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/fa/ - Fashion

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14211688 No.14211688 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normoids so obsessed with this type of glasses now?

>> No.14211692

Because they are boring and believe it gives them more personality

>> No.14211695

Because retro 80's stuff is cool, and they used to be popular in the 80's, because they were one of the frame models offered for free by social security. Or something like that.

>> No.14211719
File: 600 KB, 1200x800, Funny-Sheep-Facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good that normies are leaving P3s alone and jumping to the next fad.

Few years ago no one would have worn pilots as eyeglasses as they are very associated with pervs.

>> No.14211728
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>> No.14211731
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>> No.14211734

u wut? aviators have always been a thing, never out of style

>> No.14211735
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>> No.14211752


>> No.14211756

Seething ugly bitch/betacuck posts someones picture on /fa/ to try and get the board to gang up and ridicule her for their own satisfaction. Grow up, you dumb cunt.

>> No.14211762

SHUTUP whitenight bitch admit it you want to suck her toe juice

>> No.14211766

she has a nose ring. she fucking deserves it

>> No.14211905

I like how liberals always have freakishly dyed hair or piercings so I know to avoid them. Kys you bull freak

>> No.14211916

wait so you're saying there's actually conservatives with taste in fashion?

>> No.14211947

>t. misogynist who wonders why he can’t get laid

>> No.14211967

Fuck off you useless worn out roast

>> No.14211989
File: 437 KB, 1453x2308, IMG_20190319_191635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye I dress like this

>> No.14212016

Her kind will be the first in line for the chambers once the day of reckoning comes.

>> No.14212030

Because they were trendy some years ago and have now trickled down to absolute normie levels. Same thing happened with all black outfits with white sneakers, that was /fa/ in 2010 and now is absolutely normie tier.

>> No.14212037

>thinking women don't want a man that treats them like a lesser person & a submissive
I remember my first girl friend too

>> No.14212047

Maybe not lesser person but definitely a follower. Your wording seems a little harsh. The best way I would describe my relationship with my gf is kinda weird and definitely needs better wording but it would be like a little sister I get to fuck minus the incest. Not exactly but I think you get the idea. Not the anon you're replying to btw.

>> No.14212066

I'd suck my cum out of her asshole. I mean I'd do it to any woman that will let me, but her especially.

>> No.14212122

>spend whole childhood getting ripped on for wearing glasses
>spend all young adulthood getting ripped on for wearing "nerdy" glasses
>suddenly my glasses are cool
>see roasties wearing frames with no prescription now
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Suddenly this is now stylish and I have people asking me if the frames I've worn for the past 8 years are actually glasses or where they can buy them. Holy shit does wearing glasses fucking suck, its the fashion version of mein kampf, in the sense that it has limited so many things I wanted to do in life because contacts were never an option. I had to eat shit and grin for 25+ years pretending it never bothered and now that I overcame my self-esteem issues regarding glasses, everybody thinks its cool.
Its little shit that non-glasses people take for granted, like going to a concert and not having to worry about your glasses constantly falling off... you adjust your dancing style and always have to tone everything down. Every move becomes laden with a subtle self conscious concern about your glasses, its pretty shit. Yeah you could take them off but it depends on how bad your vision is. Personally, contacts are out of the question and lasik seems too good to be true.

>> No.14212143

Fashion being associated with left-leaning politics and gays is a very new development.

>> No.14212196

Based and redpilled brother

>> No.14212421
File: 2.35 MB, 1312x2560, Screenshot_20190129-181308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and the way leftists dress is absolutely horrible.

>> No.14212424

I'm getting lasik in a week. glasses are not /fa/.

>> No.14212504


Can you get lasik anon? I used to be the same thing and once I got lasik, I am free of glasses. Would do again it was 10000% worth every penny, patience and pain after the surgery

My prescription was -2.50 in both eyes, where everything seemed like it was underwater, which isn't too bad but I genuinely hated wearing glasses/contacts and havingbto be so self conscious over it too. After the surgery they became better than 20/20 and remains that way ever since.

What is your prescription? Do you have any other eye issues? It's worth the money as I had to save up a little. The only downside is that it doesn't "cure" or prevent you from using reading glasses. Even at your age anon, its never too late

>> No.14212509
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What's up

>> No.14212515
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>> No.14212542


>> No.14212570
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been rocking aviators for 5 years now, always been seen as a perv, its a lifestyle not a fad brother

>> No.14212775

the biggest fashion divide is rural vs. urban you tourist, have you ever gone outside of your house?

>> No.14212785

Rural is realtree camo, hoodies, jeans or work pants work boots or modern sport sneakers, offroad gear, tons of harley enthusiasts. Super casual wear is usually basketball shorts and tshirt with a baseball cap. It's really not that different from normie/OG boomer city wear minus the realtree.

>> No.14213838


>> No.14213939

they've been watching serial killer docs

>> No.14214528
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>> No.14214535
File: 41 KB, 768x599, Michael_Bruce_Ross-5956c3f23df78c4eb688a447[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serial killercore is pretty effay.

>> No.14214541
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>> No.14214546
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>> No.14214844

Not related to the thread, but I don't want to make a new one for this.

Recommend me a pair of galsses. I don't want to look like my grandpa but I don't want to look like a zoomer either. Something kinda discret I guess

>> No.14214873
File: 95 KB, 1800x1037, 10004852_3Q-2x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this?

>> No.14214919

I exclusively wear aviators too. I have a triangle face and it's the only frame that compliments it

>> No.14214933

>Suddenly this is now stylish
nah there were roasties in my hs who would wear fake glasses to try and look cool. this isn't a new thing.

t. boomer with -6.25 eyes

>> No.14215135

as sunglasses, but as regular eyeglasses they've always been cringe or worse (sign of deviant behavior and mental derangement)

>> No.14215165

When was that, 10 year ago?

>> No.14215191

t. incel covering up

>> No.14215308
File: 118 KB, 1024x968, 1548267381234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based dubs. its bc i started the trend and bought some back in late 17. loser

>> No.14215346

lookin good bro, wish I could rock that

>> No.14215682

more /fa/ than 90% of this board

>> No.14217041

Bro stfu they are affey

>> No.14217051

so the try-hard girls were wearing fake glasses in the 70s too huh?

>> No.14217523
File: 20 KB, 294x294, rosstheboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's based

>> No.14217574

I've literally worn this type of glasses every day for years and recently I've started getting questions along the lines of where did you get them, are they prescription or not, oh I love your glasses
They are pretty nice but you have to have a specific face for them, I started wearing them because I look like a retard with glasses like these

>> No.14217904

Mate people have been wearing paedo glasses since 2015-6 wot the fuck do you mean? That bantersnatch shite gave em a bit more push but they're deffo not a new ting. Either way they're are not effay, get something that suits your face AND style


>> No.14218517

80's revivalsim