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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 759 KB, 1333x2000, workcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14070732 No.14070732 [Reply] [Original]

>"You don't deserve to wear those boots, son"
>"Oh me? Helped my pops once. I go outdoor all the time (to get McDonalds)"

>> No.14070737

work boots are even gayer than chelsea boots. stop LARPing as a '60s manual labourer
also someone tell the redditors to tuckin their fucking shirt, they make themselves look like even bigger manlets than they already are

>> No.14070969

>only workers should wear workwear
>only soldiers should wear military inspiree clothes
>only rich people should wear prep wear
>only niggers should wear streetwear

yes my fellow npcs, i always tuck in muh shirts! imagine having your own style and not following "GQ fashion rulez 101"?? yikes!

>> No.14070983

its not about rules, it is about the fact that tucked shirts look objectively better
>yes my fellow npcs, i always tuck in muh shirts
also imagine typing this with a striaght face knowning the average NPC always untucks

>> No.14071006

way to out yourself as a retard

>> No.14071008

whats so gay about Chelsea boots
i-i think they are cool

>> No.14071013

If i work on a ship can i wear workboots for /fa/ purposes ? Or os it just a ceryain look only few.pwoplw can pull off

>> No.14071078
File: 29 KB, 580x548, 1549030950436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only allowed to wear steel toed workboots

>> No.14071166

I can't believe this fat reddit piece of shit thinks he looks good. Fucking cringe

>> No.14071309
File: 42 KB, 1100x712, mark-mcgrath-sugar-gay_yapb9s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"fuck of old man or these boots are going up your ass >:) "

>> No.14071379

i love how ass ravaged people get over american heritage workwear. i dress head to toe, in red wing, selveage jeans, and waxed chore coat. at this point, i just do it to piss ppl off. i work in a air conditioned office as an acountant, and have never done any physical work in my life. I like the look, and thats all that matters to me.

sometimes late at night, i will sneak outside and rub dirt on my iron rangers, or find some black oil stains somewhere on my car, and rub it all over my jacket, so I can look more "authentic". i fucking love it.

>> No.14071389
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>> No.14071612


>> No.14071618


>> No.14071628

Wow, gee, this some copy pasta right here

>> No.14071644

Very nice.

>> No.14071946

Imagine being such a slave to your circumstances that you can't imagine wearing anything other than what makes perfect logical sense for your station in life.

>> No.14071962

The problem with the idea that you can't wear workwear unless you do manual labor is this: manual laborers don't wear this kind of workwear.
Well, maybe they do in your countries but in mine you're wearing hi-vis and steel cap boots.

>> No.14072014

Exactly, I live in an industrial type small town with tons of labor jobs. It's all jeans from walmart, steel toe, and carhart jackets, and local auto shop tshirts. Baseball caps too, hunting/army camo, the works.

>> No.14072019

*as far as the actual laborers are concerned clotheswise

>> No.14072058

I work in a factory and I like workcore

>> No.14072062

Wait, So can I wear based boots or I will look cringy?

>> No.14072118

Wear whatever you want you fucking npc.

>> No.14072121

this, never worn this stuff to work, if I did I’d be laughed at. they’re just some beater boots op, they’ll far outlast trainers and look good even when a little scuffed up while being more comfortable than leather shoes

there’s also nothing wrong with chelseas, they’re probably the best dailywear boots around, comfortable, easily taken on/off and they last because of no stitching/eyelets to fall apart. Their association with sexcore is a modern fad that’ll pass soon enough

>> No.14072131

Will do, thanks

>> No.14072149
File: 31 KB, 600x402, shit kicker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you shut the hell up before I kick you with my iron fucking feet, you twat.

>> No.14072214

>im a pussy and im proud of it
I mean i wear the same shit as you but get paid more since i actually use what its designed for.

But i guess fake it till you make it is a valid philosophy right?

>> No.14072284

what boots am i supposed to wear then

>> No.14072301
File: 163 KB, 818x503, 156FC2C5-623C-429E-A883-8D0477083239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes everything you greentexted is correct. You tried being sarcastic but you hit the nail on the head actually. If you dress a certain way but aren’t in that profession or living that lifestyle you’re an autistic larper

>haha I-if I act like fashion is subjective then people won’t be able to tell that I have a shitty style

Pic related

>> No.14072310

What would your POV be about suits? In the days where this traditional workwear was worn those workers were not wearing it in their downtime: they wanted to have something like a suit if they were going to a dance hall.

But today it would often be frowned upon to wear a suit if you're not a professional.

>> No.14072334
File: 737 KB, 1200x800, IMG_6561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Red Wing dress models acceptable

>> No.14072454

suger gay

>> No.14072462

>i just do it to piss ppl off
This man is my hero.

>> No.14072465

Exactly, that’s why it’s cringy as shit to wear a suit every day that’s why it’s called fedora core. Hell they didn’t wear suits 24/7 back then either however they wore, collared shirts, slacks and nicer leather shoes

Today it’s all t shirt, jeans, and tennishoes. Know why? Because their cheap as piss to make, and companies who realized this marketed them non stop until they became trends

T shirts and jeans were literally made for the working class, much like carhartt jackets and work boots which are also becoming trendy due to advertising, history repeats itself and NPCs think trendy is what looks good however

Dressing Nicely ≠ dressing trendy

Dress appropriatly first and foremost, then dress nicely. And dressing nicely is objective not subjective

>> No.14072751

Those pants are too tight to do any real work.

>> No.14072755

I...I still wear CDBs

>> No.14072759


>> No.14072763
File: 102 KB, 900x900, 607_booma_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear chelseas that are also work boots and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.14072867

how do they compare? was thinking of making the switch

>> No.14072889
File: 156 KB, 1000x670, 1548870454423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it hurt when they put the stick in your ass or were you born that way? Don't even bother replying because you've shown you know nothing about fashion and everything about being a self serving moron.

>> No.14072958

Rossis to Blunnies? Boomas to Enduras? Haven't worn Rossis for a few pairs, keep getting caught out where they have nllimited distro. Going to pick up a pair of Boomas in a week or so though, will report back in the boot general. Currently wearing a pair of beaten up old Batas.

>> No.14072961

I forgot to say I've had good experiences with them in the past.

>> No.14072973
File: 56 KB, 1024x576, 1549312946096m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuck, that guy looks bloated as fuck, he should kill himself

>> No.14073050

>I mean i wear the same shit as you but get paid more since i actually use what its designed for.
And that is? Programming? Working at a bar? Driving a vehicle around?

>> No.14073056


He looks like he will burst into tears as soon as the foreman yells at anyone

>> No.14073065

Do you people really believe construction workers dress like that?

>> No.14073089


Are you illiterate you dumb fuck

>> No.14073514
File: 7 KB, 200x169, CC77A7AE-2A62-46E3-84D4-E004F9D44755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did it hurt when they put the stick in your ass or were you born that way? Don't even bother replying because you've shown you know nothing about fashion and everything about being a self serving moron.

Lol the fact that you said don’t even bother replying just shows how butt hurt you are that I called you out for having a shitty style

>> No.14075489

The fact that you bothered replying shows that I'm right

>> No.14075551

>trying to look blue-collar
1. you don't
2. why

>> No.14075601

Actual blue collar people don't wear this stuff, just wear what you want that fits. God, you guys.

>> No.14075622
File: 384 KB, 1920x2567, 02B94653-B765-4146-A689-3ED957738DC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao no it doesn’t COPE cause you dress like shit and I made you feel bad by pointing it out

>> No.14075804

And again, like clockwork you post another response with no substance because you have to have the last word. For some people that constitutes winning but you know you've lost this one. You haven't posted anything that is indicative of good taste. A Simpsons meme and an old Boomer on his yacht. Truly you are the arbiter of fashion

>> No.14076287

lol stay mad faggot. You keep replying yourself as well as adding nothing of value to an argument. I can tell you’re just some know it all pseudo intillect trying to act smart.

You got shitty style simple as that, I’ll keep replying and keep being right while you grasp at straws implying things that are complete and utter horse shit lol

Have fun with your street wear faggot you look like shit

>> No.14076297

sucking dick behind sears

>> No.14076304

Dont wear yohji yamamoto if youre not japanese

>> No.14076576

Alright tastelet you can. Run off back to the drain gang general now to be with your friends

>> No.14077263

>drain gang

Lmao you’re so far off it’s sad

>> No.14077278
File: 99 KB, 800x1202, tumblr_m3o5euIMwN1qh34fzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14077485

I'm willing to bet OP is the same guy that spergs out about skinny jeans and asian dudes every day
/pol/ schizos

>> No.14077672
File: 89 KB, 714x960, 51637183_361053547818935_5493584319173623808_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me, greatest work boots on Earth coming through

>> No.14077699

Am carpenter, I wear Levi 512s to work everyday and still have a full range of motion while looking fly af

>> No.14077701
File: 12 KB, 240x210, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best work boots
>that low quality leather creasing

>> No.14077705
File: 10 KB, 401x367, E5A16AB1-1F15-428B-9A30-988A222CE9AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Work” in the private college studio that your mommy and daddy pay for must sure be hard.

Doodling in your moleskine and flirting with Tanner from the marketing school is really quite exhausting!

>> No.14077708

This has to be counter-bait

>> No.14077718

This, actual blue collar dudes either wear cheap tshirts and cheap jeans or their work provides them with coveralls.

>> No.14077934

The best work boots are steel toe wolverines.

T. Friends with an ex oil rigger who swears by them

>> No.14078022

he looks like he just sharted a little and he is trying to hold a big one

>> No.14078050
File: 68 KB, 459x680, 04df677f49c6d01df41760d3fb757016--keegan-allen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14078682

Nigga you need to stop asking /fa/ what is acceptable. You need to be able to stop and think for yourself because most people here are absolutely autistic/insane. To answer your question it depends what you're doing. For casual yes, for business casual yes depending on your outfit.