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File: 109 KB, 640x1137, 53714750_621603571597381_8382810449285979114_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14153629 No.14153629 [Reply] [Original]

this drives incels away

>> No.14153636

I don't hate tattoos unless is something retarded like kid/boyfriend/deceased family member's name, shitty fads will obviously turn stale or muh epic quirky tattoos

>> No.14153814
File: 164 KB, 1080x1921, 35278526_239629510102795_6552637191812546560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14153817

>disliking permanent kiddie drawings on otherwise beautiful women

>> No.14153819

she's hot

>> No.14153825

based and redpilled opinion

>> No.14153833

>not liking something about a woman=incel
The vanity of females knows no bounds. I guess neckbeards and large guts drive thots away huh? Retard.

>> No.14153842

you could've just said that you were an incel instead of typing all that shit out you know

>> No.14153843


>> No.14153846

Seething retard

>> No.14153857

Would be cute with cute without the tattoos.

Tattoos are a clear sign of poor decision making. The tattoos isn’t necessarily a poor decision in itself, but a person who thinks things through would either fear that it ended up looking bad or affect their future. The fear would keep the person from actually going through with getting the tattoo.

TLDR; tattoos are for dumb people who won’t achieve anything. You therefore shouldn’t seek women with them.

>> No.14153863


>> No.14153864

Ive never seen tattoos make a woman better looking. They are only a negative.

>> No.14153968

- /pol/ NPC

>> No.14154000

tramp stamp

>> No.14154007
File: 171 KB, 668x1405, Yup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly every chick has a tattoo in my uni class here in Melbourne. i like it.

>> No.14154014

Found the incel

>> No.14154127

Link me a study that showcases this empirically.
I for one study math and run a small local business in Germany. I have a full sleeve includind the hand on my right arm, and a shoulder tatt that goes up to my neck on my left arm, and i don't consider myself dumb nor unsuccessful.

>> No.14154134

you're a söyboy living in a söyboy country

>> No.14154183
File: 138 KB, 800x1200, 219b811175e58669902584069f7e7908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minimal tattoos, discrete piercings
patrician and incels filter
>broad colored tattoos, eyebrow/ridge piercings
red flag, approach with care
>rockabilly trash, cheeck piercing, any body modification, tramp stamps
into the trash

>> No.14154206

Found the faggot

>> No.14154219

Tattoos look like you have stickers all over your body

Those little black script tattoos are usually okay though, like OP's pic. That wouldn't be a dealbreaker

>> No.14154221

Lol its not a script tattoo, but my point remains

>> No.14154237

You arent going to have a full, fun, or exciting life if you allow fear to dictate your actions. You only got one life, might as well live

>> No.14154244

One mans discrete tattoo is another mans tramp stamp.

>> No.14154245

Yolo mentality is exactly what the first post describes as poor decision making.

>> No.14154255

>One mans discrete tattoo is the incel's tramp stamp.

>> No.14154273

You have no tattoos and are typing paragraphs on /fa/. Who’s the dumb one?

>> No.14154517

You can tell by just being alive. No one at my office has tattoos. Yet when I go to McDonalds or the bar the people who work there have tattoos

>> No.14154521

every woman should get a tat if it repels the most undesirable living forms in the planet aka incels.

>> No.14154546

>You can tell by just being alive. No one at my office has tattoos. Yet when I go to McDonalds or the bar the people who work there have tattoos

>What is, selection bias?

>> No.14154557
File: 507 KB, 1463x1485, OPqvXxG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only good tattoos are the ones you cant see well
really activates my almonds

>> No.14155915

I've never liked tattoos personally amd would prpbably never get one unless it was a really good idea and meant something to me. That said I have never met a woman with tattoos that is worth anything more than a pump and dump so when I see women with tattoos I immediately expel any thoughts of a long term relationship. I know tons of stable and good guys with tattoos, women not so much.

>> No.14155921

so many incels itt

>> No.14155933

>this drives incels away

That's the point. No one needs them.

>> No.14156256
File: 7 KB, 483x216, 1499279559985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That has to be the most autistic thing i've ever read in my life.

>deceased family member's name
You have to be some micro-dicked fag to think that's retarded i bet u work at a hospital as a certified bitch boi because you're too much of a beta bitch nigger kike get your ass fingered by the cigarette infested 50 y/o wops who sucked so much dick in their high school years that god himself came down from heaven and gave them their cna wings. you'll never attend nursing school like you tell your daddy everytime he comes into your room to beat you with his belt because he knows youre a fucking failiure you jew

>> No.14156314

I actually like Melbourne but

I bet half of the girls are dudes

>> No.14156318

only trashy women have tattoos
t. chad

>> No.14156321

>Be me
>Draw on hand
>Wash off hand before bed

>Be you 25
>Draw on hand
>Use needle instead of pen
>Cant wash away the sin
>Go to bed with a dude
Tatoos are for godless degenerates

>> No.14157770

Most of gays are incels who couldnt get women and became gays to rise their chances of get laid.
If you hate incels, you hate gays.

>> No.14158502
File: 98 KB, 1024x788, pepe cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incel here,can confirm

>> No.14158528

Lol, holy avocado salsa you're mad. I wonder how many of those retarded tattoos you have thinkingemoji

>> No.14158589

b8 af

>> No.14158636

but nobody ever says anything about the volcel

>> No.14158646


>> No.14158746
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 1548897417463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have your girls name tattooed on my dick nigger.

I bet you were so desperate that you took your ricer honda civie behind the town bowling alley and met Tori the Whore and when she saw your broke ass she almost denied you until you offered her a bogue then she agree to let you give her cumies and when you pulled her in the back of your car you saw her horse dick but you were so desperate you still buttfucked her queer with your 2inch punisher and when you were done she talked to you like a fucking beta, "Night, hun. That's $20"

>> No.14158750

it really does

>> No.14158755

I don't mind tattoos as long as thry actually mean something like "this is my grandmas cottage" or "this is the date of my first child was born on" don't fucking get some random tattoo of a fucking bird with "tranquility" in cursive or some retarded shit.

>> No.14158812

does the first letter of her name start with "h"?

>> No.14158818

meaning is a meme

>> No.14158900

it's always low IQ cattle that make assumptions like this based on their largely meaningless personal experiences. you realize many professors/academics/researchers have tattoos as well?

>> No.14158966

>t. buys his art from walmart

>> No.14158968

alice kristiansen.

a scandi immigrant

>> No.14159019
File: 85 KB, 1080x810, 19122468_130100410903153_3432114288993501184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14159079

hope this post is ironic lmao fucking cringe

>> No.14159081

Nah she's a real chick
Alice kristiansen

>> No.14159089

Melbourne girls are so full of air... be careful bro

>> No.14159115

>this drives incels away
whore cope

>> No.14159308

not true, went to high school with her. shes from new jersey

>> No.14159328

she looks to white to be american

>> No.14159339

You’re here on 4chan and yet you assert not to be a godless denegerate like the ones you do very put down?

>> No.14159341

hope this post is ironic lmao fucking cringe

>> No.14159388

i dated a girl with a lot of (reasonably tasteful) tattoos for a good while. she was a very kind person but immature in some ways. people are just people yanno

>> No.14159403
File: 69 KB, 500x282, tyanny_of_choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are only dimly aware that incels exist because unfuckable men are kind of like ghosts to them.
I'll give you an example. There are many stories and comments on those stories about women flipping out that men buy $10,000 sex dolls.
A reasonable person would think "A man that would spend that much on a sex doll must be incredibly ugly and creepy."
But the women see it as "A Chad with 10,000 to piss away on a blow-up doll must be incredibly misogynistic!" It doesn't occur to them that the men are undesirable, they see the zeroes and imagine the men must be worthwhile.

So you were partially right. The tattoos ARE to drive men away. But it's not that they want to drive away shitty men and attract Chad. It's just that they want to drive so many men away that they don't have the burden or responsibility of picking the right one out of 50 dudes.

The boyfriends of girls with a lot of tattoos will invariably be effeminate, weak, beta. They'd be here posting with us except they have slightly better social ability and slightly less dignity so they will do what it takes to be doormats that get occasional pussy.

>> No.14159431

incel cope

>> No.14159525

imho tattoos are a sort of confidence coping like people overtly caring about their beard. Never saw anyone truly fashionable with tattoos, skin is much more beautiful. Also never saw a tattoo I liked, try posting them

>> No.14160892

I can partially agree with this because I used to be a stripper and I was probably the only one there with no tats. A lot of them had a lot of tattoos that aren't cute and they regretted them sometimes

>> No.14160902

But I dont think it automatically makes someone a dumb person who wont achieve anything. It just means they're possibly stupid as fuck. And everyone is at some point