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14084974 No.14084974 [Reply] [Original]

honest opinion of my makeup. i’m really shy so pls b delicate.

>> No.14084984

I haven’t been out since I turned 21 in August except for drinks with my parents on my birthday.. plus I have strangely shaped eyes. so i’m just kinda nervous. was supposed to go out with a friend last night but flaked.

>> No.14085001

also if you wanna know my race i’m Roma (Indo-Aryan) and Caucasian, or mixed.

>> No.14085012

i just read the rules and it might be against the rules to compliment me here because I have a genetic syndrome (BPES), or facial deformity. but honestly all my life I thought I didn’t deserve a ducking compliment anyway so...

>> No.14085014

I want to be mean but I don't think you are in a good enough shape to handle it, soooo... you aren't fat and that's always a plus

>> No.14085022

hey thanks. i’m also a trafficking victim so, if you can give me ANY advice on how to be happy with the way I look in a light manner i’ll take it, please don’t tell me to kill myself.

>> No.14085053


whatever. I hope this fucking breaks your heart someday.

>> No.14085076

Ok I've dug into the bag and I've thought of two new ones for this dying thread, 1 you have high cheekbones, 2 your jaw isn't masculine like a lot of girls have and for a bonus 3rd your ears are nice too

>> No.14085080

You look like a tranny hooker

>> No.14085094

you have ugly

>> No.14085099

I don't like people and i hate women why do i feel bad rn

>> No.14085108

I don't know much about makeup but I think you went over the top on your eyes. But I like every thing else :)

>> No.14085121

>I'm a girl XD haha >.< so kawaii ~~!

Fuck off whore.

>> No.14085126

yes I hate women too but she probably has artism so she can take some banter dont worry

>> No.14085134

Aren't we all a bit artistic?

>> No.14085138

Girl, come back and feed your thread im fucking bored goddamnit

>> No.14085143

wow did you just call us all atomic? rude!

>> No.14085152


>> No.14085160

thanks yeah, I do that because my eueisa do not fold.

>> No.14085163

Oml she is back

>> No.14085168

thanks, really nice of you to say that. as far as how I could be comfortable in any kind of face-to-face relationship other than my family seems impossible still tho. and even my family it’s really hard and rare that I feel comfortable. thanks for replying tho honestly, didn’t think anyone would haha. entertained me and gave me a group socialization without having to actually leave my apartment.

>> No.14085171


does somebody change my comment? I’m usually a pretty good speller...

>> No.14085176

why are you screaming dude! didn't you read OP she said she's shy so don't scream or use curse words you retard

>> No.14085182

I honestly think hating women and “fashion” and standards your living by are just a way for men to control the population because they feel inferior. Mainly because they can’t give birth. They saw that very early in human history, honestly probably around the time of the first written forms of what would become the Bible. it’s really sad.

>> No.14085190

I don't like women because they are snakes, I've never wanted to be pregnant.

>> No.14085194

I don't think you 100% know how to type and format on this website

>> No.14085196


>> No.14085199
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>> No.14085211

Darth Vader?

>> No.14085213

Actually back when I was 16 I was a mod on /x/. that was 2014 haha. I know I’m old.

>> No.14085219

that’s honestly fucked up to you to say, i’m sorry. I don’t know how old you are or whatever but I hope that changes for you. I hope you live long enough to be grateful for being able to menstruate at some time in your life, too. I gotta ask though, more of your opinion. like, is that fashionable? attractive to think like you do?

>> No.14085223

also like at least considering adopting a child someday if you really feel that way. damn.

>> No.14085244

hey, thanks for the compliment but I’ve never been diagnosed with autism before. major depressive disorder tho, and adhd ‘cause I wanted to get on amphetamines. also, insomnia, be I wanted sleeping pills.

>> No.14085251

your lipstick doesn't follow your lips, dude

>> No.14085262

lmao im 18 (i know) and a guy and i want to make it clear before you say
getting girls has never been a problem, it is them not me, I can't deal with them mentally, they are weak and stupid, on all facets other than maternal and parenting needs they are useless and in this modern era they have turned there back on even that, but to answer your question no i dont think its "cool" to say these things like how people start smoking for the look but i do think its cool not to be brainwashed by current media

>> No.14085272

>your lipstick doesn't follow your lips, dude

>> No.14085285


>> No.14085292

it’s sad that you would say this. I’m guessing you don’t have a gen x parent, and that’s honestly unattractive as hell. don’t listen to guys like this, give them any attention. not worth ANY woman’s time. without women, he wouldn’t have a mother.... he wouldn’t even fucking EXIST.

>> No.14085304

>gen x parent
Implying I had any parents around the house to actually raise me.

Don't bother warning your gals, sure they won't go after me personally now you have said this but that doesn't mean you aren't dumb whores who will fall for someone just like me, we both know you aren't smart enough not to.

>> No.14085340

PLEASE kill yourselves leddit army

>> No.14085353

stfu dont reply to me you sound like cheese

>> No.14085378

im not digging the white foundation, and the smudging on the eyeshadow is a bit rough

you look like you have a really fucking cool facial structure so jus go with a bit of contour and concealer and really roll with the high cheekbones

you defo don't need that sort of drag queen heavy vibe, some minimalist lines would be way way way better for ya

>> No.14085415

Fermanon here. I feel this is bait but I'll still give you some makeup tips.

2. Don't ever use black eyeshadow as a begginer cause it's hard to blend out.
3. Don't put eyeshadow beyond your crease area. ( I see you were trying to do a cat-eye look by extending the eyeshadow but please don't do that. That's what eyeliner is for.)

1. Use a lip liner so your lipstick looks cleaner.
2. I don't know if you were trying to do a ombre lip where the most important thing is to BLEND, but as you have beg-tier skills stay away from complex looks.

1. Your foundation is WAY TOO LIGHT. You look really sickly.
1.5. You also didn't put any contour or highlights to the face so it looks so flat and bland. I see slight blush on the nose, but this dark color does not work on your pale skin. Consider a more vivid blush color.
2. In this day and age eyebrows are the most important thing on a female's face. Even if you are a blonde consider defining them with a eye pencil or try to pluck your eyebrows.

If you want to get better at makeup just practice, do some research and follow some beauty gurus on youtube.

>> No.14085510

duiuuude. honestly all I am going to say is you were born from an ovum if you are human. and that cannot be produced scientifically any other way than inside a being.

>> No.14085519

duuuude thaaaank you so much. just what I needed. the guy who sold me into trafficking was transgender so I get why I do that naturally.

>> No.14085525

1. I did.
2. I didn’t.

can’t really afford all the fancy stuff. just basic things and oh gifts are really nice. I’m not about to spend more than $20 dollars ever for something as stupid as makeup

>> No.14085548

oh 3. itt explained that I have a genetic syndrome that effects the shape of my eyelids, causing me to NOT HAVE a crease.

>> No.14085556

eh, thanks that’s honestly good advice about the watching videos thing. inspires me to try and do my makeup with another female. informational videos are really weird to me hahhha.

>> No.14085559

I mean especially if they’re not documentaries.

>> No.14085569
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>> No.14085573

I think you’re pretty. The makeup could definitely use some work, but I’m not experienced enough to help.

>> No.14085578

You're overusing it way too much. Look at the difference in colour between your face and your arm, it's ridiculous

>> No.14085584

Haha sorry. Honestly I wanted to be seen by you guys. I know i’m attractive and actually value being women. Also, like... ya’ll are perfectionists which is in indicator of how young/feeble minded you are. Maybe because you’re younger

>> No.14085590

I’m 21 bitch lol WARPAINT

>> No.14085592


>> No.14085595

2k19 is crazy!!!1!!!1!

>> No.14085601

You are 21? You look like you just hit 30

>> No.14085611

i recognize you
did u used to post on tumblr and make ms paint drawings?

>> No.14085612

thanks man. after all of your feedback i know i’m doing the right thing. I made a crease with my makeup technic very carefully by using lightest colors first. I used monochromatic colors for the eyes ‘cause I feel like it’s themost mysterious color palette and I was trying to go out for the first time to a club and socialize last night but like haha it’s saturday i’m Just more confident for tonight holy shit. honestly thank you, all of you.

>> No.14085614

seeking approval from strangers ? not even going to buy into this mental illness

>> No.14085616

yesss long time ago tho. deleted that long time ago...

>> No.14085620

nah not approval. advice. it’s a healthy th

>> No.14085624

i doubt that you say advice you mean approval if you wanted advice go to reddit

>> No.14085630

I don’t understand reddit At aLL

>> No.14085633

i liked your style and vision, i didnt realise you were so young then

>> No.14085644

Fuck off you gypsy tranny this aint /soc/

>> No.14085646

66 posts, 15 IPs..

>> No.14086383

Maybe you should do some research on asian eye makeup, they do it completely different compared to people who have eyelid folds

>> No.14086438

Yeah I really recommend checking the beauty community on youtube. There are so many videos from tutorials to makeup challenges. One of my favourites is Nikketutorials. Just follows the trends and you'll be fine!

>> No.14086473

Hey anon, I'm a poor balkanshit student and I still manage to have a decent makeup collection. A majority of my makeup is from drugstore. The most expensive thing I bought was a 35 dollar eyeshadow pallette for my birthday (which I don't even use that often). There are so many good dirt-cheap makeup item you can find in drugstores- just do your research.

I don't know if you are willing to commit your time and effort to research makeup, but if you wan't to look good I would suggest you do that.

Makeup now is a huge luxury because of the rise of beauty influencers and of course the price of makeup has gone up. The most basic mascara is 10$ now, and the pallettes are super expensive. I see that you have some makeup but consider buying even a cheap eyeshadow brush for blending (it saves every eye look and some are quite cheap) and maybe some items to define your face, either a contour powder or a bronzer.

And I still think the best and the cheapest thing you can do is to pluck your eyebrows :)

>> No.14086490
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damn this thread got good

>adhd ‘cause I wanted to get on amphetamines. also, insomnia, be I wanted sleeping pills.
Based and pillpilled.

>> No.14086499

that's like 4 posts each over 10hrs you absolute brainlet

>> No.14087439
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Good job. anon. You made me kek.

>> No.14087486


>> No.14087532
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post your face without all that weird makeup, I honestly think you'd look better

>> No.14087542

Am I the only one who can't keep up with this thread? Feels like it's three schizos doing al the posts.

>> No.14087746

I don't know what the fuck this thread is about but if you want my opinion you should stop using makeup at all. You look like you'd be pretty after you remove all that shit from your face. Post a pic with no makeup.

>> No.14088332

Honestly your best bet is to detransition. Take some anavar, go to the gym, get big, pick up a few hobbies. You can get through this

>> No.14088611
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i love the jewel tones, but your application is poor. you should watch more YT tutorials an/or practice makeup in your spare time

even better, go to a cosmetician and have them do your look for you. i learned lots from mine, they teach you what works best for your face type, skin tone, eye shape, ect.

godspeed anon. hope you share results! i love your general aesthetic.