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/fa/ - Fashion

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14132996 No.14132996 [Reply] [Original]

What jobs are /fa/ ?

pic not related

>> No.14133074

a job you enjoy doing.

>> No.14133328

what if i don,t enjoy anything..
(not to sound like a sad fag its just i don't go towards enjoyment)

>> No.14133335
File: 30 KB, 439x699, images (35).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garbage collector.

>> No.14133345

how to reply doe

>> No.14133349

voice guy from strokes

>> No.14133351
File: 253 KB, 1200x896, 8725093077_6661a9f1cf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subway driver

>> No.14133352

Magazine editor
Humanities professor
Ice cream man

Everything else can fuck off

>> No.14133359

hmmm these sound interesting

>> No.14133363

Tennis player, Golfer, Golf Caddy, Sailor, Military (usually), game warden, antique collector, professor (sometimes), most business owners can be (like owning your own bar), firefighter, pilot, librarian, lawyer and financist (Wall Street for example).
Poorfag list:
""""Artist""", barista, crack/meth/dopehead (etc), bartender, bellhop/boy, writer/author, accountant and finally homeless persons or runaways.

>> No.14133443

Those of you who are employed what is your job

And could you talk about it a bit

(not a fa question but hey)
(how to reply to person doe :( )

>> No.14133517

i work in a bar as a waiter/bartender

i also work as a gardener

im 21 and put in 80 hours a week jej

shoulda went to school...

>> No.14133550

why ?
you don't like it or its 2 much 4 you

>> No.14133565

i sleeep 80 hours a week dude how do you work it

>> No.14133583

inhewri INHWERIRRTANCEW INHERTIANCE collecfvtiro inhriotatnce colllerctor working isnt feffay desu

>> No.14133615

>she was struggling with drug abuse
Which drugs?

>> No.14133678

for starters working in the music or fashion industry should be a no brainer, model, working at the bank, working at a casino, painter, working for the mob, politician, astrologer, lawyer for corporations/companies, NEET programmer/hacker, hairdresser, restaurant/bar owner, language translator for difficult languages, museum curator, owner of a vineyard etc.
These are my favorite.. or at least I think they are pretty ''effay''

>> No.14133685

>working at the bank
Like a bank teller? How is it fa?

>> No.14133694

idk sounds cool to me I guess .. like maybe someone comes in to rob the bank and shoots you in the head thats pretty dope I think

>> No.14133706

I dont have a job but i do some carpentry (kitchens..etc)
Art (tattoo , painting ,photography,woodburning)
Siht with plants like raspberry and sum trees

what do you thing about this stuff

>> No.14133729

also forgot being a pimp if you still can manage it these days or like help run the webcam shows for camgirls, professional dancer, being a sniper in the military, orchestral conductor,

>> No.14133774

i started uni at 22 whats stopping you?

>> No.14133790

i work in design, it's my dream job. i like to code too, which brings in a healthy side of dosh despite being barely part time.

>> No.14133878

absolutely based and redpilled, fpbp