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14196061 No.14196061 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a photo-taking tips thread?



I'm sure a lot of us have experienced this and I know I definitely have, when I go to take a pic in the mirror of my fit and my face looks terrible in some lighting and angle combinations and it ruins my day, or amazing in others and i get cocky, etc.

It's just basic photography principles, but it's also difficult to nail down exactly what makes you look good if you are an amateur photographer who's only experience so far is taking selfies and ootd pics

It's also to easy to fall into the pit of not being able to find the right lighting/angle and surrendering yourself to accepting your ugliness even if it's not that really that bad. So this thread I propose we share tips, critique each other's photos, and just generally help each other out.

Again, not a face rate thread. The ugliest motherfucker can come in this thread, but our purpose is to help him take better pictures, not giving him nip and tuck.

I'll start with one of the simpler tips I know of: Warm colored lighting is best, the more natural the better. I've found that the setting sun creates a really magnificent light to take pics in, phosphorescent lights also can provide a bit of the same idea but not as much, and cold blank white LED lights often should be avoided

>> No.14196096
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I find that my face's skin is generally the most tight during the morning. Throughout the day as I talk, make expressions, and eat food, my face loosens up and my wrinkles get deeper.

If you're fucking brown-eye scum, try to get a source of light to shine directly into your eyes. This makes you look less soulless.

I generally recommend using soft lighting, especially if nasolabial folds are a concern.

And no, this pic is not me, I found it on google.

>> No.14196114

Also, shaving makes your skin more taut, and my best pics are always immediately after shaving my face. (as long as I have done a good job and have not irritated my skin in the process)

>> No.14196132

Oh damn, good call on the shaving. My skin usually looks especially clear too when i shave.
Hard lighting can be used well sometimes in my experience if it's used to accentuate good detailes. Right here, the hard light accentuates his nose and make it look much bigger, bits of light show up in the left shadow create pretty ugly valley of skin. However, if you can somehow find a way to get hard light behind your head, or even a little behind and under, it can creat some nice symmetry on your face.

Also what do you guys use for soft/hard light? I recently picked up some christmas lights and and hung them around my room and i love it, at night the light is so soft and sleepy

>> No.14196204

Does your shaving end with cold water on the face? That could be part of it?

Some people to push-ups or jogging to liven up a bit and get themselves into a different headspace for photos and video.

I'd really like advice on inexpensive used cameras and fast lenses. 1080p video and shallow depth portrait & product photography suited lens.

>> No.14196213

I often finish up shaving with a bit of witch hazel to get moisture, smells good too

>> No.14196320
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holy fuck i was about to make a thread asking about how to take pics, my biggest problem is whenever i take a pic i try to smile and i look so fucking awkward its embarrassing, like i am constipated and about to shit myself.

i tried taking pics with a neutral expression and they come a bit better but i still look fairly autistic all around

>> No.14196519


You have to practice it in front of the mirror, but the most important part is the eyes. Fake smiles look like shit and they can be easily spotted because when you smile naturally there are some wrinkles around the eyes, and you need those wrinkles

>> No.14196634


>> No.14197173

Same dude. I just don't fucking get how to control my expressions. I have a fat baby face and I look like a creepy alien trying to mimic smiling. On top of that I have unnaturally deep dimples when I smile. And I can't figure out the optimal amounting of flexing my cheek muscles. If I don't try to smile I just look like a depressed autist.

>> No.14197389

>tfw can't make Tinder because no good photos of me

>> No.14197437
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i can take a good pic of me on my basement and get matches, but some girls asked me if i was fake or a bot since i have only one pic and i guess only one pic of my face reduced my match rate

>mfw live alone far from my home city so i dont even have friends to take pics with

>> No.14198022

>DSLR Camera
>Variety of focal lengths
>avoid close-ups