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File: 238 KB, 940x635, thirlwell_1-042315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14119570 No.14119570 [Reply] [Original]

Post hair inspo, questions, and advice.

>> No.14119656
File: 73 KB, 575x575, 339CC3BE-C147-47E5-BA3D-68C2D193FD7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s the name of this haircut? How do I ask a stylist to cut it like this

>> No.14119798
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190220-213431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I get it cut boys?

>> No.14119813

Buzz it my dude.

>> No.14119825

keep for another 5 months then come back

>> No.14119843

Looks pretty cute DESU senpai

>> No.14119895

>tfw gf won't brap for u

>> No.14119896
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, grhgysdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about this guy's haircut (Daniel Shake), I have a similar face and skull shape (If I'm fortunate with the fat on my face), but I can't seem to get a good view of his hair for my barber, might just show him this picture

Right now I'm just growing my hair after a buzz, not for the meme, but because I never seen myself bald.

>> No.14119899
File: 91 KB, 1080x1080, 38097564_304623823475614_5292855668225605632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better picture

>> No.14120013

not balding but every male in my family including me has the vegeta hairline, why even live

>> No.14120020


>> No.14120103
File: 924 KB, 539x956, c5f361394609d3490633a384ad6fdce8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one get hair like this? Obviously grow it out, but what kind of gel or paste should be applied?

>> No.14120116
File: 706 KB, 1123x1242, 2743E2FA-3E71-4F6E-90E9-EE638A400253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to describe this kind of haircut or have any similar images? This the only picture I have and I would show it to my barber if it weren’t for the fact that this is a blurry screenshot from a video.

>> No.14120139
File: 165 KB, 750x1334, 33C0FC33-0F50-4016-B6C9-58136562F191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never taking buzzpill unless absolutely need to. Wondering if there’s any haircuts that would go good w my head :/ have had multiple different cuts but it’s really hard finding one I actually 100% like

>> No.14120201

romanians are hot. ditto for Mihai Eminescu

>> No.14120473

i have very long straight dark hair
should i cut it? is it normal for guys nowadays to have long hair, its been almost 7 years for me

>> No.14120551

> very long
how long? long for a girl or long for a guy?

> should i cut it
your choice. if you're just cutting it because you want to change up your style, there's plenty you can do with long hair to make it look different besides getting a hair cut.

> is it normal for guys nowadays to have long hair

sort of. long hair on men has gone through periods of semi popularity throughout history, but it's never been mainstream proper.

"long hair" can mean so many different things, it really depends on how it's styled, parted, etc.

>> No.14120552

honestly? it looks fine right now. what kind of haircuts have you had already?

>> No.14120937
File: 18 KB, 280x499, hairthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing my hair out after being buzzed for a long time, any advice on how to cut it so i dont look absolutely autistic?

>> No.14120938
File: 74 KB, 750x1334, hairthread2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

front view

>> No.14120971

ik i need to shave I'm out of razors

do i cut? or grow a couple more inches

>> No.14120976
File: 131 KB, 750x1334, IMG_6115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.14120986

Are you actually gay?
If not, just get a decent side parting or a quiff

>> No.14121014

how old are you, anon? i'm just curious

also, you could always trim with (a small pair of) scissors if you truly don't have any razors

>> No.14121088

i suck the ocassional bbc like the sissy wh*te boy i am, but im in fact straight

>> No.14121096


>> No.14121221


>> No.14121245
File: 147 KB, 1340x1600, haar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I have my hair cut? When it gets long like in the picture it starts to curl up on the sides and that is what annoys me the most.

>> No.14121662
File: 176 KB, 356x584, hur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope my hair ages like David Lynch's.

>> No.14121683

buzz it again, bet it looked really good

>> No.14121771

is that corneliu codreanu

>> No.14122269

start using a better shampoo that doesn't dry out your hair, and use conditioner more often. looks good though

>> No.14122282

either cut it short or grow it out to your shoulders, and get some skincare products

>> No.14122509

Can I just beg my gp for fin? I'm afraid I'll go in and I'll be turned away just because I'm young. it's my fuckin hair obviously I know if it's falling out.

>> No.14122527

It's not really a style.
It's just a neglected schoolboi, with no sense of direction, nor adult guidance. Will have mommy issues in the future (if not already).

>> No.14122535

products recommendations for less shiny / matte looking hair?

>> No.14122551
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1944, 20190131_171105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my hair, a wavy and curly and straight look, btw it's only grown on the top of my head.

>> No.14122553
File: 43 KB, 750x564, FC141D25-D8F8-4BAD-A04C-7C6839B9F03F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got a YouTube tutorial for this?

>> No.14122555

kill yourself

>> No.14122595
File: 23 KB, 167x184, buzzpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14122607

This is every fucking douchebag private school kid in my area (Melbourne)

>> No.14122800
File: 366 KB, 2149x1538, D80401A8-C24E-4B87-A403-ED8E4A694782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 / advice

>> No.14122862

just look for matte pomade. avoid oil based pomades. I use american crew matte pomade and it's p good

>> No.14123097

Looks fine

>> No.14123108

too short for my liking, but if you're happy with the length i guess.

do you use any products in your hair?

>> No.14123184

Thats balding you true gentile

>> No.14123315
File: 107 KB, 640x960, 1404847753967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What products are being used in this hair?

>> No.14123347

Probably Jean Eticks

>> No.14123447

More like every white dude at Laneway. Put a striped shirt on that dude and you got a festival wigga.

>> No.14123470
File: 474 KB, 500x638, wqes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long for a girl or long for a guy?
how long are either of those?
mine is like 40cm i think
> there's plenty you can do with long hair to make it look different besides getting a hair cut
like what? a bun? i feel like its tryhard to look trendy which i obviously dont follow since i do have long hair
>it really depends on how it's styled, parted, etc.

i have basically pic related hair
i found myself wearing pony tail more often than not, am i subconsciously wanting to get rid of it and move it away from my face and head?

>> No.14123475


>> No.14123486

> how long are either of those?
long for a guy would be like, shoulder length. long for a girl is your current hair.
> like what? a bun? i feel like its tryhard to look trendy
god no. i hate manbuns with a passion. ponytails are slightly better but still terrible.
>i have basically pic related hair
hmm. you could get it cut a little shorter and do a side part, then style it with products + hairdryer so you get a lot of volume on top.
conversely you could also push it all back and cut it dramatically.

the thing is, when you have hair that long, it's really hard to sit in any particular position without heavy styling. you're basically fighting against gravity.

sorry if this isn't particularly helpful. for some reason i assumed your hair was shorter than it actually is. why did

>> No.14123487

* why did you grow out your hair long in the first place? were you ever trying to achieve a specific look or aesthetic?
or was it just laziness?

>> No.14123495

Ignore this guy anon. Take the buzzpill and shave off your shitty metalhead hair

>> No.14123506

yeah it seems there are no many options when the hair is this long, either its manbun,ponytail or just letting it go to fly everywhere
i actually never used any products and i never styled it, its pretty solid hair and i took care of it
i never grow it because of some influence, it wasnt for trends or music fashion
it seemed that it goes well with my character, i dont see myself as a normie with cool,decent, "grown ups" hairstyle but i am now 27 and its probably fucked up thing to wear
it wasnt laziness, having long hair and making it always look good is far opposite of being lazy, its a lot of work , especially when its winter

kinda seems its too harsh to expose my scalp so suddenly, if i would ever to cut it i would have to go step by step so the skin of the skalp can get used to more sunlight,dryness etc.
also it really is not shitty hair, i dont look dirty like a hobo or metalhead

>> No.14123513

>the dirt
>the worms inside of the dirt
>popos stool
>then popo

>> No.14123525
File: 125 KB, 1000x750, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to style my hair like peak Clint Eastwood?

>> No.14123559

> i actually never used any products and i never styled it, its pretty solid hair and i took care of it
this is good. you can style but mitigate damage (being wise with heat, wetness, split ends, etc), but obviously any styling (even putting it in a bun) is going to cause damage.

> it seemed that it goes well with my character
what is your "character" then? how do you dress? do you have any facial hair?

> i am now 27 and its probably fucked up thing to wear
not necessarily. it's not like having long hair is an "immature" look. whether it's mature looking or not is entirely dependent on context.

>having long hair and making it always look good is far opposite of being lazy
yeah, i know anon. my hair isn't even as long as yours and it's still a lot of work. but i like how it looks, and i've worked out a (ever improving) routine to get there.

> kinda seems its too harsh to expose my scalp so suddenly
definitely, don't take notice of that retard.

this is lame, but honestly, you shouldn't take notice of whatever is "on trend" or "expected". do whatever you want, just make it work and be realistic.

>> No.14123561

nice hair anon, i'm rather envious with my bone straight hair. what's your haircare routine like?

>> No.14123564

> I'll be turned away just because I'm young
how young are you? either way, if you are genuinely going bald, i doubt your GP will deny you a script for fin.

you just have to be wary though because there's a ton of side effects with it, and nobody is really sure what it might do long term. your doctor might be hesitant to prescribe it for that reason. but as long as you're informed and your GP is not retarded, you should be fine.

also, he might recommend starting you out on minoxidil first. oftentimes, if you start early enough, you won't ever need fin if you've already been on minoxidil for a while.

>> No.14123570

start going bald /s

it depends on whether you already have a similar hair style to him, but it doesn't look particularly complicated.
you might only need a matte fiber or something, maybe with a mousse and a hair dryer if it's too flat.

>> No.14123572

>how do you dress?
i would say pretty normal, nothing trendy or out of order that catches attention
i would say that i dont have well defined style in how i dress
>do you have any facial hair?
not always, i switch between clean shaven and not shaving for a month or so
currently i am at the beard phase and i was thinking to style it a bit or just clean shave if i get annoyed

>> No.14123577

> i would say that i dont have well defined style
you're on /fa/ lol

> not always, i switch between clean shaven and not shaving for a month or so
beware. going clean shaven w/ long hair without a sufficiently "masculine" jaw / face shape will end in misery, unless you're purposely going for that femiboi / twinkish look.

consider other facial hair styles, also.

>> No.14123583

>you're on /fa/ lol
yeah, asking advice from people that know fashion which i dont

i was considering about letting grow the the chin beard and the rest to be trimmed symetrically so it looks pointy at the chin because i dont fancy the gandalf mode, i dont think that growing beard on the whole face would look that nice

>> No.14123654
File: 162 KB, 450x416, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i dont fancy the gandalf mode
just a personal suggestion, but maybe a van dyke would look good on you. i don't know what your face shape looks like, you might be trying to hide a weak jaw, but if not...

also, i think it'd be neat to experiment with different lengths of hair on different area of your face. kind of like the mustache w/ heavy stubble trend that happened recently, pic related (but more so in the general idea, not the specific execution)

these are just suggestions though. i'm not really sure what you actually want to do.

>> No.14123661

Balding cope

>> No.14123667

>i'm not really sure what you actually want to do.
i guess this is the core of the problem
i dont know what i want or what should i do
also, i am just finding out the whole science behind face shape, hiding weak jaw and other fashion technical terminology
i never thought about it
i guess im just trying to find myself and what is my "thing" , except of course if i cut my hair well thats it no going back and when you have this long hair theres not much options as i said, ponytail,fagbun or letting it go(which is probably looked down uppon since im not a highschool kid and it looks immature and what not)

>> No.14123706

>also, i am just finding out the whole science
behind face shape, hiding weak jaw and other fashion technical terminology
i know this isn't helpful at all, but there really is no science or "theory" behind it. it's just connotations and what certain things imply / are communicating. don't let anyone else fool you here, there is no objective way to go about this.
>inb4 fucking pomo autist
i know. i'm ashamed too, but you know it's true, even if it's not very helpful

> i guess im just trying to find myself
trying to "find yourself" is only useful if you have absolutely no idea what to do, and you need some kind of guidance as to where to go.

i think you should just try to consume a lot of media, and try to deconstruct why you do or don't like it (in terms of what it's telling you). all you need to know is what you like, and what you don't like, nothing more.

> except of course if i cut my hair well thats it no going back
you don't have to go full way. experiment with the current length of hair you have right now, use styling products, fuck, even braid it if you want.
if you're still unhappy with it, feel free to cut it to a shorter length (not drastically, but just so it changes the geometry of how the hair sits enough).

>> No.14123720

thank you anon
no way to know unless actually trying out what fits me and experimenting a little

>> No.14123991

How do I start taking care of my hair?
I honestly dont know what to do or where to start
All I do with my hair is use shampoo and conditioner and that's it I dont do anything else besides using my hands to move my hair from left to right.

>> No.14124013

Dude can you post more of this hair

>> No.14124226

I use conditioner everyday in the winter time for like 5 to 6 days then I shampoo my hair when it gets to oily, I don't really dry my hair I just let it dry,
In the summer my hair gets oily faster but I still use conditioner everyday.

>> No.14124231

what kind of conditioner? silicone free? any styling products?

>> No.14124246

you don’t need to take care if your hair if it’s short. even conditioner is overkill for short hair because the sebum from your scalp easily gets to the ends of your hairs at that length.

if you have longer hair though, it primarily comes down to making sure you keep oil / sebum away from your roots and more to the ends of your hair. that’s the basics anyway.

i need more info to help you anon. let’s start with your hair type

>> No.14124410


No just the basic Walmart cheap shampoos and conditioners, called like slve idk off the top of my head but no I hate hair gel

>> No.14124485
File: 46 KB, 467x657, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based and redpilled. How did Romanian fascists have such peak aesthetics lads?

>> No.14124495

No products, I generally just try to keep the natural oil in my hair. Products I have tried generally make my hair look greasy

I have been paranoid that I am starting to bald. I’m only 25 this shouldn’t be happening...

>> No.14125817
File: 587 KB, 1508x1374, 20190222_232756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a photo

>> No.14125828
File: 266 KB, 1031x1600, claude monet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14125834
File: 1.11 MB, 1000x667, 0BF9C419-570E-4A03-82D0-8971555B4388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14125982

>take shower
>grab comb
>have at least a double digit IQ
>part hair on side and gg no re

>> No.14125988

shampoo less, your hair looks extremely dry and frizzy. are you asian? they tend to have thicker hair that behaves differently to european straight hair

>> No.14126061

I just want soft, non frizzy hair. Any advice? I have short wavy hair btw

>> No.14126122

>dry hair so it's not dripping
>use comb brush and brush hair back like slick back
>wait for 5-10 minutes for it to dry a bit
>use comb to part where you want - side of head
>brush hair either side of part with comb brush
>use comb brush to create fringe pomp
>brush sides back

>> No.14126144

> don't brush your hair, use a wide toothed comb on wet hair w/ conditioner
> shampoo less, but obviously this is dependent on how oily your roots are, and what look you're trying to go for
> low heat when using hairdryer, focus on roots
> air dry as much as possible
> no rubby rubby with towel, only mop up excess water by squeezing, nothing more

pretty typical haircare stuff. if you're already doing this, then maybe you need to check out curly girl routine or some shit and invest in some memey silcone free conditioner and gel

>> No.14126190

wish I had your head shape and haircut desu

>> No.14126203
File: 2.51 MB, 2448x3264, Hairline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for guys with high round hairline or high forehead?

>> No.14126211

Dont slick back. If your not gonna go full greasercore

>> No.14126223

nothing. not being able to see the rest of your face makes me unable to judge whether bringing attention to your forehead is a good thing or not.

in terms of general advice unrelated to your hairline, ditch the wet look. do you believe you're going bald? are you asian?

nice skin btw

>> No.14127406
File: 1.69 MB, 1674x2085, 20190223_214302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will a buzz suit me for my headshape? I'm a Norwood 2-3 by now at 22. Won't do it by now but will be most likely my last option in 5-10 years.

>> No.14127432

I'm not saying you should buzz it, but I will say that you aren't fooling anyone by having a comb-forward. You can take it shorter without going full buzz

>> No.14127442

>Monet was a chad
makes sense

>> No.14127446

i fucking love your music Mr. Krule

>> No.14127454

Kek best compliment so far I love him too

>> No.14127475

favorite album? I love New Place 2 Drown, might be my all time favorite album. without your hair i think you'll just look like a typical european skinhead so pretty /fa/

>> No.14127507

I have no favorite album but I love the music video version of Out Getting Ribs, a Lizard State and Octopuss.

>> No.14127675
File: 1007 KB, 720x1036, image_2019-02-23_14-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i used to look like

>> No.14127676
File: 35 KB, 720x1036, image_2019-02-23_14-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i look like now

Please help save me

>> No.14127685

Oh that’s unfortunate

>> No.14127708

I have straight asian hair and a high hairline/forehead. How can I maintain and keep volume in the front of my hair so it stays up, but also looks natural? It looks acceptable after I shower, but falls flat quickly. I'd like to avoid putting too much product in my hair if possible, it seems to make my hair fall out. Thanks

>> No.14127722

My hair looks EXACTLY like this except dark blonde. Would it be /fa/ if I grew it out?

>> No.14127760

If you're in tech keep the new hair, it's a nice aesthetic

>> No.14128177
File: 23 KB, 495x495, B6C1BC5B-09A9-40C0-B60C-2EBAA39F077E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a two-block haircut look like on non-Asian men? My hair is kind of thick (Spanish hair) so I’d imagine it could also work

>> No.14128216
File: 32 KB, 640x426, Foto em 23-02-2019 às 22.46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. thick 3b hair
wat do /fa/? should I really take the buzzpill? are there no good haircuts for men like me?

>> No.14128328
File: 1.78 MB, 1570x2362, 20190223_234956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do brehs

>> No.14128426

Water is your friend

>> No.14128459
File: 1.88 MB, 1932x2576, 20190224_005622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started growing my hair out two years ago, and when it reached about shoulder length I just started to maintain it. At first I got a shitton of compliments, and I really felt like I looked good for perhaps the first time in my life, but in the last year its appearance has gotten worse and worse, even to the point that some friends of mine are telling me to cut it. The thing is I got attached to it, and the fact I know it has the potential to look legitimately good really bothers me when thinking of cutting it. Also now it has days in which it looks like absolute shit, something that didn't happen before. Shit, I even had a phase during which I had a hobo beard and I still got compliments due to the combo with my hair.
This is my first time on this board so I'm not exactly sure which info to post. My hair is wavy, but only became so after growing it out, and it's wavier towards the tips. In this "degeneration period", that meant that often my hair looked like I had gotten a shock and it was full of static. My attempts at diminishing the effect made it look "glued to the scalp", if that makes any sense.
This pic is from last october when it didn't look like such shit just yet, but it had already begun degenerating. I can feel it has gotten way drier, but I son't understand much of shampoos and such. It just looks less healthy.
And the light on my face in there makes it look like there's a certain gap in my hairline right in the middle, but there isn't.
Sorry if this was too long.

>> No.14128467

Oh, and I don't know why whenever I go out it gets worse fast. But for some reason I have always been like that when I go out, it's like my health worsens for a couple hours, and even if I don't drink or even eat I often feel dirty in the aftermath, up to the following day.

>> No.14128499

if you're gonna type a lot at least format it better.
so basically it's dry? use hair masks and deep conditioning. if that pic is from october, post a recent one?

>> No.14128502
File: 21 KB, 400x400, dothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14128529

yeh do it

>> No.14128548

Isn't there a way to solve it without using all those products? I really don't like using all of that artificial stuff.
I was in bed, but I got up to take this.
And if it's of any relevance: I use shampoo once, then rinse and some conditioner while I wash the rest of my body. I never blow dry it because I hate how dry it makes it (I"ve felt that way since I had short hair) and for some months I used one of those post-bath creams, I'm not sure if that's how I should call it. The bottle calls it "brushing cream", in a rough translation. I didn't like having to use it and it made my hair sticky and weird.
And although dryness is a major issue, there seemed to be something else when it started degenerating which I just couldn't quite put my finger on.

>> No.14128549
File: 1.80 MB, 1929x2335, 20190224_014606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't there a way to solve it without using all those products? I really don't like using all of that artificial stuff.
I was in bed, but I got up to take this.
And if it's of any relevance: I use shampoo once, then rinse and some conditioner while I wash the rest of my body. I never blow dry it because I hate how dry it makes it (I"ve felt that way since I had short hair) and for some months I used one of those post-bath creams, I'm not sure if that's how I should call it. The bottle calls it "brushing cream", in a rough translation. I didn't like having to use it and it made my hair sticky and weird.
And although dryness is a major issue, there seemed to be something else when it started degenerating which I just couldn't quite put my finger on..

>> No.14128568

could be your diet or not drinking enough water. my sister has long hair and she uses coconut oil instead of masks when her hair is really dry. she leaves it on and keeps her hair braided while she does errands and then washes it off in the evening.
or just switch to a natural shampoo/conditioner. a lot of shampoo is very drying but i use a coconut-based natural one and i only wash it every few days. works well for me.

>> No.14128596

I didn't really change my diet and I drink plenty of water, so i guess what's left is trying a different shampoo. I've even tried washing it without shampoo for a couple days, but oil builds up fast and on top of that my hair gets all tangled up.
And I can't only wash it a couple days a week because a) I wouldn't be able to exercise; b) oil builds up and c) I feel really dirty whenever I go out to work or study. It's just extremely disappointing to see a once great hair turn sour and have people actively telling me to cut it. I was up in the clouds for a while.

>> No.14128607

hmm. i had longish hair before and i tried the no shampoo thing when it got dry. yeah it gets really oily at first but then it sorts itself out after a little while.

>> No.14128629

>Isn't there a way to solve it without using all those products?
Yes, but it's a bit of a time sink and it's going to get worse before it gets better: no-poo. Basically, shampoo is a scam and shampooing every day/week wasn't even a thing until the 70s when big actresses started doing it and advertising pushed the shit out of it. Your scalp will naturally clean itself, but right now it's essentially addicted to shampoo, so it's not doing any self-cleaning whatsoever. My hair used to either be insanely greasy after one week of not shampooing, or insanely dry after shampooing. There was maybe one or two good days a week.

The weaning-off process for me went like this: one week without shampoo. Then two weeks. Then three. Then a month. Then two months. Then three. Those times in-between shampooing were really gross and there were plenty of times I felt like giving up. HOWEVER, I'm about 3 years in and at this point I clean my hair with baking soda diluted in water two or three times a year. That's it. And even after 6 months of doing literally nothing, it never gets even close to as gross as it used to after one week of not shampooing.

That said, in that first year of starting the process, I did completely buzz all my hair off because the greasiness was just too much. But now instead of one or two good hair days a week I have about 11 good hair months a year.

>> No.14128656

im half black but completely white, i inherited my mother (black)'s hair, which means my hair is extremely thick and curly.
How do i untangle this shit? ive been growing my hair but as soon as I wake up, my hair is compressed as fuck and its impossible to untangle

>> No.14128675
File: 179 KB, 720x1280, IMG_4009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I generally like my hair, its thick, soft and wavy, but sometimes it does this weird poof thing on the bottom portion like in this picture and I have a mess of fly aways.

It usually is only like this after sleeping, brushing it doesn't really solve it, just makes it more poofy. Does anyone use any products that can help combat this?

>> No.14128677

Don't bother. What are you going to do? Live the rest of your life spending hours a day on your hair? Just embrace what you've got and make it work for you. Redheads always wish they weren't redheads, people with curly hair want straight hair, people with straight hair wish they had curls. I guarantee you people wish they could get your hair type without having to put a bunch of work into making it like that.

>> No.14128680

you misunderstood, i love my curly hair, it just knots up like crazy. i cant even run my fingers through my hair

>> No.14128686

It really depends on your hair texture, but what works for some of my girlfriends with very curly hair is to detangle it in the shower when you soaked it in conditioner with your fingers or a wide toothed comb. It should be easier to comb out after that. Try the DevaCurl line too!

>> No.14128689

What did I misunderstand? Your hair naturally knots up. Why fight against what it wants to do? You can probably do some crazy ass looking shit most white people can't, so just embrace it.

>> No.14128695

no, if i dont comb my hair it dreads up

thanks i never tried a wide toothed comb, ill try it

>> No.14128711

No problem! Google the curly girl method too if you want to go the extra mile for your hair

>> No.14128718

Then comb it, retard. ALL hair knots up if you never comb it, jesus christ. It'll take forever the first time if it gets to dread lock status, and then as long as you comb it a few times a week it won't form knots.

>> No.14128719

Looks like Ian Curtis

>> No.14128773
File: 41 KB, 370x465, 03864b065083576a7786efd71b49aeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14128803
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x1836, 20190117_155719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im a dude btw

>> No.14128838

I'm hispanic and I'll try that
Can you point me in the direction of some good resources about hair routines?
I'm also looking to grow my hair out and see what that looks like

>> No.14128883

get a scar tattoo harry fucking potter

>> No.14128898
File: 32 KB, 720x1036, image_2019-02-24_00-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shaved, did I make it better?

>> No.14128910

> that mustache
throw out that fucking wax jesus christ. you're like 10 years late to that trend

>> No.14128914

No wax on that bad boy jusr combed :)

>> No.14128918
File: 646 KB, 693x817, Long low pony tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture related, I'm going for this haircut.
What does /fa/ Hair General think?

>> No.14128927

with that wavyness yes
also post pics

>> No.14128929
File: 543 KB, 2014x2593, 1548718034280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

name of haircut?

>> No.14128946

Unless you’re had af its not gonna go well

>> No.14129015

will only look good if you own a youtube channel about old weapons

>> No.14129177

Any hair gel, wax or cream should help binding strands of your hair together. Also there are special anti-frizz sprays but I haven't tested any of them yet.
Plus normal hair care: conditioning, avoiding hair dryers and strong chemicals etc.

>> No.14129190
File: 307 KB, 1540x1525, 46227FCF-73F2-499E-B1E6-0CF1AA960638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hair on left pic was done by a stylist and on the right is just how my hair looks normally. I’ve been trying to recreate left pic on my own but I can’t for the life of me do it. I wouldn’t mind going back to her just to get the same style but I prefer if I learned it myself. Can anyone give any tips?

>> No.14129201

it's hard to say. do you remember what she used? if not, i'm sure it'd be fine to ask her.

>> No.14129205

how often are you washing your hair? and what kind of brush are you using? you're trying to redistribute the oils from your roots to your ends

>> No.14129213


how long did it take you to grow out?

>> No.14129215
File: 52 KB, 600x800, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cut or should I leave it to grow more?

>> No.14129225

She did use a product but I didn’t ask her what it was. I remember they washed my hair first, dry it a bit, then she started to roll pieces of my hair in a big round brush. While putting my hair directly above my scalp then using a blow dryer. She did this piece by piece. I’ve tried over n over doing this but it never works out. I’ll just go back sometime this week and ask her. Thanks for trying though.

>> No.14129228

Its so easy for products like that to make my hair greasy though, which is why I don't really like using them but I'll try and find a lightweight one. I condition and I don't use anything that is damaging to my hair. Thank you!

I wash my hair every 3 days. This is the a few hours after I washed it and took a nap. I use a natural boar bristles brush, but it just seems to make my hair poof more when I use it. My hair does lose that after a day or so and is fine the next two days before the next wash, I just want it to stop doing that the first day so I have 3 days of great hair instead of 2. Any suggestions on anything else I can do?

>> No.14129233

She used great hair products, like shampoo and conditioner. You need to see what quality hair products they used, which they many times also sell directly in the salon. What she gave you is a blow out, which uses a big paddle brush or round brush and pulling small sections of the hair away as you heat down the section slowly. Using a hair oil helps with the shine (try the brand OAUI). Youtube to see how it works.

>> No.14129237

Honestly, the hair is a bit overwhelming... How tall are you? Long hair like this can work on taller people, but I feel it can smaller you up if you are petite as you seem. It looks beautiful and healthy though so you can keep it long, but if you cut off around 8-10 inches I think it would be less distracting and you can donate it!

>> No.14129240

swallow** not smaller

>> No.14129262

> she started to roll pieces of my hair in a big round brush
heat styling, yeah. it's tricky to get good at, but it's very useful to get hair to go where you want it to go.

i'd maybe suggest using some sort of mousse. if you remember the consistency of the product she used (wax, pomade, was it a liquid, or a foam?) that would be helpful

>> No.14129316

That length is really beautiful. You got great hair.

>> No.14129323
File: 814 KB, 2576x1932, 94B1CA95-F47F-4BCC-86A1-08BD085B4513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I cut my hair /fa/

>> No.14129394

That's a model. My profile's shitty as hell compared to that

>> No.14129448
File: 73 KB, 518x920, DSC_0166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I make it?

>> No.14129453

how are you styling your hair

>> No.14129462

Well, the problem is it gets so greasy when I do it that I can barely go out, so it would affect my studies and work. And I thought it would take way less time than you seem to suggest. From what i understood, you did one week without it, then went back to using it, then two weeks without it and so forth. Is that it?

I even read about some homemade shampoos a while ago, using lavender and such, but if I have to buy those materials they might be gmo and it defeats the purpose of the thing.

>> No.14129466

How long did it take you for it to sort itself out?

>> No.14129470
File: 74 KB, 545x969, DSC_0082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really hard to style, and any bit of wind will make a mess of it but basically make your hair a little damp (not wet) and blow dry it upwards. Then I have this really thick paste to keep it in place but you gotta check the mirror every 10 minutes to see if it hasn't deformed lol

>> No.14129472
File: 163 KB, 1600x1053, joker-persona-5-atlus_1600x1053_marked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you avoid dry hair? It's ruining my natural curls and waves.
I'm aiming for pic related

>> No.14129473

Grow a beard if you want to look male

>> No.14129479

You have good genetics bro

>> No.14129503

Wetting it works.

>> No.14129506

Doesn't no shampoo make the hair stink? Even more after physical activites and especially with long hair. How can you try it if you're not a hermit?

>> No.14129513

Haha funny mr 4chan

>> No.14129515


>> No.14129529

>tfw balding

>> No.14129608
File: 38 KB, 265x302, 1314856598243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is my hair so frizzy?!?!

It's nice coming out of the shower, letting it air dry, but as soon as I put a comb (even a wood comb) or a finger through it, it gets all frizzy.

>> No.14129627

Bro I liked the beard ahahaha why'd you feel like you had to shave? Looks decent though, I'd advise against curling it like that though. Looks like you're cosplaying

>> No.14129642

Seems stressful. Is it worth?

>> No.14129667
File: 897 KB, 1052x660, hairxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First pic is my kinda scruffy hair before, second is the haircut I got yesterday that I'm pretty happy with

>> No.14129672

>haircut I got yesterday that I'm pretty happy with

If mediocrity is your goal, then gratulations!

Dude, let it grow and don't do that short sides stuff

>> No.14129704

What do you think would look better on me? I don't have a very smooth hairline, even in that picture I shaved my widow's peak a bit

>> No.14129719
File: 146 KB, 1252x1252, JB-QsLM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14129750
File: 45 KB, 455x700, eee2f4bff29001099297d59344f2643b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that pic related is kinda a meme, but see it more of something to aspire to than to copy.

You got good eyebrows and a good skullshape. The hairlines wonky but it's nothing serious, especially because you got a good forehead/rest ratio so don't sweat it.

>> No.14129760

From the first pic to the next ones it has been about 8-9months.

>> No.14130150
File: 37 KB, 411x572, image%3A22862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Unless you're a model or something. I used to have it like pic related a long time ago, literally 0 maintenance

>> No.14130202

It's really not.

>> No.14130234


>> No.14130286

i can't, and don't want to grow a beard. not really what i was asking either but thanks

>> No.14130301

If you’re happy with it then be happy with it. I think it looks good and your hair looked good before too.

>> No.14130423
File: 1.29 MB, 1590x1842, 20190224_153004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a haircut? Havent been in a year or two aside from trimming

>> No.14130554

You should get a gym membership

>> No.14130597

IDK you look like a weed smoking hippy from the 70's. In a good way. It's an interesting style, if you have friends that share the same looks I'd say keep it but if you wanna be a normie, cut it. Just depends bro

>> No.14130759
File: 40 KB, 700x700, 11_824f6515-f09e-4b66-bf60-0adf3d62e5f1_1024x1024.jpg?v=1515804732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally ran out of this shit, now what the fuck am I supposed to use?

>> No.14130771
File: 24 KB, 640x360, bateman phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friday night
>girl says I have cool hair even though im a total nerd
well I got 50% more validated than I usually am thanks to that comment. Pic related I was going for the Pierce and Pierce look/ Nightcrawler

>> No.14130787

>it's an interesting style

How...seriously, how? Do you know how many people, by the tens of thousands, dress and look like him? Go to the fucking Salvation army and go buy the gayest hand-me-down shirt. Then just grow a mustache. You'd look like a lot of other faggots in LA, Austin Texas, and Seattle Washington.

You look like a dumbass. You haven't adapted your own style. That tells me a lot about a person.

>> No.14130801

Shave your face if anything. Your hair looks good that length

>> No.14130859

Trim the beard, cut your neck hair shorter.

>> No.14130929

Was just asking for input abaout a haircut, jeez
Noted, thanks.

>> No.14130972
File: 922 KB, 1590x1592, 20190224_150853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I keep growing it out?

>> No.14130974

this haircut is actually sick. it's got a diy vibe to it. i say keep it like that, but i'm just some faggot on the internet.

>> No.14131043

you are one ugly motherfucker jesus christ

>> No.14131066

you look like a ftm tranny

>> No.14131222

Nopoo will help for dry hair. Haven’t shampood in a good 6 months and its never felt so effortless keeping my hair not frizzy

>> No.14131274

You're right, I was just wondering what other people thought

>> No.14131488
File: 18 KB, 300x289, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the losers on here to grow out your hair these faggits all look like strung out opioid addicts with no discipline

Hair looks gud/10

>> No.14131499

I know I’m not ugly but hope you feel better.

>> No.14131503


>> No.14131585
File: 49 KB, 602x727, 1414205095853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I cut my hair to have this hair and how do I style it to have this hair, what are some good hairstyles which would help me transition from long hair to short slowly

>> No.14131792
File: 2.80 MB, 2448x3264, 20190224_212441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to grow it out for a bit, any advice?

>> No.14131798

Keep as is, but pluck your too thick eyebrows

>> No.14131817


>> No.14131827
File: 152 KB, 1080x1350, 51863915_134606267579771_8648176627950652236_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of growing this?

>> No.14131831

Of course the second pic looks cleaner, but you really need to grow out your hair to better match your facial proportions

>> No.14131834

>don't do that short sides stuff


>> No.14131835


Not him, but if you want to know how to get this kind of cut, look up a hockey cut or a flow cut.

>> No.14131849


Cute. Would fuck/be fucked by

>> No.14131868

Wow two-block looks good
I'm thinking about a textured quiff but this is tempting. I don't want to just get another undercut.

>> No.14131905
File: 939 KB, 2448x3264, 20190225_000725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been growing it out a few months now but idk not really feeling it. Is it worth it to keep growing or should I cut it back a little? Don't really want anything too short.
Also gonna shave tomorrow night pls don't bully

>> No.14132092
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1502517725039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.14132171

Are you jacked?

>> No.14132174
File: 239 KB, 345x349, hair feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like 2+ years of growth, dammit.

>> No.14132244

I have straight asian hair and a high hairline/forehead. How can I maintain and keep volume in the front of my hair so it stays up, but also looks natural? It looks acceptable after I shower, but falls flat quickly. I'd like to avoid putting too much product in my hair if possible, it seems to make my hair fall out. Thanks

>> No.14132403

aww, shucks anon. curly hair looks like it's growing slower than straight hair, although it's really growing at the same rate.

the upside is that all the people with straight hair like me are absolutely envious of your hair. your hair color is really nice, i love the highlights. nice beard too

>> No.14132405

change your parting. also, you have almost no volume on the top. you might want to invest in some styling products.

>> No.14132407
File: 215 KB, 860x588, D81D5509-C901-4F71-9A1E-B841B1C41FFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bill ward on the right

>> No.14132409

consider layering. the front of your hair is probably too heavy, so it falls flat and loses volume.

i know you don't want products, but hair powder (or dry shampoo, but it depends on what you prefer) is a good investment. stops your roots from looking greasy too.

i can't help anymore than this anon. i don't have asian hair. might want to look on leddit for better advice

>> No.14132662
File: 106 KB, 736x1104, Buzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's something like this consider buzzcut pill?

>> No.14132665
File: 73 KB, 708x872, Buzz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14132756
File: 107 KB, 606x688, arlymH2MBk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the name of this haircut? and what products been used for styling it? clay?

>> No.14132953

What are some suitable haircuts in business? I'm Asian aNd I don't want a undercut

>> No.14132968

God fucking damn it I can't find it.
Can someone please post that pic of some balding guy, it's severely receded and thin on top, there's a weird line of hair remaining running from the back of his head to the forehead, his hair was wet, in the shower. It's a particularly gross image that was a bit of a meme.

>> No.14132973
File: 40 KB, 640x618, 0B07AEB8-520D-43F6-964F-C2854ACAE2DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I go for this cut?

>> No.14133205

Poor kid, kek

>> No.14133785

Get off this website, horrendous beast.

>> No.14133796

>all the people with straight hair like me are absolutely envious of your hair

not even a little bit

>> No.14133815

two block that's been permed

>> No.14133827
File: 208 KB, 441x337, 1473695528601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>visits the style subsection of 4chan and is disgusted with faggotry
Not very bright are you?

>> No.14133862

both keep groing
you can always cut later if you change you're mind

>> No.14133875
File: 96 KB, 1080x1080, pNaOJK_4z_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these really the result of just gel or whatever products?

Or is there a thing i can ask from a barber to make my hair more "textured" or to get them have any more volume/high? I'll post more, i know some are a tad different

>> No.14133882
File: 87 KB, 899x899, i6JVSHFDzAo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, mine are thin and not that curvy, will be greatful for any health advice as well

>> No.14133885
File: 204 KB, 1080x1350, WKXHrEm-3qY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14134007

imo kind of basic but it's a good haircut . I'm hispanic and I think it looks fine on me and makes your face look a lot slimmer/more aesthetically pleasing. I'd send pic but I don't have my phone atm

>> No.14134237


thank you good sir

>> No.14134393
File: 49 KB, 600x451, A-2681464-1370980456-9249.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a face very much like pic related (right especially).
I have always cut my own hair. Never been to a barber.
I want to go to a barber tomorrow because I'm going on a date.

Question 1. Given my long and slightly jouly face, what short haircut should I get?
I'm thinking about one of those discontinuous undercuts. Keep in mind that I'm blonde.

Question 2. Am I doing it wrong if I get an undercut but refuse to use styling product and comb it back? I prefer a fringe. I'm already 6'4" and I don't need a fucking 3" oily shark fin on top of my head.

>> No.14135278

Is this the guy from Vikings?

>> No.14135800

Nah, you'd pull it off pretty well

>> No.14135844
File: 2.02 MB, 1663x1440, sketch-1551195902439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gf don't like when I part my hair in the middle but I love it. Is she a normie who should be ignored or am I a delusional retard? Trying to grow my hair out a little more and haven't gotten a proper haircut since I fell for the buzz meme.

>> No.14135882

no its some norwegian instagrammer, don't understand how people can like this shit but ok

>> No.14135914


>> No.14135918
File: 186 KB, 1080x1920, PRE-BUZZPILLED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this was me after rougly 1 year of growing hair for combed backwards mohawk but then i got bored...

>> No.14135922
File: 38 KB, 540x960, BUZZPILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and took a fat buzzpill down my throat, WAS THIS A GOOD DECISION?

>> No.14136180
File: 2.14 MB, 1215x2003, Screenshot_20190226-103025~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to get a haircut today, what could I do with my headshape? Am I too fat for an undercut style? I typically just show the barber a photo I have no idea how to describe numbers or styles

>> No.14136432

i would do the back shorter and do a kind of long faded top

>> No.14136452

when not parted down the centre how else do you have it?

>> No.14136478
File: 1.15 MB, 1440x1614, sketch-1551212373569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a little bit shorter here but usually something like this

>> No.14136547

does your hair naturally part down the centre? mine does but its a bit longer. im gonna cut it soon and dont want it to remain parted like that cause it will just look silly(my hair is super thick). you seem to be able to pull it off though

>> No.14136564

No it parts more like in the second
pic naturally. Just kinda tired of having it like that though. Wanted to make sure it didn't look completely retarded midparted. Thanks for the input!

>> No.14136736
File: 472 KB, 1698x1948, E288498A-1BDC-47CD-86D4-51EDD38D36C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair’s getting kinda crazy. Can only keep it looking good like this for about five minutes at a time. What do you guys think I ought to go for? I’m the kind of guy who wears unbuttoned flannel shirts and ripped jeans if that helps.
And yes, I know I need to shave

>> No.14137694

are you daniel radcliffe?

>> No.14139238

Reddit tier.

>> No.14139533
File: 329 KB, 1125x1200, 55B50877-0741-4FF4-8EA7-32EBA1511B9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice pls

>> No.14139709

You have a chin, so already better than most buzzpillers

>> No.14139718

Cutie on the left lol

>> No.14139787
File: 7 KB, 706x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute single IQ hair brainlet here, how do I make my hair go up then backwards and not have it flat?

>> No.14140385

How would I get my hair to look like that? Not referencing the style

>> No.14140388

probably gotta use blowdryer and products

>> No.14140679 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 432x622, fullsizeoutput_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hairs thick and rather curly. would a buzz cut suit me? how short?

>> No.14141213

Use volume foam in the front. Comb it and let the top grow while keeping sides and back shorter. Seasaltspray can also help.

>> No.14141450

Take the buzzpill.

>> No.14141467

I've had undercuts for a v. long time and now I'm thinking I'd like to try a two-block. I got a basic crop a few months ago and I think it's long enough now for me to try something like your pic.

>> No.14141551

Is there such a thing as a short (men's) androgynous haircut?

>> No.14141559
File: 1.28 MB, 1705x2036, 20190228_175710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What haircut would suit me best? My long hair was once great but it went to shit for some reason. I think it was the shampoo.

>> No.14141601
File: 1016 KB, 3408x2632, me.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly its prob just thinning with age
also shave + lose weight, those things will improve your looks alot more than a good hair cut

does anyone have other recommendations for balding + high forehead combo? This is the only one I've found but its getting stale but i wanna try something else

>> No.14141701

Looks great like this.

>> No.14141789

Just ask for the Dylan Klebold

>> No.14141790
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what do you all think about this? Should i cut it?

>> No.14141915

>don't use shampoo
>Hair is greasy as fuck and it honestly looks like I'm balding
>Shampoo every 2 or 3 days
>Hair is far healthier looking
>Silky smooth
>Don't lose as much hair
No poo does literally the opposite of what I was told

>> No.14141920

Different hair types. People don’t consider that when they give advice.

>> No.14141922
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ye or nah?

>> No.14141950

I don't think it's thinning, I still have the same hairline as when I was a kid. And clean shaven I look awful, but my beard has this hairlike consistency, which means that keeping it short pretty much equals clean shaven. I've let it grow more in the past, but it "fell" like hair, which means I'd have to grow it a lot to really fill the spaces.
While I've been leaner, I'm far from fat and I have decent muscle mass, so while that could make it better I don't think it would make that much of a difference.
I'm 21 btw

>> No.14141961

Mines naturally very fine and it's blonde so it makes it look quite thin under light.

>> No.14141982
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>> No.14141998

You need a trim and conditioner my dude but I dig the waves

>> No.14142002

Hitler Youth

>> No.14142004

Your eyebrows are fine, don’t listen to him

>> No.14142039
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>> No.14142419

Just got a cut that requires me to use pomade.. do you guys that use product in your hair everyday shower before bed every night or sleep with product in your hair?

>> No.14142552

get less girly glasses and then think about cutting if you still look like a chick

>> No.14142557

If you're cutting it go shoulder length at least. Midlong hair is so boring on girls

>> No.14142564

looks pretty sick it's unfortunate your moustache doesnt connect though

>> No.14142915

id say dry shampoo, i use it myself its better than hairspray for my thick emohair

>> No.14142922

You'd be an absolute 10/10 if you would hit the gym and stopped being a whimp.

>> No.14143136

brandon begin/10

>> No.14143140

Is there any kind of shampoo that cleans dirt out of hair but leaves the natural hair oils in?
My hair gets dirty over time but if I use shampoo it just becomes uncontrollable and I either have to use hairgel/wax or put it up in a manbun to keep it out of my face.
When I let it get oily by not using shampoo it's easily controllable by just brushing it backwards so it will naturally fall back into a curtains haircut.

>> No.14143153

baby shampoo perhaps. don't fall for the "no sulfates" meme, the only thing that matters is the dilution and ratio.

you should be using conditioner too. and if you use any hair products, you will NEED to wash them out with some kind of syndet / shampoo.

if you don't want to use shampoo or conditioner, you could try nopoo, but YMMV. personally i'm not a fan of the way it makes my hair feel and look.

>> No.14143164
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does it look like I'm balding? honestly can't tell at this point

>> No.14143180
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> t-take the buzzpill anon

>> No.14143184
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>> No.14143189
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>> No.14143429

i wouldn't say so.

>> No.14143635


>> No.14143784

A little bit, maybe. Don’t shave your head yet though, you’ve probably got a few years before it becomes noticeable.

>> No.14143819

Pffffffffffffff HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14143849

makes your face look wayyyy too broad, at least take that length down a bit

>> No.14143852

holy shit my hair type is exactly the same and i have that thing where it looks so thin when the light shines on it never grown it out as long as you though

same thing happens with the dry unhealthy look but then other times its way too greasy cant find the middle ground

>> No.14143855

the slickback when done right is a fucking pussy magnet (provided you aren't an ugly monster).

>> No.14143856

gooby plz

>> No.14143862

good stuff, just think the population that can pull off this cut is like 1%

>> No.14143866

hair is decent, beard is disgusting

>> No.14143873
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get on it now, trust me!

>> No.14143931
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growing my hair out and don't think there is any point this is very harsh lighting my parting is huge and the hair is really thin but it's been like this all my life

my hairline is still the same as it was 5+ years ago, if i do a side part it looks fine though

>> No.14144231
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In the process of growing it out. Been doing the man bun to get past the awkward stages. Looking to go nipple length. Any recommendations,thoughts,tips?

>> No.14144332
File: 33 KB, 500x755, long hair style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing my hair out for the first time ever, so far about 6 months down and probably another 4 months to go

aiming for something like pic related

>> No.14144338

how do u long hair dudes manage the whispy hair where your sideburns meet your beard?

>> No.14144394

what you mean lol? No one gives a shit on what your side beard looks like connecting to the ear.

>> No.14144416
File: 1.77 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190225_075500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i do with my Hair?

>> No.14144425

Not much you can do with that short hair buddy, but personally i think that it would look sick if you buzzed the top to the same length of your sides.

>> No.14144650

Any advice for maintaining long hair? I don't know how long but probably about 7 inches

>> No.14144787
File: 1.77 MB, 1105x1403, Capture+_2019-03-01-20-17-08-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting a better fade this weekend, should I shave my face or commit and wait for it to get thicker?

>> No.14144790

What would I ask a barber to get this? 6 on top and 4 on the sides and grow it from there?

>> No.14144791

Classic side part with a 4

>> No.14144795

Holy shit keep that moustache. It's fucking 10/10

>> No.14144799

Could I go longer?

>> No.14144801

Moustache is dope

>> No.14144802

Stop dying your hair. It probably looks 19 times better without dye

>> No.14144804

Yes but it might look too sloppy a 4 will grow out better and actually look like you got a haircut

>> No.14144808

Cut it a bit. You look like you browse tumblr religiously

>> No.14144810

Also grow your beard out. Try that out

>> No.14144819

Hair is decent, beard is fucking incredible

>> No.14144886
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Like the other poster said you have an ftm look right now. If you are straight and want to attract straight women I recommend buzzing the beard down to shortest you can and getting a more traditional male haircut like this or similar

>> No.14146088
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dem brows and lashes

>> No.14146157
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So I'm an asian in uni and nearly everyone I talk to says my babyface makes me look 14. Facial hair doesn't help so I was wondering what medium-long hairstyles would help me look a bit older.

>> No.14146331
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no idea where to start with mine, or even if i should change it
what do you guys think?