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14107788 No.14107788 [Reply] [Original]

Is open carrying effay?

you look much more mysterious/dangerous with a gun IMO

>> No.14107791

Wow esteban went memestream


>> No.14107792

Only if it's a revolver and you're dressed like a cowboy. For everything else, there's mastercard.

>> No.14107793

dont open carry unless you live in a rural area, also wear western wear

>> No.14107820


>don't open carry unless you're roleplaying

>> No.14107824

It doesn't make you look mysterious.
You do look dangerous, and also mentally unstable/deranged tho.

>> No.14107827

Or, you know, maybe you just work as a fucking cowboy. Fucking yankee.

>> No.14108199

carrying guns Yea sure!!!!!

Showing off nhaaaaaaa

Maybe mention it in a conversation but that's it

>> No.14108241
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>not conceal carrying a snubnose

>> No.14108293

no. hidden is more /fa/ and destiny is cool not /fa/ just a cool person.

>> No.14108294

no its fucking gay

next youll be asking if open carrying a buttplug is effay

>> No.14108503

>owning a gun
Being a coward isn't effay at all, no

>> No.14108520

Oh shut up you fucking retard

>> No.14108525

>being an impoverished farmhand
>worryng about effay

>> No.14109351

>God what a fag

>> No.14109357
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>> No.14109379

open carry is roleplaying unless you're a cowbow

>> No.14109386

i keep it inside of me

>> No.14109390

>thinks being a cowboy is shit pay
Fucking lol.

>> No.14109428

Disgusting mutt mouth breather

>> No.14109433

No, guns aren't effay.

t. Europoor

>> No.14109448

I’m generally against open carrying unless it’s very common where you live.

I wish more people did so I could just oc and not worry about people whining.

>> No.14109453

Terribly obvious bait.

>> No.14109478

I wear a lot of black and some silver so I’d love to oc a p229 equinox in a black leather holster.

>> No.14109486

This. Americunts are triggered, but the only thing weapons ever did is enabling cowards. Fact.

>> No.14109699

>being this much of a retard

“Fuck guns! If women weren’t able to carry guns to defend themselves I could rape and rob them much more often!”

>> No.14109790

only if its sum cool shit

>> No.14109805

is that destiny lul

>> No.14109929

to home reminder when ban get I

>> No.14109984

Beyond based.

>> No.14109991

Holy fucking projecting wow

>> No.14110080

you type like a massive faggot

>> No.14110105

Open carry is for country bois and suburban dads that buy into the NRA's fear-mongering. Besides open carrying makes you a target and not mysterious at all. If a potential threat sees you with a gun they're taking you out first, or will try to steal it. Plus soccer moms will call the cops on you for just having it even though you can. You'd just cause unnecessary unease and you look like an asshole.

But for the sake of this, get an underarm holster with Colt 1903. Pair with khaki chinos, wife-beater, and a Hawaiian shirt.

>> No.14110684

destiny is a fucking loser cuck

>> No.14110698
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only if you have a blue burberry trench coat

>> No.14111217

He's been posted on /pol/ several times before. For sure there ought to be crossposters here.

>> No.14111219

The Amerimutt will respond negatively to this

>> No.14111287

>t. butthurt yuropoor or terrified simpering leftist

>> No.14111312

Australian, actually. If you want to hurt someone you should have the balls to get up close

>> No.14111349
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>he reveals his power level in public

Never go full retard, bois.

>> No.14111495

guns are for inbred rednecks with small dick syndrome and inner city blacks

>> No.14111721

if there is a revolution going on in your country open carrying a Kalashnikov is /fa/ as fuck
if you live in a first world country it's larping tier and people will laugh at you

>> No.14111758

Destiny looks like a skinhead here

>> No.14111788

don't open carry in any sufficiently populated areas you psycho
oh my god. you're a gape

if you're explicitly against guns you are a such a fucking idiot.

>> No.14111819

If I didn't know better I'd think this guy was 'destined' to be the next infamous school shooter

>> No.14111929

Makes you look like a easily intimidated brainlet.

>> No.14112422

Terrible bait.
Try harder next time

>> No.14112454
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guns are /fa/ if you're /fa/

>> No.14112471

That's one fuckhuge buckle hopper.

>> No.14112487
File: 807 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.02_[2017.05.31_22.20.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still managed to get a lot of (You)'s and angry replies, I'll never get why people judge bait posts poorly even when they make a lot of people seethe

>> No.14112573

based. triggered amerifats in the replies.

>> No.14113592
File: 3.70 MB, 1990x2654, 20190209_154628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is open carrying effay?
Absolutely not.

>you look much more mysterious
No, 9 times out of 10 you just look retarded.

Yeah which is a huge bonus when the cops show up and ventilate your ass because some spooked soccer mom phoned up the police to tall them about the crazed gunman at the (fill in the blank).

>Open carry is for country bois and suburban dads that buy into the NRA's fear-mongering

Welcome to nu-chan where even the most obvious and poorly written bait can get (you)s for days because of transplants from reddit scouring this place for memes and for imaginary up-votes.

>> No.14113645

>Open carry is for country bois and suburban dads that buy into the NRA's fear-mongering
every single person i've seen open carrying irl looks like this
just don't do it unless you want everyone to stay far, far away from you

>> No.14113832

jontron go home

>> No.14113857

I only wear various random para boots, dickies pants, a plain black t-shirt, a strichtarn field shirt or jacket, and a yugo underfolder slung across my back

>> No.14114057

I was thinking that was a beautiful god tier AKM. Turns out it's a shitty M16
fuck you.

>> No.14114157

being open carry doesnt make you inherently effay you need to dress your part, if you dress like an off duty cop or some kind of security you'll look good.

>> No.14114164


>> No.14114174

>dressing to look dangerous meme
This has gone on for too long.

>> No.14114176

t. jontron

>> No.14114193

>get stabbed to death by a tweaker for your wallet
Oopsie, guess you should've practiced harder those sweet karate moves, bad boy

>> No.14114210

Stab them first, own a knife

>> No.14114215

brass knuckles, having a knife yourself

nobody pokes your belly with a knife out of nowhere you autist. every criminal treatens your ass first and at that point you only go 2 options hand over whatever he asks for or run the fuck out. Fighting a fight where you can lose your life is stupid as shit in civil life. In a warzone well it's war.

Go back to whatever incel board you came from incel.

>> No.14114217

only psychos kill for pleasure and if you meet a psycho irl you are just dun goof'd no matter who you are. He attacked first and he attacked to kill in a matter that you don't even have a chance to react.
This is why it's wise to avoid creepo looking fucks

>> No.14114255

I'm going to start wearing a plate carrier all the time

>> No.14114264


Samefag much

>> No.14114268
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>> No.14114278

And an opinel to match?
Bravo anon

>> No.14114303
File: 30 KB, 750x430, H3925-L110291263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brass knuckles, black jacks, and knives over a certain length are illegal in many/most states.

some guns are /fa. vintage guns, or basically anything pre-AR with a wooden stock is /fa, as are all larger Byrco/Jimenez pistols. Poly pistols are not /fa. Pocket autos are not /fa. All shotguns are /fa provided they are wood stocked.
Modern paddle hosters, and belt worn holsters are not /fa, but shoulder holsters and cowboy leather are.

>> No.14114322

my samefags were
15 and 17 you idiot. you failed miserably my posts usually don't capitalize because idgaf incels are making me become more normie and I browse 4chan less and less each time hooray for me I'm finally getting somewhere in life and I'm happier now.

>> No.14114337
File: 473 KB, 2160x2790, knucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

illegal or legal idk I still own it. They are legal because there is a law loophole that allows them as belt buckles or something stupid like that. In most states where guns are legal knucks are legal.
knucks ARE the perfect semi-lethal weapon. Anyone who knows how to box a bit knows how to use them. You really don't need more unless you wanna escalate that shit to illegal grounds or provoke getting killed by somebody with an actual lethal weapon. Guns belong in a war zone or revolution stop being autistic.

>> No.14114949

we'll see whos the coward when i pull a gun on you and kill you faggot

>> No.14115053


>> No.14115173
File: 3.41 MB, 2560x1920, 20190209_154816s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was thinking that was a beautiful god tier AKM
Don't worry friend I have both.

>> No.14115214

It is effay when fired tho

>> No.14115737

This is not an akm?

>> No.14115751
File: 135 KB, 736x1308, A9C75CC6-9759-4BE5-B704-7DB488025296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I carry the superior weapon.

>> No.14116184

>He needs a gun to kill an unarmed nerd
You're a coward AND you have anger issues

>> No.14116757

It's a big akm, didn't realize I didn't have any pics of my 7.62x39 AKs except for the RPK.