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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 458 KB, 1670x1610, 2BE8B62264A54ED4837C9656EC019FFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14097332 No.14097332 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to deny this?

>> No.14097341

>wall of text as OP
not gonna end well folks

>> No.14097346

Söys will deny that but it’s 100% uncut truth.

>> No.14097535

If you don't dress for your age, income, and your career, and if you don't follow color/contrast/silhouette theory, you don't look good

>> No.14097567

is there a word for finding some small niche interest and then spend hours reading about it late at night, not because it brings you joy, it's more like an anxiety thing.
here are things i've spent time and money into the recent years: mechanical keyboards, mead making, fermenting food, analog cameras, cryptocurrencies, tea, coffee, beer, literature, films, plants, psychedelic drugs, there are probably more i'm forgetting.
the thing is, like i said, when i lock into a thing and the more reading and learning about it i do, the more anxious i get. and then i order stuff on the internet and anxiously wait for it to arrive, feeling good about the thing for a day and then i find something else to obsess about for a while.
maybe the word is just regular anxiety the more i think about it.

>> No.14097575

sounds like coping with alienation

>> No.14097582

yes applies to everything online

rick owens, yohji, desktop computers, high end bicycles, you think people give a fuck what a de rosa is?

>> No.14097586

i guess its some sort of consumerFOMO

where you see all thee dudes buying ducky keyboards so you need to buy one to feel better about yourself

shit i bought a fucking coolermaster blue switch board over a decade ago because i heard i NEEDED one

>> No.14097589

post someone who doesn't dress for their age, income, and their career, and don't follow color/contrast/silhouette theory, and look good

>> No.14097595

>mechanical keyboards
What? I get wanting a mechanical keyboard, but what else is there to it than just buying one and using it? Are people really keeping a collection of keyboards and replacing them on occasion?

>> No.14097596

Does it have to be a hobby?

Feels kinda weird having to always label shit under different section and if they don't for some reason fit then it has to be bad in some way.

Is this aimed at the watchfags or clothing in general?

>> No.14097597

>sounds like coping with alienation
elaborate pls

something like that. i bought a varmilo for £167 with blue switches, but i don't really regret it since it's so nice to use

>> No.14097601

they buy keycaps and collect a ton of them for whatever reason

like little stupid custom ones

or they buy keychains and key testers and shit

i broke a switch after about 7 years of use and didnt want to solder so i replaced it with one that you can pop the witches out by hand forget the brand but i got cheap ?green switches" from a chink knock off company called gateron not even real cherry

>> No.14097605

this is LITERALLY autism
not in a 4chan way, as in get diagnosed with autism way

>> No.14097613

no of course. but if you enjoy it do it. want weird obscure watch? buy it. like ras seemeeeeeens rick owens? why not buy it if you have money. fuck it i started collecting plants and my friends think its gay but i like it so they can go fuck themselves

>> No.14097619

doing something to impress people irl or online is fucking kys tier. good if you have someone to enjoy something else with tho, but even if you dont have friend with similar passions doesnt mean you shouldnt do it
also everything in ops pic listed is fucking boring tryhard shit

>> No.14097620

That's peak autism.

>> No.14097625

i think everyone does it, i have a film SLR here too a canon ae-1 like literally everyone else in the damn world

aside from cute dates my girlfriend wanted an instax camera but i dug my canon ae-1 out instead and went to a winery

it's a metal brick i bought it because i assumed it would make me more of a "real hobbyist photog" than someone with a fucking mirrorless alpha

>> No.14097626

that makes sense, i had psychologist tell me that i showed signs of aspergers but then i stopped going to him lmao
i thought autists obsessed on one particular subject and never let it go though, i cycle through them

>> No.14097628
File: 57 KB, 622x371, lil b'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing wrong with being elitist fuckwit and shitting on plebs.

>> No.14097632

but im not better than anyone....iu just bought a keyboard, an obsolete camera, and at one point a vintage watch, and the correct brands of clothing

all my shit = NPC core

>> No.14097646

It's called being an impressionable consumercuck NPC

>> No.14097666

is there a cure?

>> No.14097668

aaaaaaaaaah answer this. is there cure. lads? help me

>> No.14097680

nichefaggotry in the fragrance community is peak autism. those losers actually convinced themselves that spending 300 plus dollars on shit scented water is sophisicated while looking down on designer scents that actually smell good for a decent price.

>> No.14097688
File: 72 KB, 598x800, dylann-roof-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is answer to this thread.
>walmart clothes
>looks better than anyone is waywt
you either have it or you dont

>> No.14097692

Yes, but it is very difficult and not necessarily very profitable.

>> No.14097693

Roof doesnt look good and only autistic zoomers think he does
he looks like a manual labourer lowlife who is gonna shoot up something. and that is exactly what he was. if he didnt shoot up the place you wouldnt even look twice at him

>> No.14097703

you are a fucking idiot

>> No.14097713

>you are a fucking idiot
if it's so dumb, you should be able to easily prove it wrong

>> No.14097718

Let them cope.

>> No.14097742

go on

>> No.14097745

>he looks like a manual labourer lowlife who is gonna shoot up something. and that is exactly what he was
so he dressed according to his personality not other way around

>> No.14097811

I just want a high quality timepiece. I don't want to be superior to someone because or something I bought. I want a watch that I can go into the pool with, have the equivalent of being run over by a truck, have mud all over it, and it still works perfectly for years. I want it to look good on me too, obviously. I don't care about brands. I just want a high quality timepiece. I recognize that Rolex is the only brand that people you meet will even notice and I don't want that anyway. I don want my watch to be the center of attention. I want it to complement me. I don't want to spend much either, not even more than $500~~
Not everyone is one o these losers pretending that they own a Rolex with their ugly $50 Seiko submariner clone. I want an honest watch.

>> No.14097817

>blackpilled reddit users complaining about others enjoying their hobbies

>> No.14097893

There are zero layers between the watch 'hobby' and flat consumerism. It is literally shopping. It's no better than collecting Funko Pops, except Funko Pop buyers don't convince themselves they're making some kind of timeless investment or bold statement.

>> No.14097977

regardless, why do you care anyways?

>> No.14097981

once you realize they';re mindless fucktards you can start monetizing them

you're on the way

>> No.14098089

Agree so much with OP. I got into watches before it got big like today and the scene now is way way too much soulless consumerism and marketing. I tend to avoid the swiss brandwank and paid watchblogs shills.

>> No.14098107

you’re literally the exact type of person the OP is talking about. the watch “scene” was never better or worse, you’re just irritated that recent marketing trends are finally exposing your “hobby” as the bland consumerism it has always been. noone has ever given a shit about watches besides rich people or people who want to appeae rich, both of whom only give a shit about watches because they were told that watches were classy and sophisticated.

>> No.14098127

>i used to waste my money when nobody else was doing it
>now it's just empty because others are wasting their money on the same things i am
Watches are a meme and have been a meme since the cellphone with screens were invented. Or pagers, I don't know how those work or if they're handy to show time.

>> No.14098133

You're just an advanced form of autist, not in a bad way, for whatever reason your dopamine receptors are shot and you're cycling through your anxiety/pleasure cycles too quickly. That's just how internet works, you find a new hobby, with your infinite information you exhaust yourself on it, and then you move on to the next one.
I think it was Schopenhauer that talked about that, but at a slower, more 19th century rate

>> No.14098141

Way too much projection.

Before we treated them like fun little toys and curiosities to have. Now people literally think that some random watch on their wrist is part of who they are and can curate their persona.

>> No.14098145


>> No.14098325
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there was a study that showed people who wore a watch were more conscientious and organized across the board. even arriving to the study, everyone who wore a watch arrived on time and the people who didn't wear one were significantly less organized and late. thanks is something to wearing a watch but buying these $1,000 timepieces is ridiculous. Past maybe $300, it turns into some pseudo luxury pastime waste of time and money.

>> No.14098336
File: 87 KB, 625x833, 1516433826457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you signed your PopTract yet /fa/?

>> No.14098380

jesus christ

>> No.14098396

>not being a hypercuck
Why even live?

>> No.14098411

Video games can be a real hobby. At least more than any of the other stuff. Making craftbeer would count too.

>> No.14098420

But not drinking craft beer.

>> No.14098426

no joke if movies music books etc are hobby, then video games are hobby too.

>> No.14098438

Simplifying a hobby down to just the purchase and ignoring every actual aspect? Sounds like another norman reject trying to justify their poverty with bullshit enlightenment.

>> No.14098469
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>he doesn't have an emergency pop fund

>> No.14098473
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>> No.14098499

Depends what you're trying to pull from it. I agree that just buying clothes isn't a hobby, but building a coherent wardrobe through following and understanding fashion is.
None of this should be a problem if you're just an interesting person.

>> No.14098517

that really puts a finger on the pulse of reddit in general

>b-but 4chan is no better

If your brain went to this automatically, this is an indication that you might be a bug as well. Yes, the two sites share similarities, however, brands find it more infinitely useful to have content seen or hidden based on a voting system. No such system exists on 4chan.

>> No.14098523
File: 49 KB, 409x409, oh dem thangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elitism and gate keeping are the responsibilities of great men who care about the things that they're into. Anyone who disagrees about gate keeping is an agitated NPC.

>> No.14098560

you dont need a ferrari to like cars; but you can still like ferraris

i'm sure lots of people top out at 150$ seikos but still appreciate everything else
every hobby is about enjoying your thing and aspiring for a better one

>> No.14098700

All bugmen are consumers, but not all consumers are bugmen. Reading/writing reviews on various gadgets doesn't make one a bugmen automatically because when faced with many choices on a high-information high-cost products, one would naturally compare products in order to achieve the most value. The reason many people may go too far in the search for the ultimate product is because of the need to avoid cognitive dissonance. People want to assure themselves that they are spending money wisely. If you were to spend $100 on a piece of shit watch, realizing there are far better choices for the same price, you would be pretty upset. By making that bad purchase, you just proved to yourself that you make bad choices. Thats why we live with brand whores (truck guys, apple fags, playstation vs. xbox, etc). People obsess over high performing products because it gives us the most value while minimizing cognitive dissonance.

>> No.14098722

>being timecuck in current year
couldnt pick a worst hobby

>> No.14098742

People probably said this about glasses when contacts came out, but both glasses and watches are still fashion accessories.

>> No.14098747

Oh shit this very accurately describes me. I never really thought of it as anxiety, in part because I still don't fully understand what anxiety is, but this is my exact behavior. Learning about things brings me joy, at least I think, but after I've learned all I can it's on to the next thing. Usually the things I bought remain something I use in my daily life, but tastes change and I do find myself selling things I really liked two years ago because I just have no interest in them now.

I also have a problem where everything I buy has to be a bit different and gimmicky. I can never go with the tried and true suggestion, I ALWAYS go for something that's different and uncommon with some weird gimmick and it always comes back to bite me in the ass because either I don't utilize the gimmick or it makes the thing less versatile and I end up not able to use it for everything like I hoped.

>> No.14098772

As a bit of a watchfag(have done lots of reading and research but don't own many watches they're probably only worth $1500 total) I would have to say over $1000 or maybe $2000, if you like complications, it turns pseudo luxury with diminishing gains. But up to that point there are very tangible gains in performance and features.

>> No.14098783

Funko Pop collecting is literally the lowest form of consumerism-as-identity-replacement on earth. All of the figures are shaped exactly the same and everyone single one is just a depiction of a pre-existing character. There's literally zero creativity involved in even the production of them. They're just literal idols of consumerism.

>> No.14098804

>Work in a comic shop
>The only people buying pops, besides kids, are gross manchildren and 'resllers' staking their economic future on shitty plastic bobbleheads
I hate every single customer like this who buys them

>> No.14098907

Oh holy fuck there's a study showing that people who wear watches are organized I have to buy a watch so that I can seem organized and on time too!

>> No.14098943

you can't believe that wearing a watch makes you more organized?

>> No.14098972

correlation does not imply causation

>> No.14099035

>correlation does not imply causation
yes but I'm asking if it is preposterous to you that wearing a watch makes you more organized and conscientious

>> No.14099089
File: 187 KB, 1080x1080, 46089636_928965040636147_2504099037491136420_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like exactly the kind of person who spends too much time on the internet. And to be honest, I find these people extremely annoying. People who write wall of texts about why a specific interest or internet community or group sucks. He could just ignore it like 99% of the people who don't care about watches. But he goes to a watch subreddit to announce how much more enlightened he is than the average poster by not caring about watches.
He said a lot of words but in the end it all comes down to
>Why I'm smarter than you

Also ever noticed how these people who argue about "real" hobbies always spend the time the most useless way? Like he talks about how video games or fashion, etc. are not real hobbies, then proceed to spend 6 hours a day in autistic meta circlejerk subreddits, internet drama, cringe subreddit and shitty political echo-chambers.
I mean check out the guy's profile, he basically just spews shitty 4chan memes and has this autistic internet "redpill" rhetoric. he probably made this thread himself. Not a single thing he argues about actually matters, its just meaningless internet drama.

I feel like these kind of people are just jealous of other people who can have a genuine interest in something without constantly trying to prove how smart they are to people who dont give a shit

>> No.14099100

Ad hominem, not an argument. Regardless of the messenger, the message is true. Rampant consumerism is truly taking over people.

>> No.14099106

>People who write wall of texts about why [people] suck
oh like you're doing now?

>> No.14099116

His entire post was an ad hominem in the first place, he did not even have an argument.
And I'm not gonna take advice from an autist who spews 4chan memes and spends hours in meta circlejerk subreddits arguing over meaningless shit. That's just shows he has very little self-awareness. And anyway, in real life you wouldn't take math advice from someone who failed Calc1 three times in a row. This ad hominem argument is extremely overused, when you get to the point that you are such a textbook sperging autist, don't get surprised if people won't take you seriously.

>> No.14099124

Kek, this thread is a shitshow.
I agree with the guy tho, but I got out a lot of my materialism in my formative years, got a decent watch for my 15th birthday, bought a mechanical keyboard when I was 17, hell even bought a Bally bag when I was 19.
I think this phenomenon is caused by people who have more money than time, they think "hey I'll buy a watch, that will passively make me a better person", which isn't true for most people, hobbies require dedication and if you don't have enough time or passion to be dedicated to something then your hobby ultimately shouldn't represent you as a person.

>> No.14099132

That's a pretty solid critique.

>> No.14099150

>Are people really keeping a collection of keyboards and replacing them on occasion?
Oh friend. You should check /g/ sometime. Or don't.

>> No.14099155

reddit was always about specific subgroups desperately trying to find a different group they can look down on to make themselves feel better about their pathetic life.
only on reddit could places like niceguys, justneckbeardthings, cringe, cringeanarchy, creepypms, etc. exist with hundreds of thousands of subscribers. these people are just projecting their insecurities, past mistakes and trying to prove how different and better they are by making fun of a strawmen.
like how neckbeardthings is a bunch of fat nerds afraid of being labaled, inceltears has a bunch of virgins and niceguys are just guys proving how they arent those other nice guys (no self awareness)

its a shame how this obviously transparent behavior got popular on chan too.
in ops pic all that guy did basically is
>look at me im better than all these people
its just insecure overcompensation

>> No.14099166

I've definitely fallen for some of that crap in the past. I like good jeans but anything over $200 is stupid. I have a pair of Oni secret denim that I don't enjoy nearly as much as my 3sixteens. It's easy to go overboard with the internet. I think there's a line though. Meme products like certain thinkpads, Lamy Safaris, carbon steel pans or even some /fa/ items are quality / value min/max options. Humans have a passive information addiction though so before you know it you own 5 keyboards, 3 watches you never wear and 10 pairs of silly japanese jeans.

>> No.14099170

True, I hate r/niceguys for exactly the same reason as you

>> No.14099189

He's posted his collection before too. It's probably over a thousand pieces of soulless plastic "nerd" culture. He probably "hot glues" them too.

>> No.14099200

Regarding carbon steel, it isn't a meme.

First, consider the recent study that showed that children who grew up with nonstick pans had 0.5" shorter penises. These coatings are horrible for you and the newer ones can't be heated past a certain temp lest they give you flu-like syndromes.

Thus, you need a different type of pan altogether. For general cooking, this leaves you with ceramic, steel/carbon steel, and cast iron. You can buy a $30 carbon steel pan that you can season to your liking and will be utilized more than a $200 pair of jeans.

If you cook in high-heat and want any degree of nonstick without endocrine disrupting shit you literally eat then you are left with carbon steel or cast iron.

>> No.14099220

What is hot glue to funk pops?

>> No.14099223

"hot gluing" is the act of cumming on your plastic figurines.

>> No.14099227

Welp what the fuck

>> No.14099242
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Had to look up if that PopTract shit was real. And lmao, it is. It’s some sort of söyboy + hoarder disorder, mental.

>> No.14099246
File: 1.72 MB, 3024x4032, BF0E973B-CEB1-451F-BEEB-336CBF3EBEC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Him and his wife for Halloween

>> No.14099257

Oh yes, I didn't mean meme in a bad way, just using it to describe the strange cult-like behaviour that we see around certain objects. I don't know about penis sizes but since I switched to carbon steel I'm just having more fun cooking in general. I'd recommend it to anyone, definitely a solid improvement over modern bumpy cast iron.

>> No.14099260

>36,000 dollars spent on mass produced plastic junk that just sits

>> No.14099265

It’s absolutely mental. Literal manchild. Why is this being encouraged so much?

>> No.14099270

people are bored and have nothing better to spend their money on.

>> No.14099290

>takes perfectly good images in higher resolution than similarly sized modern dslr

try not being a fucking retard

>> No.14099307

Hello, yikes department?

>> No.14099311

>you're at the club and those two ask to see your gfs funko pop collection
what do?

>> No.14099314

would like to interject
>mechanical keyboards
are a lot more than just buying
I built mine and love it, and don't see the difference between DIYing a keyboard and DIYing anything else

>> No.14099319


>> No.14099335

Full frame mirrorless are much better. You just can't afford one

Even medium format. No point in setting up with the polaroid preview or shooting that expensive film.....since a RED will be leagues better it's just money holding people back and makeling them elitist if you had $50k for a red you'd own one

>> No.14099364

I guess this is kind of true. It's definitely true for a lot of people. I don't feel like it applies to any of my interests, including fashion, though.

Being superficially "into" things, not because they bring you pleasure, but due to social anxiety, is pretty lame. But it's also narrowminded to think that the only reason people seek out nerds' advice on subjects is so they can flex on plebs. Pretty much the only time I end up on reddit is when I'm out of my depth on a subject and need to get the most bang for my buck (like building a PC for the first time). Sounds like dude is just mad that people conflate "hobby" and "interest".

>> No.14099372

i fuckin love my videogames

>> No.14099380

I had to actually look up what Funkopops were thanks to this thread. I'm kind of proud of that. I'd be more proud if I didn't instantly recognize them.

>> No.14099405

>implying I'm here for a false sense of superiority and not to just find quality products

I just want to find good shit that I don't hate. Stupid prick.

>> No.14099608

Yeah, when I participate in this behaviour, it's just consumer awareness and quality minmaxing. The fun of it for me is finding the isle of frugality that means I get the best product but not at the expense of something else. Sorry to disappoint all the pseuds with their heavy handed fight club monologues.

With watches this behaviour seems particularly bad, but what choice is there? It's either get a Seiko or get legitimately scammed. So the circlejerk seems more obvious than usual because there aren't a lot of choices to make in the sub-$1k category. There's also casio, but even there you still get schizoposters writing projection-laden rants about how people who buy the $20 terrorist watch are impressionable zoomers. You can't win.

I think it has its dark sides though, and there's absolutely people for whom collecting/consuming [product] is literally how they define themselves. Half my workplace have no real hobbies, its all drip coffee, dude travel lmao, marvel movies and mexican food. If they work out at all, it's cardio. They have no non-professional skills, and just being competent and passionate about a few things makes me feel like a big brane renaissance man around them. It's funny how the hipsters and art hoes are bigger mindless consumers than the normies and chads, who are usually at least passionate about playing sport.

And there's also those who dive in 100% to one hobby with autistic fervour and its how you end up with bloated boomers wearing omega MOTM in a sweat-stained $80 suit, or 30 year old dickheads with a wardrobe of $500 jeans and not a single dress shirt to their name. It's all about balance I guess.

>> No.14099628

God they are fucking awful. I've never seen someone who wasn't greasey/smell like shit/fat buy one... Except my fucking Japanese gf who bought one once which is still fucking stupid, Jap or not I still told her not to be a fucking (wo)manchild

>> No.14099640

>agree with OP
you're actually unironically the people OP is talking about. cope watchfaggot

>> No.14099664

right on the money. i worked electronics at a target for two years. every fucking week we'd have dozens of fat poorly dressed manchildren walking up to us and demanding where the newest fucking "target exclusive" pop was. And no matter how many times we told them it wasn't in yet, they'd argue, they'd ask to talk to management, they'd pull out tracking websites and swear at us up and down that we were lying about their oh so precious fucking pops. I don't care what fucking "brickseeker" says you fucking faggot, if it's not in it's not in.
We had 3 coworkers who also "collected" pops, one was a low level team manager who was in his 30's working at target for 15 years, another was a late 20's lifer that was always approaching me starting awkward conversations about "who do i think the hottest chicks at our store are", the last one was a literal 40 year old who was working the same position as me who would show me pictures of his car and bedroom lined wall to wall with over 4k worth of fucking plastic. He got fired for stealing and hiding pops in the backroom.

>> No.14099668

I'm friends with a couple who collects them. They also complain about not having money.

>> No.14099697

I'm a fountain pen collector. OP's post is mostly true, there is no skill involved, there is nothing to learn besides brand and model names and release dates and history, nobody will ever recognize your Pelikan M800 Tortoise shell or Pilot Custom 823 FA or even your Lamy Safari. There is no functional difference between a $500-$1000 dollar pen and a $70-$10 pen. However there are some "hobby aspects" to it, I go to pen shows and find vintage pens to repair and make functional again to resell or usually keep, and I am learning copperplate calligraphy with rare flex nibs I've found.

>> No.14099854
File: 33 KB, 509x326, ss (2015-09-25 at 10.17.16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's not a fountain pen but you sound autistic, where the fuck can I get one of these? It's zebra brand, one of the pens is a pen, the other a mechanical pencil

>> No.14099863

underage zoomerfag who just started posting on this site in 2014. wall of texts encourage discussions, retard

>> No.14099864

>It's funny how the hipsters and art hoes are bigger mindless consumers than the normies and chads, who are usually at least passionate about playing sport.
i have noticed this as well

>> No.14099874

I'm familiar with Zebra pens, but I'm sorry I've never seen that before. What is it?

>> No.14099888

It's some pen thing that Tim from Tim's Illusions found, no idea other than that. From what I could gather, the little thats out there (wow who would've guessed there's little information on a meme pen) is that it was part of a Japanese gift set, it's supposed to fit in a wallet like a business card but it just has a photo of mt. fuji on it.
That's all I got

>> No.14099934

No bro I started posting in 2018

>> No.14100275

Consuming things is not worthy of respect. Creating is.

>> No.14100475

I just realized all women are bugmen

>> No.14100486
File: 58 KB, 620x931, ap_16238344438010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high iq

>> No.14100494

no joke tho, many girls sew their own shit

>> No.14100514

that's not the definition

their whole lives are defined by their online social media presence and consumerism

>> No.14100522

>High iq
They pay the chinese minimum wage to sew shit
Is that supposed to be impressive?

>> No.14100548

what im saying is some make their own clothes.
>muhhhh iq
back to plebbit

>> No.14100656

take a look at yourself dude, your the exact person described in the op

>> No.14100687

It turns out it was fake

>> No.14100927

You're retarded

>> No.14101927

no they fucking dont LOL, unless we're talking about grandmas

>> No.14102894
File: 49 KB, 682x1024, DQ3o6wfWAAA9Awu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this biased
At least TRY to hide your true feelings wagey.

>> No.14104355

dude, they have meetups at a coffee shop by my house. they carry their keyboards in with them and then just talk about them?

>> No.14104586

im not the guy you replied to, but I have a clock on my phone 24/7, as well as built in alarms etc. Why would i ever need a watch besides an accessory?

>> No.14105202

it's easier to check and more reliable

>> No.14105393

>it's easier to check and more reliable

Keep telling yourself that watch faggot

>> No.14105406

>I feel like these kind of people are just jealous of other people who can have a genuine interest in something without constantly trying to prove how smart they are to people who dont give a shit
sometimes they also might have prior experience of the thing they're talking about, and they've found to lead a better lifestyle after leaving that interest behind.
And the walls of text are their way of trying to get people to have a more realistic perspective on what they're doing and maybe reconsider things, be more openminded
Can't tell you how many times i've tried to trash something publicly, because leaving it has made my life better, and people only see me as a grumpy man trying to tear everything "fun" down

>> No.14105433

This is got sucked into a bunch of stupid shit in my 20's

>> No.14105445

yes of course it is dumbass
does wearing a hat make you smarter

>> No.14105448

I don't own a watch mister

>> No.14105460
File: 28 KB, 736x616, 1548639179117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always having the time on your wrist doesn't make you more cognizant of time and therefore making you more organized and the idea that it does is preposterous

>> No.14105925

How the fuck do retarded subhumans like this get a wife when I cant even get a gf AAAAAAAAAAAa

>> No.14105932

>only $120 a month

Mystery boxes are $200. Some funko pops are over $1000. Feel bad for the guy