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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 901 KB, 2364x1710, hgVAbGF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14198904 No.14198904 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get this kicked off folks

>> No.14198908
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x1500, 1553261157900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14198907

nice imgur-filename,nerd

>> No.14198917

ID on,shoes?

>> No.14198919

eytys - limited fz edition

>> No.14198942

You can't seriously think any of those look good

>> No.14198952

um well that's why i posted them...
i styled 3 looks for the spring - maybe you could be inspired by at least 1?

>> No.14198972

hey have you noticed there's big holes in your jeans at the knees? I can sew them up for you if you want me to, I'd hate to see you walking around with ripped pants like that...

>> No.14198979

looks sick man

>> No.14198983

I take fit pics and edit them so I can post them to multiple subreddits and 4chan-core

>> No.14198993
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, TimeToStop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14198998

haircut is dumb, shades are dumb, first outfit looks like you took inspiration from naruto, second outfit looks like a highschool kid desperately trying to look "mature" and failing, third pic is normal casual wear for 99% of people living in the western world.

Don't get me wrong, you don't look horrendously bad but there is nothing fashionable about this. It ranges from "guy who can't dress himself" to "normie" from left to right.

>> No.14199009

wow man 3 in one

>> No.14199037

/thread pretty much

Dislike everything in left, basically only like the pants in middle. Right looks pretty good, but again, pretty normie.

Really dislike the shades too.

>> No.14199042

Get rid of sunglasses

>> No.14199164
File: 243 KB, 692x1154, 76cd532d033968fb893bbb4ac74dcb4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First pic unironically Hidan core.

>> No.14199598

Fuckign sick fits OP def will cop dose senajers based af

>> No.14199600
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_1584-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so many questionable choices in only three fits


not sure if this fit is good or the other is just that bad

>> No.14199601
File: 90 KB, 337x595, 6844D7E3-578C-4E3B-A130-8C6E1DB3B5ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hee yeah here’s my fit I promised feel free to take inspo!

Way too basic jesus learn from op and I pls

>> No.14199604

20 iq

>> No.14199696

how many dicks do you take in a week

>> No.14199713

The hair imo looks bad with that high of a hairline. At least you look confident in it.

I like the Hidan/Dante vibes in the first fit. All clothes fit you well but nothing really strikes me as a standout.

I love this, idk what this aesthetic is called but it exhudes a style/thematic which is pretty on point and cohesive

like the color and cut of the jacket. Its an good eyecatching color, but I think you can do a bit more with it other than just pairing it with black/white.

>> No.14199718

you got potential but the details are all off. Im really digging the orange work jacket but
>hair too boring and clean
>pants too skinyy
>shoes look brand new
>tryhard cross and chain
you look like you're following a rulebook, loosen up a little and it'l look better

bad pants can bareky make out the rest of it

this aint it pal

>> No.14199857
File: 1.56 MB, 3024x3410, 7564D736-E630-4DFD-8B7E-F13BF92BC7BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14199897
File: 2.55 MB, 2019x2692, 20190322_233355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool combinarion liked the tv hat
fits you well, but the key and chain are edgy

>> No.14200206


>> No.14200248
File: 69 KB, 644x422, 1550696972301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first pic on that DmC-school-shooter core

>> No.14200256


>> No.14200274

lmao touché mademoiselle

>> No.14200614

Nice shirt, w2c?

>> No.14200863
File: 1.44 MB, 3456x4608, PSX_20190323_163216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPC-core today

Pretty dope man
Don't like the shoes, but rest is cool
Top is really good, don't like the bottom. Especially not the chain
Yuck, that hair

>> No.14200941
File: 911 KB, 1500x2250, DSC_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14201245
File: 1.09 MB, 2131x2845, FE20EE45-DD91-4092-99FC-0790ED7DF81A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14201293

id of the jacket? thanks

>> No.14201297

Third pic looks like the virgin walk meme

>> No.14201379

- cream white hoodie
- blue distressed jeans
- belt
- timbs

i-is this bad?

>> No.14201607
File: 1.07 MB, 1536x2048, D7DEAB78-A997-4760-A11A-01002B71AC23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14201739
File: 29 KB, 381x676, 2019-03-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very fa, good work

>> No.14201780
File: 2.19 MB, 797x1202, IMG_3756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wasnt going to post in this thread but i just wanted to tell you >>14201245 that i like you
ok bye

>> No.14201805

You're dressing for warm and cold weather ?
Also nice legs

>> No.14201809
File: 751 KB, 1067x1600, fit_23-03-19_v1f_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ordinary pain

>> No.14201817

hubba hubba

>> No.14201826

Jfc just fuck off man, another incoherent mess, colors dont work together at all. Are those heels? Lmao neck urself

>> No.14201847

>>14201780 nice leg

>> No.14201853

every time i go to one of these threads, it gets worse.

>> No.14201855

You look like a gay Italian reading poetry at a hipster cafe

>> No.14201857

another good albert fit

>> No.14201860

are thots effay? Please respond.

>> No.14201863


>> No.14201874

ok, thank you. I'll take this info back to r9k

>> No.14201876
File: 2.89 MB, 3024x4032, 53467867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job :)

>> No.14201878
File: 144 KB, 590x1020, IMG_20190324_071157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good fit

>> No.14201922
File: 156 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 24-3-19 at 9.54 am #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the colourful patchwork on the sleeves
This looks good, even ur cat is mirin you

>> No.14201971

not feeling this froggo
reminds me of prostitute , what happened to froggo x huckleberry ?

>> No.14201987

Why cover face when we all have saw it already?

>> No.14201990

lol what a slut

>> No.14201993

the shoes makes it look awful.

>> No.14202091
File: 21 KB, 474x474, brienne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14202152

missed u froggo nice legs. i was hoping you'd still be here!!
that's true. nice fit too

>> No.14202538
File: 114 KB, 464x1408, 3472E130-1942-43B3-8C71-5F28110F7C78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like bad. That is all I will say
This is quite nice >>14200863
Bad camera angle and generally bad

>> No.14202610

what a horrible mishmash of styles
>boring prep haircut
>edgy new romantic earring
>workwear chore coat
>skater/punk chain
>michael jackson cuff/socks
>chunky shoes

why would you style all this together?
pick a look and nail it down before you start experimenting

the jacket requires a different color pants and/or a more textural fabric

the cropped pants/white socks requires a cleaner look with actual hemmed pants, slimmer shoes, and a less casual jacket

the chain and maybe even the earring can be integrated into a cleaner fit a la Ann D but you gotta change your hair to rock the earring

>> No.14202614


the glasses are too big for your head without some hair to balance them out
the jacket is a bit too busy but it seems to fit you pretty well
I hope you're actually a biker because you're clearly not a metal head or rockstar

>> No.14202616

ugh, what a waste of drips

>> No.14202620

this looks perfectly bland but it's good
why do you always look sad though?

>> No.14202669

Not a biker bro. Definitely not a methhead either. I could Rock you all not long though if you are cool enough...

>> No.14202780

id on pants?

>> No.14202785

look like dickies to me

>> No.14203205

>missed u froggo nice legs. i was hoping you'd still be here!!
<3 thanks!
you should just post more, i dont really care if it would be the same damn outfit every time. i just like you too much. your hair is so good now

>> No.14203206

hey frog ! nice fit :)

>> No.14203250
File: 941 KB, 1536x2358, 908E957B-B908-4AAC-9E1E-64ECF6FB9A86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a local tailor last week. Rate pants

>> No.14203354
File: 434 KB, 1536x2048, 0D53B463-D79A-4180-97A6-42B08764680A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going full Rick
It’s like you’re dressing for women or something lmao

>> No.14203367


>> No.14203381
File: 657 KB, 1355x2581, 50B463F8-BC18-4A9F-A3D3-789C608F954A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not sure about the length of my pants but they’re comfy

I really like the first two but change the shoes
Pretty cool and great photography
Looks great, I love the jacket
Veryyy nice
Nice but the shirt under the jumper throws it off a bit, maybe go for an all white one
Npc goal achieved
I love the fit on that shirt good job
The shoes and jumper are kinda ugly
Kinda boring
Podoba mi się
Not a fan of the proportions between the shirt and pants
I honestly hate that jacket but the rest looks good
Gibraltar core, I like it except for the patches on the sleeves
Cute dress
Those shoes look really bad they need a heel, otherwise you always post the same fit but it isn’t bad
Fits great

>> No.14203407
File: 432 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190324_155306_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy fit for a lazy Sunday

Fancy seeing you here, nice fit as always :)

>> No.14203442
File: 112 KB, 466x1454, 9DADD178-E13E-4163-8B7B-515C5DDD8C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks really bad

>> No.14203489


just dickies slim taper

>> No.14203491


a days march

>> No.14203498
File: 1.02 MB, 933x1400, DSCF1563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that location is slick, love the color on that jacket too

real neat

what shoes? are those seeulaters?

>> No.14203523
File: 2.90 MB, 1998x2936, IMG_1716-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




big fan, only thing id question is the ankle socks. If you can layer with a cardigan, exposing ankle can look questionable. But still this is probably my favorite fit ITT


this just confused me don't have a take on it.


tuck the shirt here at the very least. I'd say a t-shirt would probably look better here but an OCBD is still good.


The FILAs just gave me cancer

>> No.14203531
File: 2.02 MB, 2134x3037, FullSizeRender-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bonus fit, 2 for the price of 1

>> No.14203537

Shoes are Rick Owens springblades

>> No.14203619

Holy fuck there are so many clones like you in my area you can't even imagine desu senpai

>> No.14203678

can someone notice my darn cat please! (>>14201245)
bad @ smiling
i dont always have a good place to take photos is the main hangup :(
thanks. it's from outlier and i need more people to buy them so they make more colors of it. not gonna link it but nyco boxford. buy them people.

>> No.14203729
File: 18 KB, 639x475, 1520376992625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fancy seeing you here, nice fit as always :)

>> No.14203736

The fit is pretty good, but I feel that the chain and beanie just makes it look so tryhard.

>> No.14203755

What's the matter? Don't like it when people give compliments? Do you have no soul?

>> No.14203773

what fake gats are those?
I need new fake gats

>> No.14203775


they're real picked them up on END over the summer since the sale price was pretty attractive.

if you feel the need to go for reps just buy OG GATS milsurp

>> No.14203780


maybe I misinterpreted since I'm smooth-brained but they're Margiela memes

>> No.14203831


best fit in this thread

>> No.14203841

Neil Barrett

>> No.14203877

>i dont always have a good place to take photos is the main hangup :(
i see. cant be helped then. just remember im waiting for your posts okay
also what's your cat's name? i would pat its head

>> No.14203949
File: 305 KB, 1400x1400, 8556E2CE-B6DE-42FC-8C4F-909303B4FA60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve done this so many times. I’ve been trying to tell you it’s you. I couldn’t have spelled it more clearly. All the coincidences, just like you planned. It would just be so perfect if it were that way, wouldn’t it? Another possibility. A possibility until it’s a liability. I don’t know what to make of it. Maybe you do. I’m still trying to figure out what we’ve made here. But you’ve set up this Labyrinth very well. You’ve been tricked just like me. You tricked yourself. We tricked us. We’re crafty. But, the possibilities are still endless. You know that. Which side are you on? That’s the question

>> No.14203957

>White leg
>Black hand
Fuck off my board skinwalker

>> No.14203976

You look like a dyke with that hair, pants are too flared in relation to the shirt
Shirt pattern sucks too, you dress like a complete faggot

>> No.14203979
File: 37 KB, 394x701, WhatsApp Image 2019-03-24 at 2.34.49 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14203982

cartoon character looking but i like it

>> No.14203987


this is normcore but in the worst way.
If I saw you walking in the street I would put a bet on there being a 0% chance you took any interest in fashion.

>> No.14204001

marty! we named her thinking she was a boy but shes actually a girl

>> No.14204027

Say what you want. You’re only hurting yourself.

>> No.14204034


>> No.14204070
File: 511 KB, 916x1004, diyfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diy jeans. jeans were initially size 36 waist but i liked the wash



fade on the shorts is super nice


more interesting pants would make this better

interesting layer choice

i like the shirt and cardigan combo

v nice

>> No.14204096


>> No.14204116

I've got giftcard to all american clothing company and need everything, at least a complete outfit what do I get? I don't know how to dress myself pls help me out frens


>> No.14204167
File: 118 KB, 397x1000, DSC_1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went full black this weekend because I like black

>> No.14204202

thats a cute name. post more pics of her. or just one. noone will notice

>> No.14204228
File: 1.09 MB, 2268x3068, abouttodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked 100x better in my mind. But fuck it.

>> No.14204256

The shoes are a bit off but other than it looks fine. You just need to be yourself.

>> No.14204274

good fit
nice bicep

>> No.14204280

its aight, get wider pants like straight fit that pairs with a flowy shirt way better than skinnies

>> No.14204294
File: 237 KB, 1080x1262, CF961210-7353-4A4C-A704-B29E965009F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how’d i do? black tshirt is for work :>

>> No.14204307

gonna call you out on your fake CCP drips

they’re fake

>> No.14204318

Usually like your fits dude but those pants are just bad. Way too short. Maybe if it were looser it'd look less like highwaters

>> No.14204358

I'm not though

>> No.14204394

>cross earing
fag poser, i doubt you even go to church
damn bro nice uhhh shirt and pants? snooze tier, i like the boots though
gonna be real with you chief i don't like this fit/the pieces at all but you somehow pull it off. sick hair
i know what you're trying to go for but that jacket is trash, especially with a white shirt (why?) underneath. Hair and glasses scream STEMfag Nice gsms tho and the pants aren't bad
gay berlin raver core
assassins cuck
i like the shirt but you look very jewish with that hair

>> No.14204407
File: 266 KB, 960x1280, PicsArt_03-24-04.21.56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my fit

>> No.14204410


>> No.14204447

You look like a guy that works at a grocery chain and blows each paycheck on tricky dick's shoes

>> No.14204471



Is this considered mid or high waist?

The tailor is a beast. He put that shit together in two days for $100. I’m going back to get another in navy, some shirts, and a blazer.

Where do I learn more about fabrics, though?

>> No.14204495

pretty spot on, except i just put away portions of each paycheck for ricks :^)

>> No.14204737

r u 12??

>> No.14204752
File: 260 KB, 959x2560, inCollage_20190320_123239563-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter got me fucked up, waiting for Montreal to reach 8°
(it's snowing again at the very moment I'm posting this)
Ship me your pants thanks
I'm selling lamb leather basket swingers on grailed if ur interested
Swag, I wish I could wear sneakers rn..

>> No.14204758

>Ship me your pants thanks
rick owens tailored cargos
womens version underrated :^)

>> No.14204829

are you schizophrenic? who the fuck are you replying too

>> No.14204835

only if you message pics of your pussy cat first :)

>> No.14204845

best itt

>> No.14204863
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20190324_165347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peep the steez my n words

>> No.14204904

I’m only extension of you. And visa versa. We are the same. I tricked me. You tricked me. I’m a different shade of you. Same color a different hue. A parallel. But still the same. Honest and true. I am god and satan and so are you. We made this. You made me. Perfectly well tuned youniverse. >>14204829
Maybe I am maybe I’m not. I’m just a possibility just as you are.
The youniverse dances with itself and she’s mighty good at in.

>> No.14204981
File: 604 KB, 1034x1015, IMG_33721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old asf duck camo hunting shirt and diy jeans downsized from a 38 waist. tried to comment on people with not as much feedback

these pants are really nice

jacket is a grail

nice and simple. gets the job done

jacket looks really nice. it looks well worn in


nice fit good job

shoe and sock combo is killer

what shoes? really interesting pieces

this has made potential desu

>> No.14205020
File: 198 KB, 1200x800, mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what shoes? really interesting pieces

hey thanks

asic gel mai

>> No.14205059
File: 2.21 MB, 3024x4032, gayboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 m8

>> No.14205068

please lose weight

>> No.14205088
File: 2.62 MB, 2048x3089, 46730024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know any "shaggy" inspo?
i much prefer layering thick, kitsch items of clothing to the current trend of sleek, modern wear

>> No.14205095
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x675, 1498512377213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I weigh 127 pounds.

>> No.14205125

zoinks, I dunno Scoob

>> No.14205146
File: 221 KB, 750x1284, 5852163B-001E-42AF-9DE2-3DEE98932BCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea sure, i am, but the shoes are fake


you put that same fucking picture in the taobao review

>> No.14205166

Hello fellow faker, also reported for being 12

>> No.14205290

Cute butt, bro

>> No.14205295

looks like Michael Jackson from the waist down.

>> No.14205296

dope brother I got the onions jap ones with moonrunes on them

>> No.14205309
File: 2.05 MB, 2811x5266, P_20190323_223254~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tunnel snakes rule

>> No.14205362
File: 1.60 MB, 2707x3264, BeFunky-collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working out and trying to be less skinny fat

>> No.14205484
File: 52 KB, 500x400, IMG_20190325_062857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showing uncovered legs

>> No.14205760

Clever post. Very insightful. Specific, detailed, constructive. Exactly what this board needs more of. 0/10 please never post again.

>> No.14205774


>> No.14205796

you look like a table

>> No.14205802

I like the cat and the shoelace positioned perfectly for the inevitable suicide, nice touches

>> No.14205816


>> No.14205825

is that cum?
nice tits
lookin good you bourgeoisie asshole
you seem unhappy
are you that arcade fire bitch
you should be killed
your face reminds me of riley sterns which is fitting because you dress like a cuck
shaved headed sex weirdo/10
congrats on having the courage to leave the house looking like this
the lack of effort here combined with the transparent attempt at hiding the desire for attention coupled with the certainty you will get it is utterly contemptible. arthoe/future wine aunt
shave your neck
these shoes make you look like the kid at a uniform school whose parents force them to shine them
gayest in the thread

>> No.14205829

Such a great fit but go for real surplus instead of that fake ebay stuff please

>> No.14205845

Thanks :)

>are you that arcade fire bitch
Kek I might be a bitch but I'm not 40yo

>> No.14205907
File: 2.46 MB, 3022x4032, 1E93F885-791D-407F-BF75-BAE4B72DD147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn’t it and that’s coming from me
Psuedcore but not bad
Another fit that hits

I’m fucking lazy so that’s all I’m gonna r8

Getting my hair cut this weekend, not sure what cut to get though

>> No.14206000

Don't tell me you're >>14201836 ?!
I always pictured grid thread guy as a qt twink :(

>> No.14206036

I’m him sadly, I used to be a twink for the longest time, I’m losing weight tho, down 30 pounds so far

>> No.14206075

Shit happens man. Kudos on dropping 30lb and keep up the good work.

>> No.14206081

fucking yikes

>> No.14206103

>- timbs

>> No.14206142
File: 546 KB, 1202x1080, 20190325_105253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this. High rise pants make or break most outfits

>> No.14206143
File: 25 KB, 293x407, B0163FDA-5883-4C43-A32A-422C1D3F078A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14206147

Speaking of which, wtc those pants

>> No.14206176

I like this simple norm look. You have the face/body to pull it off. But wear white socks, never color match socks and shoes unless black or white

>> No.14206277
File: 3.54 MB, 1504x2008, 20190325_170307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still pretty cold here

>> No.14206304
File: 1.36 MB, 2742x4608, PSX_20190325_171446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, here's another from me.

Sherpa is nice, but shoes are pretty bad
Nice, but darker colored pants to match the jumper would have been better imo
Fix your hair before anything else, no matter how hard you try you can't look fashionable with that shit
Overshirt is really tacky
You look filthy and homeless
Maybe you should buy something that fits you
Tbh it's not bad. Hair and shoes fit your aesthetic and you pull it off
I like it though

>> No.14206315


Literally just standard Uniqlo chinos. They're not really that high rise I've just been blessed and curse with the proportions of big bird so every pair of pants look high rise when in reality no my legs are just disproportionately long in comparison to my torso

>> No.14206331

What size do you wear? Like 29x32?

>> No.14206357

Unironically the best poster on this board right now. Keep it up mate.

>> No.14206378



>> No.14206416

prob stole the picture

I've had some of my pics of real shoes end up on aliexpress

>> No.14206423

what jacket?

>> No.14206449


>> No.14206475

fedt mannen

>> No.14206476
File: 991 KB, 1440x2560, Snapchat-2102287815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14206540

did you get dressed in the dark

>> No.14206680
File: 209 KB, 955x738, 7EC32A85-1B89-49A2-A33D-91DDAED574CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno what the F U C K I’m doing please roast

>> No.14206827
File: 163 KB, 750x1334, 132A8748-8967-47C4-BF79-48E44F37A695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy dog walking fit

Creepy individual
Those pants are really tryhard
I’d like this a lot more without the earring
Looks comfy
The shoes are way too chunky for me
>CDG converse
Absolutely disgusting
Looks good
Those Filas ruin every fit
Cute fit
Trying way too hard
Cool fit
Sick jacket
Burn that jacket

>> No.14206862
File: 800 KB, 2320x3088, A8E8F547-62C3-4DAB-B182-FAE41CC71BF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worn w chunky black shoes, nothing complex

>> No.14206873

Please tell me you live in LA

>> No.14206895

very nice

>> No.14206976
File: 990 KB, 2600x3252, IMG_20190325_162656346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rather simple fit today.

Those blue shoes are terrible. The black/red hoodie is terrible. The neoprene hoodie is terrible.
I like this. Would be better if your jeans didn't have those stupid fucking holes
Stuff seems to fit weird here. Sock choice is questionable. Good fit though.
Nice meme fag
This is ok. It's better to be classic and bland than abrasive and memey.
Why even bother...
988 and 986 are pussy guidis. But they're still better than the rest of the shoes in this thread. Pretty decent fit.
Looks solid
Now this is bad oh man.
Nice job looking like every other pseudo artistic girl.
Looks great buddy
Awful use of drips Lmao. But cool pieces, solid fit. Overall.
Can't stand the clunky jacket details, but this fit is overall good.
Faggot hoodie. You have all the worst Rick items.
Almost good till I saw the shoe and no sock combo. Wear something like derbies Tbh.
I can respect this.
Entry level meme
Not great unfortunately.
Why would you bother posting this?
Nothing special but not horrific
The "cool kid" in the target catalogue core
This is ok I guess
Very bad.

>> No.14206980

>Another fit that hits
fuck off don't speak to me

>Getting my hair cut this weekend, not sure what cut to get though
go extreme. check out aw19 celine haircuts. lose weight and paired with that you can actually resemble some authenticity

>> No.14207027

choke me with your legs

>> No.14207221

w2c boots

>> No.14207247

Guidi 789z. Your best bet is grailed or yahoo auctions for a decent price.

>> No.14207255

You guys give him a lot of shit, Even if he did come with the sass in a shit fit a couple days ago

>> No.14207283

What would be a good price? I'm guessing around €300-400?

>> No.14207291

If you can get a newish pair for $700 consider yourself lucky. Once they're older you can get them for $600 or less but I'd stay away from anything less that $500 as they're bound to have tons of flaws that can't be fixed.

>> No.14207310

Thanks anon

>> No.14207327
File: 912 KB, 1536x2048, C374F7E0-B8F5-4AA5-8C7F-54386C535F11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls rate/mire

>> No.14207351

cringe kid stay in 2012

>> No.14207590
File: 815 KB, 1919x2166, _20190321_031506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight out of a japanese lookbook, very nice
anyone that wears those filas is the embodiment of uni student fashion victim
teenage angst-core, the stockings give me a stiffy tho
actually embarassing wow, what a waste of ccp drips
top half is good, pants are indeed too short + another pair of fashion victim shoes
Consistently the most annoying poster on this board; wears high school tier outfits and thinks theyre even worth posting, gets butthurt about negativity towards his pathetic wardrobe AND beta orbits any girl in these threads. Reconsider your life choices, buddy.
would be one of the best in thread if you had different shoes
your beanie is so fucking gay man, sick of seeing it
me likey
I fucking hate thrasher after all you peabrains swarmed it, and i dont even skate. At least you nailed the aesthetic but its tumblr inspo tier.
You should be adopting the aesthetic of that previous fit you wore (with the coat).
I would also dominate the fuck out of you.
nice fit and brutality, need more of both around here

>inb4 reeboks

>> No.14207610

Hey I actually like this! Great pants btw

>> No.14207659

Okay faggot who cares about how people dress

>> No.14207695

Fucking manlet

>> No.14207744
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 6E1FA563-CD50-4A31-9F14-943A8361A1F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my fit lads

>> No.14207799
File: 71 KB, 680x726, 394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resemblance is uncanny

>> No.14207801

thrasher hoe here, i agree w the hating thrasher part, sadly it’s the only shirt i have rn that has enough yellow to match w the rest of the fit. aiming at keeping up the other aesthetic but also am short of inspo for it

>> No.14207865

Where the fuck is your balls and dick? Hahahahahagya

>> No.14207878

Either of you know a taobao store that sells CANVAS drips? Not leather ones? As far as I know a real version doesn't exist that uses canvas.

>> No.14208050

and I say
fuckIng YIKES

>> No.14208064

this would be better w a plain shirt thrasher is too overdone

>> No.14208066

Very cool/simplistic and nice hearts on your shoes!
This is amazing.
Very cool shirt and shoes!
That sweater really makes this pop!
I like the oversize sneakers much!
Very comfy and cool!
I like you hair!
Really simple but cool!
Well done all black fit!
This looks very intense!
Nice sneakers and hat!
Cool sweater!
Nice Coat!
I like your jacket!
I like the sneakers, very nice!
Cool hair!
Nice all black style!
It matches!
Happy faces on the shirt awesome!
Very colorful jacket!
Preppy weekend style!
I like this jacket much!
Looks very goth and cool!
Very colorful shirt!
Stylish sneakers complate this!

>> No.14208126

: )

>> No.14208135
File: 6 KB, 112x112, 9DE4CC74-8E57-4378-8EEE-9E4899A05CBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14208208

aww please don't cry anon! I hope you are very happy with your Fashion!

>> No.14208213

literally look like every soi that owns a nintendo switch and collects funko pops as a hobby

>> No.14208226

>another sitting pic to hide how shit everything fits

>> No.14208239
File: 1.66 MB, 2434x4661, _20190325_100531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I dress for work

>> No.14208245

Looking to cop the jacket, how is the sizing on it? The model in the site wears an M and he is 6'1, I might have to go S as I'm only 5'10.

>> No.14208260

on the contrary, my camera is actually so shit it doesnt justify my fit, it has a fucked up fish eye effect on the top and bottom quarters of the shot and distorts my proportions. Sitting down has me centered in the photo and gives an accurate representation.
My mum is literally a tailor so none of my clothes fit like shit you coping retard lmao.

Did I thrash one of your fits in a WAYWT for you to be this butthurt repeatedly?
Come back with some new material next time at least, snowflake.

>> No.14208399


>> No.14208423

Kek is it that bad?

>> No.14208429

Sick earring. Reminds me of Toy Soldiers

>> No.14208630

Thanks anon

>> No.14208690
File: 2.37 MB, 1920x1080, BR2049 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep working out. also that over shirt's color is way too loud

if ur gna dress like that and have hair like that u need to lose 20 pounds

this is pleasant

this is fine. pants are a little tight imo


this is overall terrible. get real shoes or sneakers, throw away that shirt, don't wear a fucking v neck undershirt (or undershirt at all)

this is good cuz of ur body but the socks are a bit much. try getting lower ones with softer colors maybe

thrasher immediately makes u look like a poser / fast fashion victim. rest is fine

i can't tell if i like this. something about the proportions

lol this is like woman soi core

>> No.14208827

>all these excuses
Kek you're so defensive. Stand up next time so we can see you for the manlet you are

>> No.14208855

Middle one would be alright if you had socks, and didn't have those hideous blue shoes on. Left is irredeemable you look like a niceguy.jpg and right is just so basic i wouldn't think it was thought of for more than 5 seconds in the morning.

>> No.14209078

You’re a femanon who got two replies. It’s that bad.

>> No.14209258

Yeah right, I should have said that I'm single, have plenty of space in my wardrobe and take anal :/

>> No.14209260

fucking nazis

>> No.14209262

great fit, i'd change the shoes though

>> No.14209266

have sex (with me)

>> No.14209271

what rebooks are those

>> No.14209272

i like the idea of wearing an article of clothing closely associated with nigger "culture" and hating niggers

>> No.14209278

y-you're v-very we-well dressed, miss
can we have t-the a-anal now?

>> No.14209306

Hoo I'm blushing :3 but we're not on /soc
Also I'm french and that's usualy a turn off kek

>> No.14209355

>Also I'm french and that's usualy a turn off kek
n-not f-for me...

>> No.14209367
File: 51 KB, 320x155, Discord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek there you go, but I'll have to learn me how to dress

>> No.14209410

k, gave u invite

>> No.14209527
File: 508 KB, 754x1644, 20190326_130835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maximum squalor

>> No.14209570

You mean fabric in terms of dress pants? Just go to a store, feel for pants you like and check the tag or ask a worker. Google helps, maybe pick up some sewing or something dick around in a fabric shop and y’all to some old ladies. Use you’re noggin

>> No.14209578

Revenge Plus

>> No.14209599

>>14206680 here

Thanks for the response. What’s wrong with the shoes, specifically? Too garish?

>> No.14209664
File: 1009 KB, 504x1200, Pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a new t-shirt. This is more my style

>> No.14209728

nice hair mate

>> No.14209731

brought me back to the 80s

>> No.14209745


>> No.14209753


>> No.14209754

I have the same oralb they shill in every dentist office

>> No.14209782

Thanks! I hated them for years but I started to take care of them about 2 years ago.
I just adapted the curly girl method. It's a lot of work but I don't want to go back.
Lowpoo 2-3 days, leave-in conditioner every day, deep conditioner every week and ditch many bad habits.
Haha yeah, and it's not that great

>> No.14209970
File: 28 KB, 480x734, image_2019-03-26_18-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14210215
File: 1.27 MB, 1328x2000, 1522267073045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14210310


>> No.14210321 [DELETED] 

lol being this hurt on 4chan
stay incel, retard

>> No.14210336

>elaborate honestly
>"kek youre so defensive"
this is coming from the guy that has a vendetta against me in a waywt lmao
stay insecure, retard

>> No.14210380

Really into your look.
This pic has a strangely threatening aura desu

as for the fit, I think boots suit you. And you have an interesting face!

>> No.14210386
File: 3.50 MB, 3264x2448, 20190323_102124_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14210402


>everyone has to know I suck dick.

>> No.14210447

ur house. ur so casually rich. i fucking love your house but u dont get along with ur parents you dont dress for their lifestyle lol

>> No.14210473

why would you post this

>> No.14210477

oh so you're a manlet and you're fat?

>> No.14210485
File: 3.88 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20190323_170655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty indie fit

>> No.14210494

fat gook
go back to /soc/
jus wear sneakers w that plain of a fit
oh you again, with your kangaroo hands meant for $2 handies
ugly koala face but OK fit
go back to /fit/, what was the point of even posting this you ape
the fag strikes again
you were a meme on this board 2 years ago, now you are literally a meme ON this board. look at those ugly thumbs. you're obviously very poor and very retarded
boring but not bad
nb but still garish
nb but like... manlet
oh so close yet so far. imagine light wash denim w any heavy top LMAO
i wanna kick u in ur Teletubby tummy you fat orbiter
is a white supremacist
has shitty teeth and receding hairline and TITS
imagine wearing a leather jacket ever and thinking its cool. oh and referencing a meme that any indie whore can bc it slightly relates to ur retard outfit.
please lose weight & stop emotional eating lol
i am poor and also stupid and also retarded and also a nigger
cant believe u still post
you fucking ape
weak in mind, body, and spirit.
yeah even took some black cock too huh
the teeth
bc posting once just wasnt enough for your short-circuited pleasure receptors
kissies love xx
le skeleton core
then why post poorfag
sorry ur gf broke up w u
you fat fucking slam pig lol jesus i hope you read this and cry and eat more ice cream. jesus
haha loo

>> No.14210523

i hate those glasses. sorry brah.

>> No.14210551

I've got mixed feelings on them myself. Some site was running a promotion where I could get prescription frames and lenses shipped for a buck so I bit. Wore these cheap ones though bc I was going to a punk show and didn't want my nicer frames destroyed in a mosh pit

>> No.14210575

I get along well with my parents actually, they live much more modestly than the decor of that room would suggest.

>> No.14210576

You be you

But if you shaved the stache and got curtains haircut, you would be 10/10 K-Pop-tier.

>> No.14210577

>punk show
>mosh pit
>wears fag glasses

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.14210585

its ok unload all that pent up anger from your life
we're here for you bro

>> No.14210589
File: 568 KB, 1534x854, fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gf took of me with vintage film camera, was last weekend

>> No.14210592

what website, i want those lol

>> No.14210611

>ugly koala face
thats a new one lmao

>> No.14210612

So i'm just an outsider who came to take a look at whats considered fashionable, and holy fuck do you /fa/ people look worse than randoms on the street who don't give a fuck about fashion. If you're putting in effort, arent you suppose to look good? I honestly don't understand what's going on here.

>> No.14210616

Love the hair. What are your stats

>> No.14210620

you kinda look like pete davidson's less attractive less successful older brother who still lives at his parents

>> No.14210636


>> No.14210640

sieg youre an obese hapa looking neckbeard, why do you think you have a place to speak of the way people look in any way lmao

>> No.14210647

less attractive than Pete Davidson zam

>> No.14210656

says $5 is there a promo code to get the $1 glasses?

>> No.14210663

They had an Instagram promotion where if you had like over 100 followers you can register for the promotion

>> No.14210757

nigga you look like a 30 year old version of binky from hey arthur

>> No.14210797

>>14209258 based

>> No.14210821
File: 876 KB, 1665x3528, 2AA2BA3B-A5F6-48D9-A66C-C0D591A80358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow chads ;)

>> No.14210823

Fucking based
i got the same responses from the homos on this board after critiquing their "fits". Keep up the good work anon

>> No.14210889
File: 46 KB, 749x694, 1550572311656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14210891

id on pants?

>> No.14210905

*tips bucket hat*

>> No.14210915

Lurk more

>> No.14211013


>> No.14211102

>Revenge Plus

>> No.14211109

i lurk a lot, i just dress shitty

>> No.14211302

>has a vendetta against me
I've responded to you only twice only because you're an obnoxious cunt to other anons for no reason. It has nothing to do with a nonexistent critique on a nonexistent fit pic. This "cool guy" persona you're putting on while posting on an anime imageboard for the socially inept is just cringey as fuck.

>> No.14211311

freddie mercury? your jawline strong

>> No.14211323

i’ve gotten glasses from firmoo they run deals all the time like BOGO etc. they are cheap chinese glasses so don’t expect super duper quality but they have a ton of styles and most are really nice

>> No.14211377

/fa/ has always been about tough love, plenty of anons in this thread have done the same except I do it with a fit attached, plenty of people have given me shit (as you can see) and thats how the 4chan community operates. I will be constructive if I can see someone has actually taken the time to develop their aesthetic instead of most of the half-assed shit in this thread by newfriends, it has nothing to do with praying on the socially inept, Im on 4chan for the same reason as you guys.
Dont talk to me about being defensive and then straight up admit that youre actually butthurt towards another anon over some words on the internet about clothing because you think Im 'playing the cool guy', youve just made that assumption in your head because you have a face to associate it with, otherwise I would just be another anon talking shit and not posting fit.

If you can't take the heat, go to leddit. Im not gunna kiss ass in the hope of others to do the same for me, I just want the brutality from both sides because it makes the praise that much sweeter.

>> No.14211379


>> No.14211418

I ain't sure about those shoes & try a watch or a wristband or something, just to put something on your forearm. Other than that looks good

>> No.14211423

ID on pants?

>> No.14211466

>it has nothing to do with praying on the socially inept
Lol that wasn't my point. The "cool" persona just comes off as inauthentic and tryhard, especially coming from someone who frequents 4chan. You'd still come off as a zoomer dipshit, with or without your face attached. There's a way to be harsh without it being offputting.
>If you can't take the heat, go to leddit
My replies to your fit weren't even sincere yet you took them to heart. Take your own advice.

>> No.14211486
File: 2.52 MB, 2592x4608, IMG_20190227_012646__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asking for constructive criticism or further explanation isn't annoying in my book, bucko - if all people here can manage to respond with to a fit they don't like is "yikes", they're just brainlets, which is more of a they problem than a me problem. Also, merely complimenting girls' fits isn't "beta orbiting" lmoa

Also, have you seen pic related? Had to cover up my face 'cause I hate my facial expression here, but I got almost exclusively good feedback on this fit

>> No.14211504
File: 705 KB, 1728x1728, IMG_20190305_220227_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, at least your fit is good so I know I'm not being roasted by a dweeb. I do appreciate the criticism, though I haven't been posting my fits as frequently because I know how a lot of you don't like my fits (so now I only post fits that are at least presentable, which is a step up from some of my older posts).

Plus, I haven't been orbiting girls as much as I'm more preoccupied with anime these days, honestly (at least anime doesn't reject me). But I also don't really orbit girls here anymore because pursuing them is kinda hard without giving away personal info.

Pic unrelated, but I thought maybe you'd appreciate this fit (I actually tried with this one and felt somewhat confident wearing it). Dw, I've shaved last weekend.

Fuck, just realized I really typed up this blogpost. My bad lol

>> No.14211568

Okay, Im glad I updated the thread because I was gunna give you some hard words in response to your other reply, but now ill say what I really should say cause you just need a bit of guidance and I guess youll take my word for it.

Ive traded replies with you previously anonymously and im aware that the reason why youre stubborn about your current wardrobe choices is because youve bought a lot of these pieces recently. The truth is I started /fa/ and building my wardrobe around 6 years ago (and just completed it this past month), and I wasted A LOT of money early on buying shit impulsively, just like you. You need to be prepared to take the loss and recycle the clothes into home/gym clothes, or resell as much as you can.
With that being said, ill summarize the fundamentals of dressing well:

>start your wardrobe with the basics
Go into this buying safe, minimal staples i.e. monochromatic tees, black/navy pants etc
you start here so whilst youre building the foundation, it gives you time needed to explore styles and how theyre worn until you find an aesthetic youre drawn to, then you can start buying the statement pieces that fall into your category of interest i.e. chore coats, fishtail parkas etc

>if you cant picture your next purchase in at least 2 - 3 different outfits, then its an impulse buy
Self explanatory, but therell come times where you see something you really fucking like as a stand alone piece, but it does not end up meshing with your wardrobe. This is one of the easiest mistakes to make early on. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and have some self control.

I never wouldve realised how important this one wouldve been if it wasnt for the fact that my mum is a tailor. This is equally as important as the clothes you buy, because it determines your silhouette and proportions. Spending the 20 bucks on one pair if pants that fit exactly how you want them to beats 3 different pairs of okay-ish fitting pants.


>> No.14211632
File: 50 KB, 940x624, received_2424500374267188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask yourself, will I wear this in 5 years?
There will come times where we will get drawn to something trending or go through our phases. I for one, am digging the air max 97 aesthetic atm, but i know deep down this is only because of its recent boom in popularity, and i know I wont be wearing this shit in the next 2 years. Buy with the intention of longevity.

>colour palette/theory
have a consistent theme within your wardrobe so you can mix and match almost anything together. Since im pale, my warsrobe revolves around a cool themed palette, with a monochromatic foundation.
Since youre dark skinned, your wardrobe should revolve around warm colours.

and finally
>no matter what definitive aesthetic you choose, dont give a fuck about what /fa/ says about it
Youll never win with /fa/, youre either: a manchild with sneakers, a larper in boots or a cringelord in gothninja. I love my reeboks and my vans for their silhouettes, but I will always get railed for them no matter what. Once you KNOW what clothes define your style, it really doesnt matter what anyone says. /fa/ is very harsh and thats just how it is. If 100% of replies to your fit are totally negative by the end of a waywt, youre doing something wrong. If only 40 - 60% of those replies are negative, then youre definitely appealing to a demographic of two that understand your style, meaning youre doing something right. A good example is Huck, yeah his Seinfield aesthetic may not be for you, but he found what he loves and how to do it right, and you can appreciate his ability to pull it off.

You dont have to follow fashion, just learn the fundamentals of how to dress well. Thats why I suggest you stray away from feeling the need to post in waywt unless you need feedback on the way something fits, rather than your actual outfit.
All good things take time so just look forward to getting better everyday. Hope this helps man.

>> No.14211650

demographic or two*

lots of typos, my bad

>> No.14211657
File: 2.02 MB, 4032x3024, 3158E10D-D5BF-457E-9BD0-534D4CCC086F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my new shirt today!

>> No.14211664
File: 2.60 MB, 270x480, tspf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late 80s dennis miller impersonator

>> No.14212165

enjoy ur first acid trip buddy?

>> No.14212180
File: 2.38 MB, 1953x2770, 20190327_220054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14212195

Lol he's still finding his niche

>> No.14212372

ok but i feel like something is off
better than 90% of effay
very nice
basic but well put together, change tshirt though
completely basic but i actually like it, nothing bad about it
its good even though i dont really dig the aesthetic desu
boring but good at the same time somehow
nothing matches, is there any thought put into this?
basic bitch core but it'll always look good
wouldnt wear this outside if i were you but ok
it feels kind of mediocre desu
in awe at the size of this lad
kinda cute but also kinda offputting
shit and cringe, stop posting, ever
garbage proportions, your feet are like twice the length of your head, clown shoes, glasses too big, your face makes you look like an inbred hillbilly methhead, i couldnt dislike it more sorry
pants seem to fit well
change shoes, change hoodie and you'll actually look like someone who isnt autistic
this is pretty good but some of your fits feel way better imho
what the unholy fuck
change shoes to earth tones, overall good
this is really nice but personally i would like it better with derbies and black socks, but i guess you were going for something different
good, would like to see this without the beanie though
honestly very good fit huck, im not always a big fan of yours but this is geniuinely very nice
thought this was a sims 2 screenshot (awful sorry)
id change the shoes, they dont really fit shirt/chain combo, other than that looks just fine
not a big fan of this one


>> No.14212375
File: 128 KB, 640x927, 4a967dfb4b3a5884d4f8b4a3cb768217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice pics faggot, cant see shit, especially the jacket
but from what i can make out its fine i guess
nice bird shit on your jeans
very good, i like the jeans
you should get chuck 70s, they have a nicer silhuette and better materials
what am i looking at
see pic related
i like it, nice colors
all pieces are cool on their own but they do not match at all, honestly no idea what you were going for
also please get a haircut this looks awful seriously
i really like this, good job
nice jacket
why are you posting
not good at all
socks too long
good alternative thot core
kinda good but kinda meh
good sleaze desu, i like this, good job
good, maybe change shoes to match darker tones
change sneakers
other than that based
nothing really remarkable but it absolutely doesnt look bad imo
as always, kinda good and kinda autistic and the same time, but still good
you look like a child molester
you look like a child molester with a semi decent fashion taste
why are you posting this again, its very boring, bland, uninteresting, theres really nothing to comment on
change pants or at least cuff them, other than that its good
nice tshirt, everything else too boring to even notice

>> No.14212389
File: 3.51 MB, 4608x3456, 20190327_220029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add, how are my proportions? I care more about how my proportions are than what I'm wearing I'm 6 foot 1 32 waist 34 leg btw

Also sorry for not rating it takes forever on a smartphone

>> No.14212558
File: 776 KB, 504x672, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying sleaze core hows it going

>> No.14212650

I can feel the amount of unhappiness that this post is projecting

>> No.14212656

Completely and absolutely not one entire decent fit in this whole thread. Impressive

>> No.14212657

Good post

>> No.14212696

post a good fit then faggot

>> No.14212756
File: 360 KB, 326x661, 0D667617-AFB8-4B3D-A7B5-E3D315375787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, no bully

>> No.14212854

Good to see George Harrison is still kicking.

>> No.14212856

>tfw no amount of lifting can cure the soi

>> No.14213225

you sound like someone that likes to hear themselves
if you're method of criticism is "whatever pops into my head first" stop and realise this is not a psychologists appointment but and online board
half assed idiot

>> No.14213250

yea what a tool.

>> No.14213265
File: 362 KB, 1520x1520, IMG_20190323_213121_982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still cold where I live.

>> No.14213900
File: 2.08 MB, 874x1306, Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-28 um 17.41.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /zoomercore/ here?