not a skelly, just thin.

I'm 6'2" with a 32 inseam. Some people are just more torso, others more leg.

>> No.14237777

Whoever makes the new thread be sure to add >>14212128 to a pastebin and add it to the OP

>> No.14237779


The nice thing about having a fat neck is that you can back into slim fits.
But I barely fit, it's tight across the shoulders/chest.

RL has custom fit which is like classic up high with a slim waist but it is very hard to find those except for regular price on their website.

This model (look for the stripe collar) fits me well even though it says classic fit:


Overall there is too much inconsistency in RL sizing. I can go through my closet and find ten different fits for the same nominal size. Some of it is because some of mine are vintage but they didn't change the length of an inch from 20 years ago.

>> No.14237830

Is that a ocbd guide for scrawny picky anons?

>> No.14237891

Nah, it's a good all around list of brands to consider when looking for a good ocbd

>> No.14238031


>> No.14238065

You need to look up the military tuck if your shirts are huge in the body.

>> No.14238096

What if I do the military tuck, wear quite slim fit shirts and they still billow a bunch when I'm moving around? Are shirt stays the only way? My shirts don't even have all that much extra fabric around the body, and they're usually quite tight on the shoulders and neck.

>> No.14238152

Were there any good tweed fits for national tweed day earlier this week?

>> No.14238288

This happens to me on many brands, between M and L

>> No.14238344
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>> No.14238382

New thread

>> No.14238762

>Yes I do like Wes Anderson's films. How did you know?

>> No.14238868

really nice