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/fa/ - Fashion

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14167161 No.14167161 [Reply] [Original]

What does the yuppie look like in 2019?

>> No.14167335

I would say narrow lapel suits and narrow ties, but I don't even know if those are necessarily considered fashionable, anymore. They certainly are normal, though.

>> No.14167339

>grows facial hair out, but styles it / shaves it descriminantly as opposed to people like Muslims or Russians who just grow it out until it’s a hassle
>reads philosophy, especially Satre and Foucult
>goes to university, probably even graduated high school, spends entire life sitting down
>has never moved furniture
>works at a bank or another institution for weak people (I.e. the state department)
>wears short sleeve shirts except when he has to wear a suit
>wears close fitting clothing
>wears big cushy shoes
>always carrying a camera or a smart phone or both

>> No.14167340

wow is that reviewbrah today?! I feel old now

>> No.14167359

American Psycho

>> No.14167360
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>probably even graduated high school
How do you go to uni without graduating high school? Why would you even do so if you can't stand high school enough to graduate?

>> No.14168115

yeah thanks my man none of us knew!

>> No.14168126

I think he's implying that graduating high school is bad and going to uni afterwards is even worse

>> No.14168141
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>tfw this describes me almost to a T

>> No.14168154
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Better question is - why is /fa/ jelly of yuppies?
Your 50$ sneakers really cant compete with 500$ dress shoes, thats for sure.
Is it the money envy?

>> No.14168168

it always is, anon

>> No.14168187

patagonia fleece and airpods

>> No.14168235
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>> No.14168277

The real yuppies of our generation are all the uber-healthy, yoga doing, kale eating, blundstone wearing, smoothie making, urban farming, outspoken liberal, white but makes a point of hanging with people of color on social media, Portland types. I really cannot stand these people because they think they’re so fucking woke but have like no real experience or meaningful perspective on the world. I’m liberal as fuck but these people are making America worse by letting the right win in terms of rhetoric and petty arguments

>> No.14168292

Most yuppies today pretend to be poor

>> No.14168410
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>yoga doing
>kale eating
>blundstone wearing
>smoothie making
>urban farming

>> No.14168417
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>> No.14168508


>> No.14168538

He wouldn't wear suit unless he's a lawyer or investment banker. Probably a shirt without a tie

>> No.14168544

T-shirt, jeans, and a comp sci degree with a manbun

>> No.14168588

you need to ingest cyanide asap
btw I really really like that image, can I please save it?

>> No.14168766
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>> No.14170069

I know the kind of person you're talking about. But do they really fit the "professional" part of young urban professionals? They mostly do artsy shit and pseudosciences, right?

>> No.14170103

>poorly fitting sport coat
>button down
>running shoes
>leather satchel

>> No.14171514

i guess they're not necessarily rich but they have a lot of upward mobility due to their being white, living in a nice neighborhood, being college educated, rich parents, etc

>> No.14172923

Do you mean due to them not being a poor uneducated nigger?

>> No.14172952

Mr Porter

>> No.14173000
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>> No.14173027

He's quite a handsome chap, he'd look great if his clothes fit properly and he put some socks on.

>> No.14173238

Reviewbrah really should try to go to a tailor and try a slimmer fit

>> No.14173248


>> No.14173275

I wouldn't agree, narrow lapel suits and narrow ties are the sign of someone who wishes they were a yuppie but in reality just works some shitty office job that ideally wouldn't exist but because of the state of society it does.

>> No.14173279

>always carrying a smart phone
when did you write this? 2007?

>> No.14173287

I beleive he actually does get most of his suits tailored, but not in a contemporary cut. He's mentioned many times that he prefers the looser fit that was popular in the late 80s-90s. All his ties are wide band of the era as well. Speaking of which, his tie is tucked into his pants here >>14173000

>> No.14173671

w2cop fit? Where can I get shirts like this made? What are they called?

Goal body btw

>> No.14173730

aren't yuppies into suits and designer stuff?

>> No.14173771

Why’d you want such an atrocity? It looks fucking bad

>> No.14174610

hoodie, sweats/joggers, some overpriced negro shoe

>> No.14174613

when required to actually show up to work they wear (((skinny fits)))

>> No.14174757
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fuckin kek

>> No.14174814

Yuppies are the Hipsters, then?

>> No.14174912
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Shut up Varg.

>> No.14175109
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>> No.14175113
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>> No.14175115
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>> No.14175119
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I don’t think it’s entirely a money thing, most of them are more socially successful than most of us here.

Not to say that I’m an exception or anything.

>> No.14175213

Embarrassing how long it took someone to post the real yuppie uniform