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/fa/ - Fashion

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14093757 No.14093757 [Reply] [Original]

Just revisited this site after maybe 2-3 years of inactivity and holy shit it fucking sucks even worse now. Took a look at the waywt thread and there's literally zero designer clothing anymore, not even meme streetwear or generic raf or full rick autism fits. It's literally all "indie" grimy looking thrift store clothing and fucking JCPenney clothes. Fucking hell /fa/ what happened?

>> No.14093774

Yeah you get tired of pining over luxury bullshit you only wanted because you thought your personality was your taste and then you get old and you start realising it's the other way around, you respect the basic rules of style and dress how ever you like and you'll look great in the dirt cheapest clothes.

Wear the clothes don't let the clothes wear you.

>> No.14093780

Yeah of course, poorfags can always look good but my point is that no one "respects the rules of style and dress", the fits I see are completely random with zero cohesion. Also, this is a fashion board is it not?

>> No.14093782

this mongolian throat singing board went straight downhill after this whole 4channel meme

>> No.14093787

Grailed sales slowed down man

>> No.14093796

here for the first time in a few months, apparently there’s a discord full of /sic/ trannies shitting up the board with shit threads now?

>> No.14093804
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/fa/ was invaded by reddittors and teens who use it as a dumpster, add on the fact that streetwear and grailed exploded and you've just got a board of garbage since 2015/16.

>> No.14093849

There's no /fa/ elite shitposting tripfags to hype expensive stuff to us and keep /leftypol/ from coming here and saying all fits are equal and just dress how you want.

>> No.14093869

this is not true. this post is not fa approved. you dress with cheap clothes you look cheap, like someone who doesnt know shit about fashion. no one who takes fashion seriously has a wardrobe with all cheap goodwill clothes. they might say they are, but they are just pretenders, who are fat probably, or at least have mantits

>> No.14093870

>and keep /leftypol/ from coming here and saying all fits are equal and just dress how you want.
The worst kinds of posters on this board by far

>> No.14093875

>wearing cuck designer shit

>> No.14093894

Imagine being on a fashion board and calling designer clothing cucked
I wonder what it’s like being a poorfag

>> No.14093900

Sure bro the kids in your anime club know what's what

>> No.14093920
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>> No.14093931

Imagine thinking your consumer goods are anything more than a way to part you from your money

>> No.14093932

imagine being this cucked lmao
all high end fashion houses try to ape normcore and streetwear now. imagine paying thousands of dollars for literal shit you could get in a mall and thinking you are superior hahah

>> No.14093940

imagine imagining lol

>> No.14093944

lmao shut the fuck up boomer
you're old now thats what happened

>> No.14093964

u don't know shit is all i am saying. that should be plain to see from my previous post. you sir, are the epitome of a poser. regression towards the mean is You (). only oldfags like you get old. fashion is young. only the most high spirited and young in the mind make it in this game. you are just a vidya playing incel who probably has a wife and kids that you hate, and who can't even afford good high end fashion, so you have to make some retarded post about how quality is a meme

>> No.14093974
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>spamming cuck
it’s not expensive to buy designer or archive pieces if you’re not a NEET lmao. Have fun wearing your Old Navy fits, driving your Chevy Cavalier, and eating fast food though. Cause consumer goods only part you from your money, right?

>> No.14093983

The projection is insane in here

>> No.14093986

>I'm so afraid of being normal I have to dress like someone important cares about me

>> No.14093991

I hear you. This place got overrun by hipsters and indie trash. I kinda liked the fact that the place was all about grails and high end. Which lead to some really great finds in the mid and lower range prices. Now I feel I have to beat up a homeless man and rob him in order to achieve /fa/

>> No.14093995

except we are important people. we deal with high-profile individuals and the upper tier. we don't deal with lower class like you. and you just have class hatred. this is exactly why you are part of the masses, and we are above you.

>> No.14094001

Because gothninja autism is dead, retard
rick owens is dead
raf simons was always poser shit

>> No.14094007

>hating fashion on a fashion board
Lmao why are you here? Leftypol gtfo

>> No.14094011
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This was posted in the most recent waywt. I’d much rather have the ricktard fits back than middleschool-core

>> No.14094015

If designer clothing would be under 20$, would you see anyone wearing thrift clothes

>> No.14094016

yeah tru
But doeant change the fact that gothninja is dead
dadcore is the new best aesthetic

>> No.14094017

dadcores been dead for like 2 years lmao

>> No.14094024

man you can tell straight away by the face and haircut how beta this dude would be

>> No.14094038

>browsing waywt post 2014
Always a mistake.

>> No.14094051

this is what you dont understand. we TELL you what is in style, we dictate what you choices are and you choose from them. If we want dadcore to be a thing, we make the clothes and sell them to you. THe masses only have the illusion of choice.

>> No.14094101

Redditors who think expensive is bad because they're dumb cucks. "these jordans are grails and only 50 bucks!"

>> No.14094105

post a fit then

>> No.14094180

This is why we made EHF, where there are minimum spending limits and you need a member to vouch that you own actual designer clothes to be able to join. This provides erasure of all the /fa/ teens and MFA poorbois. It really is the perfect fashion community.

>> No.14094195

You and me both know that isn't true its been going to shit for far longer than that.

>> No.14094199

except it's literally redit so you're automatically a fucking faggot

>> No.14094209

Sure man I love how your secret club fits ever gets leaked

>> No.14094212

Never gets leaked out*

>> No.14094232

Bullshit. The board got a lot YOUNGER. There's almost no posters with actual fits aged 25+ anymore. It's all sub 20 with no money, no taste and also no personality.

>> No.14094236

its zoomers trying to dress acceptably follwing the unwritten high schooler dresscode
suggest something that isnt sneakers or jeans and watch the backlash. its ridiculous lmao

>> No.14094256

>4chan gets a ton of new users
>users don't lurk, start posting instantly
>all support each other when the old fags call them out for being new and having shit taste
>slowly shit taste starts to prevail
>elitism is now gone
every board on 4chan is shit now, you know 4chan is dead when /a/ has unironic anime threads

>> No.14094272

Zoomer threads are a bit scary because I am seeing stuff posted today which suggests the social retard of 10 years ago would be Chad to these guys.

>> No.14094273

Most accurate diagnosis. Particularly the part about supporting each other.

>> No.14094277


i stopped browsing in 2010 and came back
every board is a big meme now

>> No.14094283

chan culture lost to zoomers, they have the highest percentage of normies

>> No.14094300

All across 4chan these days I am seeing people that are increasingly politically correct and normie.
They think this site is second reddit and anything that upsets them is supposed to go on /pol/.

>> No.14094315

stagnant wages, bleak outlook on all fronts. there's just not a lot money to be spent for young people.

>> No.14094364
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>> No.14094383

Very good post

>> No.14094384


Because internet fashion has shifted from its origins and early 2010's heyday into something else. There are several reasons for this, I'll go over some of them.

>The death of superfuture

Sufu is long dead. A lot of the driving popularity behind many of the lesser known and more obscure/niche designer brands being mixed into streetwear and everyday clothing (which was subsequently appropriated by this board) was driven by the insane high quality fits and standards set by Superfuture's supertrash WAYWT. The coolest users who were posting there stopped, and many of them stopped posting fits on the internet altogether as internet fashion became more and and more popular.

>The reputation of stylezeitgeist killed the artisanal train

Stylezeitgeist is a cesspool of catty, estrogenic autists jerking eachother off over artisanal clothing. Reading any therad there for an extended period of time will make most people recoil in disgust at the people who frequent the board.

The reputation of the artisanal fashionista that spread from Stylezeitgeist was largely negative, new people getting into internet fashion are immediately turned off by it and the extreme pricetags of their wardrobes doesn't help.

>4chan's reputation

This site has grown a reputation as a breeding ground for alt-right extremists. Regardless of your own beliefs, that is the public perception. This immediately repels people who are into something as effeminate as designer fashion, those people tend to be left-leaning and will not come here out of principle.


This site is a big part of it. I watched Grailed rise up out of MFA and grab the world of men's fashion by the balls, and even missed an opportunity to work with the creator of it because I didn't realize the potential the site had. The site became more and more popular and prices of garments have gone up as the site has shifted less from fashionistas trading to eachother and more to resellers and flippers ripping you off.

>> No.14094390


>male fashion is in general more accessible and more mainstream.

Thanks to many things, fashion is just more popular among men all-round. The barrier to entry is lower, and as all the jaded elitist assholes who only care about all-designer outfits got bored and filtered out of /fa/, new users filtered in and the attitudes about designer garments shifted.

>/fa/ was never a good board

It's simple, it was never the destination for serious fashion discussion. People came here for memes, shitposting and unfiltered discussion about clothing. The WAYWT has historically always been shitty with only occasional good fits by people who usually stop posting here pretty quickly.

The elitist attitudes that made Sufu so high quality just never worked here in the first place, due to the fact that it is anonymous. If you posted a bad fit on sufu your post would be in the red, you'd be humiliated, there would be a record of it and eventually if you got enough negative rep you would be penalized by the website.

>> No.14094764

shit I meant when /a/ has unironic naruto threads kek
I've had the flu for 2 weeks so i'm low IQ right now

>> No.14094787

/fa/ was good and on par with sufu when both sites were good
the internet fashion movement that peaked from 2012 to early 2014 was due to sz, sufu and /fa/ somehow all clicking together at the same tine, mainly because fashion was just beginning it's resurgance and being into art theory be it film, fashion, literature was what made you cool online (basically /fa/ and sufu were the arthoes before arthoes except the internet wasn't sullied back then by hoardes of normies posting from their iphone so elitism still ran rampant, forcing people to git gud)

fashion exploded because unlike having to sit down and watch a 3 hour taiwanese film (which are great) or read a 1000 page novel (spoiler: all the huge novels are classics for a reason atlas shrugged being the exception because its a classic due to being shit) you could just quickly learn symbolism 101 and buy whatever the cool kids online wore (not what was trending irl, big difference), kids who knew twice as much as you because they tried even harder (not a bad thing) and buy their stuff via dank obscure avenues like yj! or rakuten then take a nice picture and you were /internet cool/ and intelligent by proxy

tl;dr elitism transforming into HYPE ruined internet creativity.

>> No.14094790

Correct. This board is full of tween poorfags who need to have a 'le A E S T H E T I C' XD. Wearing grandmas cardigans and pants that look like the previous owner was a paedophile.

these kids will start wearing hype when they get rich, I bet theyre buying into shitcoin with the dream of wearing uncle ricks geobaskets.

>> No.14094802
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>tfw that's when I started coming to /fa/

>> No.14094823

you did this

>> No.14094966

I am going to fucking cry.

>> No.14094975

sufu and sz died and all we have is plebbit

parallel to this fashion trends took a downhill turn thanks to hypebeasts [.com] dick riding on the next nike virgil collab

>> No.14094985

you were still right

>> No.14094992


If you're serious about fashion, where would you visit now?

>> No.14095025

I've been here first in 2014 and haven't seen a good thread since 2016, I left in 2017. There was actually talk of designer shit and I got to know fashion basics and where to cop stuff. Racebaiting wasn't that bad, as people weren't polarized that much. Every 1/2 a year I come around and check a WAYWT thread and when I compare it: before I was an average dressed teenager, not cringy, not good, got no replies as it should be, whereas now I get meaningless bullshit replies despite dressing on the level of good-fit-posters that would get compliments in 2015. Before people used to expect you to post fit if you talked shit, now it doesn't even matter anymore, I can wear my dad's shirts and get compliments from girls on idk my fucking hair or some bullshit. However I will still come around in a year or so and post my fits and there's nothing you zoomers can do about it. Learn if you will as have we. Debates like this have been going on then as well, I'd say it definitely gets worse and worse. even then it was pretty bad in another way. And if you don't own at least 3 pieces of designer or at least high-end clothing you shouldn't even bothe, Pajeet. Not saying your fits are shit but they aren't for /fa/.

>> No.14095030

this is very correct. I remember just lurking for 2+ years. /fit/ /lit/ and /sp/ aren't that shit tho

>> No.14095032


>> No.14095044

/lit/ is half decent, /fit/ however has turned from "WE'RE ALL GONNA MAKE IT" into " w-we're not gonna make it but if I stop lifting I will kill myself the next day" due to /sig/ retards infesting the board trying to replace their embrace kf determinism with improvement which doesn't work when you accepted what you believe to be your fate resolutely and years ago

>> No.14095057

idk /fit/ is ok to me but too much vegan/keto shit. it's like racebaiting. got some really good iconic threads from some weird anons as well in the last few months. Go to /sp/ if you haven't yet, it's shitposting at its finest. The banter is unironically amazing.

>> No.14095078

websites like hypebeast running articles on popular rak stores doesn't help
i go out of my way to never mention these websites on here anymore specifically because i dont want them to spread, but i happily share them with friends who i can trust with that information

>> No.14095249
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Pretty decent still. One of the only boards other than /a/ and /his/ where you see people post things in paragraphs instead of two line sentences. Probably because the barrier to entry is actually reading a book or watching the anime so people tend to know what they're discussing or posting about and will call you out on your bullshit.
No way fag. /sp/ is all generals now, place is totally ded unless it's the olympics, playoffs, or world cup. Used to be pretty fun prior to 2014/15, but mods and janitors neutered it and rounded all the threads into a sports oriented /vg/.

moot enforced /a/ to have shounenshit threads, but honestly you can at least filter them out. The newfag influx though was devastating. With both the election and GG/fappening occurring in simultaneous years with the number of phoneposters growing exponentially, it was a perfect storm that this site may never recover from. Add in the fact that hiro and his mod team do fuck all and don't care about 4chan in the slightest too.

Well-put. /fa/ in 2012-14 was like the perfect combination of fun and cool. People here knew their shit and lurking was almost a necessity. Yeah sure there was a lot of garbage posting and trendhopping.
>Raf dip dye
>play converse
But it wasn't as egregious back then. You could still learn something and figure out the best way to style yourself.

You missed out anon.

>> No.14095257

Even leddit's /fa/ clone is dead. Place is full of teenagers posting garbage and trendhopping hypebeast shit.

>> No.14095433

There used to be new inspo but most threads for a certain look reuse pictures hard.

>> No.14095731
File: 32 KB, 387x394, 673A2929-1B4D-462D-A95C-245BC8FE05AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I remember I owned Geos and the blue raf dip dye sweater

>> No.14095739

you were the start of the cancer trying to copy old meme pics instead of being creative yourself you little shit

so glad that cum coloured sweater and everyone with fresh geos ended up looking like the cunts they were

>> No.14095746

im glad im not the only that feels this way, what other fashion forums have you been using?

>> No.14095768

l m a o
but in all seriousness I’ve been into Rick since maybe 2010, used to have the cream dunks and everything. The cum sweater was a meme though.

>> No.14095784

you already made yourself look silly, please don't try to impress me to cure your hurt feelings

>> No.14095794
File: 31 KB, 650x405, 61A0F9E4-13C0-480B-9BA6-D7109ECBCB80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made myself look silly on a mongolian basketweaving forum by telling you about Rick faggotry
Check out the big brains on Brad!

>> No.14095810

no you made yourself look silly by first admitting you were one of the tasteless trend hoppers who had no style so you had to copy inspo pics from years ago

then you made yourself look sillier by quickly replying to me when I called you out because you were upset that I did so and tried to save face by claiming you were like always into rick owens bro

then you made yourself look the silliest by replying to me AGAIN trying to act nonchalant with your epic "heh do you think I even care bro" yet avoiding the thing that made you look silly in the firdt place because you didn't want to bring it up

just stop replying you stereotypical cancer poster

>> No.14095840

>I bet theyre buying into shitcoin with the dream of wearing uncle ricks geobaskets.

1 LINK = 1 geobaskets EOY

>> No.14095850

>made myself look silly to almost thirty anonymous people by admitting I used to wear things deemed uncool by the 4chan elites more than 5 years ago, again keeping in mind we're all on a frogposting website
Damn it dude how are you always 1 step ahead of me??? I keep getting OWNED!

>> No.14095859

it's funny because you instantly started to defend yourself because you're literally the most stereotypical cancer poster and you're still doing it


stop replying

>> No.14095895

I mean I kind of have to say something when you start talking like the edgy character in a Japanese cartoon lol
>you were the start of this cancer
>please don't try to impress me
>you stereotypical cancer poster...
>just stop replying >:)
I mean you gotta admit those sound like one-liners for an anime villain. The stakes are low dude, I love bants so I'm gonna keep on replying

>> No.14095900

Good thread retards

>> No.14095912

ok i'll be mean anime guy and you can keep being a faggot who wore a cum coloured sweater because you genuinely thought it looked good due to people posting the red raf one all the time

where do we go from here cancer poster

>> No.14095921

check the cringe thread for EHF quality lmao

>> No.14095942

damn it I knew I shouldn't have admitted to following a trend 5 years ago! You win this time, Emperor Flawless-chan.

>> No.14095973


>> No.14096092
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>Wear the clothes don't let the clothes wear you.

>> No.14096136
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remember this was the internet fit that was posted everywhere

>remembering btfo out of G because he was gigantic fake - out of all things, a fake weeb

also trunk posting

>> No.14096178

the shoes placed in this outfit look awful when viewed from any angle other than the front
'distressed' jeans with that jacket are laughable too

>> No.14096188

Remember birthday? I miss the good tripfags. Now we have that fucking Slavic anime poster faggot and NEETcuck Igor

>> No.14096189
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Trunks will always live on. Witches never die.

>> No.14096208

You kids are over estimating the significance of sz and Sufi.

Bunch of cucks and Asians posting and style for was always shit.

Grailed has always been idiots trying to charge more than retail for worn out yoox cops

>> No.14096567

>RAF dip dyes
Yep those were the days

>> No.14096590

autismo mode

>> No.14096911
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/ourboy/ trunks is moving up in this world

>> No.14096921

there was a pol fag migration though also. centrists pol fags who onboarded during the last election, needed somewhere to go after it was over, some went to weapons, some to auto, some to X, and some came here. because they liked the 4chan format

>> No.14096925

I unironically miss R Y S S C N D A V I S or whatever his exact name was

>> No.14097024

haha me too my man

>> No.14097040

I have been on 4chan since '08 and a /pol/ guy for years before the election.
My take on the /pol/ posters today is they are bullshit. They're not real /pol/ posters.
Actually it's a little bit more than that. I think maybe they started as bullshit and it went on for so long that it may have attracted real /pol/ users.
They never struck me as authentic /pol/ guys as much as a nuisance trying to make /pol/ look worse.
Authentic /pol/ guys did stuff like slip a Codreanu t-shirt pic into a t-shirt thread and see if anyone caught it, not make retarded "Mosleycore" threads every day.
Consider this: /pol/ and /fa/ both existed for years and years and there were never stupid fashcore threads until very recently. Well, why not? If anything there should have been a massive surge of retarded /pol/ threads here at the peak of the election.

>> No.14097052
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is that so......? hmmm

>> No.14097067

That's a guy that looks like he posts on /fa/.

>> No.14097164

lol He probably does. I would picture him shitposting with a sense of superiority even though he wears that shit tier zara leather jacket at all times.

>> No.14097221

There being no designer stuff in waywt anymore is the least problem, you can have good fits without designer clothing
The biggest and only problem on /fa/ is that literally 95% of people on here are absolute fucking retards and as a side effect of that don't know how to dress
That is indeed sad since I don't know any other places on the internet where you could casually post fits and banter in a format like this, but as a anon already said it was invaded by redditors and most important by a horde of idiotic teens
Only halfway decent threads anymore are random inspo threads and even in the only one up in days here has a mongoloid immediatly posting 'I alternate between FASHCORE and SLEAZECORE and it's so le random' and starts posting the same fucking hunter s thompson photos that have been here for years
There are probably daily threads of how to dress like le nazi in college, why do people fucking reply to that shit?

>> No.14097226

It’s been garbage since 2012 and end of 2013.

>> No.14097322

Arthoes are the worst thing that happened to this board

>> No.14097330

normalfag zoomers

>> No.14097343

absolute truth

>> No.14097345

>not a fit from glorious old /fa/
Woah, every oldfag sure showed me!

>> No.14097412


Like it or not but /fa/ has become as normie as reddit. People interested in designers clothes stay in their own forums and leave it at that. Otherwise things would just escalate all the time, see that one UK school banning kids from wearing Canada Goose because it triggered their classmates.

>> No.14097420

fashion as a whole isn't in a good state right now, there's no exciting new trend

>> No.14097480

The only sensible post, lmao this thread acts as if faggots design and sew their own clothing.

>> No.14097497
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>there's no exciting new trend

the SEXcore threads are what you're seeking for

>> No.14097968

most new posters are on here to steal jokes and post milquetoast versions of them to social media
that’s why this place is basically Twitter now

>> No.14098272

How does he even put those jeans on?

>> No.14098284

they're lycra stretch cotton blend

>> No.14098307


There's a guy at work who wants to be /fa/ but he's also crippled by gym-bro gains desperation, so he looks like a fucking Fallout supermutant, in that he's huge and ripped to the tits, but dresses like a holocaust victim.

Complete bell end.

>> No.14098318
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>mfw checked out 8ch's /fa/ and felt a bit of hope.
>Post is from 2015

>> No.14098322

8ch /fa/ is even worse than this /fa/, /film/ was good but it died pretty quick

>> No.14098383

You should tell him about Rick Owens

>> No.14098852

Damn back then I thought this looked awesome and now this looks like some shit you get roasted for