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/fa/ - Fashion

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14117843 No.14117843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Describe your country without naming it
Also what is trending in your country

Ill start:

>Government is an absolute joke
>Country is flooded with sandniggers
>Its semi-cold right now
>People are scared to stand out, most people wear the exact same thing. Air max 97 is really popular for some reason.
>People wear lots of shitty cheap primark-tier clothes, yet wear it along with designer belts or other accesoires
>No, its not the uk

>> No.14117845


Zoomers really dress like shit.

>> No.14117847

Fellow German, huh?

>> No.14117852

Nope, but close

>> No.14117862


I almost never see people wearing designer belts in Germany.

>> No.14117868

Something Scandinavian. Denmark?

>> No.14117886

>Most people generally dress like shit and will wear anything that was poplar in the US 6 months ago
>Drug use below the age of 30 is as normal as breathing air
>Were famous for weed

I think that last one should cover it

>> No.14117888


>> No.14117891
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>> No.14117893

This is pretty much Ireland

>> No.14117896

Is it just the city centres filled with SNs or is it the entire country?

>> No.14117898

I wanna say Sweden. But maybe that's just cause I'm Swedish

>> No.14117905

It used to be just the city centres but since the Europian migration crisis, villages or no longer spared.

>> No.14117906
File: 226 KB, 800x1174, 800px-Rembrandt_van_Rijn_-_A_Polish_nobleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kids in your picture and your description of our country makes me think you're from a rural area of the Netherlands. The cities are different and have a different outlook on things.

Qua mode is het natuurlijk verschrikkelijk, maar ergens vind ik het ook wel wat hebben. Zo'n soort klasse uniform.

>> No.14117917

Stroopwafel ->>>> Schutzstaffel when?

>> No.14117933

Globalisation is turning europe into one big mutt mesh

>> No.14117941

I wonder who's fault is it? Fucking yanks.

>> No.14117945

nuff said

>> No.14117948
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>> No.14117950
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I laughed harder at this than i should have

>> No.14117953

Portugal or Brazil
Just a wild guess

>> No.14117955
File: 49 KB, 468x318, 284F172F-A07F-4858-BD6E-9179AEC20835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok my turn
>Government is an absolute joke
>Country is flooded with sandniggers
>Its semi-cold right now
>People are scared to stand out, most people wear the exact same thing. Air max 97 is really popular for some reason.
>People wear lots of shitty cheap primark-tier clothes, yet wear it along with designer belts or other accesoires
>it’s not not the uk

>> No.14117956


>> No.14117967

This is pretty much all of europe at this point and almost all teenage faggots look like this here

>> No.14117987

europe is nowhere near the mutt levels of the us, mind you

>> No.14117999

It's catching up extremely fast though

>> No.14118001

yeah you wish 56er

>> No.14118104

Dutchies are great people.

>> No.14118106

That's because you live in pauper-circles
join one of the corpora, fag

>> No.14118134
File: 83 KB, 683x1024, z21567739IH,Sesja-zdjeciowa--Tak-wyglada-Polska-V--V-Jak-Vapor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shady but ok politics
>vast majority are catholics
>quite cold atm
>vast majority are decent and even sometimes quite /fa/
>slum trash/minorities dress like pic related, you get better brands the wealthier they are

>> No.14118138


>> No.14118143


This is Ireland for sure. Only in the UK and Ireland is primark an in-joke.

>> No.14118146
File: 837 KB, 200x200, garycoleman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok politics

>> No.14118152

your entire country is a slum lmao

>> No.14118223

Nah not really, the nice areas outbumber the shitty ones by quite a lot. I take you haven't visited the rural towns? Everyone dresses well there provided they have an IQ over 80.
It's better than the shitshows which are America, Brtibongistan, Germany. At least PiS is right and not libbie, "culturally enriched" scum.

>> No.14118255

this isn't /bant/, lars

>> No.14118263

>semi-cold right now
het is godverdomme de heetste februari jij halfbloed
kanker op!
ook dit is /bant/ niet
ga naar /r/netherlands ofzo

>> No.14118274

>tfw i dress just like this
Its honestly just comfy mode, plus im in Canada and scum doesnt exist here so you dont look like sme petty thief just a douche

>> No.14118314
File: 351 KB, 2048x1340, Sa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I knew it must be a g*rmanic country as soon as I read Airmax 97. Here in Germany they are famous because of the 187 Straßenbande rappers. Once told a Turk that they look like clumpsy working boots and he never worse them again after even his sandnigger friends laughed at him.

>Drug use below the age of 30 is as normal as breathing air
Is it true that you can even smoke heroin at the bus stop and nobody really bats an eye? Fucking paradise man. Fucking paradise.

>> No.14118333

PiS is actually pretty fukcking bad you dumbass you wish you were living in Britbongistan or Germany

>> No.14118357
File: 110 KB, 578x800, 1549662637030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am living in Britain you fucking mong. I don't support PiS at all. Now stop going on about /pol/itics, this is /fa/.

>> No.14118359

>It's better than the shitshows which are Brtibongistan, Germany.
Come on, is that why both germany and the uk are full of polish people working the manual labour jobs?

>> No.14118397

I meant politically. Merkel is Merkel and Brexit is a mess. I admit I do have a bias towards Poland so I am most probably wrong.

>> No.14118400


>> No.14118405

could be pretty much anywhere in europe at this point
such a fucking shame what you guys have let happen

>> No.14118508

nazwa zdjecia jest po polsku kolego
still good tho

>> No.14118515

they moved in 2004

>> No.14118556

How can a country so small still have regions that are so behind on fashion? I never see Airmax 97 anymore

>> No.14118575

nah lad, Ireland is slik silk and gym king as well as those Adidas slim trackies

>> No.14118644

>But maybe that's just cause I'm Swedish
I'm sorry to hear that, anon