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File: 281 KB, 681x1024, 2872699479_370b5e7e35_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14061960 No.14061960[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will always be a fucking ginger male
No girl will ever be attracted to me because they all want tall dark and handsome Chads, and I will never be considered fashionable no matter how hard I try
Why did it have to be this way bros?

>> No.14062245

You're an insufferable insecure faggot and you deserve each punch you throw at yourself. Stop whining and grow out of this shit, it's embarrassing.

>> No.14062251

I thought gingers were in...
Oh well, good luck op

>> No.14062353

im ginger and its not too bad. as long as you have the pale + hollow cheeks + baggy eyes thing going, there are girls who will like it. just copy king krule fits

>> No.14062356

my husband is a ginger. i personally love red hair it's a rare treasure.

>> No.14062415

Maybe I wouldn't be so insecure if girls hadn't avoided me my whole life solely because of a physical characteristic that is completely out of my control
And those fucking feminist cunts dare to cry about racism
What a joke

>> No.14062434

Wake the fuck up, people who avoid others because of their physical features are extremely few and are shallow cunts undeserving of your attention anyway, if you really think girls are avoiding you, it doesn't have anything to do with your face, do some introspection or go to a therapist and get it sorted out, thank me later.

>> No.14062445

R9k and pol need to go back to their containment boards

>> No.14062454

I thank God every day for giving me red hair. I fucking love my hair.

>> No.14062534

move to Ireland or sum shit

>> No.14062540

just learn how to dress well and stay in shape we're all gonna make it bro

>> No.14062549
File: 20 KB, 235x216, 1535487633064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this fucking incel. hope you go bald, you don't deserve the ginger gift.

lets be real though. people whit other hair colours what's the fucking point. like imagine being a brunette, waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror and your hair is just default. no matter what you say or believe you think; if your hair is brown you're a npc. and yes strawberry "blonde" is still brown. weak ass dork.


>> No.14062594

I know plenty of gingers who fuck. Being ginger can't be your only problem.

>> No.14062610

Just imagine being ginger

>> No.14062611

Nah it's fine some people have low self-esteem

>> No.14062617
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>> No.14062620
File: 394 KB, 615x824, 7D9cWM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you cope, OP?

>> No.14062629

Mainly by working out and accepting that women are by and large braindead sheep

>> No.14062640
File: 563 KB, 685x807, 1548976911705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are by and large braindead sheep
Bro, you are legit delusiunal, stop spending time here

>> No.14062642

Know how you feel lad, I'm brown haired but want to be blonde

>> No.14062643

Just get a tan and dye your hair black

>> No.14062647

Why? Black looks better

>> No.14062865

black is just dark brown. no one wants to be that edgy

>> No.14062884
File: 135 KB, 714x475, PSX_20180918_144556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself man, I love my hair

>> No.14062887
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 01d497105d7bcef78c6d882d7623c5ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go hyper-chad core

>> No.14062889


>> No.14062890
File: 134 KB, 662x1024, 1522000575791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I love my red hair (and do just fine with girls if that really matters), quit being an insecure wimp and concern yourself with things you can change

>> No.14062986

The virgin doomer vs. the chad bloomer

>> No.14063038

I wanted to be as Aryan as it gets

>> No.14063563
File: 373 KB, 974x659, Screenshot_20190201-204759~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Solely because of a physical characteristic"

>> No.14063634
File: 17 KB, 294x400, Aphex+Twin+9e6a_1_sbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cosplay as aphex twin in the 90s you FUCKing idiot

i wouldn't mind being ginger at all, your problems lie elsewhere

>> No.14063714

how this is possible?
Ginger women = hot as fuck
Ginger men = ugly as a sin

>> No.14063725
File: 3.50 MB, 3024x3750, AHsnyder009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is wrong with you? You won the genetic lottery and don't look like everyone else. Gingers are suppose to fuck each other though.

>> No.14063727

wtf redheads are so hot ive dated two lmao bring on another mmmmm my fave

>> No.14063734
File: 90 KB, 486x486, IMAG2362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Only get positive comments on my hair color. fuk the h8rs anyways

>> No.14063813

ginger men are cute

>> No.14063846
File: 196 KB, 1086x1852, PicsArt_07-23-09.47.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up my giggas.

>> No.14063850

As a ginger man you have two options. One is you DO YOUR DUTY and have ten kids with a ginger woman.
Two is you move to China where women think you're 10/10 even if your face is busted.

...There is a third option which is even more shameful: fuck niggers like Bill Burr and every other self-hating ginger.

>> No.14063886

Red is such a lovely color though. Just style your hair.


Eh, too close to brunette.

>> No.14063905
File: 172 KB, 573x573, 19051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accepted that I would have to find an asian girlfriend a long time ago, but even they don't seem to want me and treat me like a freak
I used to have so much potential, but puberty fucking ruined me

>> No.14064097

post an up to date picture

>> No.14064198

The most significant busted part of your anatomy is your brain. You have been gaslit into believing you are much uglier than you really are and that a white wife is too difficult for you to achieve.

>> No.14064320
File: 144 KB, 239x340, 1527486415296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You play the hand you're delt, chief.

>Have red hair, also pretty ugly
>Bitches be like "OMG you look like Ed Sheeran!"
>Fire back some bullshit like "And I fell in love with the shape of you" or something. I dunno, I don't really listen to the dude's songs
>In like Flint

I hate him because he makes me feel like Michael Bolton from Office Space, but I love him because thanks to his popularity, I'm pulling tail well out of my league on a regular basis.

Just B urself, OP ;-)

>> No.14064343

You're not a real ginger fuking larper.

>> No.14064353

nigger and ginger have the exact same letters.
coincidence? I think not

>> No.14064355

Consider Latinas, they go batshit crazy for redheads

>> No.14064361
File: 17 KB, 292x241, cupcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See man, It's that negative attitude that's keeping you from getting laid.

>> No.14064420

The fuck are you talking about.
Stop lying in your posts redditor.

>> No.14064424

t. incel

>> No.14064434
File: 241 KB, 890x768, 1523568692193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any self-respecting ACTUAL ginger would never be okay with being compared to ed fuking sheeran of all people.
You're just lying on the internet for karmapoints, go kill yourself faggot.

>> No.14064436

lol the image. the same is 100% true for 4chan just saying. grow up incel

>inb4 i knew it xD u brwse reddit
nah, I just spend less time than you on 4chan because I'm not an incel gn

>> No.14064439

Post timestamped face faggot, prove you're actualy ginger.

>> No.14064455

I knew you wouldn't fuking faggot.
Really sad of you to call me an incel after calling you out on your lies. Projecting much?

>> No.14064462

Imagine feeling this way over your hair. Ginger guys can be attractive too. 90% of attraction can be attributed to your body unless you have a genuinely ugly or fucked face.
Get shredded and you will likely have a good jaw line, and now a nice body.

You're only fucked if you're a ginger chinlet or something like that.

>> No.14064542

>Any self-respecting ACTUAL ginger would never be okay with being compared to ed fuking sheeran of all people.
That's actually a good point. I'd be mad as fuck. I got told I look like Thor and Tormund Giantsbane from GoT.

>> No.14064550
File: 8 KB, 200x200, för helvete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to bully gingers, then decided to grow out my beard and it came full blown fucking orange.

Now I am a ginger ally.

>> No.14064700

Half-breed scum.

>> No.14064749

Alfons åberg father was effay.


>> No.14065287

Ginger men are JUST as attractive as ginger women. There is a small minority that hates all gingers, a small minority that fetishizes them to the point they are attracted to nothing else, and a vast majority that is vaguely intrigued by gingers.

It's a less common, mostly-white trait: therefore it is attractive

>> No.14066312

I wish that were true anon
Not once in my whole life has a girl ever had a crush on me, found me attractive, or shown interest in any way
It's incredibly painful to be so unwanted, especially when all I've ever wanted myself is a someone who just genuinely likes me for who I am
Suicide fucking when?

>> No.14066377
File: 238 KB, 959x918, hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine not having red hair lmao

>> No.14066394

You are thinking like a woman. It is your job to approach them.

>> No.14066478

In this day and age, literally every girl that has any redeeming qualities whatsoever already has a boyfriend
I don't think you realize how easy it is for even the most basic, bland, vapid thot to get Chad cock within minutes, and the vast majority of them take advantage of this fact
There's no point in trying if you're someone like me
It was over the moment I was conceived

>> No.14066488

it was difficult from the moment you were conceived, it was over the moment you started commiserating on incel forums and blaming half of humanity for you being unloveable as a replacement for self-improvement

>> No.14066523

yeah same

>> No.14066628

none of you understand op

>> No.14066631
File: 94 KB, 651x735, Snapchat-1957937025-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ginger males
>ever hot

>> No.14066772
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>> No.14066818
File: 165 KB, 726x388, beatakeshi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>light brown or blonde depending on the light
>EVERY girl in ideal threads has dark haired men as their ideal

>> No.14066823

Zoomers are fucking disgusting. Gen Y has legions of incels but we're not all mindfucking ourselves into becoming trannies like you guys.

>> No.14066855

God bless the Ginger race.

>> No.14066898
File: 688 KB, 1000x1000, 07284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing pal
I spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on Tinder had no success
And the few girls that did match with me either ghosted after they found out how autistic my personality is or quite literally walked away from me mid date
Got cheated on by my one and only girlfriend who never loved me in the first place and became blackpilled on love as a ginger male
So much time and effort wasted and for what?
My life is cursed and I will die alone

>> No.14066901

>hundreds...thousands on tinder

How did you do that? I've never used tinder before.

>> No.14066902

none of this has anything to do with your hair colour. youre just a massive faggot

t. redhead

>> No.14066906
File: 58 KB, 799x720, 1542501903537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on Tinder had no success

who pays for tinder

>> No.14066909

If you're using a dating site that has a paid option: always pay for it. Their algorithm will punish free users.

>> No.14066924

Desperate people I guess
I actually thought I'd be able to find a 5/10 asian girl somehow, which is all I'd need to be happy, but instead I came to understand what being rejected by every girl in your city feels like
It really fucking stings to know that I paid to be near the top of every girl's card stack and yet not a single one liked me enough to swipe right
I envy brown haired guys man
What I wouldn't give to have been born with an attractive hair and skin color

>> No.14066927

read my post again >>14066902

you're alone because youre a negative faggot. your life doesn't suck because you have funny coloured hair, it sucks because you suck

>> No.14066932

And I'm a negative faggot because I've been alone and ostracized my whole life, even in elementary school where I was constantly taunted for how I look
What the fuck do you know?

>> No.14066935

Lol your retarded ass posted the original before this one

>> No.14066939

i also have red hair lmao. same goofy shade of orange as you. if you seriously blame the fact that your life sucks on your fucking hair then just shave your head bald you pathetic loser

>> No.14066954

That's true
It's not my hair, it's everything about me both internally and externally
My issues are just too deep seated at this point
But it does genuinely makes me happy to know a fellow ginger guy has gotten on fine in life, so kudos to that

>> No.14066957

Making excuses.

There’s guys shorter
And just over all worse off than you and they manage to fuck. Stop being a bitch, lower your standards or improve yourself enough to where the standards you Have are reasonable

>> No.14066964
File: 46 KB, 554x800, 48045FDF-C58B-4774-A36C-C2A05A1B145A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That’s a pretty shitty ginger shop btw, no one person is a uniform color. The face would be darker than the body effectively making freckles less prominent, also red hair tends to darken with age becoming more brown

>> No.14066970

But you have red hair? You can say hard r “gingers”

us non redheads can only say gingas

>> No.14066975

I’m a darker boy, still white but man Im tan as a mofo with damn near jet black hair. However when my beard hair grows in I get small red hairs spaced out across my facial hair. It’s the wierdest shit

>> No.14066977

Who cares what 4chan “girls” want lmao

I can assure you, you don’t want any girl that post on here my man

>> No.14066992

Anon you could unironically be a model.(no homo) the problem is your mentality. You’re chasing after “modern love” it’s a work of fiction I’m sad to say. You’ve been deceived by media into thinking that romcoms are how life is going to be. You think that you’ll find the perfect girl and that their won’t be any hardships. But take a step back. What makes you deserving of a perfect girl? Nobody’s perfect OP. Accept it. You’ve had a rough go of it being cheated on hell so have I. but your hair color isn’t hurting you in any way it’s probably something that helps you stand out of the crowd.

Lose the hat, get your haircut and start loving yourself. I’ve had it worse than you in the looks department and I’ve managed to change my appearance for the better, but the only way you can change is by loving yourself, why would you want to change for someone you don’t even like?

>blue eyes
>square jaw
Cmon OP you have to be trolling you look great dude

>> No.14067018
File: 66 KB, 449x480, e03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you braindead? Is to show how much points you lose in the looks scale if you are ginger, kys subhuman

>> No.14067034
File: 144 KB, 1280x1707, gothass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regardless of where they're from i just want pussy so it matters what slags on here say
girls on and off 4channel yearn for such a masculine trait

>> No.14067048
File: 371 KB, 139x211, 1547960082194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just want pussy so it matters what slags on here say

This retard thinks dismissing everything men tell him and listening to women is a good plan to lose his virginity.

>> No.14067751

mad homo for whomever that is

>> No.14067979

I find this guy to be INCREDIBLY attractive...

Its when gingers are crazy pale and covered in freckles that it becomes off putting. Orange/red hair on its own is unique and attractive imo.

>> No.14068909

Unless you're overweight you probably look pretty cute, red hair and freckles are cute anon

>> No.14069764

You sound like a faggot. Maybe it isn't your hair but your shitty personality.

>> No.14070101

>am ginger
>hella curly hair
>not so pale complexion
>always had luck with girls

Helps that there are tons of asian girls in Toronto but still. Literally just exist and girls will like you because you stand out

>> No.14070836

You must either have a really attractive face/body or a super charismatic personality
I'm from TO too, but I've gotten jack shit in terms of attention from any type of woman, asians included

>> No.14070863
File: 62 KB, 200x291, 1447892933121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop pushing this meme that gingers are subhuman or whatever. I think gingers are cool.

>> No.14070910
File: 187 KB, 1002x457, autumn pallette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about how you present yourself. Wear colors that compliment your hair color and skin tone. Any ginger who tries to wear the all-black haute couture look is immediately has a school shooter vibe; no doubt about that. Once you have a grasp on that, work on how you present yourself personally. Obviously, being charismatic and extroverted usually gets you farther, but it's not necessary. Some people like mystery, but either end of the spectrum has to have confidence. You can be introverted and confident, it's about body language.

Your hair color isn't a problem, your mode of thought is.

>> No.14070941

Love my red hair desu. OP, the thing keeping me away from girls is my own autism, not my hair color. Are you sure that’s not also true for you? The few relationships I have had were due to girls liking the color

>> No.14071292

It is true, but I'd argue that being born with red hair makes it far more likely to develop an autistic personality due to the abuse and bullying you're likely to receive

>> No.14071509

I just don’t really recall being bullied for my hair color until that one episode of South Park, and by then I was in high school where I was a semi-normie so it was just banter. Maybe if I was a little kid when that came out things would’ve been worse. My “autism” is definitely genetic, I can tell from my parents

>> No.14071555

Not really. I'm ottermode-lite, 6'1, some Acne and shit facial hair.

The personality thing is kinda true tho. I literally faked it until I felt happy with myself. Just keep trying man and join some clubs if you're in uni

>> No.14072017

I never got bullied for my red hair.

>> No.14072389
File: 43 KB, 605x800, yorke-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man. You're just ugly. Anyone else here that would consider young Thom Yorke bf material? I could post many more hot ginger examples.

>> No.14072394

first things first is get red of the stupid hat and autistic t-shirt

>> No.14072677

Threw it out ages ago
Now I just wear black because at least it's hard to fuck it up with colorblindness

>> No.14072709

There's plenty of ginger Chads

>> No.14072720

Gingers are master race. Become chad and marry a ginger girl and have 8 kids, the world needs more red.

>> No.14072801

holy shit I remember when that episode of south park came out in elementary school
had no idea I was a demographic that was a target for bullying until then

>> No.14072987

You're special, that's like being served effay on a silver plate idiot.

>> No.14073143

You know it's a lot better than I thought it would be. You certainly were /ss/-able as a kid tho.
You aren't going to find any good advice in a place like this.

>> No.14073237

>be ginger
>Love my hair
>Do fine with girls
>All my hair falls out at 19
>Haven't had a gf in 4 years
You have no fucking idea how good you have it you little prick

>> No.14074221


Literally would, except your autistic moping is your most unattractive feature.

T. Female (with two X chromosomes)

>> No.14074708


>> No.14074772

femanon here :) im basically only into gingers, at least have a strong preference.

>> No.14074784

does anyone else think ginger people have a really specific weird smell about them? I always notice it but I can't really describe it.

>> No.14074794

they are men baiting retards like you