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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 135 KB, 648x595, feel3ef - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14126167 No.14126167 [Reply] [Original]

What does it feel like to be You /fa/? Tell us...

>> No.14126216
File: 96 KB, 736x932, 71c057d53e5846b2840b0e60ff4ea1ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone always thinks I'm a homo or a trannie.

I unironically take it as a compliment now.

>> No.14126568

I'm interested in someone but their social media presence is super dated and low quality.
>30 pictures
>only posted once in 2017 and 2018
>have actively posted since 2014
>but still uses their account daily??
It doesn't make me like them less but I'm trying to figure out what It implies.

>> No.14126594

It implies they don’t want to post more stuff and value their privacy

>> No.14126599

I'm assuming you're talking about Facebook.

You're either old as shit or incredibly behind the times. Nobody young (<30) uses Facebook as their primary social media platform. More than likely they have a snapchat or insta that they regularly use.

Main reason for the hop is all you eStalkers

>> No.14126641

your clothes should reflect your personality
why are you dressing like a faggot if you arent one?

>> No.14126719 [DELETED] 

yeah but all his profiles are public so they care that much.
well im not talking about facebook lmao i was referring to his ig

i thought the
>30 pictures
>uses acc daily
made that clear

>> No.14126727

yeah but all their profiles are public so they don't care that much about privacy.
well i'm not talking about facebook i was referring to his ig

>> No.14126857
File: 1.48 MB, 3076x1059, gloomer at the grocer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14126894

idk why i'm spending so much money and effort on becoming effay. I don't even go out much, I just turn in to a zombie when I'm back from work.

>> No.14127136
File: 787 KB, 1342x1344, Screen Shot 2019-01-30 at 9.43.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tall and skinny is a plus
>but i have hip dips
>pants will never look genuine on me
feels bad

>> No.14127186
File: 603 KB, 1024x898, 1545808406100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, but seriously

>> No.14127568
File: 236 KB, 1800x1462, 593DA3AB-D2F2-49DF-8C80-AEFAD72D6D37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he feeling

>> No.14127583

not it

>> No.14127872

minimal posting to just zero social media preference dedicated to pictures is a huge plus

>> No.14127898


>> No.14128185
File: 1.42 MB, 3571x1759, rules to break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a surreal day. he just needs some time to think about what happened earlier.

>> No.14129467

i agree for the most part and all their pictures are mostly with family too which is nice and wholesome. but they still browse their feed a lot so meh

>> No.14129598

Already gay so can't relate to these normie ass >do they think I'm faggot????!!! :(
Anyway, walking into a room and making an impression without saying anything
Not speaking to a person and having them remember me anyway
Being compared to celebrities (I get Superman a lot for some odd reason)
>You should model, doesn't he look like a model???
"Oh my friend was asking me about you" literally any time you meet someone new
It's all cool and whatever, but this type of stuff gets a little annoying. Some days you just want to be low key but you can't help it when you figured out a style that suits you and you can pull off effortlessly

>> No.14129614

I feel like you are larping

>> No.14129645

I wish, it's a burden, I'm a huge introvert and I'd rather not get all this attention anymore.

>> No.14129657

If you're that attractive suck it up and start making a career out of it

>> No.14129664

I would like to but I'm extremely lazy, I fall into routines a lot. I make decent money in a management position and it's all very cushy so I don't see myself modeling.

>> No.14129677

I don't mean modeling. Don't you have some kind of artistic (or any other) passion to pursue? Being exceptionally attractive is a great platform. You've been given a unique opportunity, you shouldn't let your introversion cripple your potential

>> No.14129694

That's interesting I never thought about using my looks to propell a career. I do love art in general, I do take day biking trips and practice photography maybe I should put myself and my work out there or maybe develop a new skill. You're right, I shouldn't let my introversion cripple me like that, thanks man.

>> No.14130250
File: 158 KB, 441x372, 1541218926805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im struggling to be satisfied with my body man. i think its getting serious. its pretty much all i think about
im 5'8/172.72 cm, 122lbs/55.3kg. i suppose most people would be satisfied with that if they want to be skinny but im still not happy with it. i eat fairly healthy and go to the gym a lot so my body comp isnt complete shit. but i dunno what it is bros, it feels like borderline body dysmorphia
im also a uni student hating what i do and i work part time at a convenience store to pay rent/tuition so i dont have money for clothes anymore but thats not a big deal
sometimes i wonder why i just didnt start streaming on twitch a few years ago or why i didnt try harder in school before uni
really all i want is a job that pays enough for me to live in a cozy apartment where i can have enough free time to play video games and work out. fuck.

>> No.14130468

Fuck man that's the dream, I really don't know what to say I'm pretty comfortable work wise and plan on going back to school and take it seriously this time so I'm halfway to that life. There's really no exit out of it except power through it, I know it can feel like you're trapped or like you have to take immediate action but don't. Also don't get caught up bulking/trying to gain weight where you get to a point where you eat anything, you'll make the same mistake I did my first time bulking where I gained very little weight and put on bf instead.

>> No.14130945

It implies that this person is actually cool as fuck, posting on social media is retarded and pointless

>> No.14130949

I have 3 papers due tomorrow and I've written 2 so far. I'm doing pretty dang good