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/fa/ - Fashion

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14167873 No.14167873 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on workwear?

>> No.14167875

ridiculously fucking soi
and wearing a benanie rolled up above your ears is basically saying to the world "I'm a stupid fucking goyim slave that takes jewish cock up my ass eagerly"

>> No.14167876

exclusively worn by people who don't work.

>> No.14167945


This outfit doesnt make fucking sense. Hes wearing a firefighter's boots (I believe those are a pair of Whites) with a Ranchers pants. Lumberjack shirt with a Pipe Liners jacket. And to top it off hes wearing a fisherman's cap.

>> No.14167974

It's for hispters who like to LARP as manual workers, because they lack the masculinity of these workers.

It's the ultimate basedcore.

>> No.14167998

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14168000

just rich people again stealing from the working class

>> No.14168018

Yup. Only cholos and feminine hipster queers wear work wear when not working. Real work wear is covered in paint and shit and we take that shit off when we get home. Only white trash wears their dirty ass work clothes out.

>patrician commisioned auto body painter
>you fags will never know how it feels to make 80k a year sans a college degree and massive amounts of student loan debt

>> No.14168046

Incorportating workwear into your style is acceptable but going full workwear is dumb as hell

>> No.14168105

This is what I do, going all out is reddit tier.

>> No.14168341

cool life story

>> No.14168347

w2c those pants?

>> No.14168358

Go to a construction site. Observe what the workers are wearing. Base your 'workwear' on that, not some pic of a s0iboi wearing a Tough Duck toque or a carhartt jacket

t. Work construction a few days a week

>> No.14168366

if its not worn out its big gay

>> No.14168422

Every time.

>> No.14168440

Based and red-pilled

>> No.14168449

People shit on a shit style every time it comes up
>being surprised

>> No.14168464

1. Thrifted work wear
2. Combine with fresh technical wear
4. Dad hat
5. You are now a cyberdrunk

>> No.14169387

Like it but the people and culture congregating around workwear fits is fucking retarded. I'm not even some tough blue collar guy but basedboys are disgusting

>> No.14169953

I need inspo for this

>> No.14170056

based triple-0 score, but then isnt the opposite of this working class people who larp as rich bourgois? ie. anyone of the 99% who wear diamonds or drive mercedes?

>> No.14170060

>and shit and we take that shit off when we get home.
but what do you wear after you take it off then? that must be the secret essence of the lower classes style

>> No.14170142

SEXcore, of course

>> No.14170146

10/10 blog post

However jokes aside this anon has a point.

>> No.14170148 [DELETED] 

Go back to mfa cucklord

>> No.14170578

post pic

>> No.14171837

this will be either cringe or absolute fire

>> No.14171944

Timeless and practical. Lasts much longer for the price, if you know what you're buying.

All it advertises is "I don't have to wear a tie like you losers."

>> No.14171946

tryhard and cringe

>> No.14171950

da cringelord

>> No.14172075

Mostly sportswear, goretex, i see some dudes still wearing parkas, some wear slim jeans still, some dress like skaters after work. At my shop we get adidas employee store passes so we wear a lot of adidas. Not saying everyone is /fa/ after work though.
But its mostly jeans, t shirt, maybe if a more semi formal occasion a ocbd, goretex jacket and for some reason we all cop nice sneakers even the old heads.

Mfw the shop manager wears OG red and white Jordans. But i guess he is basically an office worker, still he wears carharts at work with the company issue button down. The other painter i work with wears a lot of track jackets.

>> No.14172088

But also i wouldnt say lower classes. Many trademan are making upwards of 60k a year. The first painter i worked with told me he averaged 120k a year because we get paid commisions basically. A lot of trades do, but we call it “flat rate” or “piece work”. The estimators come up with an estimate, it will say we get 10 hours worth of pay for a job, we do it in 5, we get paid those ten hours regardless. So in a typcal day we can flag 30 estimated hours but we are only working 8 real hours. Jobs that do this include electricians, welders, auto body techs & painters, etc.

>> No.14172093

I wear it but I'm actually a mechanic.

>> No.14172136

I'd kill for the pic of that hipster up close in the woods right now that you guys use to meme "Hello sir, I'm here for my first day at work"

>> No.14172140

Post more Space-Truckercore

>> No.14172144
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>> No.14172162

lil peep dad

>> No.14172185

Wearing those boots all the time and heelstriking is a surefire way to have no knees by 40

>> No.14172200

What exactly is commission work here? Who was paying that painter? The owner of the building or someone contracted above him?

>> No.14172290

The shop we work for pays us. Its set up this way so they handle all the administrative and marketing stuff while us techs just work. Prior to the 80s most trades like this were done by technician owned shops, there were a lot more body shops because they were all for the most part small operations. business peoples realized they could consolidate these techs into bigger shops and handle all the business side of it so everyone makes more money because the blue collar techs can just focus on their trade and not doing business stuff and thus do more repairs. Everyone makes more money this way. We make most our money off insurance work and since its the law to have insurance there’s always work.

>> No.14172294

My example was body shop specific but its kinda the same for the other trades i listed.

>> No.14172307

He's wearing an actor's boots, actor's pants, actor's shirt, and actor's jacket with an actor's cap, rest of what you said is just marketing

>> No.14172343

walmart. this isn't bait

>> No.14172347

absolutely soi

>> No.14172497

Wow that’s a lot per year! Sounds like u r doing well for yourself . How do I into trades work?

>> No.14173283

Trade school or apprentice program. Some places want you to complete a two year trade school program to enter their apprenticeship. I just started working in the shop as a detailer, a nice title for a car washer. From there i stayed after work and helped the painter for free to learn the basics of prepping cars for paint. The owner saw that i really wanted to learn to paint and moved me into the paint department as the paint prepper. From there i collected experience, started spraying primer and painting parts that wont get seen unless you took the bumpers off then started off painting bumpers only when they finally let me start paintng visible panels. After a while started painting more than just bumpers. They saw i was commited and sent me to certification classes that the shop paid for.

>> No.14173294

Really cool! Sounds difficult and alot of work.

>> No.14173320

Are you not worried about spending all day inhaling carcinogenic fumes?

>> No.14173632

I like simple workwear items like dickies pants or their eisenhower jacket, they look plain and are fairly cheap and durable

>> No.14173638
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peak aesthetics

>> No.14173994

I wear a full face mask respirator that has a fresh air system that pushes fresh air into my mask. We keep these respirators in an air tight case so fumes don’t destroy the filters which are changed every week. We also wear plastic suits while we paint. Plus we use a water based paint system so its way less harmful than the old school solvent based paints.

>> No.14174005

Anything worth doing takes time, anyone who tells you otherwise is usually trying to sell you bullshit.

>> No.14175096

everything looks brand new. wtf.

>> No.14175127

Looks like shit, worn primarily by PNW dwelling basedboys.

>> No.14175129

Boys of the onions, holy shit this new word censorship is cancer, eat a fat dick janitors.

>> No.14175131

S O Y fuck you cunts.

>> No.14176525
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yuppies can't achieve this aesthetic

>> No.14176941


>> No.14177420

I have to wear workwear for work and am happy to get out of it when I get home BUT Daniel Day Lewis looks good here. A lot of the better workwear brands are durable, so I understand the appeal. I'm pretty sure Daniel Day Lewis studied cordwainer's trade, so I also understand his attraction to Nicks/Whites/whatever those are.

>> No.14177474

dont want to start the age old flamewar here, but not everything is about how much you make and how quickly. If it takes a college degree and a couple years of debt to do something fulfilling for the rest of my life, I'll take that over jumping into a job making 80k+ a year. If thats what you enjoy doing, good on ya, but not everyone wants to spend a lifetime working trades.
t. man who has sampled various trades

>> No.14177513

workwear is good if its one or MAYBE two pieces in your fit. If your entire fit is workwear you look retarded.

>> No.14177593

thats fine just dont be one of those dudes who wants a handout or becomes a socialist because you realized your art degree or whatever is worthless in the job market. I did go to college for a year and a half but i dropped out when i realized the business degree market was oversaturated. I do actually like my job, i could have made more money sooner as an electrician because i did that for a little too after dropping out but i hated it so i ate shit for 5 years working my way up the body shop ladder until i started making decent money in the paint shop.

>> No.14177603

That's formalwear. Workswear is trades related.