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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 890 KB, 1856x1630, 1547839594617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14063452 No.14063452 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an 80s batcave/trad goth thread? No mall goths or edgy instagram thots. Keep it traditional.

>> No.14063454
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>> No.14063465
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Only goth chick i have that is not an ethot or mallgoth, i feel a shame need to lurk more

>> No.14063472
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>> No.14063478

This should be reported for being an /s/ request thread.

>> No.14063495
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>> No.14063501

why would you want to look like "I'm going to laugh at myself in 10 years" core?

>> No.14063509


>> No.14063593

>not evolving your style and influence throughout your whole life
you make being a former goth sound like a bad thing

>> No.14063617
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>> No.14063659

But anon, everyone already laughs at you anyways.

>> No.14063710
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>> No.14063998
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>> No.14064001
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Moors, R*mans and Vandals need not apply

>> No.14064033

>>not evolving your style and influence throughout your whole life
fucking this. this guy gets it.

>> No.14064060

THIS guy gets it

>> No.14064062
File: 203 KB, 800x1318, patricia-800x1318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*spooks ya dick*

>> No.14064064

True, but they kind of go hand in hand. Since everyone's already laughing at you regardless if what you do, then you might as well do what you want, for yourself and yourself only.

>> No.14064065
File: 23 KB, 376x296, A-432529-1306797894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ton of great fits and hair in this video

good music too

>> No.14064072

t. seething thot enabler

>> No.14064411


>> No.14064583
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>> No.14064611
File: 66 KB, 400x450, goth bouncer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14064895

Peter Steele would be proud

>> No.14065380
File: 86 KB, 516x640, siouxsie_sioux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

built for headpats

>> No.14065499
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>> No.14065895
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Jonny Slut from Specimen... my teen dream

>> No.14065991

Fuck, I want an edgethot gf

>> No.14066144
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>> No.14066150
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>> No.14067497

Jacquy Bitch > Johnny Slut

>> No.14067500

exterminate yourself

>> No.14067504

I feel you /fa/m the best out of the 3 goths there by far

>> No.14067915

there's only 1 (one) goth in the OP pic

>> No.14067982


>> No.14067992


>> No.14068125

I want the edgethot to be my dick sucking slave while the goth milf toys her asshole. mallgoth will be tied down and have her pussy tortured while she watches us.

>> No.14068139

best itt

>> No.14068727
File: 50 KB, 480x352, rozz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rozz > both put together

>> No.14068741
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Rozz is perfect

>> No.14069221

>can kill your wannabe-thug boyfriend with her shoes
Reminds me of the question on the goth test, "Has anyone ever asked if you sharpen your feet?"

I miss Rozz. I used to be flatmates with a girl who'd dated Paris in the Shadow Project era, she fed me all sorts of absurd Rozz stories. Impossible to know if any of them were true, but I wanted to believe them all.

>> No.14069228

cringe boomer

>> No.14069229

I'm ready for some hot goss

come on tell me some

>> No.14069231


>> No.14069236
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>> No.14069238

The first ones a goth because REAL goths don’t need backpacks

>> No.14069247

epic memes!

>> No.14069252
File: 19 KB, 126x176, disapproving goth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As opposed to "cringe", "boomer" and "epic"

which aren't (low-effort) memes at all.

>> No.14069272

Well... Here's some really tame stuff to start you out.... she said he liked to wear boy scout uniforms as casual loungewear. And smoked a LOT of weed and was always making out with teenage guys.

>> No.14069360

self-waterboarding anon was incedible

>> No.14069364

sounds like some gay slashfic

>> No.14069388

If you picture Rozz in a boy scout uniform then it really doesn't though, there are tons of pictures of him wearing wedding gowns. She said he also liked to try to contact Jim Morrison in seances.

>> No.14069402

no, the boy scout uniform I can buy.
I can also buy him making out with teenage guys
it's just that combined together, with "dudeweedlmao" on top, it sounds like a fujoshi's wet dream.

I'd believe it more if instead of "smoking weed" it was "collecting smurfs memorabilia"

>> No.14069422

What can I say, I'm just repeating what she told me. She said he was a major pothead. She also told me a completely different story about the day he died from everything I've read online. And she ODd on heroin back in 2004 or 2005 so I can't call and ask for details.

>> No.14069436

fucking SoM bitch, dont know what Eldritch was thinking

>> No.14070454

this is so bad shit meme. Edgethot is literally doing ahogae she is queen

>> No.14070586

That’s how my parents dressed. Pretty lame lol

>> No.14070656

>unga bunga kween yas

>> No.14070954

Disgusting, victorian goths are pathetic larpers and worse that edgethots

>> No.14070958
File: 230 KB, 1000x1000, brokenwojak8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tradgoth gf

>> No.14071027

Shittiest taste ever witnessed

>> No.14071098

If you're swooning over John Koviak, you might want a tradgoth bf instead. Check out some old issues of Propaganda magazine,

>> No.14071215

For me its mallgoths

>> No.14071256

for you it's the rope

>> No.14071332

w2c white foundation that works for greasy flaky skin

>> No.14071895

Can someone post edgethot examples? Only know the russian Swastika one.

>> No.14071911

How to get edgethot gf

>> No.14071977

Same, i fucking love them, they are my weakness å

>> No.14072074

larp goth disgusting victorian shits please leave

>> No.14072075
File: 1.02 MB, 2620x1630, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we can all agree on the accuracy of pic related

>> No.14072283

Literal garbage taste

>> No.14072305
File: 62 KB, 650x433, A1BenRNMPFL._CR0038402880_._SL1000_.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working class post-punk is the best goth look

>> No.14072315

not goth at all

>> No.14072318
File: 3.04 MB, 2425x3600, JoyDivision_portraitcopy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being this ignorant

>> No.14072319

There's nothing Victorian about her fit. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14072399

She looks like she couldn't decide if she wanted to be Vampira, Elvira, or Morticia, so went with a hybrid. More pin-up than Victorian.

>> No.14072418

Yeah that sounds right. Pinup Goth... how revolting.

>> No.14072440

Wow joy divison babbys first post punk band. This is goth fashion were talking about, not whatever mental gymnastics you want to do here

>> No.14072611

the point im making is that post punk is goth you nitwit it's literally proto-goth without post punk goth isnt even a thing

>> No.14072676

What about pastel goth?

>> No.14072712

Edgethots belong in a shallow grave, trad goths are truly perfect

>> No.14072715

>pastel goth
not goth

>> No.14072718

Okay then. That's fine

>> No.14072735

Goths can wear pastels and still be goth (although even in the 90s this was not very popular), but pastel goth is sadly unrelated. A lot of steampunks are semi-goths though, if that makes you feel any better. And there used to be a joke that rockabilly is where fat goths go to die.

>> No.14072765


>> No.14072864

>fit and youthful in her mid 40s
>died before lil peep was even born


>> No.14072866

it's a comic dude

>> No.14072950

LOL 90% of goth bands have a lineage from Joy Division, onion head, even some of their contemporaries like the Cure started taking cues from them after Ian passed.

>> No.14073017

absolutely nothing goth about these outfits

>> No.14073039

>Has a EBM side project, a Neofolk side project...

Literally my dream girl

>> No.14073086

Fails to understand the meaning of the meme. The boomer bears no malice to anyone. He is amiable and smug, as is his birthright. The zoomer is perpetually frustrated, and the doomer depressed to the point of farce.

>> No.14073103

you're dumb this is literally how you do low key goth, goth doesnt always need to be 100% tryhard with makeup and shit.

>> No.14073167

no, there is nothing goth about their outfits. go back to /mu/.

>> No.14073188
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>> No.14073198
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>> No.14073206
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>> No.14073364

where did the Rozz cop such great fits

>> No.14073373

thats not rozz, thats ronny moorings from clan of xymox

>> No.14073450


>> No.14074980
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>> No.14074982
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>> No.14075092
File: 279 KB, 924x924, siouxsie-israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about fashion here, on a fashion board, not the music

Joy Division were never into the goth image, nor did they influence it. They're literally wearing work clothes, indistinguishable from what any other bozo in 1970s manchester was wearing. steve morris used to say that his mum still bought him all his clothes when he was with Joy Division,

>> No.14075145


>> No.14076306
File: 465 KB, 1024x576, vanden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Vanden so bad while listening to Just Like Heaven.
The way she looks, she acts.

>> No.14076389

Hard pill to swallow, Joy divison wore neofolk and liked the NS aesthetic

>> No.14076424

Nice boots