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File: 153 KB, 1024x683, gettyimages-1027430894-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14101513 No.14101513 [Reply] [Original]

This is why you should never get a girlfriend if you want to remain "effy". you start not caring

>> No.14101516
File: 77 KB, 820x906, 1543399717456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking true she is a skinny fa girl and im now an overweight lazy cunt im so ashamed fug

>> No.14101521

i often find young couples to be the best-dressed people in town, they try their best for each other

>> No.14101526
File: 121 KB, 1300x956, denmark-copen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump her, it's not too late

>> No.14101539

fuck give elias some coke

>> No.14101552

He's gay m8

>> No.14101557
File: 102 KB, 800x800, 1543231264215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah im gonna celebrate seven months this weekend, we're alright for now, but ill definitly try to improve

>> No.14101573

he always had a babyish face without a jawline

>> No.14101574
File: 154 KB, 884x737, iceage-sky2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, he's dating a heroin addict

>> No.14101623

Where to cop his hair?

>> No.14102156

Life will creep up really hard on him because of his aesthetic he’s dedicated too

>> No.14102163

start fasting and drop some pounds

>> No.14102200

they're not dating anymore

t. on the inside

>> No.14102427

I don't get it, how it he not effay now? Because he hasn't gotten a haircut lately?

>> No.14102478

I saw him a few months ago, and he actually had a decent sized gut. Still, he could be a nobody, with a gut, and shitty style, and he would still pull bitches, because lucky face and hair.

Speaking from experience though, it's really hard to stay skinny when you're touring, unless you do a lot of drugs.

>> No.14102802

nice try, Elias. lose some weight, fatty.

>> No.14102805

t. on the incel

>> No.14102850

t. incel inside

>> No.14102889


>> No.14102928
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ID on his boots here? They don't look clown enough to be docs

>> No.14102940
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Who said i wanted a girlfriend

>> No.14102959


omg hi devinchan

>> No.14102981

hey i didn't knew elias was bisexual that makes him WAY cooler.

>> No.14102986


recommend me similar bands pls

>> No.14103426
File: 43 KB, 770x567, 17b6e75c7ee548c5c8a239d047dde793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand of Dust

>> No.14103456

he isn't, I remember reading about him just wanting to annoy homophobes

>> No.14103597


>> No.14103752


>> No.14103838


>> No.14103839

He got fat? Such a shame
He’s still a qt

>> No.14104248


>> No.14104259
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>> No.14104270
File: 175 KB, 670x499, bender.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i love elias now

>> No.14104273

Eh, face will go quick when you age on a shit diet and life style. Age hits you hard and dudes who don’t care of themselves look like shit when they hit their 30s 90% of the time.

>> No.14104276


>> No.14104465


ty <3

>> No.14104494

hate to break it to you but they're aren't actually fash, they just like the aesthetics. they actually vehemently hate racism.

>> No.14104505

>they actually vehemently hate racism

>> No.14104515

also fascism isn't inherently racist, you stupid fuck lmao

>> No.14104548

they played a show with some black metal band and the guy started doing a "europe for europeans" rant and they got really pissed off

>> No.14104556

Yeah and the guitarists was so angry that he sucked off a black guys cock to show those racist.

>> No.14104558

and then everyone clapped

>> No.14104566

don't believe me if you want, but the band was sump who are outspoken nationalists and did a split release with sexdrome (before they split up due to heroin addiction)

>> No.14104567

they're docs

>> No.14104570

fyi the pic in question was of a klan member so suck a dick

>> No.14104573

>they're aren't actually fash
>they actually vehemently hate racism
t. >>14104494
the response was to that post, not the image retard LMAO

>> No.14104577

... mate that post was a direct response to the image. the image of a klan member because the band like fascist aesthetics but not the ideology, including racism (in relation to the kkk imagery).

keep being pedantic and crying because you're idols don't share your /pol/ views

>> No.14104579

Hate to break it to /pol/ but they’re from Copenhagen and socialism runs deep in their veins

>> No.14104583

hate to break it to you trannies/sois but elias is literally a fascist sympathizer and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it
so is his pal loke rahbek
>socialism runs deep in their veins
perhaps national socialism

>> No.14104595

lmao you literally don't know what you're talking about

>> No.14104610

>he says with tears welling in his eyes
sorry :^)

>> No.14104618

nah mate, i'm a nationalist myself and still a fan of the poshiso lads but i don't delude myself that liking imagery = sympathiser

>> No.14104640

>i'm a nationalist myself
civic nationalism doesn't count fag

>> No.14104710

You're probably a retarded mutt who knows nothing about the danish music scene. Zero credibility considering you spout lies. Fuck off Brad.

>> No.14104712


>> No.14104717

only one coping here is you lol

>> No.14104720

unfortunately for you i've had direct correspondence with elias in the past and he is anything but "anti-racism" haha

>> No.14104738

>resorting to lies
and i know for a fact they're lies

>> No.14104742

>unable to accept reality
whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.14104745

Why larp?

>> No.14104749

it'll be ok

>> No.14104758

you're the one unable to accept reality pal.

i told you a fact; the members of iceage are anti-racist and only subscribe to the aesthetics of fascism not the ideologies, as evidenced by their response to george proctor of sump's (and mutant ape, white medal, legion blotan records, etc) nationalist speech at a gig in copenhagen.
you have responded by getting upset that your favourite musicians don't share your political view and resorted to lying. it should be clear to you that they are far "anything but anti-racism" when they are very close friends with chinese born musician alex zhang hungtai, and as you went on to name drop loke rahbek, the fact he published african american musician jeuru's record last year.

>> No.14104769

>the members of iceage are anti-racist and only subscribe to the aesthetics of fascism not the ideologies
>as evidenced by their response to george proctor of sump's (and mutant ape, white medal, legion blotan records, etc) nationalist speech at a gig in copenhagen
>you have responded by getting upset that your favourite musicians don't share your political view and resorted to lying
lmao cope harder
>very close friends with chinese born musician alex zhang hungtai, and as you went on to name drop loke rahbek, the fact he published african american musician jeuru's record last year
>omg he talked to this chinese dude once and loke liked the music of a black!
this is hardly proof of anything
pure wishful thinking and projection on you part buddy

>> No.14104779

if you're in direct correspondence with elias like you say, ask him

>> No.14104784

not an argument also
>in the past
damn dude, learning elias doesn't share your views must have really torn you up

>> No.14104787

>damn dude, learning elias doesn't share your views must have really torn you up
hilarious because this is quite literally why you've spent hours arguing itt

>> No.14104797

>n-no u
don't worry about it too much man, maybe you'll find another artist who represents your views better

>> No.14104803

mate, as i already said i actually am a nationalist. however, i don't care that elias and the rest of iceage aren't because artist =/= art.

you seem to be very upset at the idea that musicians flirt with fascist imagery purely for aesthetics despite the fact that it has been done for decades.

>> No.14104807

>still posting
>continuing to larp
it'll be alright man there is no need to sperg out like this over an unavoidable truth

>> No.14104809

>le i was only pretending to be retarded
so you're hiding behind trolling now, well at least we can stop the conversation here

>> No.14104812

are you unable to read or are you just retarded? understandable that you've wasted all this time only to have accomplished nothing and be exposed in your ignorance but it's time to accept the truth - elias is NOT your faggy little "anti-racism" poster child and the sooner you realize that, the less it will continue to torment you

>> No.14104817
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, EEF9jcl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be single
>Hook up with girl
>She asks "sooo what are we?"
>Tell her you're seeing other people
>Actually not seeing other people

>> No.14104964

shut up faggot

>> No.14105040

>Billboard: Obviously we’ve been going through a hell of a time in this country for a couple of years now, but this ugly populist nationalism and xenophobia is creeping up in a lot of places.

>Elias: Yeah well I mean in Denmark it’s really bad. We have a government that some of the ways of dealing with immigrants is so fucking disgusting that you can hardly fathom it. One thing is how they’ve been dealing with recent waves of immigrants, which has largely been a no-tolerance sort of thing, but also how they’re dealing with even people that were born in Denmark. They will try and make them feel like they’re sort of second-class citizens, and it’s hard to sort of get your head around how that’s possible. It’s fucking embarrassing.

Is he a cuck or is he just using the immigrant thing as a way to bring the whole Danish people being second classes citizens into the light without looking like a nationalist?

>> No.14105446
File: 89 KB, 1080x1211, b4w9wtrigwu11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racist or anti racist he's still a fag with his faggy skinny fat bod

>> No.14105462

pretty sure hes closet racist

>> No.14105761


typical /pol/tards seeking popular approval on the outside since they lack it. LOL
Elias, Knochensack and other artists are not nazis or with you guys nobody is with you guys.

A bisexual man Elias, Knochensack who has transgender friends. None give a damn about muticulturalism or how culture is developing they accept that they live in a world that changes eternally, people from all ways of life come and go and thats fine.

>> No.14105768

no lol
just because retarded incels from 4chan are closet racist doesn't mean others are especially, ESPECIALLY those who actually socialize outside.

>> No.14105789
File: 554 KB, 1080x1970, 20190216_060717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She recently posted this on her instagram story sooooo I dunno about that

>> No.14105806

Elias is a celebrity he is always dating ffs he can pull any girl or dude he wants at any time he wants and even go back to previous relationships if he wants.

>> No.14106116

>fucking men makes you cooler
absolute state of faggots

>> No.14106121

doing whatever you like and not caring is cool by itself.

>> No.14106164

Not really, It's fine to be bisexual but it's not some sort of achievement

>> No.14106172

what is not fine to be fuccboi? I define what is fine to be for myself. Thats the mentality of Elias thats why it is an achievement, because it's cool, badass motherfucker.

>> No.14106181

seek help bro

>> No.14106216

>implying you can be effay while caring in the first place

>> No.14106277

exactly caring too much about things means you are bitchmade. Badasses dgaf and live their way.

>> No.14106322

elias is antifascist, he grew up around ungdomshuset (punk activist community) and has participated in a riot in 2018 in copenhagen with numerous arrested.

>> No.14106644

don't see a single source

>> No.14106662

>“Where I stand politically almost has nothing to do with it. I can see something is wrong when it’s wrong,” the 24-year-old says. “Everything is getting radicalized these days, and it’s going in both directions. And I can only speak for myself, but what can I say? The world is a mess.”

The vocalist works hard to stay informed, but because he doesn’t trust corporate media sources, he says, “I try an get my information from as many sources as possible, and compile them into something that seems to be as close to the truth as I can get.”

He also follows several pundits who don’t share his opinions. He says, “You can’t argue in favor of anything if you don’t know the counter-argument. So I get my news from a pretty broad range of places.”

One conversely apolitical “Telling” cut, “Florida Breeze,” concerns a weeklong trip Ronnenfelt took to Miami a year ago: “It was a really surreal, dreamlike place, with this combination of sin, lawlessnes and humidity. I liked it a lot there,” he says.

The rest of the record he won’t explain. “I don’t want to divulge everything I’m writing about,” adds Ronnenfelt, who is finishing a fourth Iceage installment. “Because I don’t want to ruin it for anybody who’s listening to the song.”
if he had such beliefs why would he not just say it openly? those in his scene would surely not be critical of them
which is to say, there is absolutely no reason for someone in his position to obfuscate his politics if they aligned well with the majority

>> No.14106665

formatted perfectly

>> No.14106667

somewhat based and redpilled. its obvious hes not ,,normalfag''

>> No.14108154


>> No.14108170


>You can’t argue in favor of anything if you don’t know the counter-argument.

This is a pretty important concept, now moreso than ever. Seems pretty based

>> No.14108190

Nick cave lol

>> No.14108261 [DELETED] 

based and alarmingly redpilled. its dead obvious he isnt npc leftie or larping /pol/fag

>> No.14108265

sounds like tinfoil hat lolbertarian

>> No.14108284
File: 29 KB, 648x217, elias words.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The images he used for that album with the KKK and the radical islamist drawings is not because he agrees with the shit he is just showcasing how society showcases news, conservative news, liberal news, everything media in general how it paints the world showcasing only it's more radical bad shit, nothing positive.
just saying in case anyone misinterprets him.