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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 680 KB, 771x723, 1549213619894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14087487 No.14087487 [Reply] [Original]

this board has no fashion sense what so ever, you guys need to stop posting. Seriously. It's like an echo chamber of bad outfits here. You guys are stuck in some "Look at me I'm a loser--but from the 70s" outfits or some edgy trenchcoat mafia looks. You guys suck at fashion. Even /fit/ has some /fit/ people, /sci/ has some smart people. You guys however have no fashion sense at all. You guys suck and should delete yourselves.

>> No.14087490

ok then zoomer post something fashionable

>> No.14087491

I'm uninstalling this board from 4chan kiddo

>> No.14087495
File: 51 KB, 500x500, 1540914104045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14087553
File: 183 KB, 570x856, 3097092734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually 20, and this is an example of something a respectable man should wear of my age, in 2018.

>> No.14087556


>> No.14087658

By and large agree. There's glimpses of hope occasionally, the last week has been better than the week before. Time to move on from the beta sleeze crap.

>> No.14087659

>judging this board on a week-by-week basis

>> No.14087671

my point is that stuff that acts like a fad probably is just a bullshit fad. you really don't see weird fixations crop up here?

>> No.14087977
File: 58 KB, 564x564, not gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, this is all you need to do to get attention from the opposite sex and look cool, none of this other gay shit.

>> No.14087986

>respectable man

>> No.14087993

enough with the sex core meme already!

>> No.14088103

but OP probably encourages sexcore

>> No.14088855

i own that jacket nigger, he should not be wearing those jeans with it though

>> No.14088856


>> No.14089257

you already made this thread once and got BTFOd with your suggestions what a good fit is

>> No.14089800

is he wearing two watches?

>> No.14089805

>he only wears one

>> No.14089833

People who wear extra slim fit are the biggest tools imaginable.

>> No.14089857

>Two watches
>Borderline tights
>Not even wearing socks

Can you look anymore retarded?

>> No.14089861


>"You guys have no sense of fashion and everyone posts trash fits here"
> Posts equally trash fit

>> No.14089866

It's such a shame this thread is just bait.

>> No.14089878

>not a zoomer
>20 years old

>> No.14089931

I sometimes get curious and come into /fa/ whenever I see a thread on the front page that looks interesting. Popped in here, kind of agree with OP (despite his pic looking like fucking some kind of new-age take on 90's dad trash), you guys are a bunch of hacks that praise loose-fit jeans, sneakers/boots, t-shirts with no overshirt, hoodies, bulky coats, and beanie caps.
I'd hate to look like you guys, to be honest. You all still probably look like you get all of your clothes discounted in bulk at walmart.

>> No.14090047

Fashion here is mostly people trying to mask their unattractive bodies through clothes that masquerade their form. kind of like how fat people wear oversized clothes to hide their lumps, these thinfags wear boxy clothes to hide their bones. Just work out and dress normal.

>> No.14090053

I unironically agree, /fa/ has garbage taste

>> No.14090068

It should be renamed clothing or /clo/ because as far as fashion there isn't really anything specifically fashionable about it. Streetwear and MF on reddit are both superior in every way to fa/ and everyone knows it. No one from here is being posted there, but people from reddit are posted here in nearly every thread. Any pretense of being fashionable has been long over. Its just random clothing choices or interests but nothing really good. I think they should just keep things the same but rename it desu.

>> No.14090081


>> No.14090091

/fa/gs getting absolutley btfo right now

>> No.14090246

it sucks, anyone who is really devoted to fashion knows that /fa/ doesn't care about real contemporary fashion.

>> No.14090248

post fit then you basement dwelling neckbeard

>> No.14090260

talk shit, post fit

>> No.14090781


>> No.14091065

no one cares about contemporary fashion. fashion is dead since the early 90s

>> No.14091092
File: 12 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the 70s we were wearing human skulls on our tents in Nam.

BTW come to the army thread, we have everything.
Even casualties.


>> No.14092218

any formal ties?

>> No.14092265


>> No.14092283


>> No.14092306

Awful falseflag.


>> No.14092551
File: 163 KB, 590x885, 69AFD22B-6C5D-4F17-812E-05EBB345FD4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fitness + /fa/ is the true patrician combination

/fit/ is just plain gay.

>> No.14092876
File: 236 KB, 808x853, 1547583175509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sarcasm is falseflagging

>> No.14092921
File: 117 KB, 700x394, 264458-700x394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about /fit/ + /fa/ + /out/

Mountain hikes / trails / climbs are godtier.

>> No.14092931

Mountain climbers, more like insecure nerds that need to prove something by climbing a big rock, LMAO

>> No.14094455


That's right!